(9b) Claudio v. COMELEC Digest
(9b) Claudio v. COMELEC Digest
(9b) Claudio v. COMELEC Digest
JOVITO CLAUDIO V. COMELEC (1) 1,073 members who attended the meeting is clearly
G.R. No. 140560; May 4, 2000; a majority of the total membership 1,790 in
J. Mendoza; En Banc decision COMELEC records; 1,876 in DILG records;
(2) 958 signatures were verified;
NATURE: Consolidation of 2 petitions: (3) recall is a process which starts with the filing of the
1.) The Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition against petition for recall, which was filed on July 2, 1999,
COMELEC filed by Jovito Claudio, et. al. exactly 1 year and 1 day after Claudio’s assumption
of office, i.e. filed on time.
DISPOSITION: Dismissed, there is no grave abuse
of discretion on the part of COMELEC ISSUE 1: When does the process of "Recall" start for
purposes of the one year limitation in in Paragraph (b) of
2.) The Petition for Mandamus to compel COMELEC to §741 of the Local Government Code?
fix a date for the recall elections
HELD 1: The term "recall" in paragraph (b) refers only to
DISPOSITION: Dismissed, moot and academic the recall election, excluding the convening of the
because as of March 9, 2000, COMELEC already PRA and the filing of a petition for recall with the
set the date of the recall elections on April 15, 2000. COMELEC, or the gathering of the signatures of at
least 25 % of the voters for a petition for recall.
FACTS: Jovito Claudio was the duly elected mayor of
Pasay City in the May 11, 1998 elections. RATIO 1: We can agree that recall is a process which
begins with the convening of the preparatory recall
On May 19, 1999, several barangay chairs formed an ad assembly or the gathering of the signatures at least 25%
hoc committee for the purpose of convening the PRA of the registered voters of a local government unit, and
against Mayor Claudio on the ground of loss of then proceeds to the filing of a recall resolution or
confidence. petition with the COMELEC, the verification of such
resolution or petition, the fixing of the date of the recall
Richard Advincula was designated chair. election, and the holding of the election on the
scheduled date.2
The members of the PRA adopted Resolution No. 01, S-
1999, initiating Claudio’s recall. As used in paragraph (b) of § 74, "recall" refers to the
election itself by means of which voters decide whether
The petition for recall was filed on the Office of the City they should retain their local official or elect his
Mayor. replacement.
Oppositions to the petition were filed by Jovito Claudio, Several reasons can be cited in support of this
Rev. Ronald Langub, and Roberto L. Angeles, alleging conclusion.
procedural and substantive defects in the petition, to wit:
(1) the signatures affixed to the resolution were actually First, § 74 deals with restrictions on the power of recall.
meant to show attendance at the PRA meeting; It is in fact entitled "Limitations on Recall."
(2) most of the signatories were only representatives of
the parties concerned who were sent there merely On the other hand, §69 provides that "the power of recall
to observe the proceedings; ...shall be exercised by the registered voters of a local
(3) the convening of the PRA took place within the one-
year prohibited period;
(4) the election case, filed by Wenceslao Trinidad in
this Court, seeking the annulment of the 1LGC
SECTION 74: LIMITATIONS ON RECALL – (a.) Any elective local
proclamation of petitioner Claudio as mayor of official may be the subject of a recall election only once during his term
Pasay City, should first be decided before recall of office for loss of condifence.
proceedings against petitioner could be filed; and
(5) the recall resolution failed to obtain the majority of (b.) No recall shall take place within one (1) year from the date of the
official’s assumption to office or one (1) year immediately preceding a
all the members of the PRA, considering that 10 regular local election.
were actually double entries, were not duly
accredited members of the barangays, 40 2LGC
sangguniang kabataan officials had withdrawn their SECTION 70: INITIATION OF THE RECALL PROCESS – (a.) Recall
may be initiated by a preparatory recall assembly or by the registered
support, and 60 barangay chairs executed affidavits voters of the local government unit to which the local elective official
of retraction. subject to
The COMELEC granted the petition and dismissed the (b.) There shall be a PRA in every province, city, district, and
municipality which shall be composed of the ff.:
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government unit to which the local elective official Third, to construe the term "recall" in paragraph (b) as
belongs." including the convening of the PRA for the purpose of
discussing the performance in office of elective local
Since the power vested on the electorate is not the officials would be to unduly restrict the constitutional
power to initiate recall proceedings but the power to right of speech and of assembly of its members.
elect an official into office, the limitations in §74 cannot
be deemed to apply to the entire recall proceedings. The people cannot just be asked on the day of the
election to decide on the performance of their officials.
The limitations in §74 apply only to the exercise of the
power of recall which is vested in the registered voters. The crystallization and formation of an informed public
opinion takes time.
It is this - and not merely, the preliminary steps required
to be taken to initiate a recall - which paragraph (b) of To hold, therefore, that the first limitation in paragraph
§74 seeks to limit by providing that no recall shall take (b) includes the holding of assemblies for the exchange
place within one year from the date of assumption of of ideas and opinions among citizens is to unduly curtail
office of an elective local official. one of the most cherished rights in a free society.
The second reason why the term "recall" in paragraph Indeed, it is wrong to assume that such assemblies will
(b) refers to recall election is to be found in the purpose always eventuate in a recall election.
of the limitation itself.
To the contrary, they may result in the expression of
There are two limitations in paragraph (b) on the holding confidence in the incumbent.
of recalls:
As the recall election in Pasay City is set on April 15,
(1) that no recall shall take place within one year from 2000, more than one year after petitioner assumed office
the date of assumption of office of the official concerned, as mayor of that city, we hold that there is no bar to its
and holding on that date.
(2) that no recall shall take place within one year ISSUE 2: WON the Phrase "Regular Local Election" in
immediately preceding a regular local election. the Same Paragraph (b) of §74 of the LGC includes the
Election Period for that Regular Election or Simply the
The purpose of the first limitation is to provide a Date of Such Election
reasonable basis for judging the performance of an
elective official. i.e. Whether April 15, 2000 falls within the second period
of prohibition that "[n) o recall shall take place within . . .
In the Bower case cited in Angobung V. COMELEC: one (1) year immediately preceding a regular local
"The only logical reason which we can ascribe for election."
requiring the electors to wait one year before petitioning
for a recall election is to prevent premature action on HELD 2: No.
their part in voting to remove a newly elected official
before having had sufficient time to evaluate the The law does not include the campaign period in
soundness of his policies and decisions." counting the 1 year.
The one-year limitation was reckoned as of the filing of a RATIO 2: Had Congress intended this limitation to refer
petition for recall because the Municipal Code involved to the campaign period, which period is defined in the
in that case expressly provided that "no removal petition Omnibus Election Code, it could have expressly said so.
shall be filed against any officer or until he has actually
held office for at least twelve months." Moreover, petitioner's interpretation would severely limit
the period during which a recall election may be held.
But however the period of prohibition is determined, the
principle announced is that the purpose of the limitation Actually, because no recall election may be held until
is to provide a reasonable basis for evaluating the one year after the assumption of office of an elective
performance of an elective local official. local official, presumably on June 30 following his
election, the free period is only the period from July 1 of
Hence, in this case, as long as the election is held the following year to about the middle of May of the
outside the one-year period, the preliminary proceedings succeeding year.
to initiate a recall can be held even before the end of the
first year in office of a local official. This is a period of only nine months and 15 days, more
or less.
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HELD 3: Yes