22 Approximation Theorems and Convolutions
22 Approximation Theorems and Convolutions
22 Approximation Theorems and Convolutions
so that Sf (A, µ) ⊂ L (µ). Conversely if φ ∈ S(A)∩Lp (µ), then from Eq. (22.1)
Proof. Let {φn }∞ n=1 be the simple functions in the approximation Theo-
rem 18.42. Since |φn | ≤ |f | for all n, φn ∈ Sf (M, µ) and
p p
|f − φn |p ≤ (|f | + |φn |) ≤ 2p |f | ∈ L1 (µ) .
Proof. Fix k ∈ N for the moment and let H denote those bounded M —
measurable functions, f : X → F, for which there exists {φn }∞n=1 ⊂ M such
that limn→∞ kψk f − φn kLp (µ) = 0. A routine check shows H is a subspace
of ∞ (M, F) such that 1 ∈ H, M ⊂ H and H is closed under complex
conjugation if F = C. Moreover, H is closed under bounded convergence.
To see this suppose fn ∈ H and fn → f boundedly. Then, by the dominated
convergence theorem, limn→∞ kψk (f − fn )kLp (µ) = 0.1 (Take the dominating
function to be g = [2C |ψk |]p where C is a constant bounding all of the
{|fn |}∞
n=1 .) We may now choose φn ∈ M such that kφn − ψk fn kLp (µ) ≤ n
lim sup kψk f − φn kLp (µ) ≤ lim sup kψk (f − fn )kLp (µ)
n→∞ n→∞
+ lim sup kψk fn − φn kLp (µ) = 0 (22.2)
Proof. Let M := Cc (X) and use Item 3. of Lemma 18.57 to find functions
ψk ∈ M such that ψk → 1 to boundedly as k → ∞. The result now follows
from an application of Theorem 22.4 along with the aid of item 4. of Lemma
Exercise 22.1. Show that BC (R, C) is not dense in L∞ (R, BR , m; C). Hence
the hypothesis that p < ∞ in Theorem 22.4 can not be removed.
Cc (X, C) = C(X, C) is dense in Lp (µ) for all p ∈ [1, ∞). Since, by the domi-
nated convergence theorem, uniform convergence implies Lp (µ) — convergence,
it follows from the Weierstrass approximation theorem (see Theorem 8.34 and
Corollary 8.36 or Theorem 12.31 and Corollary 12.32) that polynomials are
also dense in Lp (µ).
Proof. Let dν(x) = |h(x)| dx, then ν is a K-finite measure on X and hence
Cc (X) is dense in L1 (ν) by Theorem 22.8. Notice that
f · sgn(h)dν = f hdµ = 0 for all f ∈ Cc (X). (22.4)
Let {Kk }∞
k=1 be a sequence of compact sets such that Kk ↑ X as in Lemma
11.23. Then 1Kk sgn(h) ∈ L1 (ν) and therefore there exists fm ∈ Cc (X) such
that fm → 1Kk sgn(h) in L1 (ν). So by Eq. (22.4),
ν(Kk ) = 1Kk dν = lim fm sgn(h)dν = 0.
X m→∞ X
Since Kk ↑ X as k → ∞, 0 = ν(X) = X |h| dµ, i.e. h(x) = 0 for µ — a.e. x.
As an application of Lemma 22.11 and Example 12.34, we will show that
the Laplace transform is injective.
Proof. Suppose that f ∈ L1 ([0, ∞), dx) such that Lf (λ) ≡ 0. Let g ∈
C0 ([0, ∞), R) and ε > 0 be given. By Example 12.34 we may choose {aλ }λ>0
such that # ({λ > 0 : aλ 6= 0}) < ∞ and
|g(x) − aλ e−λx | < ε for all x ≥ 0.
22.1 Density Theorems 423
¯Z ∞ ¯ ¯¯Z ∞ à X
! ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ g(x)f (x)dx¯=¯ g(x) − a e−λx
f (x)dx¯
¯ ¯ ¯ λ
0 0 λ>0
Z ∞¯¯ ¯
X ¯
¯ ¯
≤ ¯g(x) − aλ e−λx ¯ |f (x)| dx ≤ εkf k1 .
