Aama Tir-A8-04
Aama Tir-A8-04
Aama Tir-A8-04
Structural Performance
of Composite Thermal
Barrier Framing Systems
1.0 Foreword...........................................................................1
6.0 Testing............................................................................21
9.0 References.......................................................................62
© 2004
American Architectural Manufacturers Association
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2.1 Definition of Framing with a Structural
Thermal Barrier
An aluminum composite framing member
consisting of an interior and exterior extruded
aluminum section. The two sections are joined FIGURE 2 – TYPICAL POURED AND DEBRIDGED
by a structural thermal barrier material to THERMAL BARRIER COMPOSITE SECTION
improve the thermal performance of the
composite section.
Given the significant innovations and changes in thermal After reviewing all of the technical data, a product that
barrier design, AAMA charged the Thermal Barrier Task meets the general product parameters should be selected
Group to update the current TIR-A8-90. The mission of and then run under typical plant conditions in extrusions
the Task Group was to revise and expand the TIR-A8-90 designed for the particular application. Samples of these
document to include innovations in products and testing. extrusions should then be tested to confirm that the product
This document is the result of that effort. will perform to the expected level.
2.3 Effect on Condensation Resistance Factor (Crf) Regardless of the type of thermal barrier product or
and Thermal Transmittance (U Factor) material chosen, care must be taken in its design and
The thermal barrier serves to isolate the aluminum on the application as the performance properties needed for each
exterior of the framing system from the aluminum on the application can vary significantly. The manufacturer should
interior. A properly designed system will still maintain the be consulted throughout all aspects of this process. This
structural integrity of the framing while not permitting a remains the key to the success of any product chosen.
thermal short circuit between exterior and interior metal.
It is important to note that an excellent material will not
A thermal barrier provides an effective method of limiting perform in a poorly designed thermal barrier cavity, nor
the formation of condensation and frost on the interior will a poor material perform in a properly designed cavity.
frame. Condensation at this point can damage interior trim Both the cavity design and the material must be correct. In
and wall covering or at the very least be a nuisance to the this specification we will discuss two thermal barrier
building owner. The ability of a framing system to resist materials, one being a poured urethane (a mix of two
condensation formation is expressed by the Condensation components, used in a poured-and-debridged system) and
Resistance Factor (CRF). AAMA document 1503, the other being a preformed, engineered profile extruded
“Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and into a thermal barrier shape. There are other materials that
Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed may be used as composite thermal barrier materials but
Wall Systems” provides guidance to the design they will not be discussed here in detail; however the
professional on determining the proper Condensation analytical procedures in this document would still be
Resistance Factor requirements for a project. In general, applicable.
framing systems with thermal barriers have significantly
better condensation resistance than those without. The final thermally separated composite extrusion must
exhibit the following properties:
Like CRF, the coefficient of thermal transmittance (U
1. Resistance to deflection must be adequate to meet the
Factor) for the glazed framing system will also improve
requirements of the intended application at the anticipated
when thermally broken sections are utilized. The thermal
loads and ambient conditions.
barrier effectively reduces the amount of heat transfer from
one side of the extrusion to the other. The effect of thermal 2. Resistance to torsion must be greater than the expected
sections on the U Factor of the composite glazed product forces caused by the loads on the frame.
will depend upon the ratio of the metal area to the glass
area. 3. Resistance to shear must be greater than the expected
forces caused by the differences in inside and outside
temperatures, weight of the glazing material and structural
composite action of the assembly.
3. All interior corners of the cavity should be radiused 0.8 mm (1/32 7. In situations where sections are dependent on
in) minimum as shown in Figure 8. adhesion for shear strength, maximize the surface
area within the cavity.
These radii help eliminate voids and pin holes in the fluid during the
viscous flow pouring process. Greater surface area will result in lower shear
stresses being developed at the bond line during
flexure. Surface treatment is addressed in Section
8. Prevent disengagement of the thermal barrier
material under tensile and torsional loads by
providing a positive mechanical interlock in the
cavity profile.
5. Keep the thermal barrier cavity profile symmetric whenever 11. Cavities smaller than those shown in Figure 9
practical. This avoids eccentric loading in tension and torsion. are outside of normal industry practice, therefore
use of such a cavity should be justified by a
complete set of physical and thermal tests of the
composite section to demonstrate that the section
meets or exceeds the minimum strength and
thermal performance requirements.
mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm2 (in2) ml/m (in3/ft)
AA 5.18 (0.204) 6.86 (0.270) 2.79 (0.110) 1.02 (0.040) 10.77 (0.424) 4.83 (0.190) 70.96 (0.110) 71 (1.320)
BB 6.35 (0.250) 7.14 (0.281) 4.06 (0.160) 1.14 (0.045) 14.48 (0.570) 4.85 (0.191) 100.65 (0.156) 101 (1.872)
CC 6.35 (0.250) 7.92 (0.312) 4.78 (0.188) 1.27 (0.050) 15.90 (0.626) 5.38 (0.212) 123.23 (0.191) 123 (2.292)
DD 7.92 (0.312) 8.89 (0.350) 5.49 (0.216) 1.57 (0.062) 18.90 (0.744) 5.74 (0.226) 165.81 (0.257) 166 (3.084)
EE 9.53 (0.375) 9.53 (0.375) 5.74 (0.226) 1.57 (0.062) 21.01 (0.827) 6.38 (0.251) 199.35 (0.309) 199 (3.708)
Suggested dimensions and proportions are representative of those which have provided successful performance in most applications.
