Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks

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Level: Bachelor Semester – Spring Year : 2009

Programme: BE Full Marks: 100
Course: Hydropower Pass Marks: 45
Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. a) State and derive Bernoulli Theorem, mention clearly the assumptions 7

underlying it.
b) 50 lit per sec of water flow in a horizontal pipe line which is 200 m 8
long and the center line of which is 3m above the datum line. The
pipe tapers from 30cm to 20cm diameter. If the pressure at the larger
end of the pipe is 98.1 KN/m2, calculate the pressure at the other end.
2. a) Describe the difference types of Fluid flows. 7
b) The following table gives the observed annual maximum discharge in a 8
river. Estimate form Gumbel's analytical and graphical methods the flood
peaks with return period of 50 and 100 years. The reduced mean and
reduced standard deviation for Gumbel distribution with sample size of 10
are 0.4952 and 0.9496, respectively
Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Discharge 321 400 125 730 248 178 106 413 311 232

3. a) What are the differences between reaction turbine and Impulse 7

turbines? Describe clearly.
b) Describe construction of Peltron turbine with the help of sketch. 8
4. a) Describe working principle of centrifugal pump with neat sketch. 7
b) A pipe having a 18 cm diameter branches into two pipes. One of the 8
branch pipe have a diameter of 12 cm where as the other has 8 cm.
The flow in the lager pipe is 60% of the main pipe and remaining is
discharge through the smaller pipe. If the average velocity of flow in
any of the pipes, main or branch does not exceed 5m/sec, find rate of
flow in all pipes.

5. a) What are the purposes of spillway? Explain different types of 7
spillways with neat sketch.
b) What is meant by hydraulic jumps? Show with neat sketches how
this phenomenon is utilized by different types of energy dissipaters in
6. a) Define the catchment area of a river. Using suitable examples, 5
discuss the use of river catchment to estimate various hydrological
parameters of a hydropower project.
b) There are six rainfall stations available to calculate the rainfall
characteristics of a catchement whose shape can be approximated by 10
joining the coordinates (distance in km) (30, 30), (10, 40), (0, 80),
(0, 100), (10, 110), (60, 110), (80, 100), (90, 50) and (30, 30).
Coordinates of the rain gauge stations and the annual rainfall recorded in the area
are given below.
Station No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Coordinates (40, 120) (20, 60) (20, 100) (60, 60) (60, 100) (40, 0)
Annual rainfall 162 96 135 81 121 42

7. Write short notes on: (Any Two) 2×5

a) Pipes losses
b) Types of concrete and fill dams
c) Desk study report

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