JCM 08 01050 PDF
JCM 08 01050 PDF
JCM 08 01050 PDF
Clinical Medicine
Physician-Friendly Machine Learning: A Case Study
with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction
Meghana Padmanabhan, Pengyu Yuan , Govind Chada and Hien Van Nguyen *
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 18 June 2019; Accepted: 15 July 2019; Published: 18 July 2019
Keywords: artificial intelligence; clinical domain; auto machine learning; cardiovascular disease
prediction; physician-friendly machine learning
1. Introduction
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have witnessed tremendous progress in the
past five years. AI algorithms have gained significant interest from clinical researchers. As an
example, a recent survey indicates that nearly half of the interviewed healthcare organizations are
using or planning to use artificial intelligence in imaging [1]. Unfortunately, developing machine
learning algorithms traditionally requires a significant amount of time and understanding of how the
underlying algorithms work. For example, tuning and training of deep neural networks take weeks to
months. Most state-of-the-art deep networks have been manually designed by human experts who
have advanced degrees and long-term training in computer science and artificial intelligence [2–5].
Such requirements pose a great challenge for clinical researchers who want to use AI tools to validate
important biomedical questions.
Motivated by this limitation, researchers recently investigated more automated AI techniques [6–12].
These methods are collectively known as Auto Machine Learning (AutoML). The idea is to
automate the process of building an AI model that gives competitive performances on any given
dataset. This includes automation of data pre-processing, feature extraction, hyper-parameter tuning,
and algorithm selection. Here, a feature means a compact vector containing information about the input
data essential for making the final prediction. The emergence of AutoML is potentially transformative
to the biomedical and clinical domains. By removing the high technical barrier, AutoML could enable
physicians to use AI techniques more broadly in their work and research.
AutoML can be viewed as the end-to-end process of searching for the best AI model configuration
on an arbitrarily given dataset. Each configuration is the result of making multiple choices regarding
which algorithm, optimization method, or hyper-parameter to use. Due to the vast number of
configurations in the search space, finding the best model is computationally expensive. As computer
processing power improves thanks to advanced technologies such as graphics processing units
(GPU) and tensor processing units (TPU), and more efficient search algorithms, AutoML methods
have been able to scale up dramatically. Recent papers showed that classifiers built by automated
techniques have reached or even surpassed those designed by human experts. Notable examples
include AmoebaNet [13] which outperforms most state-of-the-art architectures on a large-scale natural
image dataset [14], and Auto-Sklearn [12] which has shown competitive performances on multiple
heterogeneous datasets. Major technological companies, including Google and Microsoft, aware of the
vast potential of AutoML across industries, have recently started to build their own AutoML platforms.
Despite the great potential, AutoML has not been well-studied in biomedical applications. Our paper
will make the following contributions:
• For the first time, we investigate the use of AutoML for building classifiers of cardiovascular diseases.
• We compare AutoML performances against that of a graduate student with significant experience
in machine learning and computer programming.
• We provide extensive experimental results on two cardiovascular datasets.
This study will inform physicians and biomedical researchers on an important and emerging
machine learning tool. Our findings will shed light on what benefit AutoML can bring, how easy it
is to use the tool, and how well it performs compared to a human expert. Although we evaluate our
method on cardiovascular data, the findings are expected to hold for other kinds of biomedical data.
Given that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in the world today [15] and the
availability of tremendous amount of cardiovascular data, there have been numerous studies in the
past to get machine learning models to deduce patterns in the data to allow for early detection of heart
diseases. Multiple standalone machine learning models and hybrid models have been proposed [16].
Vembandasamy et al. [17] propose the use of Naive Bayes classifier for prediction of heart disease
on a dataset from a leading diabetic research institute in Chennai, India containing 500 records and
10 attributes. The Naive Bayes classifier attained accuracy of 86.4%. Shouman et al. [18] propose the
Decision Tree classifier on the benchmark Heart UCI (University of California, Irvine, CA, USA) dataset
by applying several tuning techniques to Decision Trees like different combinations of discretization,
tree types, voting, etc. to identify a reliable, robust and accurate method of classification. The final
reported accuracy is 84.1%. Srinivas et al. [19] propose more complicated data mining algorithms.