After the rolling of the aluminum extrusion, the profile is due to a lower temperature at the channel wall created by
ready for use. Random testing of the assembly is the heat sink effect of the aluminum. The rate of cure, or
recommended to ensure the quality and consistency of the speed of solidification, is temperature dependent. The
insertion process. hotter the temperature is, the faster the cure. As a result,
the material near the channel remains more fluid than the
The design guidelines given above are not meant to be all- core material and permits wet shrinkage to occur.
inclusive. Commonly accepted engineering practice should Advances in urethane resin formulations have reduced the
be followed in the design of any component of a framing potential for wet shrinkage.
system. However, following these design guidelines
should avoid most problems, when used in conjunction When dry shrinkage occurs, it is a result of poor adhesion
with guidelines for application and material quality of the thermal barrier to the substrate with which it is in
presented elsewhere in this report. contact. Dry shrinkage is an end-to-end exposure of cavity
walls after curing and thermal cycling. Typically, the cut
4.1.3 Shrinkage end of the thermal barrier, which is initially flush with the
Some thermal barrier systems can experience two kinds of end of the extrusion cavity, pulls back or retracts evenly
shrinkage, wet and dry. Wet shrinkage is the end-to-end leaving a gap at the end. No thermal barrier material is
shrinkage of freshly poured material as it gels, sets up and apparent on the exposed cavity walls, hence the term ‘dry
cools within the extrusion. Dry shrinkage is the end-to-end shrinkage’. Since dry shrinkage occurs after the extrusion
contraction of the thermal barrier after the composite is cut and fabricated into window and door units, gaps
section has been cut to size. Dry shrinkage may occur after could open up at the corners causing water and air leakage.
the composite has experienced repeated thermal cycling.
Dry shrinkage will typically occur after repeated exposure Poured and Debridged Shrinkage to environmental cycling. The large difference in
There are a number of factors that are known to contribute coefficients of thermal expansion, between the aluminum
to wet shrinkage. These factors are gel time, peak and the thermal barrier, is one factor that creates stresses
exotherm temperature reached by the resin in the cavity, that can initiate dry shrinkage. Aluminum has a coefficient
cavity size, extrusion mass, and the temperatures of the of thermal expansion of 2.3 x 10-5 mm/mm • °C (1.3 x 10-5
resin and the aluminum at the time of pouring. These in/in • °F) while typical thermal barrier resins are of 9.0 to
factors are also dependent on the specific resin 12.6 x 10-5 mm/mm • °C (5 to 7 x 10-5 in/in • °F) or four to
formulation used. Physically, what happens is the five times more than aluminum. As a result, the thermal
material in the center of the pour solidifies faster than the barrier attempts to change dimensions more than the
material near the walls of the aluminum cavity. This is aluminum with the same temperature changes. At elevated
*Mill finish, fluoropolymer paint finishes and nickel 4.3.1 Material Processing
acetate sealing additives within the cavity have been General processing parameters for polyurethane thermal barrier
shown to adversely affect adhesion under some systems are contained in the following sections. Applicators
conditions and hence should be carefully evaluated. should follow the AAMA QAG-1 document for processing and
record maintenance and all of the suppliers quality control
Some designs employ a mechanical interlock and/or guidelines.
chemical surface preparations to limit differential
longitudinal movement between polyurethane and
aluminum. In all cases where adhesion is required for
proper performance, it is strongly recommended that
the finishing process be done before filling and
debridging. On occasion poured and debridged
extrusions require refinishing. Finishing processes
may involve temperatures and/or chemicals which can
adversely affect system performance. The supplier of
the thermal barrier material should be consulted when
analyzing the adhesive properties of the thermal barrier
material with the various surface finishes listed above.
After the thermal barrier is installed some finishes can FIGURE 13 – TAPED EXTRUSIONS BEFORE POURING
be applied to the aluminum without affecting the shear (When required)
strength of the system. Powder coating and anodizing
should not hurt the mechanical lock between the
thermal barrier and the aluminum. However, before
4.3.3 Pouring
General pouring procedures to be followed by the manufacturer:
2. Nozzle settings and pour speeds should be such that little or no air
will be entrapped in the liquid fill material.
3. Cure time is affected by curing conditions, such as metal Handling During Storage
temperatures, plant conditions; and should be in accordance This section can be used by both extruders and fabricators.
with the supplier's recommendations. Though the reasons for storage may vary, it is important to
ensure quality parts are available when needed, thus the
4. The hardness of the thermal barrier material in the cavity following guidelines should be observed:
should not be less than a durometer reading of 60 Shore D
recommended by the supplier. It is important to maintain Care must be taken when extrusions are going to be stored
dimensional stability during and after debridging. Stability in inventory. Extrusions need to be protected from damage
is affected by the plastic flow characteristics of the fill to the finish and distortion. Extrusions should be stored in
material. Extrusion "kick back" at the saw is another very symmetrical, banded bundles. Care must be exercised to
real danger of debridging material that is too soft. ensure proper band tensioning and extrusions should be
interleaved with paper. It should also be noted that putting
NOTE: Hardness must be measured on a smooth cut excessive weight on these bundles can cause distortion and
surface. other damage.
