Team Formation Example

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The aim of this activity is to help you visualize the roles of the members of your team so
that the team works well, the tasks are evenly distributed, and the process is a real
collective effort.
1 A.- Name

Each section in the target belongs to one member of the team. Write in the circle what
you are asked:

In 1, write your name.

In 2, your hobby.
In 3, one of your obsessions.
In 4, your best quality.
In 5, your worst defect.

Institut Joan Oró - Montse Irun


Altogether, look for something in common in what you have written. Now, choose a
name that identifies you.
Fill in the table at the end of the handout.

B.- Roles

Read these actions and tick five actions that you feel you can do very well in a group.


Ask other groups and shares findings

Ask the teacher for clarification

Supervises the materials and tools needed

Check that all the members have done their work

Check that all the members understand the task

Check that everything is clean and tidy at the end of each
Control the time left for the task and the datelines.

Control turn taking

Present the team work to the class

Promote participation

Supervise the noise level of the team

Write the group diary

Institut Joan Oró - Montse Irun


Read the roles and their responsibilities and think which is the role that best suits you.

• Controls turn taking
• Promotes participation
• Checks that all the members understand the task

Public Relations Officer

3 • Asks the teacher for clarification
• Asks other groups and shares findings
• Presents the team work to the class

• Controls the time left for the task and the datelines.
• Checks that all the members have done their work
• Writes the group diary

Maintenance officer
• Checks that everything is clean and tidy at the end of each session
• Supervises the materials and tools needed
• Supervises the noise level of the team

Share the result with the members in your group. If there are two members with the
same role you will have to discuss and reach an agreement. Distribute the roles.

Fill in the table at the end of the handout.

C.- Picture

Take a funny picture of your group and upload it in your blog together with the table.

Name of the group: ……………………………………………………………

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4




Institut Joan Oró - Montse Irun

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