0 ¯ ¯
Since ε > 0 is arbitrary, it follows that 0 g(x)f (x)dx = 0 for all g ∈
C0 ([0, ∞), R). The proof is finished by an application of Lemma 22.11.
Here is another variant of Theorem 22.8.
Proof. Let Xk ∈ τd be open sets such that Xk ↑ X and µ(Xk ) < ∞ and
ψk (x) = min(1, k · dXkc (x)) = φk (dXkc (x)),
see Figure 22.1 below. It is easily verified that M := BCf (X) is an algebra,
y 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Exercise 22.2. (BRUCE: Should drop this exercise.) Suppose that (X, d) is
a metric space, µ is a measure on BX := σ(τd ) which is finite on bounded
measurable subsets of X. Show BCb (X, R), defined in Eq. (19.26), is dense in
Lp (µ) . Hints: let ψk be as defined in Eq. (19.27) which incidentally may be
used to show σ (BCb (X, R)) = σ (BC(X, R)) . Then use the argument in the
proof of Corollary 18.55 to show σ (BC(X, R)) = BX .
Theorem 22.14. Suppose p ∈ [1, ∞), A ⊂ M is an algebra such that σ(A) =
M and µ is σ — finite on A. Then Sf (A, µ) is dense in Lp (µ). (See also Remark
25.7 below.)
Proof. Let M := Sf (A, µ). By assumption there exits Xk ∈ A such that
µ(Xk ) < ∞ and Xk ↑ X as k → ∞. If A ∈ A, then Xk ∩ A ∈ A and
µ (Xk ∩ A) < ∞ so that 1Xk ∩A ∈ M. Therefore 1A = limk→∞ 1Xk ∩A is σ (M )
— measurable for every A ∈ A. So we have shown that A ⊂ σ (M ) ⊂ M
and therefore M = σ (A) ⊂ σ (M ) ⊂ M, i.e. σ (M ) = M. The theorem
now follows from Theorem 22.4 after observing ψk := 1Xk ∈ M and ψk → 1
Theorem 22.15 (Separability of Lp — Spaces). Suppose, p ∈ [1, ∞), A ⊂
M is a countable algebra such that σ(A) = M and µ is σ — finite on A. Then
Lp (µ) is separable and
D={ aj 1Aj : aj ∈ Q + iQ, Aj ∈ A with µ(Aj ) < ∞}
is separable for any p ∈ [1, ∞). To prove this simply apply Theorem 22.14 with
A being the algebra on R generated by the half open intervals `n(a, b] ∩ R with
a < b and a, b ∈ Q∪ {±∞} , i.e. A consists of sets of the form k=1 (ak , bk ]∩R,
where ak , bk ∈ Q∪ {±∞} .
Exercise 22.3. Show L∞ ([0, 1] , BR , m; C) is not separable. Hint: Suppose
Γ is a dense subset of L∞ ([0, 1] , BR , m; C) and for λ ∈ (0, 1) , let fλ (x) :=
1[0,λ] (x) . For each λ ∈ (0, 1) , choose gλ ∈ Γ such that kfλ − gλ k∞ < 1/2 and
then show the map λ ∈ (0, 1) → gλ ∈ Γ is injective. Use this to conclude that
Γ must be uncountable.
Corollary 22.17 (Riemann Lebesgue Lemma). Suppose that f ∈ L1 (R, m),
then Z
lim f (x)eiλx dm(x) = 0.
λ→±∞ R
22.1 Density Theorems 425
Proof. By Example 22.16, given ε > 0 there exists φ = k=1 ck 1(ak ,bk ]
with ak , bk ∈ R such that
|f − φ|dm < ε.