1. The thermal barrier material needs time to develop its 4.4.1 Fabrication
proper physical properties. This time period may vary Generally, the fabrication operations which are performed
depending on specific formulations. on thermal barrier sections are the same as those which are
performed on conventional, non-thermally improved
2. After this period, the filled and debridged extrusions sections. These processes consist of punching, drilling,
should be handled per the suppliers recommendations. milling, sawing, shearing, curving, and straightening. The
designer must consider each section with the appropriate
operations in mind during initial product design. Whenever
possible, these operations should be done in areas of the
4. Make provisions to prevent saw kick-back when cutting Care must be exercised when anchoring the framing to the
thermal barrier material along the length of the cavity as in surrounding structure. Because of possibly high impact
end notching. loading, power actuated fastener guns should not be used to
anchor thermal barrier extrusions especially in the cavity
5. Adjust the speed of operation, particularly punching, area. Proper shimming of anchors will prevent excessive
speed should be adjusted so as to minimize impact loading distortion of the framing as well as reduce the bending
stresses. stresses in the fastener. Whenever possible fasteners,
particularly perimeter anchors, should be located no closer
With the cautions listed above fabrication of thermal barrier than 75 mm (3 in) to the cut ends of the framing.
extrusions is not appreciably different than the fabrication
of non-thermally improved sections if the designer takes The use of excessive amounts of some solvents or
into account the properties of the thermal barrier materials cleansing agents to clean the thermal barrier sections prior
as well as the properties of the aluminum extrusions. In to or during glazing may cause deterioration of the
most cases common sense design and a knowledge of material. The installation contractor should check with the
fabrication tooling and operations are sufficient. The only manufacturer of the framing for recommendations for
real exception to this statement is in the curving or bending cleaning thermal barrier sections. The compatibility of
of thermally improved extrusions. sealants with thermal barrier compounds is another matter
which should be checked prior to application with either
Because of the unique distribution of stresses and the the framing manufacturer or the sealant supplier. As in the
possibility of excessive distortion, curving of thermally case of fabrication of thermal barrier framing, the use of
improved shapes should be approached with caution by the common sense and strict adherence to the guidelines
designer. Stress concentrations and distributions can vary furnished by the framing manufacturer will eliminate most
widely between a straight section and the same section installation problems before they can occur.
which has been curved. Factors such as the radius and
degree of curvature, the location of the thermal barrier 4.5 Manufacturing of Mechanically Locking Preformed
cavity, the specific formulation of the thermal barrier the Thermal Barriers
direction of curvature, the design function of the curved When inserting mechanically locking preformed thermal
piece and the allowable distortion after fabrication will barriers into aluminum extrusions, one should follow the
cause widely varying results. Often the easiest way to recommendations on the insertion equipment manufacturer
determine the effect of the combination of these factors is as well as the supplier of the thermal barrier. The
simply to have a test piece curved and then carefully manufacturing of mechanically locked preformed thermal
examined for evidence of excessive distortion or structural barriers can be separated into the following subjects:
failure. Occasionally design of a new section or pouring
after curving may be required for curved applications. 1. Knurling
2. Assembly
4.4.2 Job Site Storage/Handling 3. Crimping
Many problems that can occur with thermal barrier sections
at the job site can be eliminated by proper storage and The following sections will summarize generally
handling during installation. Whether stock length material acceptable procedures currently in use.
or fabricated and partially assembled framing, the sections
must not be abused. In no instance should the material be
4.5.1 Knurling
1. Knurling – the notching of the aluminum cavity creating tiny points on the inside walls of the aluminum cavity.
(See Figure 15)
2. The knurling should be even on both sides of the aluminum cavity holding the thermal barrier in place.
3. The knurl should be as deep as possible, but not too deep resulting in a condition where the thermal barrier profiles cannot
be inserted into the aluminum cavities.
4. The knurling machine should be set up to follow all instructions as stated by the manufacturer of the insertion equipment.
4.5.2 Assembly
The insulating struts are inserted into their cavities in both sections of the aluminum extrusions.
The result is one composite assembly consisting of the two separate aluminum extrusions and the thermal barrier profiles.
Assembly of the aluminum composite (2 aluminum extrusions and thermal barrier) can be done by two methods:
1. By hand
If inserting by hand, one needs to simply slide the thermal barrier profiles into their respective cavities in the aluminum
extrusions. As soon as the thermal barrier profiles are inserted the entire length of the aluminum extrusions, the aluminum
composite is ready for the crimping process.
2. Assembly Machine
While operating the Assembly Machine all the standard operating procedures from the equipment manufacturer should be
The equipment manufacturer will specify the configuration of the aluminum composite exiting the assembly process for transfer
to the crimping process.
3. Provide sufficient provision in the tooling design for chip Care must be exercised when anchoring the framing to the
and slug removal. Thermal barrier materials can quickly surrounding structure. Because of possibly high impact
plug fabrication tooling if allowances are not made for loading, power actuated fastener guns should not be used to
waste material removal. anchor thermal barrier extrusions especially in the cavity
area. Proper shimming of anchors will prevent excessive
4. Adjust the speed of operation, particularly punching, distortion of the framing as well as reduce the bending
speed should be adjusted so as to minimize impact loading stresses in the fastener. Whenever possible fasteners,
stresses. particularly perimeter anchors, should be located no closer
than 75 mm (3 in) to the cut ends of the framing.
