Collectors List (2005-February) PDF

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Call of Cthulhu
Collector’s List

By Paul Maclean
(Sometimes known as Paul of Cthulhu)
YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Thank you to everyone who helped with this list and to all the staff and members of YSDC

Call of Cthulhu is a Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc.

for their roleplaying game of horror and wonder.

A tentacular spectacular

7 February 2005 2
YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

~ Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List ~

(7th February 2005)

This list collates all currently known English language materials for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. While effort is made
to maintain accuracy I am but a mortal, hence caveat emptor. If you have additional information or corrections please email:
[email protected] or visit the Collectors’ Forum at
Thank you.

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity
The Gateway Bestiary (Runequest) 1980 None Fantasy 4
Call of Cthulhu 1st edition, 1st printing (2” deep box) 1981 2009-X Core 4
Call of Cthulhu 1st edition, 2nd printing (1” deep box) 1982 2009-X Core 3
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, 1st printing 1982 2010 Classic 4
The Asylum and Other Tales, 1st printing 1983 2012 Classic 4
Call of Cthulhu 2nd edition (boxed) 1983 2301-X Core 3
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, 2nd printing 1983 2302 Classic 3
The Asylum and Other Tales, 2nd printing 1983 2303 Classic 3
Cthulhu Companion 1983 2304 Core 3
Call of Cthulhu Designer’s edition (2” deep box). 1984 2009-(D)X Core 5
Limited to 200 numbered copies, signed by Sandy
The Fungi from Yuggoth 1984 2305 Classic 3
Curse of the Chthonians 1984 2306 Classic 4
Masks of Nyarlathotep (boxed) 1984 2307-X Classic 4
The Trail of Tsathogghua 1984 2308 Classic 3
Keeper’s Screen 1985 2309 Core 4
Fragments of Fear (2nd Cthulhu Companion) 1985 2310 Core 3
Alone Against the Wendigo (solo) 1985 2311 Classic 3
Alone Against the Dark (solo) 1985 2312 Classic 3
Call of Cthulhu, 3rd edition (boxed) 1st & 2nd printing 1986 2301-X Core 3
Terror from the Stars 1986 2313 Classic 2
Cthulhu by Gaslight (boxed) 1986 2314-X Gaslight 4
H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands (boxed) 1986 2315-X Dream 3
The Spawn of Azathoth (boxed) 1986 2316-X Classic 3
Call of Cthulhu, 3rd edition (hardcover) w/Games 1986 2317-H Core 2
Workshop, see GW 10247)
Statue of the Sorcerer/ Vanishing Conjurer (w/Games 1986 2318 Classic 2
Workshop, see GW 010176)
Arkham Horror (board game) 1987 1050 Classic 4
The Fungi from Yuggoth, 2nd printing 1987 2305 Classic 2
Terror Australis 1987 2319 Classic 3
Green and Pleasant Land (w/Games Workshop, see 1987 2320 Classic 3
GW 4450)

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Cthulhu Now! 1987 2322 Modern 2

