Music of East Asia: Gallanosa National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Sorsogon
Gallanosa National High School
Irosin, Sorsogon


Grade 8– Music of East Asia
Name: ________________________________ Section: ________________Date: ________Score: __________
MULTIPLE CHOICE Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your answer sheet.
1. A folk song depicting spring, the season of Cherry blossom.
A. Arirang B. Sakura C. Mo Li Hua D. Burung Kakatua
2. Which is an hourglass-shaped Japanese Musical instrument classified as membranophone?
A. Tsuzumi B. Odaiko C. Tsuridaiko D. Taiko
3. Which song describes the custom of gving jasmin flowers popular in southern Yangtze delta?
A. Arirang B. Sakura C. Mo Li Hua D. Burung Kakatua
4. Which country has a meditative characteristic of music and their music was also based on the interval of
human breathing rather than mathematical timing?
A. Korea B. China C. Thailand D. Japan
5. Which Japanese musical instrument is counterpart of the KAYAGEUM?
A. Koto B. Taiko C. Shamisen D. Sho
6. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the Chordophone group of instrument from China?
A. Yueqin B.Pipa C. Yun Lou D. Erhu
7. The following are Chinese Musical Instrument, EXCEPT for ____________.
A. Yueqin B.Yun Lou C. Erhu D. Nokan
8. Which Japanese instrument is called the “DRAGON FLUTE”?
A. Shimobue B.Ryuteki C. Shakuhachi D. Hichiriki
9. [Arirang is a Korean folk song, sometimes used as a symbol of Korean culture. Arirang is in essence a song
of farewell. The word arirang means “the hill”. It pertains to the foothill of Korea where most Koreans had
partings on. An emotion of deep regret is imbued in the rhythm of Arirang. The song evokes the feeling of
tears shed by Koreans and the remembrance of their sad stories.]
From the selection above, how is Arirang song classified?
A. Welcome song B. love song C. song for spring D. parting song
10. Which of the following is NOT classified as Membranophone in Japanese Musical Instruments?
A. Odaiko B. Shamisen C. Taiko D. Tsuzumi
11. A Japanese Musical Instrument which is describe as a large hanging barrel drum.
A. tsuridaiko B. Taiko C. Koto D. Odaiko
12. Shakuhachi, Nokan and Hichiriki are Japanese Musical instrument which belongs to what classification of
A. Aerophone B. Chordophone C. Membranophone D. idiophone
13. It is made from bamboo with large reed and cylindrical bore that gives a mellow sound that other types of
A. Kayagyum B. Piri C. Changgo D. Haegum
14. An hou- glass shaped body with two heads made from animal skin.
A. Kayagyum B. Piri C. Changgo D. Haegum
15. This wind instrument from Japan was introduced from China during the Nara Period.
A. Shakuhachi B. Sho C. Shinubue D. Biwa
16. It has a high pitch sound and also called as “Takebue”.
A. Shakuhachi B. Sho C. Shinubue D. Biwa
17. The following are string instruments of Korea, EXCEPT for ________.
A. Kayagyum B. Geomungo C. Haegum D. Piri
18. Kathryn used to play string instrument -banduria. What do you think is the best Korean Instrument that will
suit her skill?
A. Kayagyum B. Piri C. Changgo D. Haegum
19. A set of 10 small tuned gongs mounted in a wooden frame.
A. Yunluo B. erhu C. Pipa D. Yueqin
20. A 4 string moon-shaped lute with shorter neck and is played to accompany local opera.
A. Yunluo B. erhu C. Pipa D. Yueqin
21. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
A. Yueqin is a moon shape lute with shorter neck. C. Zheng is a set of ten small tuned gongs
B. Pipa is a four stringed lute with 30 frets D. Erhu is a two stringed fiddle
22. Which of the following is NOT included in the group of Chinese stringed instruments?
A. Erhu B. Yunluo C. Yueqin D. Pipa
23. It looks like a set of panpipes with 12-36 bamboo pipes.
A.Sheng B. Diri C. pengling D. Yueqin
24. Erhu is fiddle with how many strings? B. two C. three D. four
25. How is Chinese music described? is gentle & lyrical C. it is meditative and highly ritualized
B. it is slow in tempo and is very peaceful. D. it is slow and melancholy.
26. What meter is used in the Japanese song Sakura?
A. quadruple B triple C. duple D.compound
27. Which Korean Music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
A. fang-ak B. chong-ak C. sog-ak D. a-ak
28. Chong-ak literally means_________.
A. Music for noble class B. music for lower class C. farewell song D. for middle class
29. Which of the following statement about the Changgo is CORRECT? is a single-headed drum whose tone is altered by squeezing its laces.
B. it is a Japanese drum that has become the central instrument of the percussion ensemble
C. it is a large hanging barrel drum.
D. it is an hourglass-shaped double-headed drum made from animal skin.
30. Which of the following statement is NOT True about Japanese Music?
A. Japanese Music is based on intervals of human breathing rather than mathematical timing.
B. Japanese culture was dominated by the teaching of Confucius.
C. Japanese music shows spiritual self-mastery.
D. None of the above.
31. The following are characteristic of Chinese Music EXCEPT for________________. its laces.
A. it is a Japanese drum that has become the central instrument of the percussion ensemble
B. it is a large hanging barrel drum.
C. it is an hourglass-shaped double-headed drum made from animal
D. All of the above.
32. A kind of music presented to audiences by skilled vocal singers and drummers in Korea.
A. Minsogak B. changgo C. Pansori D. Chong-ak
33. What is the time signature of mo-li hua?
A. 4 B. 3 C.2 D. 2
4 4 2 4
34. What is the meaning of the word “Arirang”?
A. Mountain B. Hill C. flower D. sun
35. The following describes the Chinese traditional song “MO li Hua“, EXCEPT for _______.
A. melody and tone color are prominent features of the mo li hua.
B. its great emphasis is on proper articulation and infliction of each musical tone.
C. it is based on 5 tone or pentatonic scale.
D. this Chinese song depicts the spring season.
36. What is the vocal timbre used in east Asian countries?
A. husky B.nasal and throaty C. natal D. all of the above
37. It is the form of music used in east Asian countries music.
A. Binary B. Strophic C. Ternary D. Rondo
38. Which of the following is TRUE about Vocal music of Japan?
A. Japanese music is based on 4 modes.
B. yo sin and in sin are the modes of jaPanese music.
C. sakura is the folk song of Japan.
D. all of the above
39. Which statement correctly describes the vocal music of China?
A. Chinese music is meditative in character. C. their performance is highly ritualized.
B. Arirang is a famous Chinese folk song. D. Chinese vocal music is usually solo rather than harmonic
40. the following statement correctly describes the music of Japan, EXCEPT for _________.
A.Japanese music is very simple C. their performance is sing in falsetto.
B. they never repeat same meloy in a song D. they sing melodies in unison