With the cautions listed above fabrication of thermal barrier
extrusions is not appreciably different than the fabrication The use of excessive amounts of some solvents or
of non-thermally improved sections if the designer takes cleansing agents to clean the thermal barrier sections prior
into account the properties of the thermal barrier materials to or during glazing may cause deterioration of the
as well as the properties of the aluminum extrusions. In material. The installation contractor should check with the
most cases common sense design and a knowledge of manufacturer of the framing for recommendations for
fabrication tooling and operations are sufficient. The only cleaning thermal barrier sections. The compatibility of
real exception to this statement is in the curving or bending sealants with thermal barrier compounds is another matter
of thermally improved extrusions. which should be checked prior to application with either
the framing manufacturer or the sealant supplier. As in the
Because of the unique distribution of stresses and the case of fabrication of thermal barrier framing, the use of
possibility of excessive distortion, curving of thermally common sense and strict adherence to the guidelines
improved shapes should be approached with caution by the furnished by the framing manufacturer will eliminate most
designer. Stress concentrations and distributions can vary installation problems before they can occur.
widely between a straight section and the same section
which has been curved. Factors such as the radius and
degree of curvature, the location of the thermal barrier, the
direction of curvature, the design function of the curved
piece and the allowable distortion after fabrication will
cause widely varying results. Often the easiest way to
determine the effect of the combination of these factors is
simply to have a test piece curved and then carefully
examined for evidence of excessive distortion or structural
failure. Occasionally design of a new section may be
In general, temperatures encountered in normal fenestration 5.2 Effect of Thermal Barrier Materials on the
service applications, will not subject thermal barriers to Environment
structural degradation. These extremes include both high Thermal barrier materials can impact on the environment
and low temperature limits of the thermal barrier products. in several ways, both in the manufacturing process and
disposal. MSDS and Product Data sheets for the products
5.1.4 Thermal Cycling processed should be consulted and followed. Federal,
Alternate high and low temperatures may result in a State and local laws should be reviewed to determine
reduction of adhesion or degradation, at interfaces between proper processing and disposal for the thermal barrier
the poured and debridged type of thermal barrier, and the products being produced and handled.
aluminum and the finish coats. This is a result of the
difference in expansion and contraction rates between the
aluminum and the thermal barrier. The coefficients of
linear thermal expansion will help to determine whether or
not thermal cycling may case a loss in shear strength
6.1 Thermal Barrier Material Properties 1. Density, to the nearest 1.6 kg/m3 (0.10 lbf/ft3). The procedures used to prepare the test sample 6.1.9 Compression Strength
relating to component ratios, temperature, mixing direction, Determine the compression strength in accordance with
mold temperature, and curing conditions shall conform to ASTM D695. Cut the specimen from the 12 mm (1/2 in)
the supplier's recommendations. sample, retaining the molded surfaces. The test sample for reference purposes shall be 6.1.10 Impact Strength
allowed to age a minimum of 7 days before testing at 24°C Determine the notched Izod impact properties in
±6°C (75°F ±10°F). accordance with ASTM D256 on the 12 mm (1/2 in)
sample with the mold surface in accordance with either
6.1.5 Density method A or B.
The thermal barrier temperatures (average of hottest inside The outside thermal range (hottest summer outside surface
and hottest outside surface temperatures) would be: temperature to coldest winter outside surface temperature)
would be:
TBTS = (46°C + 65°C)/2 = (116°C)/2 = 55.5°C (131.5°F)
in summer. OSR = 81°C – (-9°C) = 90°C (163°F)
TBTW = [12°C + (-16°C)]/2 = (-4°C)/2 = -2°C (29°F) in Since the designer has decided to use an altered outside
winter. summer surface temperature for this project, his
specification would produce an outside surface
The temperature range for the thermal barrier material temperature range of:
would be:
OSRP = 88°C – (-9°C) = 97°C (174°F)
TBR = 55.5°C to -2°C or a range of 57.5°C (102.5°F)
The thermal barrier temperatures (average of hottest inside Example #3: and hottest outside surface temperatures) would be:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona TBTS = (62°C + 81°C)/2 = (143°C)/2 = 71.5°C (162°F) in
Ambient outside air temperature (OAA): -9°C (16°F) in the summer.
winter, 48°C (119°F) in the summer.
Since the designer has decided to use an altered outside
Building is glazed on all four sides and oriented with one summer surface temperature for this project, his
axis north to south and the other axis east to west. The specification would produce a thermal barrier temperature
framing will be black anodized (Condition 8) with clear of:
monolithic glass (Condition 4). Tempered air inside the
building will be maintained at approximately 24°C (75°F) TBTSP = (62°C + 88°C)/2 = (150°C)/2 = 75°C (167.5°F) in
in the winter and 18°C (65°F) in the summer (IAA). summer.