Miskatonic U. Graduate Kit 1987 5101 Novelty 3
Master of Arts Diploma 1987 5101-M Novelty 3
Doctoral Diploma 1987 5101-D Novelty 3
Keeper’s Screen, 2nd edition 1988 2323 Core 4
H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, 2nd edition 1988 3302 Dream 2
Cthulhu by Gaslight, 2nd edition 1988 3303 Gaslight 3
S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters 1988 5105 Core 3
Cthulhu Covers 1988 5106 Novelty 3
Call of Cthulhu, 4th edition: 1st & 2nd printing 1989 2324 Core 2
The Great Old Ones 1989 2321 Classic 2
Cthulhu Classics 1989 3301 Classic 2
Masks of Nyarlathotep, 2nd edition 1989 3304 Classic 2
S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Creatures of the 1989 5107 Dream 3
1920s Keeper’s Kit 1989 5108 Core 3
Arkham Unveiled 1990 2325 Classic 2
At Your Door 1990 2326 Modern 2
Mansions of Madness 1990 2327 Classic 2
Fatal Experiments 1990 2328 Classic 2
Blood Brothers 1990 2329 Movie 2
The Cthulhu Casebook 1990 3305 Classic 2
Curse of Cthulhu 1990 3306 Classic 2
Return to Dunwich 1991 2330 Classic 2
Horror on the Orient Express (boxed) 1991 2331 Classic 4
Horror on the Orient Express Accessory Set 1991 None Classic 5
Dark Designs 1991 2332 Gaslight 2
Kingsport 1991 2333 Classic 3
Tales of the Miskatonic Valley 1991 2334 Classic 2
Fearful Passages 1992 2335 Classic 2
Call of Cthulhu 5th edition: Fifth, 5.1,5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2 1992 2336 Core 2
The Stars are Right! 1992 2337 Modern 2
Escape from Innsmouth 1992 2338 Classic 2
The Thing at the Threshold 1992 2339 Classic 2
Blood Brothers 2 1992 2340 Movie 2
Cthulhu Now, 2nd edition 1992 3307 Modern 2
H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, 3rd edition 1992 3308 Dream 2
Cthulhu For President 1992 5109 Novelty 3
Fifth edition Keeper’s Kit 1992 5110 Core 3
Adventures in Arkham Country 1993 2342 Classic 2
1920’s Investigator’s Companion Vol. I 1993 2343 Classic 2
Keeper’s Compendium 1993 2344 Core 2
Sacraments of Evil 1993 2345 Gaslight 2
Call of Cthulhu 5th edition, hardcover (1000 issued 1993 2350 Core 4
through Wizard’s Attic)
Investigator Sheets 1993 5111 Core 3
Dire Documents 1993 5112 Core 2

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

1920s Investigator’s Companion Vol. II 1994 2346 Classic 2

King of Chicago 1994 2348 Classic 2
Ye Booke of Monstres 1994 2349 Core 2
The Cairo Guidebook 1995 2351 Classic 3
Miskatonic University 1995 2352 Classic 3
Strange Aeons 1995 2353 Multi 2
Taint of Madness 1995 2354 Classic 2
1990s Handbook 1995 2355 Modern 2
The Compact Arkham Unveiled 1995 2356 Classic 1
In the Shadows 1995 2357 Classic 1
Ye Booke of Monstres II 1995 2358 Core 2
The London Guidebook 1996 2347 Classic 3
Horror’s Heart 1996 2359 Classic 1
Utatti Asfet: The Eye of Wicked Sight 1996 2360 Modern 1
The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep 1996 2361 Classic 1
Cthulhu for President 1996 5113 Novelty 2
Adventures in Arkham Country, 2nd printing 1997 2342 Classic 1
The Compact Trail of Tsathogghua 1997 2362 Classic 1
The Complete Dreamlands 1997 2363 Dream 1
A Resection of Time 1997 2364 Modern 1
Minions 1997 2365 Classic 1
Arkham Sanitarium 1997 2366 Classic 1
Secrets 1997 2367 Modern 1
The Dreaming Stone 1997 2368 Dream 1
The New Orleans Guidebook 1997 2369 Classic 1
The 1920s Investigator’s Companion 1997 2370 Classic 1
Escape from Innsmouth, 2nd edition 1997 2371 Classic 1
Cthulhu Live 1997 6502 Core 2
Bermuda Triangle 1998 2372 Modern 1
Dead Reckonings 1998 2373 Classic 1
Day of the Beast 1998 2374 Classic 1
The Creature Companion 1998 2375 Core 1
Call of Cthulhu 5.5 1998 2376 Core 2
Before the Fall 1998 2377 Classic 1
No Man’s Land 1998 2385 Classic 1
Last Rites 1999 2379 Modern 1
Beyond the Mountains of Madness 1999 2380 Classic 3
Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition Kit 1999 2381 Classic 2
Cthulhu Introduction Pack (2362,2370,2375,2376) 1999 2382 Core 4
Elder Party Nomination Kit 1999 2383 Novelty 2
Call of Cthulhu 5.6 (revised) Hardback 2000 2386 Core 2
Keeper’s Screen, 5.6 edition 2000 2387 Core 1
The Keeper’s Companion Vol. 1 2000 2388 Core 2
Call of Cthulhu 5.6.1 (revised, corrected) Hardcover 2001 2386 Core 2
Unseen Masters 2001 2384 Modern 1
Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places 2001 2393 Modern 1
Call of Cthulhu 20th Anniversary edition. Red Elder 2001 2399 Core 3
Sign cover.

