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Series: Flexible Displays -Toward a large-display TV that can be viewed anywhere

Overview of Flexible Display Technology

Hideo Fujikake, Senior Research Engineer, Display & Functional Devices Research

durable thin, lightweight, tions to be viewed in the home. 3) Manufacturing technology has
and flexible display that However, the realization of to be developed for making
could be rolled up would a flexible display will require precise fine pixels on a large-
be a great advance as far as porta- advances in various elemental area low-thermal resistance,
bility is concerned. Such a device technologies. At present, we are flexible plastic substrate.
could also save space in homes. dealing with the following is-
For instance, an ultra-large sues: Our focus with regard to the
flexible screen bigger than 100 above issues is on the develop-
inches could be moved through 1) The performance of organic ment of printing/coating meth-
doorways simply by rolling it up light-emitting diodes and film ods to create patterned pixel
like a carpet. Researchers at the liquid crystal devices will have components at low temperatures
Science & Technology Research to be improved. as well as the development of
Laboratories (STRL) are making 2) The thin-film transistors based suitable materials for this appli-
advances in flexible display tech- on organic or oxide semiconduc- cation.
nology, and our goal is to create tors, which supply the driving
such a large-screen system for voltage for the devices, will have
Super Hi-Vision (SHV) presenta- to be improved.

Current prototype

Future conceptual images

travel guide

Figure: New viewing styles made posible by flexible display systems

18 Broadcast Technology No.44, Spring 2011 ● C NHK STRL


Series: Flexible Displays -Toward a large-display TV that can be viewed anywhere

Highly-efficient OLED Materials

Takahisa Shimizu, Principal Research Engineer, Display & Functional Devices Research

rganic light emitting far use fluorescent or phospho- tial level of efficiency and device
diode, or OLED, has rescent materials. While the lat- lifetime.
become familiar term est fluorescent materials have an STRL is carrying out cutting-
because the phenomenon is ex- adequate lifetime for use in tele- edge research on phosphorescent
ploited to make brighter cellular vision, they need to have higher materials. Our goal is to design
phone screens. Its properties light emitting efficiencies. On a suitable device structure and
make it a promising technology the other hand, phosphorescent develop printable phosphores-
for future generation large-screen materials are drawing a lot of cent materials, especially like a
display systems that will be thin, interest from researchers because phosphorescnet polymer. The
light-weight, and high contrast, of their ability to utilize thermal advent of a suitable polymer ma-
and have a fast response. A lay- energy that does not normally terial will enable fabrication of an
ered thin-film structure makes contribute to light emission. ink form of the material through
it feasible to construct ultra-thin The theoretically attainable light some type of low-cost printing
flexible displays that in compari- emitting efficiency of phospho- method (e.g., the inkjet method).
son with today’s displays will be rescent devices is four times So far, we have attained the high-
more convenient as far as trans- higher than that of fluorescent est level of external quantum effi-
port, storage, and installation go. ones. However, it is not easy to ciency for a polymer (nearly 15%)
An OLED device is a light- select a phosphorescent material and have fabricated a flexible
emitting device composed of an for use as a light-emitting mate- OLED display using the inkjet
organic thin-film placed between rial in a display device; there are printing method. This luminous
electrodes. The application of a challenges involving the disper- efficiency is approximately three
direct current recombines posi- sion of the phosphorescence, times that of the theoretical limit
tive holes and electrons in the electron transport, and hole for fluorescent materials. We are
emitting layer, and the result of transport that will likely require going to continue our research
the recombination is light emis- the development of new material and development of materials to
sion. The devices developed so technologies to reach the poten- be used in such a system.

Hole-transport unit High-efficiency phosphorescent unit

Metal negative electrode

Electron transport Fluorescent material
Four times
Light-emission Light the efficiency
layer -emission
3-5V Hole transport Phosphorescent material
Positive hole Electron transport unit Polymeric backbone

Figure2: Phosphorescent OLED polymer diagram

Positive electrode
Plastic substrate (transparent electrode)
Table1: Phosphorescent OLED polymer performance
Chromaticity External quantum efficiency %
Light CIE (x, y)
Light color Current 2008
Red 0.68 0.32 14 11
Green 0.34 0.61 15 13
Figure1: Basic structure of OLED Blue 0.16 0.38 12 7

Broadcast Technology No.44, Spring 2011 ● C NHK STRL 19

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