TBTW = [18°C + (-9°C)]/2 = (9°C)/2 = 4.5°C (40.5°F) in
NOTE: Because the southern exposure is next to a highly winter.
reflective surface (the swimming pool), the designer may
wish to increase the outside summer surface temperature. The temperature range for the thermal barrier material
The winter outside surface temperature would be would be:
unaffected because at -9°C (16°F) the pool would either be
drained or covered. A summer outside surface temperature TBR = 71.5°C to 4.5°C or a range of 67°C (121.5°F).
of 88°C (190°F) will be used for this example.
Since the designer has decided to use an altered outside
From Table 1, the inside surface temperatures (Condition summer surface temperature for this project, his
4) would be: specification would produce a thermal barrier temperature
range of:
ISTS = IAA + (39°C) to IAA + (44°C) = (18°C + 39°C) to
(18°C + 44°C) = 57°C to 62°C (135°F to 145°F) in TBR = 75°C to 4.5°C or a range of 70.5°C (127°F).
The examples above indicate how the factors mentioned
ISTW = IAA – (11°C) to IAA – (6°C) = (24°C - 11°C) to earlier can affect the required performance of the thermally
(24°C - 6°C) = 13°C to 18°C (55°F to 65°F) in winter. broken framing system. It is up to the person writing the
thermal specifications for the installation to clearly outline
From Table 1, the outside surface temperatures (Condition the applicable factors and intelligently interpret the manner
8) would be: in which these factors impact thermal specifications. Only
OSTS = OAA + (28°C) to OAA + (33°C) = (48°C + 28°C) in this manner can poorly written, incomplete or unrealistic
to (48°C + 33°C) = 76°C to 81°C (169°F to 179°F) in thermal specifications be avoided.
summer. (The designer has chosen to use an outside surface
temperature of 88°C (190°F) for this project.
OSTW = Equal to OAA = -9°C (16°F) in winter.
Page 29
7.2 Flexural Test encountered under actual field conditions will normally
result in the smallest moment of inertia of the composite.
7.2.1 Scope For this reason, the effective moment of inertia derived in
the lab shall be calculated from test results that closely This test method shall be used to determine the simulate the maximum anticipated field temperatures of the
effective moment of inertia (effective second area moment) thermal barrier material. While temperatures on the
of aluminum/elastomeric composites, and complex exterior surfaces of aluminum building products can reach
sections, in lieu of calculations. This test method shall also 82°C (180°F) for dark colors, maximum wind loads will
be used to determine “effective” shear modulus as defined not occur when these high temperatures are experienced
in Section because air movement will cool the aluminum to near
ambient levels. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the In general, the theoretical moment of inertia (I) of a maximum wind loads will not occur when the exterior
composite (assuming the aluminum sections are "fixed" in surface of the thermal barrier sections is over 49°C
relation to each other; i.e., no shear deformation is (120°F).
included) will be greater than the effective moment of
inertia (Iet) determined by this procedure. This test is If this method is used to find the effective shear modulus
designed as a useful method of determining apparent (Gc) of the thermal barrier, or to compare the test value of
effective moment of inertia. effective moment of inertia (Iet) to a theoretical value with
shear effects (Ie or I'e; Section 7.5), then measurements of This test procedure may be used either to evaluate actual widths, thicknesses and depth of the composite are
the performance of a specific thermal barrier material or to needed. The actual measurements would be used to
evaluate the performance of a particular thermal barrier determine input for the procedure in Section 7.5.
material and extruded aluminum shape as a composite, or a
combination of the above. An aluminum composite section The test method subjects the composite specimen to
is defined as: a small deflection from a concentrated load at the center of
the span. The specimen is loaded as a simply supported
COMPOSITE SECTION - Any combination of beam. Care must be taken to avoid eccentric loading that
aluminum and one or more non-metallic materials such as could result in rotation. It is assumed for the purposes of
elastomers, polyurethane, plastics, vinyl, etc. which are this test method that stresses will remain within the elastic
used as a thermal barrier joining the aluminum sections. range of the materials, the restraints provided at the
The components of this structure act together in such a supports simulate a simply supported end condition and the
manner that their joint structural performance is greater modulus of elasticity of the composite section remains
than the performance of the sum of the individual approximately equal to that of aluminum 68.9 x 106 kPa
components acting separately. (10 x 106 psi). This test procedure is subject to several limitations: By accurately measuring the concentrated load
applied and the resulting center deflection, the effective
1. The effective moment of inertia is only valid within the moment of inertia for the composite section can be
elastic range of the composite section. The effective determined by using the standard deflection formula for a
moment of inertia is, in general, exactly correct only for the simply supported beam with a concentrated load at the
span and type of loading used in the test. It is approximate center. Solving for the effective moment of inertia:
for other loading types (e.g., distributed vs. concentrated)
and span values. Under certain physical circumstances the PL3
thermal barrier material may reach its yield or even Iet =
ultimate strength before the aluminum. Factors such as
temperature, cavity location and thermal barrier material
selected will all affect the results of the procedure. The
Iet is the effective moment of inertia for the composite
section being tested may behave in the field consistent with
section, based on testing.
a smaller moment of inertia than the effective value
P is the applied concentrated load at midspan.
calculated in the lab. Care must be exercised that the test
L is the length of the span between reaction points.
results are derived from testing done under conditions as
close to field conditions as possible. If in doubt, consult ∆ is the deflection of the center of the span due to the
qualified engineering personnel. applied load.
E is the modulus of elasticity for aluminum.