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Call of Cthulhu 20th Anniversary edition (Miskatonic 2001 2399 Core 5

U. Library edition). Gold Elder Sign cover. Limited to
300 numbered copies, signed by Chaosium staff.
Call of Cthulhu Contributor’s edition. Copper Elder 2001 2399 Core 7
sign cover. Limited to 50 copies, each bearing the
name of a Mythos entity. Signed by Chaosium staff.
Call of Cthulhu 20th Gen Con 2002 edition, based on 2002 2399 Core 6
MU Library edition. Limited to 20 numbered copies.
d20 Call of Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Pack 2002 8801 Core 1
Return to Dunwich (BRP/d20) 2002 8802 Classic 1
The Keeper’s Companion Vol. 2 2002 2395 Core 1
H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham (BRP/d20) 2003 8803 Classic 1
Call of Cthulhu Name edition, based on Contributor’s 2003 2399 Core 7
edition, bespoke name on insert page. (10 copies)
Kingsport: City in the Mists (BRP/d20) 2003 8804 Classic 1
H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands 5th edition 2004 2394 Dream 1
Call of Cthulhu 6th edition (hardcover) 2004 2396 Core 1
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, 2nd edition 2004 2397 Classic 1
Cthulhu Dark Ages 2004 2398 Early 1
The Stars are Right! 2nd edition 2004 23100 Modern 1
Quick Start Cthulhu 2004 None Core 0
Secrets of Japan: Keeper’s Companion 2005 2392 Modern 1

Chaosium MULAs
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Parapsychologist’s Handbook, 1st printing (50 copies) 2003 0085 Core 6

Parapsychologist’s Handbook, 2nd printing, new cover 2003 0085 Core 5
(50 copies)
Parapsychologist’s Handbook, 3rd & subsequent 2003 0085 Core 5
printings (includes index & errata)
End Time, 1st Printing (50 copies) 2003 0086 Future 6
End Time, 2nd & subsequent printings, new cover 2003 0086 Future 5
The Abbey 2004 0088 Early 5
Raising Up 2004 0089 Modern 5
Cthulhu Invictus, Origins 2004. Spiral bound limited, 2004 0301 Early 6
numbered edition. (20 copies)
Cthulhu Invictus 2004 0301 Early 5
Mysteries of Morocco 2004 0306 Classic 5
First Book of Things 2004 0307 Core 5
Caligo Accedendum Tournament (Origins 2004) 2004 0309 Early 5
Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37 2004 0310 Classic 5
Cthulhu Rising 2005 0311 Future 5

MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION monographs are longer works by one or more authors on a subject of
import to Call of Cthulhu roleplayers. On these products the author has also fulfilled the functions of editor and layout artist.
Monographs are digitally reproduced small run publications featuring cardstock covers and tape bindings. With the sale of
monographs through their web site Chaosium evaluate the potential of these works for eventual release to the wholesale market.

