CIDAM Template

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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 12 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Life Science No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ 20 weeks
Prerequisites (If needed):
Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Biology, which incudes concepts that will expand the students’ understanding as why biology is
important to humans, introduces the students to the nature of life particularly its cellular basis and also allows the student to understand how life comes from.

Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience.
Power Standard: Come up with an assessment on geological and hydrometeorological hazards

First Quarter
Learning Competencies Highest Enabling
Performance Standards Strategy to Use in
Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Developing the
Content CLAS CLAS Highest Thinking
MINIMUM N Enabling
MINIMUM N Assessment Technique Teaching
RBT Level General
WW QA PC Strategy
The learners The learners shall The learners:
shall be able be able to: The learners: Based from
The Beyond
learners minimum Based
demonstrat 1. describe the
from Unit
ABOUT LIFE Using 1. explain the factors that u Analyzing
Enabling Based from
Based from
e an Conduct a background various hazards from General
k may contribute to the Performan RBT
understandi survey to information on that may happen RBT
occurrence of the different Strategy.
ng of: assess Earth’s origin, in the event of Standard
geologic hazards
possible subsystems, earthquakes, (earthquake, volcanic
1. The geological materials, and volcanic eruptions and landslides)
Study of and processes, eruptions, and
Life, hydromete students landslides
importanc orological conduct a
e of hazards survey to 2. using hazard
Studying that the assess maps, identify k 2. using the hazard maps d
and recent data, make a Creating
Biology, community geological and areas prone to
may hydrometeorol hazards brought conclusion/s with regard to
experience ogical hazards about by the areas that are prone to
. as a earthquakes, the different geologic
springboard volcanic hazards (earthquake,
for research. eruptions, and volcanic eruptions and
landslides landslides)

3. give practical
ways of coping 3. create a 3-minute video
u d Creating
with geological depicting the different
hazards caused ways to mitigate geologic
by earthquakes, hazards (earthquake,
volcanic volcanic eruptions and
eruptions, and landslides)

4. identify human
activities that 4. gather information about
u Analyzing
speed up or recent studies highlighting
k human activities that
trigger landslides
trigger landslides
5. suggest ways
to help lessen 5. elicit suggestions from
d Creating
the occurrence u the people on how to
of landslides in minimize the occurrence of
your community landslide in the locality

6. describe the
various hazards 6. present a frequency
d Creating
that may happen table showing how often
in the wake of the occurrence of these
tropical hydrometeorological
cyclones, hazards (tropical cyclones,
monsoons, monsoons, floods, or ipo-
floods, or ipo-ipo ipo) in the locality

7. using hazard 7. Interpret the recent data u

maps, identify and identify which Analyzing
areas prone to barangay/s are mostly
hazards brought k affected by the different
by tropical hydrometeorological
cyclones, hazards (tropical cyclones,
monsoons, monsoons, floods, or ipo-
floods, or ipo-ipo ipo)

8. give practical 8. make a slogan d Creating

ways of coping promoting environmental
with awareness that is mainly
hydrometeorogic u focusing on the
al hazards hydrometeorological
caused by aspect of the Earth.
floods, or ipo-

9. describe how 9. construct a reflection d

coastal erosion, paper portraying the effect
submersion, and of typhoon Yolanda on the
saltwater k coastal areas

10. identify areas

in your 10. describe the areas in
community your community that are u
prone to coastal k prone to coastal erosion, Analyzing
erosion, submersion, and salt
submersion, and intrusion

11. give practical

ways of coping 11. conduct an interview
with coastal from the locals to gather
erosion, u information on how they d creating
submersion, and cope with the different
saltwater hazards caused by coastal
intrusion processes (waves, tides,
sea level changes. Crustal
movement, and storm
12. cite ways to
prevent or 12. make and give flyers to
mitigate the the people of your
impact of land community that will d Creating
development, u educate them on how to
waste disposal, prevent or mitigate the
and construction impact of land
of structures on development, waste
control coastal disposal, and construction
processes of structures on control
coastal processes
Culminating Performance Task: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience. (grasps..)
Literal Transfer Task: Using background information on Earth’s origin, subsystems, materials, and processes, students conduct a survey to assess geological and hydrometeorological hazards
as a springboard for research.

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