The technique involves the extraction of significant patterns from the dataset, choosing patterns
with values greater than a prescribed threshold and using five different mining goals. The reported
accuracy is 83.7%. Tomar et al. [20] use Least Squares Twin Support Vector Machines [21] for diagnosis
of heart diseases using the grid-search approach for hyperparameter selection and F-scores as the
evaluation metric on the heart UCI dataset. Reported accuracy is 85.59%. Several ensemble classifiers,
which are a weighted combination of simple classifiers have also been seen to work well with
heart disease prediction. Pouriyeh et al. [22] use the Decision Tree classifier, Naïve Bayes classifier,
Multilayer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbor classifier, Single Conjunctive Rule Learner and Radial
Basis Function with Support Vector Machines both individually and in combination on the Heart
UCI dataset. In addition, bagging, boosting and stacking techniques have been applied on each of
the above-mentioned classifiers. The best performing classifier was reported to be a combination
of the Support Vector Machine and the Multilayer Perceptron and the reported accuracy is 84.81%.
Bashir et al. [23] propose the use of an ensemble classifier that uses an enhanced bagging approach
J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 1050 3 of 13
with the multi-objective weighted voting scheme. Five different base classifiers including Naïve Bayes,
linear regression, quadratic discriminant analysis, instance-based learner and support vector machines
are used. Five different heart disease datasets are used. The experimental evaluation shows that the
proposed framework achieves diagnosis accuracy of 84.16%.
There are several challenges associated with manually training and evaluating machine learning
models. Most important is the difficulty in correctly identifying the nature (continuous or categorical)
of all features to preprocess them accordingly before passing them into machine learning models.
The required expertise and time associated with this task are also significantly high. This study
proposes to use auto machine learning as a solution to the above-mentioned problems and attempts to
quantify the performance and time benefits that auto machine learning has to offer over a manually
built solution.
Section 2 of this paper discusses the processes and techniques involved in the experimental
stage. Section 2.1 describes Auto-Sklearn and the techniques adopted by it to find and fine-tune the
machine learning model best suited for the dataset. Section 2.2 provides a description of the datasets,
the nature of preprocessing and the train-test procedure applied on each of them by the graduate
student. Furthermore, Section 2.3 goes on to elucidate challenges that the graduate student faced
during manual training and how they were addressed. Section 3 discusses the results drawn from
manual training and Auto-Sklearn and provides a comparison between the corresponding evaluation
metrics obtained post training. Finally, Section 4, the concluding section, describes how the ease of
use and superior performance of the AutoML tool as described in this paper could greatly impact the
clinical domain.
meta-features, or vector descriptions of dataset properties that would help to determine appropriate
algorithms that would likely perform well on a particular dataset. Examples of meta-features include
statistics about the number of data samples, data dimensions, classes, and skewness. Based on these
features, Auto-Sklearn makes a rough suggestion for what algorithms, pre-processing, and other
hyper-parameters will work well on a particular dataset. Bayesian optimization further refines
and improves the model. Second, instead of outputting one model, Auto-Sklearn uses a weighted
combination of multiple best-performing models. This is similar to the ensemble method in random
forests [25] that combines multiple random trees to reduce the prediction variance. Empirical studies
found that this modification significantly improves the robustness of the final model [12].
Figure 1. The Auto-Sklearn pipeline [12] contains three main building blocks: (a) Data preprocessor,
(b) Feature preprocessor, and (c) Estimator or machine learning algorithms.
A non-technical person will find Auto-Sklearn intuitive and easy to learn. Figure 2 shows the code
for training a classifier for an arbitrary dataset. It essentially contains only four lines of code. The first
line loads the Auto-Sklearn library, assuming that this library is already pre-installed in the computer.
The second line of code creates an instance of the classifier. One can think of this as a placeholder for
the final classifier. The third line of code calls the function .fit to train (also known as fitting) the final
classifier given the training data X_train and the corresponding labels y_train. The last line calls the
function .predict to make the predictions on the test data X_test.
Figure 2. Python code for using Auto-Sklearn to train a classifier for any dataset.
processor (i9-7960X, 16 Cores, 2.80 GHz) and a Titan-V graphic processing unit (NVIDIA GeForce
Titan V, 12 GB HBM2 Memory, NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA, USA). However, we believe that any modern
computers will not have problems with running the AutoML code since Auto-Sklearn is written in
Python which can compile across different hardware platforms and operating systems.
Table 1. Thirteen attributes of the Heart UCI (University of California, Irvine, CA, USA) dataset.
The cardiovascular disease dataset consists of 70,000 records of patients’ data with the target
(Cardio) describing the presence or absence of heart disease using 11 features as described in Table 2 [37].