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Pagan Publishing
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

The Unspeakable Oath, Test Printing. Limited to 100 1990 TUO 1 Misc 6
copies (grey cover)
Stark Raving Mad! Limited to 200 copies 1991 None Misc. 5
Courting Madness. Limited to 200 copies 1992 None Misc. 5
Creatures & Cultists, card game. Limited to 200 copies 1992 None Misc. 5
Killer Crosshairs. Limited to 200 copies 1992 CROS Core 5
Alone on Halloween (solo) 1992 1000 Multi 3
Graven Images (art portfolio). Limited to 250 numbered 1993 None Misc. 5
The Weapons Compendium 1993 COMP Core 4
Nothing on this Globe of Earth (audio tape) 1993 TAPE Misc. 6
Devil’s Children 1993 1001 Multi 2
Creatures & Cultists, card game 1993 2000 Misc. 4
The Resurrected, Volume One: Grace Under Pressure 1993 2100 Modern 3
Walker in the Wastes 1994 1002 Classic 2
Walker in the Wastes Player Aid Kit 1994 WWPA Classic 5
Coming Full Circle 1995 1003 Classic 2
The Resurrected Volume Two: Of Keys and Gates 1995 2101 Classic 3
The Golden Dawn 1996 1004 Gaslight 4
Tales of Terror 1996 2102 Core 2
Delta Green 1997 1005 Modern 3
The Realm of Shadows 1997 1006 Classic 2
The Realm of Shadows Player Aid Kit 1997 RSPA Classic 5
Mortal Coils 1998 1007 Classic 2
Delta Green Eyes Only Volume 1: Machinations of the 1998 2103 Modern 4
Delta Green Eyes Only Volume 2: The Fate 1998 2104 Modern 4
Delta Green: Countdown 1999 1008 Modern 2
More Tales of Terror 2000 2105 Core 2
Delta Green Eyes Only Volume 3: Project Rainbow 2000 2106 Modern 4
The Hills Rise Wild! (board game) 2000 2500 Classic 1
The Resurrected, Volume Three: Out of the Vault 2002 1009 Multi 1

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Sacraments of Evil Fix-It-Up-Kit 1994 N/A Gaslight 6

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Fantasy Flight Games

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Nocturnum: Long Shades 1997 CC01 Modern 2

Nocturnum: Hollow Winds 1998 CC02 Modern 2
Nocturnum: Deep Secrets 1999 CC03 Modern 2
Nocturnum: Master Collection 2001 CC04 Modern 1
Nocturnum d20 2002 CC05 Modern 1
Cthulhu Live, 2nd edition 1999 FF0004 Core 1
Cthulhu Live: Lost Souls 2000 FF0005 Core 1
Cthulhu Live: Player’s Companion 2000 FF0006 Core 1
Cthulhu Live: Shades of Gray 2000 FF0008 Classic 1
Cthulhu Live: Delta Green 2001 FF0007 Modern 1

Games Workshop
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Call of Cthulhu, 2nd edition (boxed) 1983 178301 Core 3

Trail of the Loathsome Slime 1985 MM 1 Modern 4
Nightmare in Norway 1985 MM 3 Classic 4
Statue of the Sorcerer/Vanishing Conjurer (w/Chaosium, 1986 010176 Classic 3
see CHA 2318)
Call of Cthulhu, 3rd edition Hardcover (w/Chaosium, see 1986 10247 Core 2
CHA 2317-H)
Green and Pleasant Land (w/Chaosium, see CHA 2320) 1987 4450 Classic 3

Grenadier Models Inc.

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Horrible Secret of Monhegan Island 1984 701 Classic 3

Hero Games
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Trail of the Golden Spike 1984 Hero 14 Classic 3

Lands of Mystery 1985 HER 020 Fantasy 3

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Lightning Print editions

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Cthulhu by Gaslight 1988 3303 Gaslight 2

The Great Old Ones 1989 2321 Classic 2
Mansions of Madness 1990 2327 Classic 2
Blood Brothers 1990 2329 Movie 2
The Cthulhu Casebook 1990 3305 Classic 2
The Stars are Right! 1992 2337 Modern 2
The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep 1996 2361 Classic 2

More information on Lightning Print editions can be found at Collector’s Corner on

Pegasus Spiele
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Call of Cthulhu 5.5 (German). Limited to 666 copies. 1999 4001G Core 4
Precursor to Chaosium’s 20th anniversary edition