Notice that
φ(x)eiλx dm(x) = ck 1(ak ,bk ] (x)eiλx dm(x)
R R k=1
X Z bk
n n
= ck e dm(x) = ck λ−1 eiλx |bakk
k=1 ak k=1
X ¡ ¢
= λ−1 ck eiλbk − eiλak → 0 as |λ| → ∞.
we learn that
¯Z ¯ ¯Z ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
lim sup ¯ f (x)e dm(x)¯¯ ≤ ε + lim sup
iλx ¯ φ(x)eiλx dm(x)¯ = ε.
¯ ¯
|λ|→∞ R |λ|→∞ R
Since ε > 0 is arbitrary, this completes the proof of the Riemann Lebesgue
= µ (A0 ∩ B) + [|1 − λi | µ (B ∩ Ai ) + |λi | µ (Ai \ B)] (22.5)
≥ µ (A0 ∩ B) + min {µ (B ∩ Ai ) , µ (Ai \ B)} (22.6)
Remark 22.19. We have to assume that µ(B) < ∞ as the following example
shows. Let X = R, M = B, µ = m, A be the algebra generated by half open
intervals of the form (a, b], and B = ∪∞
n=1 (2n, 2n + 1]. It is easily checked that
for every D ∈ A, that m(B∆D) = ∞.
we please.
Exercise 22.4. Compute the operator norm, kτz − IkL(Lp (m)) , of τz − I and
use this to show z ∈ Rd → τz ∈ L (Lp (m)) is not continuous.
Definition 22.25. Suppose that (X, τ ) is a topological space and µ is a mea-
sure on BX = σ(τ ). For a measurable function f : X → C we define the
essential support of f by
suppµ (f ) = {x ∈ X : µ({y ∈ V : f (y) 6= 0}}) > 0 ∀ neighborhoods V of x}.
Equivalently, x ∈/ suppµ (f ) iff there exists an open neighborhood V of x such
that 1V f = 0 a.e.
22.2 Convolution and Young’s Inequalities 429
Uf := {V ∈ U : f 1V = 0 a.e.}.
where in the second equality we made use of the fact that Lebesgue measure
invariant under the transformation y → x − y. Similar computations prove
all of the remaining assertions of the first three items of the lemma. Item
4. Since f ∗ g(x) = f˜ ∗ g̃(x) if f = f˜ and g = g̃ a.e. we may, by replacing
f by f 1suppm (f ) and g by g1suppm (g) if necessary, assume that {f 6= 0} ⊂
suppm (f ) and {g 6= 0} ⊂ suppm (g). So if x ∈ / (suppm (f ) + suppm (g)) then
x∈ / ({f 6= 0} + {g 6= 0}) and for all y ∈ Rd , either x − y ∈/ {f 6= 0} or y ∈/
{g 6= 0} . That is to say either x − y ∈ {f = 0} or y ∈ {g = 0} and hence
f (x − y)g(y)
³ = 0 for all y and therefore
´ f ∗ g(x) = 0. This shows that f ∗ g = 0
on R \ suppm (f ) + suppm (g) and therefore
³ ´
Rd \ suppm (f ) + suppm (g) ⊂ Rd \ suppm (f ∗ g),
then every point of A + B has a positive y - component and hence is not zero.
On the other hand, for x > 0 we have (x, 1/x) + (−x, 1/x) = (0, 2/x) ∈ A + B
for all x and hence 0 ∈ A + B showing A + B is not closed. Nevertheless if
one of the sets A or B is compact, then A + B is closed again. Indeed, if A is
compact and xn = an + bn ∈ A + B and xn → x ∈ Rd , then by passing to a
subsequence if necessary we may assume limn→∞ an = a ∈ A exists. In this
lim bn = lim (xn − an ) = x − a ∈ B
n→∞ n→∞
Proof. The existence of f ∗g(x) and the estimate |f ∗ g| (x) ≤ kf kp kgkq for
all x ∈ Rd is a simple consequence of Holders inequality and the translation in-
variance of Lebesgue measure. In particular this shows kf ∗ gk∞ ≤ kf kp kgkq .
