Works Proposed in Project
Works Proposed in Project
Works Proposed in Project
Labour Labour
Units Rate component component Material Total Person
S.No TaskCode Description of Item/Task Qty (Rs) Unskilled Skilled (Rs) Cost (Rs) Cost (Rs) Days
Name Board using Brick masonary Size 2500.
1 34461 1 No. 0 0 2500 2500 0
2ftX3ft 00
2 34816 CW-G01.Amount for wage component 221 days 45276 0 0 45276 221
1506. bags 249.6
3 34817 CW-G02.cement 0 0 376117 376117 0
88 0
4 34818 CW-G03.sand for filling 47.40 cum 0 0 36960 36960 0
5 34819 CW-G04.sand for mortar 21.76 cum 0 0 21880 21880 0
Input Details:-
I have inspected the work/project site on .............................. date and found the specifications and quantities appropriate keeping the
standards and purposefulness of the proposed asset/work. Based on my visit i am according technical approval for Rs.3000000 /- vide
technical approval number__________ with rates of current RSSR,current CSSR and Current FSR