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Adios, A-Mi-Go! (CoC/Deadlands crossover) 1998 9007 Gaslight 2

Steve Jackson Games

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

GURPS Cthulhu Punk 1995 SJG 6070 Future 2

GURPS Cthulhu Punk, 2nd printing 2001 SJG 6070 Future 1

Theatre of the Mind Enterprises (TOME)

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

The Arkham Evil, 1000 copies 1983 T-1 Classic 4

Death in Dunwich 1983 T-2 Classic 4
Pursuit to Kadath 1983 T-3 Classic 4
Whispers from the Abyss and other Tales 1984 T-4 Classic 4
Glozel Est Authentique! 1984 T-5 Classic 4

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Triad Entertainments
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Lurking Fears 1990 0001 Classic 3

Grimrock Isle 1992 0002 Solo 3
Whispers in the Dark 1993 0003 Multi 2
The End of the World 1994 0005 Classic 2
Dwellers in the Shadow 1996 0004 Multi 2

Wizards of the Coast

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Call of Cthulhu (d20) rulebook 2002 886440000 Core 1

Call of Cthulhu (d20) rulebook, autographed (7 2002 886440000 Core 5
Call of Cthulhu (d20) rulebook, autographed (5 2002 886440000 Core 5
signatures), includes Let Sleeping Gods Lie compilation
CD by The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Miscellaneous (incl. Tournament)

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

American Gothic, pre CoC ms. by Stephen R. Marsh 1977 None Modern 7
Firebug, Mass Confusion 1984 None Classic 5
The Crack’d and Crook’d Manse, Phantastacon 84 1984 N/A Classic 6
Plague Dogs, Arcanacon II 1984 N/A Classic? 6
The Bride of Abhoth, Phantastacon 85 1985 None Classic 6
Black as Coal, Cauldracon 85 1985 N/A Classic 6
The Dark Continent, Arcanacon III 1985 N/A Classic? 6
Haitian Horror, Phantastacon 86 1986 None Classic 6
Better Dead (than Red), Cauldracon 86 1986 None 1950s 6
His Master’s Voice, Arcanacon IV 1986 HMV11986 1960s 6
Abhoth Omnipotens, Games 87 1987 None Classic 6
In Memory Yet Green, Arcanacon V 1987 None Classic 6
Who Mourns for Adinos, Pentacon 88 1988 None Early 6
Tatterdemallion, Arcanacon VI, numbered printing of 1988 None Classic 6
50. Precursor to Chaosium’s publication
Untimely Ripped, Games 88 1988 None Modern 6
Persons Unknown, Arcanacon VII 1989 None Modern 6
If You Go Down to the Woods Today, Conquest 89 1989 None Classic 6
Tales from the White Heart, Conquest 90, numbered 1990 None Modern 6
His Master’s Voice II, Arcanacon VIII 1990 None 1960s 6

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

His Master’s Voice II (w/ 2nd edition HMV I), 1990 HMV21990 1960s 6
Arcanacon VIII, numbered printing
Tales of Terror, private printing. Limited to 200 copies 1990 12057 Core 5
The Armstrong Malison, ADP Systems, private 1990 None Classic 6
The Curse, ADP Systems, private printing 1990 None Classic 6
The Preacher and the Cross, ADP Systems, private 1990 None Classic 6
The Exquisite Cadaver, Arcanacon IX 1991 None Multi 6
The Land of Make-Believe, Conquest 91 1991 None Multi 6
The Old Damned House, Arcanacon X, numbered 1992 None Classic 6
Devil’s Children, Conquest 92, numbered printing of 1992 None Multi 6
50. Precursor to Pagan’s own publication
The Secret of Smugglers’ Cove, Conquest 93 1993 None Classic 6
Insanity in Ivanhoe, Arcanacon XI 1993 None Multi 6
A Handful of Dust, Conquest 94 1994 None Modern 6
His Master’s Voice III, Arcanacon XII 1994 None 1960s 6
ü Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List 2005 None Core 0