The input features are of three types: objective (containing factual information), examination (containing
the results of a medical examination) and subjective (containing information given by the patient).
The target variable in this dataset is ‘Cardio’ in Table 2. Of the 70,000 records, 35,021 records are that of
patients with Cardio 0 and 34,979 records are that of patients with Cardio 1.
J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 1050 6 of 13
1. Looking for missing data and performing missing data imputation (both datasets did not have
any missing data).
2. Identifying continuous and categorical features.
3. Identifying ordinal categorical features (where the categories have a natural ordered relationship
between each other) and integer encoding them.
4. Identifying nominal categorical features (where there is no natural ordered relationship between
categories), and one-hot encoding them.
5. Feature scaling, so as to bring all feature values to a similar dynamic range, which allows for
faster convergence of learning algorithms optimized with the gradient descent method.
6. Feature selection, which is the process of choosing relevant features from the given set and
eliminating features that do not contribute much to the prediction of the target variable.
This reduces training time and improves performance. Statistical tests allow ranking features
according to their relation with the target. The F-statistical test (to capture linear relationships
between features and target) and mutual information test (to capture linear and nonlinear
relationships between features and target) are used independently on the datasets to evaluate the
best set of features. In addition, recursive feature elimination, which is a greedy optimization
algorithm that intends to find the best subset of features by repeatedly creating models and
ranking the model’s performance with each subset, is also used. The above-mentioned statistical
techniques are applied to capture complicated and nonlinear relationships of each feature with
the target. Once the best set of features are extracted from training data independently using
the above techniques, models are fitted on the new feature subsets and the corresponding cross
validation performances are evaluated independently and compared so as to make a fool-proof
decision on which feature-selection technique works well with an algorithm.
particular dataset, the student merges the training and the validation sets together and performs
training on the merged set to get the final model. Note that Auto-Sklearn does not need the validation
set since the hyper-parameters are selected automatically by the framework. Therefore, we merge the
training set and validation set together and use that as the training data for Auto-Sklearn. We compare
the graduate student’s results to that of Auto-Sklearn using the test set, which has never been used in
any way during the training step.
The Heart-UCI dataset, with only 303 samples (a sample is a data point or record in the dataset
that is, one trial subject’s information), demands a careful split ratio to ensure that there are enough test
samples to provide a fair representation of the dataset when the model is put to test, while at the same
time having enough data samples to train and validate the model performance. One-hundred samples
are set aside for testing while retaining 203 for training and validation. Cross validation is performed
using the k-fold cross validation technique, wherein the data are split into k groups, trained and fitted
on k-1 groups and validated on one group. This procedure repeats until all k groups are validated
once. The mean performance of the model on the k folds serves as the estimated cross validation
performance. k is chosen to be 5 in order to ensure that each fold is large enough to be representative
of the whole dataset.
The Cardiovascular disease dataset has 70,000 records, of which 14,000 records serve as the test
dataset and the remaining 56,000 records are used for training and cross validation. With most machine
learning models used to train this dataset, k-fold cross validation is used with k = 10, but, in the
case of certain models (specifically Neural networks, Support vector machines and Bagged K-Nearest
Neighbors), k-fold cross validation consumes high execution times (due to large dataset size), and the
hold out cross validation scheme (where a portion of the training data are sampled before training and
serves as the cross validation set) is applied in those cases. Both datasets are randomly sampled to
ensure that each target subgroup receives proper representation within sets.
The graduate student uses ten main machine learning models in Scikit-Learn to build classifiers
for the two datasets. These models include the logistic regression model, the support vector machines
with different kernels, the decision tree and ensemble tree models, and the boosting and bagging
classifiers with appropriate models as base classifiers. Finally, an ensemble classifier that combines the
best performing base classifiers is trained. The datasets are manually trained and tested over a span
of 30 days until satisfactory performance that works well in terms of bias and variance is obtained.
The best model found fit for the Heart UCI dataset after tuning and cross validating over 17 days is
found to be the hyperparameter tuned Linear Support Vector classifier (with features selected using the
Recursive Feature Selection technique), while the best model for the Cardiovascular Disease Dataset
after 15 days of training was found to be the bagged and hyper-parameter tuned decision tree model.
iterations, the model shape and size are fixed, and the maximum number of iterations is tuned to
ensure the convergence of Gradient Descent.