2. The structural performance of many thermal barrier
materials is very temperature dependent. Specifically, the
modulus of elasticity decreases with increasing
temperatures (the material becomes softer). Therefore the
highest temperature of the thermal barrier material
2. Temperature readings shall be taken as outlined above. 3. Ambient conditions during testing shall be maintained at
The load shall not be applied until three consecutive 24°C ±3°C (75°F ±10°F) with minimal air flow across the
temperature readings from the thermal barrier specimen.
thermocouple agree within ±1°C (±2°F) of the desired
temperature setting. The period of temperature 7.2.4 Report
stabilization shall not be less than 5 minutes nor shall the
time between consecutive readings be less than 1 minute. A report of test results should generally be in
Failure to allow the test specimen to stabilize at the accordance with ASTM Standard Practice E575.
equilibrium temperature as measured by the thermal barrier
thermocouple will result in non-reproducible results. As a minimum, the information included in
attachment A shall be included in the report format.
(Reference Section 8.2).
7.3.3 Test Conditions centered and done in such a manner as not to cut into or
Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be conducted at 24°C otherwise notch the thermal barrier material while
±3°C (75°F ±5°F). Sections 6.5 and 6.6 provide guidance completely removing the metal bridge. Unless otherwise
to the design professional in determining the appropriate specified, the composite assemblies shall be allowed to
conditions for his/her project requirements. cure a minimum of seven days according to the supplier's
recommendations. For crimped in place thermal barrier
7.3.4 Test Specimens systems, care should be taken to properly knurl and crimp
Ten specimens each 100 mm ±1.0 mm (4.00 in ±0.04 in) in the preformed thermal barrier in place.
length shall be cut with smooth, square cut edges from
extrusions whose dimensions, shape and composition 7.3.6 Apparatus
represent the desired test extrusion. A universal testing machine capable of exerting a force of
up to 2250 N (10,000 lbs) at a crosshead speed of 5.0
7.3.5 Preparation of Specimens mm/min (0.2 in/min) shall be used.
The thermal barrier material to be tested in the extrusion
shall be poured and debridged or inserted and crimped in For gripping the shear test specimens a test fixture designed
accordance with the supplier's recommendations. For for offset loading shall be required. The test fixture shall
polyurethane thermal barrier systems, special care shall be prevent rotation of the specimen under load and shall
taken to ensure that the polyurethane is mixed at the correct provide clearance for downward travel of the loaded side.
ratio, to complete uniformity and fully fills the cavity of the A bearing plate shall be placed on top of the unsupported
extrusion. In addition, debridging shall be properly side of the test specimen.
Layer 1
L t
Layer 2
Free to Slip Typical Cross Section A-A
Case (a)
Layer 1
L t
Layer 2
No Slip at Interface Typical Cross Section A-A
Case (b)
c 11
Axis 1
g D
b h
Axis 2
c 22
2 a , I
2 o2
a=kL a
Uniform Trapezoidal
a1a 2 D 2
Ic = for the case where both faces are same material (same E). (1)
a1 + a 2
Io = Io1 + Io2 which is the lower bound on stiffness I′e, assuming no composite action (i.e. slip is free (2)
to occur all along the core/aluminum interfaces).
I = Ic + Io which is the upper bound for values of I'e. This value would only be realized exactly, for (3)
I′e, if no shear deformation occurred in the core or faces.
Ic/I Ratio which indicates how much of the flexural stiffness is due to area and separation of (4)
faces, rather than to the individual I values (Io1 and Io2) of faces.
I b D2 Gc (5)
Gp = Parameter which includes geometric and core material properties.
Ic Dc
Gp (6)
c= for same E for both faces. [Note that most prior documents use Cy in lieu of c.]
E Io
The governing differential equation relating the deflected shape (y) to the beam’s bending moment (M) and shear (V) is:
−cM V′ (7)
y′ ′ ′ ′ − cy′ ′ = +
In this equation, the prime (') denotes differentiation with respect to x. See equation 24 in reference [2]. This fourth order
equation requires the determination of four independent constants of integration that depend on the type of loading and
boundary conditions. Related constants have been determined for a simply supported beam (without overhangs) for four
types of symmetrical loading: midspan concentrated load, uniform, triangular and trapezoidal. (See Figure 27) The
constants are combined with other terms in the final equation for the deflected shape.
F2 (8)
y = D5x5 + D4x4 + D3x3 + D2x2 + D1x + D0 + F1ep +
5 F2
y = Σ D n x n + F1e p +
n =o ep
This equation reaches a maximum at x = L/2. Note that p = x c . The expressions for the constants D0 to D5 are given in
Tables 3and 4for each of the four load types. The constants D0 to D5 for trapezoidal load apply to the region a ≤ x ≤ L – a.
