Comparison of In-Between Concepts by Aldo Van Eyck and Kisho Kurokawa - Through Theories of 'Twin Phenomena' and 'Symbiosis'
Comparison of In-Between Concepts by Aldo Van Eyck and Kisho Kurokawa - Through Theories of 'Twin Phenomena' and 'Symbiosis'
Comparison of In-Between Concepts by Aldo Van Eyck and Kisho Kurokawa - Through Theories of 'Twin Phenomena' and 'Symbiosis'
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
One of the solutions which emerged in response to the limitations of modernism was the issue of 'in-
between'. Concepts relating to the in-between have been suggested and argued simultaneously in the West
and the Far East. This paper aims to compare the in-between concepts discussed by two representative
theorists of each region: Van Eyck and Kurokawa. Dimensions of the in-between, factors for practicing the
in-between, and types of the relationship between two elements which are the subject of integration, are
clarified, and comparison of their works is done using the above criteria.
Keywords: in-between; Aldo Van Eyck; Kisho Kurokawa; twin phenomena; symbiosis
°Space °Time
In architectural design, space is the most significant Time is an invisible dimension of the in-between. It
dimension of the in-between. Many of the in-between could be described directly using physical traditional
practices express the spatial aspect of this concept. elements, or indirectly by expressing the traditional
So, ambivalence of the in-between could be expressed notion and spirituality of traditional places in a
through the overlap of two elements, the continuity of contemporary work. Also, it could appear through
one into another, the articulation of elements to create mobility and temporality of elements, making the
a gap as a third space, the repetition of units and the building flexible for spatial and functional changes
formation of a whole, fragmentation of element for a according to the time.
more integrated relation, or fusion of different patterns °Human
or spaces. This dimension expresses the overlap of different
°Environment human activities, multi-usage and multi-functionality
Environmental in-between could be defined of a single space in order to produce a non-physical
by bringing delicacy to design, in order to create ambivalence concentrated on the human usage of
ambiguity; using transparency, color, or materials such space.
as water, light, shadow, wind and greenery.