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IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8): 1521-1528

ISSN: 2277–4998


MAHOGANY (Swietenia macrophylla King) LEAVES, BARKS AND SEEDS
TERMITES [Macrotermes gilvus (HAGEN, 1858)]


1: Senior High School, College of Arts and Sciences, Central Luzon State University,
Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija
2: Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Central Luzon State
University, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija
Corresponding Author: E Mail: [email protected]
Received 10th Feb. 2018; Revised 26th March. 2018; Accepted 27th April 2018; Available online 1st August 2018
The fungi growing termites (Macrotermes gilvus) is a damaging insect and are known to
be a pest all over the world. Utilization of plant materials as insecticide is considered necessary
because it is biodegradable and relatively safe for humans and animals. This study uses
mahogany leaves, barks, and seeds as botanical insecticide. The effectiveness of six (6) extracts
from mahogany; T1 (50ml seed hot extract + 50ml distilled water), T2 (100ml seed hot extract),
T3 (50 ml leaves hot extract + 50 ml distilled water), T4 (100 ml leaves hot extract), T5 (50 ml
barks hot extract + 50 ml distilled water), and T6 (100 mlbarks hot extract), against termites were
compared to a commercial pesticide, Solignum. The treatments were administered by spraying
5ml each to the termites. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of essential oils,
triterpenes, steroids, phenols, coumarines, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, anthrones,
anthraquinones, fatty acids. Results showed that the use of extracts of mahogany leaves, barks,

IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8)
R. L. Nuñez et al Research Article

and seeds as an insecticide against M. gilvus was found effective. The most effective treatment is
T4 (100 ml leaves hot extract) with mortality rate of 100% after 30-seconds of application.
Keywords: Insecticidal Property; Fungi-growing termites; Phytochemical Screening

INTRODUCTION perform the reproductive functions of the

Mahogany (S. macrophylla) provides a colony, while the workers carry on all
number of functions including as shade for aspects of colony maintenance [3]. Termites
coffee and cacao trees, in making furniture are one of the most damaging insects and
such as cabinets, doors and decorative they are known as pest all over the world.
borders and medicines. Mahogany contains They are destructive in both agricultural and
flavonoids and saponins and because of industrial field, causing heavy destruction
these compounds, mahogany’s parts can be yearly [4].
used as vitamins and drugs to reduce high This study aimed to determine the
blood pressure, hypertension, blood sugar effectiveness of mahogany seeds, barks and
disorder and fever. This plant is quite bitter leaves extract as an alternative insecticide
and it has antipyretic and antifungal against termites. Specifically, the study
property. Additionally, most parts of the aimed to: (1) determine the efficacy of
mahogany tree such as leaves, barks, and mahogany extracts as an insecticide against
seeds can be used for controlling and killing termites, (2) determine what parts of the tree
insects and pests like mosquitoes, has the most potential as bio-pesticide and
cockroaches, flies, moths, beetles, termites, (3) identify the phytochemicals present in
and ants which may be harmful to people the different parts of mahogany.
and can also destroy some of the plants and MATERIALS AND METHODS
trees and their surroundings [1]. Termites
Source of Plant Specimen
belong to the group of insects (Isoptera),
Leaves, barks and seeds of S. macrophylla
consisting of 2,600 species and 281 genera
were collected inside Central Luzon State
and it can be found in a vast range of
University, Science City of Munoz,
terrestrial environments all over the world
NuevaEcija, Philippines. All specimen were
[2]. Macrotermes gilvus are social insects
air dried for 3 days and was pulverized using
living in colonies comprised of a king,
a mortar pestle and a blender.
queen andsoldiers. The king and their queen

IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8)
R. L. Nuñez et al Research Article

Collection of Test Insects Phytochemical Analysis

One thousand and fifty (1,050) M. Phytochemical screening protocol of
gilvus were collected from selected location Guevarra et al. [6] was carried out to detect
within Central Luzon State University. the secondary metabolites present in S.
Cardboard trap method was used to collect macrophylla. Extract was spotted on mark
the test insects [5]. The cardboard were cut and labeled TLC (thin layer
into strips and were soaked into water. The chromatography) 7 x 4 cm, and was
cardboard strips were placed near the colony developed in the acetatemethanol (7:3)
of termites so that the termites would go to mixture in the developing chamber. The
it. Termites were acclimatized in a container spots for a certain metabolite were
for 24 hours prior to the experiment. visualized on the TLC plates and were
Preparation of Hot Water Extract exposed under UV light and hot plate to
One hundred grams of each powdered check the separation of the different
mahogany seeds, leaves and barks added compound. For typical visualization of
with 500ml of water were placed in water secondary metabolites, vannilin-sulfuric acid
bath for 2 hours at 80° - 90°C. The extract reagents were utilized. This solution can
was cooled and was filtered using a filter determine the presence of phenols, sterols,
paper no.2. The extract were refrigerated triterpenes and essential oils. Methanolic
until needed. potassium hydroxide was used to test
Insecticidal Property of S. macrophylla antraquinones, coumarins, and anthrones
The treatment was administered by spraying while phenolics compound and tannins were
5ml of each extracts into the killing boxes. detected through the use of potassium
The effectiveness of the applied treatments ferricyanide-ferric chloride reagent.
were determined by counting the number of Dragendorff’s reagent was used to spot
dead termites in each treatment box. The alkaloids and antimony (III) chloride were
observation was recorded every 10 seconds. used to detect the presence of flavonoids.
Insects that were not moving when touched All samples were sent to the Chemistry
were considered dead. The insects’ boxes Laboratory of the Center for Natural Science
were not touched and opened during at St. Mary’s University, Bayombong,
experiment to avoid escaping of test NuevaViscaya for phytochemical screening.

IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8)
R. L. Nuñez et al Research Article

Statistical Analysis pharmacological properties, including being

Gathered data were laid out using insecticidal [9]. Tannins are effective as an
Completely Randomized Design with insecticide against soft-bodied insects such
(CRD). Data were analyzed using One-way as spider mites, mealy bugs, white flies,
ANOVA test. Comparison among means termites, insect eggs and larvae. Saunders
was done using Duncan’s Multiple Range stated that his prepared extract has proven to
Test at 5% level of significance. be highly effective against soft-bodied
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION insects yet no indication of toxicity to plants
or animals has been found [10].
Phytochemical Analysis of Swietenia
Flavonoids are potential insecticide
synergists. Wang et al., constructed an
Table 1 shows the phytochemicals presentin
insecticide against Colorado potato beetle
mahogany leaves, seeds and barks.
(CPB), and they found it very effective.
These includes essential oils,
They stated that the responsible compound
triterpenes, steroids, phenols, coumarines,
in killing insects that was found in
tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, anthrones,
phytochemical analysis of conifer is
anthraquinones and fatty acids are found in
flavonoids [11]. Plant extract containing
mahogany leaves. Anthrones and
alkaloids as bioactive constituents have
anthraquinones were not present in
played an important role in decreasing
mahogany seeds. No fatty acids were
insects of agricultural and public health
detected from the seed and bark.
importance for centuries [12].
Mahogany’s essential oil is effective as an
Anthraquinones and anthrones that are only
insecticide against insects. Study shows that
found in barks and leaves of mahogany are
essential oil from mahogany is responsible
found to be effective compound as an
against killing the termites and pod sucking
insecticide, perch deterrent, and chemical
bugs [7]. Phenols are also effective as an
repellent. In the authors study, it was tested
insecticide. Test showed that phenolic acids
against mammals, insects and fishes. It was
are effective against Culex quinquefasciatus
found to be operative as an insecticide [13].
larvae. Within 24 hour of application,
Percentage Mortality
mortality was recorded [8].
Percentage mortality of termites was
Coumarines are known for their
computed by the number of dead insects

IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8)
R. L. Nuñez et al Research Article

over the total population of termites in each mortality for T6. On 100 seconds of applying
boxes. the treatments, all treatments showed a
The percentage mortality of termites at mortality rate of 100%. The effectiveness of
every 10-seconds interval is shown in Table the treatments from mahogany were due to
2. The insecticidal effect of the treatments the phytochemicals present in the leaves,
reconciled right after 10 seconds. On the barks and seeds. Phytochemicals present in
first 10 – seconds interval of application, T4 mahogany such as flavonoids serves as a big
which was 100ml leaves hot water extract of impact in killing insects [11].
mahogany were found to be the most Behavior of Termites
effective treatment above all the extracts. It The termites were placed in their respective
showed a mortality rate of 40.67% and it is killing boxes. When the different treatments
significantly different with the control which of mahogany extract were sprayed on the
was T7 (solignum) that showed a mortality killing boxes containing the termites, the test
rate of 50.67%. While other treatments insects became mobile and walk through the
showed 30 % mortality for T2, 28 % boxes. After a few seconds, death of some
mortality for T3, 20.67 % mortality for T1, termites started. The insects trembled and
12 % mortality for T6, and 7.33 % mortality after several minutes they eventually died.
for T5. The insects sprayed with solignum became
After 20 seconds of applying the treatments, mobile too, but movement was faster
T4 attained a mortality rate of 74.67% which compared with the movement of insects
is comparable to the control, T7 that attained sprayed with the different treatments of
a mortality of 75.33%. After 30 seconds, all mahogany. All the insects ran fast and after
termites were killed in the two treatments. less than a minute of application, the death
While the other treatments, T2 reached a of the termites has been recorded in some of
mortality rate of 54% that is comparable to the treatments.
T3 that reached a mortality rate of 52%.
While T1 showed 45.44% mortality and 28%

IJBPAS, August, 2018, 7(8)
R. L. Nuñez et al Research Article

Table 1: Phytochemicals present in mahogany leaves seeds and barks

Essential Oils + + +
Triterpenes + + +
Steroids + + +
Phenols + + +
Coumarines + + +
Tannins + + +
Alkaloids + + +
Flavonoids + + +
Anthrones + - +
Anthraquinones + - +
Fatty Acids + - -
Note: + = The compound is present; - = - The compound is not present

Table 2: Percentage mortality of termites treated with different treatments at 10 seconds interval
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
T1 20.67d 45.33c 60cd 70.67c 86b 95.33b 100a 100a 100a 100a
T2 30c 54b 74b 95.33ab 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a
cd bc b ab a a a a
T3 28 52 75.33 93.33 100 100 100 100 100a 100a
T4 40.67b 74.67a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a
e e d c b c b b
T5 7.33 17.33 54.67 68.67 81.33 87.33 92 95.33 98b 100a
T6 12e 28d 64c 88b 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a
T7 50.67a 75.33a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a 100a
Note: Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level of significant

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