For trapezoidal load in the linearly increasing load region (0 ≤ x ≤ a), the equation for deflection y is:
5 (8.b)
y = Σ E n x n + G1e p + G 2 / e p
n =0
( 3 2
w o Ic w o Ic ( L − a ) w o −a + 2La − L
− +
caG p I 2G p I 24EI
E2 0
w o Ic w o ( L − a )
E3 +
6aG p I 12EI
E4 0
−w o
TABLE 4 – Constants D0 → D5
Complementary Constants*
Load Type
F1 F2
Concentrated -F1
2G p I c ( e r + e − r )
− w o Ic e − r
Uniform F1e2r
cG p I ( e r + e− r )
−2w o Ic
Triangular -F1
c G p LI ( e r + e− r )
− w o Ic ( eq − e − q ) e − r
Trapezoidal ** (a ≤ x ≤ L – a) F1e2r
2c1.5G p aI ( e r + e − r )
G1 G2
Trapezoidal ** (0 ≤ x ≤ a) w o Ic e
F1 − -G1
2c1.5 G p aI
*r=L c/2
** q = a c
The expressions for F1 and F2 in Table 5 have been found to be suitable for computation with the precision normally
available on personal computers, and for the application considered in this publication.
Equations (9 to 12) for effective moment of “inertia” (second area moment), without effects of shear deformation in the faces
follow. Note that y = maximum deflection.
PL3 (9)
Concentrated Load: Ie =
wL4 ( wL ) L3 (10)
Uniform Load: Ie = =
76.8Ey 76.8Ey
4 (11)
Triangular Load: Ie = w o L
Note that since y is a function of many variables, so is Ie. In particular, Ie is a function of L (span), Gc (core shear modulus)
and type of load (e.g., concentrated, uniform, triangular or trapezoidal).
Assume maximum deflection d (due to the four load types considered) of “solid aluminum” beams can be represented by:
P* L3 ⎛ 1 ⎞ P* L ⎛ F ⎞ (13)
d= ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟
B ⎝ EI e ⎠ S ⎝ AG ⎠
Here the first term accounts for bending and the second term is for shear effects on the web(s). See Table 6 for values of B, S and
P* for the four load types.
Load Type B S P*
Concentrated 48 4 P = applied load
Uniform 76.8 8 w L = W = total
Triangular 120 12 wo L
1920 24
Trapezoidal (k = a/L) 2 2 wo L
( 5 − 4k ) 3 − 4k 2
Note that uniform and triangular loads are limiting cases of trapezoidal load (k = 0 and k = 0.5, respectively).
G is the aluminum shear modulus = 0.375 E, and A is the sum of the areas of the “web” elements. Let I'e include shear
deformation effects on the aluminum web(s), so that:
d= (14)
If F (form factor) is assumed equal to 1, which is approximately correct for “I” beams and appropriate values of B and S are used
for each type of loading, then the following expressions result for an all aluminum beam:
Ie (15)
Concentrated: I′e =
1 + ⎡⎣32 ( Ie ) / ( L2 A ) ⎤⎦
Ie L2 A Ie
I′e = = (16)
L A + 25.6Ie 1 + ⎡ 25.6 ( Ie ) / ( L2 A ) ⎤
⎣ ⎦
Triangular: Ie
I′e = (17)
1 + ⎣( 26 3 ) ( Ie ) / ( L2 A )⎤⎦
⎡ 2
Trapezoidal: Ie
I′e =
⎡ ⎛ 4k 2 ⎞ ⎤
⎢ 25.6 ( I )
e ⎜1 − ⎟ ⎥
⎢1 + ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎥ (18)
⎢ (1 − 1.6k 2 + 0.64k 4 ) L2 A ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
Note that for very large values of L, the value of I'e is essentially Ie. In the case of small span/depth ratios (e.g., less than 10 to 1),
even this refinement of the basic approach will not account for all aspects of the structural behavior. In these cases equation (15)
has been found to predict too large a value of I'e compared to test. If attempts are being made to optimally design a short span
with a ratio less than 10 to 1, a test should be conducted.
Refer to Table 7 for the expression for maximum moment for the appropriate load type. If the stress at a location other than
midspan is desired, use the more general expression in the next column.
Note that p = x c
In equation (21) for y′ ′ , substitute x = L/2 and the expressions for D5 to D2, and F1 and F2, for the particular load case. Next
substitute the resulting value for y' ' in equations (19) and (20) for f11 and f22, to obtain maximum compressive and tensile stresses.
Note that no web crippling criteria have been developed for regions subject to concentrated load.
Similar to the approach used for stiffness, an “effective section modulus” (Se) may be calculated for each face for a given load
type, span and core shear modulus, for a particular section. One value (Se1) will be for face 1 and another (Se2) for face 2.
See Table 8 for the expression for maximum shear, which occurs at the ends (x = 0 and x = L), for the desired load type. Shear at
other locations is given in the next column.
As before, p = x c . Maximum V for all four load types considered occurs at x = 0, and at x = L. Thus, at x = 0, for all
load types except trapezoidal:
y' ' ' = 6D3 + c1.5(F1 – F2) (25.a)
For trapezoidal load (for 0 ≤ x ≤ a):
y' ' ' = 60 E5 x2 + 6 E3 + c1.5 [G1ep – G2 / ep] (26)
For trapezoidal load at x = 0:
y′ ′ ′ = 6E3 + c1.5 [G1 – G2] (26.a)
The fraction of total shear carried by the core is:
R= c
V (27)
This dimensionless ratio R is independent of load magnitude, but is a function of load type, span and core
shear modulus, for a given beam section.
The shear flow (force per unit length) is approximated by:
qc = Vc = RV (28)
where D is the distance between centroidal axes of the two faces. This shear flow value may be compared to an allowable value
derived from longitudinal shear tests (see Section 7.3) for the given cavity, elastomer, and method (adhesion and/or mechanical
indentations) of resisting slip longitudinally.
