Integrated Lessons Block Plan: Lesson

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Integrated Lessons Block Plan

Day 1: Spin Your Own Day 2: Spin Your Own Day 3: Spin Your Own Day 4: Spin Your Day 5: Spin Your Own
Web: Building Web: Building Web: Building Own Web: Building Web: Building
connections to the connections to the connections to the connections to the connections to the
world around us. world around us. world around us. world around us. world around us.

Math: Subtracting Reading: Elements of a Writing: Sequencing Science 1: Observing Science 2: Observing
Two-Digit Numbers Good Story Your Own Personal the World around the World around us.
Narrative. us.

Students will solve Students will decode Students will create a Students will identify the After completing an
two-digit subtraction stories by navigating personal narrative that unique properties of an object walk throughout
problems using the the sequence of events follows a beginning, apple and orange by using a Kendall Elementary,
concept of base-ten in a given story. middle, and end Venn Diagram to sort their students will be able to
Objective(s) blocks. signified by sequencing attributes. classify and sort the
words. materials found into
three categories:
gasses, liquids, and
2.CA.1- Add and (2.RF.1) Demonstrate an (2.W.3.3) – Develop (2.PS.1) – Plan and (2.PS.1) Plan and conduct an
subtract fluently understanding of the five topics for friendly conduct an investigation to describe and
within 100. components of reading (print letters, stories, poems, investigation to classify different kinds of
2.CA.2- Solve real-world concepts, phonemic and other narrative describe and classify materials by their observable
problems involving addition awareness, phonics, purposes. Include a different kinds of properties.
and subtraction within 100 in vocabulary, and fluency and beginning, use materials by their
situations of adding to, taking comprehension to build temporal words to observable
from, putting together, taking foundational reading skills. signal event order, properties.
apart, and comparing, with (2.RF.2.4) Demonstrate provide details to
unknowns in all parts of the understanding of the describe actions,
Standards addition or subtraction organization and basic thoughts, and feelings,
problem. Use estimation to features of print, including and provide an ending.
decide whether answers are that printed materials provide
reasonable in addition information and tell stories.
problems. (2.RL.2.2) Recount the
beginning, middle, and ending
of stories including fables and
folktales from diverse cultures
and determine their central
message, lesson, or moral.

1. Base ten blocks 1. Tamika’s Trip to the Zoo 1. The True Story of the 1. Mystery bag with a kiwi, 1. Baking soda
2. Seesaw activity text Three Little Pigs, by Jon can of soup, rock, and a 2. Water bottle full of vinegar
3. IPad (teacher) 2. How Not to Save a Sand Scieszka playing card. 3. Balloon
4. Student IPads Castle text 2. Loose leaf paper 2. Hypothesis sheet (5 4. Paper plate
5. Picture of Sneakers 3. Heavily scaffolded 3. My Story Stem adaptation sheets; one per group) 5. State of Matter Graphic
6. Pretend money worksheet for Rotation 1 sheet 3. List of properties Organizer (25)
Materials 7. Doc Cam (at the end of the lesson) 4. My Story (Adjectives) (5 sheets of 6. Random Pictures of Objects
4. Beginning, middle, and Sequencing Words paper) to place around the school
end worksheet for adaptation sheet 4. Attribute hoops (chair, an ocean, smoke
Rotation 2 (at the end of 5. Apple (5) from a fire, glass of water,
the lesson) 6. Orange (5) and a bowling ball) (5)
5. Letter in a bottle 7. Safety goggles

1. Anticipatory set: 1. Anticipatory set: 1. Anticipatory set: 1. Anticipatory Set: 1. Anticipatory set:
Do I Have Enough Read the Easton Share personal Mystery Bag – I will conduct
Money? LaChappelle letter, narrative from my students will the balloon and
2. Guided Practice: but not the ending. time in 2nd grade: describe and baking soda
Think aloud 2. Mini lesson: Teach 2. Mini lesson: guess what is in experiment.
demonstration of how a good story reinforce the the bag. 2. Mini lesson: I
subtracting two- has three elements of a good 2. Guided practice: will walk
digit numbers. elements: story. Connect Sort attribute through what
Guided beginning, middle, good elements to cards based on the three states
demonstration and end. Share key personal the can of soup of matter are
with student words. narratives. and kiwi pulled and their
Body/activities collaboration 3. Rotations: 3. Independent from the bag. properties.
subtracting students will rotate Practice: Students 3. Independent 3. Guided practice:
numbers. through two will take this time practice: Students will go
3. Independent stations. One will and write their Students will on an object
practice: Students be with me where personal narrative. identify the walk throughout
will return to their they will read two 4. Closure: Students attributes of an the school and
desks and stories and identify will turn and share orange and apple organize the
complete a Seesaw the beginning, their stories with into a Venn objects on a
assignment where middle, and end. their peers. Diagram. states of matter
they record them 4. Closure: read the 4. Closure: organizer.
solving a two-digit ending of the letter Students sorts 4. Closure:
subtraction from the will be shared via students will
problem. anticipatory set. doc cam. share their
organizers with
their peers. We
will go over it as
a whole group at
the end.
Students will record I will formatively I will formatively Students will sort Students will fill out a graphic
themselves completing a assess the students by assess student by property cards based organizer broken into the three
problem on Seesaw and turn observing them while reading their stories upon their states of matter. Students will
it in for me to formatively they answer questions and listening to them observations of the be assessed on how they
assess their understanding of during small group share their work with apple and orange classified the materials,
the concept. instruction. their peers. they discovered. I throughout the object walk, as
Additionally, students will be assessing a gas, liquid, or solid.
I will formatively assess my will identify the their overall
students by asking them two sequence of events grouping at the end
questions individually as we from the stories they of the lesson.
close out the lesson. have read.

In order to ensure In order to ensure I will provide students In order to create a I will remind students of
safety throughout this safety throughout this with pre-sharpened safe environment for hallway expectations to
lesson, I will group lesson, I will alter the pencils, to avoid learners, I will make keep students safe in
students and dismiss locations of stations student messing sure the food used is the hallway.
student back to their and how students around with the pencil allergen free. Additionally, I will have
Safety seats in a manner that transition from one to sharpener. Additionally, I will students remain at their
limits tripping and the other. This is to Additionally, I will provide students desks as I conduct the
running into others. ensure students can make sure the floor is with explicit rules state of matter
travel from one spot to clear off tripping not to eat it. experiement.
the other without hazards.

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