- Good Luck -
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Sorsogon
Gallanosa National High School
Irosin, Sorsogon

Experts evaluation form

Proposed Strategic Intervention Material in Teaching

Least learned Concepts in Music for Grade 8 students
Part I. Personal data

Name of evaluator(optional): ________________________ Age: _______

Field of expertise: __________________________________ Length of Service: _______
School: _________________________________ Present position: __________

Highest Educational attainment/units earned: _________________________________

Course: ___________________________
Trainings and seminars attended: __________________________________

Part II. Evaluation of SIM

Direction: Kindly Evaluate the Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Least Learned concept
for Grade Eight Music (Second Quarter) honestly. Rest assured that all the information will be
confidentially kept by the researcher. Please write also your suggestion/ comments for better
improvement of the SIM.

Please indicate your answer by checking the following responses in every category.

4-Strongly Agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
4 3 2 1
Guide Card/Slide
 Attracts the reader significantly
 Least learned competency is clearly stated
 Comprises of 3subtask which learners must
Instructional Design
 Words used were simple and easily be understood
 Sentences were grammatically correct
 Guide title and statements were enticing to the
Technical Design
 Has uniform format and font
 Has uniform theme
Activity Card/Slide
 Activity were appropriately designed to the level of the
 Activities were paralleled to the least learned
competency and subtask
 Activities were designed to measure to its truest
 Activities were fun and exciting to the students
Instructional Design
 Directions were clearly stated and understandable to the
Technical Design
 Has uniform format and font
 Includes at least 3 activities in developing mastery
Assessment Card/Slide
 Assessment were appropriately designed to the level of
the students
 Assessment were paralleled to the least learned
competency and subtask
 Assessment were designed to measure to its truest
Instructional Design
 Directions were clearly stated and understandable to the
Technical Design
 Has uniform format and font
Enrichment Card/Slide
 Enrichment were appropriately designed to the level of
the students
 Enrichment were paralleled to the least learned
competency and subtask
 Enrichment were designed to measure to its truest
Instructional Design
 Directions were clearly stated and understandable to the
Technical Design
 Has uniform format and font
 Links are available for additional information
Reference Card/Slide
 provides additional content to the coverage in the
Instructional Design
 Words used were simple and easily be understood
Technical Design
 Has uniform format and font

Part III. What changes (if any) would you suggest to improve the following aspects of the SIM?


What Specific comment would you like to make about other aspect of the SIM?

Signature of the Evaluator

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