Concentrated Uniform
Shear Modulus P = 100 lbs W = 100 lbs = wL
Span L (in)
Gc (ksi) R = Vc/V Vc/D = qc R = Vc/V Vc/D = qc
Vc (lbs) Vc (lbs)
* (lbs/in) (lbs/in)
48 20 0.439 21.9 11.5 0.320 16.0 8.4
80 0.506 25.3 13.3 0.414 20.7 10.9
*Note that VQ/I = 13.43 lbs/in, per equation (28.a), for P = 100 lbs.
I = I + I = 1.3082 in4
2 o c
Core 80
9 Modulus
Gc (ksi) 20
I = I + I = 0.6393 in4
o o1 o2
test shape
4 (modified)
Roomtemperature elastomer
40.5 °C(105 °F) average elastomer temperature
2 {71.1 °C (160 °F) maximumand 26.7 °C(80 °F) minimum
2' 4' 6' 8'
0 20 40 60 80 100
SPAN (inches)
TIR-A8-04 includes a software program for the structural design method set forth in Section 7.5 for composite
aluminum/elastomer beams. This makes the method practical for quick, simple and suitably accurate evaluation of composite
properties for many shapes and sizes of extrusions.
CAVITY - The hollow, channel or void provided in the DENSITY - The mass per unit volume of a material, i.e.,
extruded framing member into which the thermal barrier the mass of the thermal barrier material divided by the
material is inserted. volume of that material.
ISOCYANATE COMPONENT - One of the two POUR SPEED - The speed at which the material flows
components of a poured and debridged thermal barrier from the nozzle into the cavity and the part being filled
system. Normally in this application, it is a polymeric moves under the nozzle.
isocyanate or a blend of materials whose major component
is an isocyanate. POURED AND DEBRIDGED - Framing system thermal
barrier made by flowing a catalyzed liquid material with
KNURLING – The notching of the aluminum cavity low thermal conductivity into a one-piece channel and then
before the thermal barrier is inserted which holds the removing the base of the channel or bridge after
mechanical locking thermal barriers. solidification to form a thermally improved extrusion.
Extrusion Identification #:
Extrusion Description:
Sketch showing specimen orientation with respect to the point of load application and thermal barrier cavity location.
I certify that this test was conducted in accordance with AAMA Test Method For Flexural Loading of Composite Sections:
Extrusion Identification #:
Extrusion Description:
Sketch showing specimen orientation with respect to the point of load application and thermal barrier cavity location.
I certify that this test was conducted in accordance with AAMA Test Method For Tensile, Shear and Eccentric Loading of
Composite Sections:
3.2 mm
3.2 mm (0.125 in) COMBINATION SHEAR
(0.125 in) 28.6 mm TYP.
57.2 mm
(2.25 in)
22.2 mm
(0.875 in)
34.9 mm
(1.375 in)
168.3 mm
(6.625 in)
114.3 mm
(4.500 in)
54.0 mm
(2.125 in)
82.6 mm
DRILL & TAP 9.5 mm
(3.250 in)
(0.375 in) DIA. (8) 69.9 mm
15.9 mm (0.625 in) DIA. (2.750 in)
63.5 mm
9.5 mm (0.375 in) DEEP
(2.500 in)
C'SINK (8)
25.4 mm
(1.000 in)
66.7 mm 12.7 mm
(2.625 in) (0.500 in) 82.6 mm
101.6 mm (3.250 in)
(4.000 in) 57.2 mm
114.3 mm (2.250 in)
(4.500 in)
54.0 mm 25.4 mm
(2.125 in) (1.000 in)
215.9 mm
(8.500 in)
190.5 mm
(7.500 in) A A
31.7 x 60.3 x 12.7 mm
(1 1 / 4" x 2 3 / 8" x 1 / 2" in)
19.1 mm
(0.750 in)
44.5 mm
38.1 mm
(1.750 in)
(1.500 in) 25.4 mm
(1.000 in)
9.5 mm
60.3 mm
(2.375 in)
(3.160 in)
6.4 mm (0.250 in)
29.5 mm
(1.160 in)
ASTM C236-89 (1993) e1, Standard Test Method for ASTM E575-99, Standard Practice for Reporting Data
Steady-State Thermal Performance of Building from Structural Tests of Building Constructions,
Assemblies by Means of a Guarded Hot Box Elements, Connections, and Assemblies
1. J.A. Hartsock, (1969), “Design of Foam-Filled Structures,” Technomic Publishing Co., Stamford,
2. J.A. Hartsock and K.P. Chong, (1976), “Analysis of Sandwich Panels with Formed Faces,”
Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Volume 102, ST4, April; Article 12058; pp. 803-819.
4. K. Wolf and D.R. Sherman, (1991), “Application of a Finite Element for Sandwich Beams”.
Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
5. J.C. LaBelle, (1992), “New Structural Design (Method) Developed for Poured and Debridged
Thermal Barrier Framing,” Glass Digest, Ashlee Publishing, New York, NY, V. 71, n. 8, August, pp.
6. J.C. LaBelle, (1996), “Developments in Sandwich Beam Theory and Practice,” Materials for the
New Millennium (K.P. Chong, Ed.) ASCE, V. 2, pages 1017-1026.