By relabeling p and q if necessary we may assume that p ∈ [1, ∞). Since
kf ∗ g − fm ∗ gm k∞ ≤ kf ∗ g − fm ∗ gk∞ + kfm ∗ g − fm ∗ gm k∞
≤ kf − fm kp kgkq + kfm kp kg − gm kq
≤ kf − fm kp kgkq + kf kp kg − gm kq → 0 as m → ∞
Remark 22.31. Before going to the formal proof, let us first understand Eq.
(22.9) by the following scaling argument. For λ > 0, let fλ (x) := f (λx), then
after a few simple change of variables we find
Therefore if Eq. (22.10) holds for some p, q, r ∈ [1, ∞], we would also have
Let us now suppose, (1 − α)r = αp1 and (1 − β)r = βp2 , in which case Eq.
(22.11) becomes,
kf ∗ gkrr ≤ kf krαp1 kgkrβp2
which is Eq. (22.10) with
so that
φt ∗ f (x) − af (x) = [f (x − tz) − f (x)] φ(z)dz
= [τtz f (x) − f (x)] φ(z)dz. (22.13)
Lemma 22.33. There Rexists φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd , [0, ∞)) such that φ(0) > 0,
supp(φ) ⊂ B̄(0, 1) and Rd φ(x)dx = 1.
Proposition 22.34. Suppose that f ∈ L1loc (Rd , m) and φ ∈ Cc1 (Rd ), then
f ∗ φ ∈ C 1 (Rd ) and ∂i (f ∗ φ) = f ∗ ∂i φ. Moreover if φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd ) then
f ∗ φ ∈ C ∞ (Rd ).
With this result we may give another proof of the Riemann Lebesgue
22.2 Convolution and Young’s Inequalities 435
22.3 Exercises
Exercise 22.6. Let (X, τ ) be a topological space, µ a measure on BX =
σ(τ ) and f : X → C be a measurable function. Letting ν be the measure,
dν = |f | dµ, show supp(ν) = suppµ (f ), where supp(ν) is defined in Definition
Exercise 22.7. Let (X, τ ) be a topological space, µ a measure on BX = σ(τ )
such that supp(µ) = X (see Definition 21.41). Show suppµ (f ) = supp(f ) =
{f 6= 0} for all f ∈ C(X).
22.3 Exercises 437
Exercise 22.12. Suppose that µ and ν are two finite measures on Rd such
that Z Z
eiλ·x dµ(x) = eiλ·x dν(x) (22.16)
Rd Rd
CeM |x| for some constant C = C(ρ, p, M ), so that P(Rd ) ⊂ Lp (µ) for all
1 ≤ p < ∞.) Show P(Rd ) is dense in Lp (µ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. Here is a
possible outline.
Outline: Fix a λ ∈ Rd and let fn (x) = (λ · x)n /n! for all n ∈ N.
1. Use calculus to verify supt≥0 tα e−Mt = (α/M )α e−α for all α ≥ 0 where
(0/M ) := 1. Use this estimate along with the identity
³ ´
pn pn pn pn pn
|λ · x| ≤ |λ| |x| = |x| e−M|x| |λ| eM|x|
Exercise 22.14. Again let µ be a finiteR measure on BRd but now assume
there exists an ε > 0 such that C := R R d e dµ(x) < ∞. Also let q > 1 and
h ∈ Lq (µ) be a function such that Rd h(x)xα dµ(x) = 0 for all α ∈ Nd0 . (As
mentioned in Exercise 22.14, P(Rd ) ⊂ Lp (µ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞, so x → h(x)xα
is in L1 (µ).) Show h(x) = 0 for µ— a.e. x using the following outline.
Outline: Fix a λ ∈ Rd , let fn (x) = (λ · x) /n! for all n ∈ N, and let
p = q/(q − 1) be the conjugate exponent to q.
1. Use calculus to verify supt≥0 tα e−εt = (α/ε)α e−α for all α ≥ 0 where
(0/ε)0 := 1. Use this estimate along with the identity
³ ´
pn pn pn pn pn
|λ · x| ≤ |λ| |x| = |x| e−ε|x| |λ| eε|x|