Not exactly canon…

Atlas Games
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Cults Across America (board game) 1998 AG1210 Modern 1

Cthulhu 500 (card game) 2004 AG1260 Modern 1

Dark House
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Dark Cults (card game). The 2nd printing includes 1983 None Misc 4

EOS Press
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Creatures & Cultists (colour edition, based on Pagan 2004 EOS 5002 Modern 1
Publishing game of the same name)

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Event Horizon Productions

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

The Triad Sourcebook (Hong Kong Action Theatre) 1997 EHP1003 Modern 1

Evil Polish Brothers

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Cthulhu Mash (board game) 2003 N/A Modern? 1

Hogshead Publishing
ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

De Profundis 2001 HOG 405 Core 2

Iron Crown Enterprises

ü Title Year Code Era Rarity

Nightmares of Mine 1999 5704 Misc 2

Things that never were…

Cthulhu Conversion Kit Cancel Chaosium Novelty
Cthulhu Crusade Cancel Chaosium Novelty
The Cthulhu Wall Chart of Mythos History Cancel Chaosium Novelty
Horror at Innsmouth Cancel Chaosium Classic?
Investigator’s Kit Cancel Chaosium Novelty
Jack the Ripper Cancel Chaosium Gaslight
Monster Flash Cards Cancel Chaosium Novelty
One Night: Cthulhu Mega-Adventure Cancel Chaosium Modern

British and European Sourcepack Cancel Games Classic

Shades of Terror Cancel Games Modern?

Mysteries of Mesoamerica Cancel Pagan Classic?

Heka Hoy Cancel TOME Classic

The Toy Shop Cancel TOME ???

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Forthcoming items?
ü Title Year Code Era

H.P. Lovecraft’s Miskatonic University, hardcover 2005 Chaosium 2389 Classic

Pulp Cthulhu 2005 Chaosium 8800 Pulp
Call of Cthulhu 6th edition, softcover 2005 Chaosium 23106 Core
Malleus Monstrorum 2005 Chaosium Core
Spawn of Azathoth, 2nd edition 2005 Chaosium Classic
Tatters of the King 2005 Chaosium Classic
Keepers of the Faith 2006 Chaosium Classic

Alien Physiologies 200- Chaosium Core

Arkham Now! 200- Chaosium Modern
The Black Chamber 200- Chaosium Classic
Cast of Cthulhu 200- Chaosium Classic
Cthulhu by Gaslight, 3rd edition 200- Chaosium Gaslight
Cthulhu Dark Ages Companion 200- Chaosium Early
Equipment Guide 200- Chaosium Core?
Gods & Monsters 200- Chaosium Core
The Hand that Feeds 200- Chaosium Modern
Haunters of the Dark 200- Chaosium Classic
The Occult 200- Chaosium Core
Prohibition Sourcebook 200- Chaosium Classic
Secrets of Japan: Investigator’s Companion 200- Chaosium Core
Secrets of New York 200- Chaosium Classic
Secrets of San Francisco 200- Chaosium 2378 Classic
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth (extended edition) 200- Chaosium Classic
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth II 200- Chaosium Modern
Undying Mars 200- Chaosium Future

MULA – Best of CoC UK Nationals ‘Fright Night’ 200- Chaosium Multi

MULA – Best of ‘The Whisperer’ Magazine 200- Chaosium Multi

Arkham Horror, 2nd edition 2005 Fantasy Flight Classic


Delta Green (BRP/d20), hardcover 2005 Pagan Publishing Modern

Delta Green: Eyes Only Compendium Volume 200- Pagan Publishing Modern
Re-Animator 1st supplement for ‘The Hills Rise Wild’ 200- Pagan Publishing Classic
board game
2nd supplement, ‘The Hills Rise Wild’ board game 200- Pagan Publishing Classic