Cardiovascular Disease Dataset: The biggest challenge associated with training this dataset is that
of high training time, limiting the number of models that can be trained. Of all the trained models,
the Support Vector Machine models are seen to consume the most time given their computational
complexity. As a solution, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to the input features to
obtain dimensionality reduction of the input and lower the computational complexity and speed up
the training process.
Given the high computation time, building and evaluating models over large hyper-parameter
ranges are time expensive. For example, hyper-parameter tuning of the Adaboost classifier with
decision trees as the base classifier takes close to a day. Some common practices are resorted to while
selecting hyper-parameters of time expensive models. For example, the value of k is set to be odd and
equal to the square root of the number of samples for K-Nearest Neighbors, and the number of nodes
in the hidden layer of Multi-Layer Perceptron is set to the average of input and output nodes.
Our experiment suggests that the time-saving factor is larger for more complex datasets when using
AutoML instead of manual model search.
Figure 3. Validation accuracy over 18 days by the graduate student on the Heart UCI dataset.
Figure 4. Validation accuracy over 15 days by the graduate student on the Cardiovascular
Disease dataset.
different machine learning models on the Heart UCI dataset. The accuracies obtained by the student
and AutoML are on par with those reported in the recent literature. This further supports the claim
that the AutoML method is able to quickly find competitive classifiers with minimal human effort.
Table 3. Comparison of AutoML and the graduate student’s classification performances and total time
on UCI test set.
Table 4. Comparison of AutoML and graduate student’s classification performances and total time on
the Cardiovascular test set.
Table 5. Accuracies reported by previous studies on the Heart UCI Dataset compared to accuracies of
the graduate student and AutoML.
The Heart UCI dataset contains 76 features, but only 13 most-important features are included
since most studies and published papers utilize them to build machine learning models on. This makes
it possible to compare our results to these published papers, in order to serve as the baseline to check
if the results obtained by the Graduate student and Auto-sklearn are competent enough. However,
the potential downside to reduced feature space is loss of information. The other features (not included
within these 13 attributes) include information on the subject’s response to exercise Electrocardiogram
and cigarette smoking habits among others [38].
4. Conclusions
This study intends to propose the use of AutoML for adoption in the clinical domain by breaking
the perception that machine learning is accessible to trained experts only. For the first time, we evaluate
the performance of an AutoML library (Auto-Sklearn) on two cardiovascular disease datasets and
compare the results to that obtained by a graduate student after a month of effort in training multiple
classifiers on the datasets. These two cardiovascular datasets contain clinical data from trial subjects
and whether or not they have cardiovascular disease, so that, given a new subject’s data, the model
(learned patterns from given data) can predict the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease with a
reasonably good accuracy. The results indicate that the graduate student and AutoML report similar
accuracies on the two datasets, on par with other state-of-the-art studies. The area under curves for
AutoML is significantly higher indicating that the model built by AutoML generalizes better than that
J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 1050 11 of 13
of the graduate student. In addition, the time taken by AutoML to produce these results is just around
30 min per dataset, which is significantly less compared to about 400 h taken by the graduate student.
The number of lines of code for AutoML is also significantly lesser compared to the several hundred
code lines used by the graduate student, hence justifying the ease of use. Thus, our experimental results
strongly suggest that AutoML is a promising approach that enables non-technical users to quickly
build competitive machine learning models that work as well as those designed by humans with
experience in machine learning. This finding is expected to change the way biomedical researchers and
physicians view machine learning. The development of AutoML technology is likely to make machine
learning tools more accessible and speed up the research discovery process in the clinical community.
Although this study focuses on cardiovascular disease datasets, we conjecture that the key findings
related to the efficiency and efficacy of AutoML will hold for other biomedical datasets. In the future,
we will investigate the effects of AutoML on other clinically relevant tasks such as tumor detection and
segmentation from medical images. Another important advantage of AutoML techniques is that they
can incorporate additional constraints when searching for AI models. For example, physicians might
want to maximize the classification accuracy while ensuring that the classifier’s sensitivity is higher
than a certain threshold. Such constraints are hard to optimize in the traditional AI framework.
Our future work will evaluate this complex scenario. We expect that the advantage of AutoML will be
more prominent when the complexity of the task increases.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AI Artificial Intelligence
AutoML Auto Machine Learning
UCI University of California, Irvine
GPU Graphic Processing Unit
TPU Tensor Processing Unit
ROC Reciever Operating Characteristic
PR Precision–Recall
PCA Principal Component Analysis
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