In the Time of Lovecraft 200- Armitage House Classic

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

ü Title Year Code Era Publisher

Key to Eras Included

Early – Pre Victorian era · Any published RPG material relating directly to the
Gaslight – Victorian era Call of Cthulhu game (BRP & d20).
Classic – c.1920s – 1940s · Tournament scenarios in publication format (e.g.
Pulp – c. 1930s (action) bound, not just print outs).
Modern – Cthulhu Now/Delta Green · Associated board & card games, except Mythos and
Future – Future/Cyber Punk/End Time Call of Cthulhu CCG.
Dream – HPL Dreamlands
Movie – Cinematic based Not included
Fantasy – Fantasy setting · Ephemera e.g. magazines.
Core – Core rules or applicable to any era · Toys, Mythos, Call of Cthulhu CCG, miniatures.
Multi – Spans multiple eras · Multiple printings, unless change is involved.
Misc. – Non-specific, CoC related · Non-English language editions.
Novelty – Novelty item
Cancel – Item never produced for sale There are exceptions in both cases.

Rarity index runs from 0 (Ubiquitous), 1 (common, may be able to buy it off the shelf), through 5 (limited to a few
hundred copies), 6 (a few tens of copies or extremely difficult to find) and 7 (personal, individual items, which also
include manuscripts and scribbled author’s notes on the back of old napkins etc.).

Please note: items are listed by ascending year then ascending product code. Due to the vagaries of publishing, the list
as given does not always reflect the relative time of release within the stated publication year.

If you have any further details or amendments, please get in touch via the web site or by email at
[email protected]. is devoted to Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu game – roleplaying in the
worlds of H.P Lovecraft.

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YSDC Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List

Call of Cthulhu Collector’s List: version history 2005

7th February 2005

Added the following Chaosium items:

Call of Cthulhu 6th edition hardcover

H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, 5th edition
Mansions of Madness Lightning Print edition
Quick Start Cthulhu booklet
Secrets of Japan: Keeper’s Companion
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, 2nd edition
The Stars are Right!, 2nd edition

Chaosium MULAs

Forthcoming items?:

Call of Cthulhu 6th edition softcover

Cast of Cthulhu
Cthulhu by Gaslight, 3rd edition
Cthulhu Dark Ages Companion
The Hand that Feeds
Haunters of the Dark
Keepers of the Faith
Malleus Monstrorum
MULA – Best of CoC UK Nationals ‘Fright Night’ scenarios
MULA – Best of ‘The Whisperer’ Magazine
Secrets of New York
Tatters of the King

Arkham Horror, 2nd edition (Fantasy Flight Games)

Also added:

American Gothic ms. (Miscellaneous)

British and European Sourcepack (Things that never were…)
CoC Collector’s List – now self referencing! (Miscellaneous)
Creatures & Cultists colour edition (EOS Press)
Cthulhu 500 (Atlas Games)
Shades of Terror (Things that never were…)
Blank ‘Updates’ table for personal use


Rarity index
Added rarity value 0 (zero) – ubiquitous
Changed Miskatonic University to ‘H.P. Lovecraft’s Miskatonic University’ (Forthcoming items)
Changed ‘Who Mourns for Adinos’ from Classic to Early era (Miscellaneous)
Changed name of San Francisco Guidebook to ‘Secrets of San Francisco’ (Forthcoming items)
Changed name of Cthulhu Japan Investigator’s Companion to ‘Secrets of Japan: Investigator’s Companion’
(Forthcoming items)
Changed name of Secrets of Japan to ‘Secrets of Japan: Keeper’s Companion’ (Chaosium)
Added ‘Multi’ in Key to Eras
Changed some double descriptors for era to simply ‘Multi’
Changed Creatures and Cultists publication quantity from 100 to 200 copies (Pagan Publishing)
Changed Graven Images from unspecified to 250 numbered copies (Pagan Publishing)
Corrected spelling for ‘Curse of the Chthonians’ (Chaosium)
Corrected spelling for ‘Trail of Tsathogghua’ (Chaosium)

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