Surge Arrester
Surge Arrester
Surge Arrester
Technical Specification
7.1.1. This section covers the specification, manufacture, design, testing and delivery of Drop Out
Fuse Cut-out (DOFC) to the Stores of BPDB, Bangladesh.
Equipments as specified will be installed in tropical locations and in a hot humid environment
with presence of the insects and vermin. The information is given as a guide for Tenders and no
responsibility for its accuracy will be accepted, nor will any claim based on the above be
Performance, Design & Testing of Outdoor Drop Out Fuse Cut-out (DOFC) and Fuse Link shall conform
to the latest edition of the IEC 282-2/ BS 729/ ANSI-C 37.40, 37.41 & 37.42 and NEMA Standard or
equivalent international Standards unless otherwise specified herein
normal transformer magnetizing currents of transformers up to 250KVA to permit
transformer isolation.
j) Termination shall be suitable for connection of compression terminal lugs.
k) The fuse element shall be totally enclosed by a fuse holder to protect it from the atmosphere
specified electrical characteristics of the fuse units shall be to latest revision of relevant IEC
l) Fuse links for the fuse cut-out units shall be of the disconnecting type suitable for opening
closing and removal by an operating stick.
m) Each fuse link shall be suitable for a common fuse base.
n) Each DOFC shall be furnished with a stainless steel rating plate mentioning manufacturer’s
name, clients name, year of manufacturer, contract no and model no in English.
The following documents are to be submitted along with the bid, otherwise the bid will be
rejected :
Tenderer shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No. 4 and they should submit Bid validity, Bid
Bond, Bid Bond validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorisation of the signatory,
Tender Submission Sheet, Tenderer Information Sheet & Documentary evidence for
establishing the Tenderer’s Qualifications, etc. and all other documents including information
related to rejection clause as per Tender Document.
1) Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) shall be properly filled up and signed by both
Manufacturer and Tenderer.
2) Letter of authorisation from the Manufacturers, in case, the bidder is not the manufacturer, in
prescribed Form.
3) 2 (two) nos. of Manufacturer’s Supply record for similar or higher rating of offered type DOFC
& Fuse Link within the last 5 (five) years from the date of opening in the following format
(The supply record covering at least 25% of the tendered quantity in a single tender will be
considered only):
Sl. Name, Address, Phone No. Tender No. Tender Description Date of
No e-mail & Fax No. & Date Value of material completion
. of the Purchaser with of supply
4) Satisfactory Performance Certificates from at least 2 (two) Electricity Utility for similar or
higher Current rating of same voltage class of offered Model/ Type DOFC & Fuse Link within
the last 5 (five) years from the date of opening.
5) Type Test Reports (as stated in Clause 7.1.9) for offered type DOFC & Fuse Link from STL
(Short-Circuit Testing Liaison) members as per relevant Standards.
6) Manufacturers, who have supplied the same offered item to BPDB within the last 5 (five)
years from the date of opening, shall submit Satisfactory Performance Certificate from
Director, Purchase, BPDB, Dhaka, for the same offered item.
7) Bidder shall submit at least 1 (one) piece of offered type DOFC and 3 (three) pieces of each
type of offered Fuse Links as samples along with the bid. The submitted sample(s) should
comply the technical requirements of the tender document. It is noted that the submitted
sample(s) of the responsive Tenderer’s will be tested as per latest version of relevant IEC/
BS or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the tender at CERS, BPDB or
BUET/ CUET/ KUET/ RUET. If the submitted sample failed in test to conform the technical
specification, the tender of the Tenderer will be rejected. The cost of test will be borne by the
Functional electrical, material, mechanical and hydraulic tests shall be carried out at
manufacturers’ premises. The extent and method of recording the results shall be agreed by the
Purchaser in ample time to enable the tests to be satisfactorily witnessed or to make any changes
to the proposed program of tests.
Material Tests
The supplier shall provide test pieces free of charge as required to enable the quality of the
material to be determined at the supplier’s expense. Purchaser may at its own discretion and by
specific arrangement accept certified particulars of tests carried out in the absence of his
authorized representative.
Type Test
Type tests are required to prove the general design of the offered equipments/ materials. The
Tenderer shall submit the type test reports of the offered equipments/ materials from
internationally reputed independent testing laboratory as per latest version of relevant IEC/ BS or
equivalent international standards as mentioned in the tender as per relevant clause.
Routine Tests
All equipments/ materials shall be subjected to routine tests as per latest version of relevant IEC/
BS or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the tender at the manufacturers works
and shall include, but not be limited to an operational test.
Technical Specifications Of 33kv Outdoor Type Single Phase Metal Oxide (Zno) Gapless Lightning
This section of the document includes the design, manufacture, testing & inspection of 33KV
Outdoor Type Single Phase Metal Oxide (ZnO) Gapless Lightning Arrester.
1 Application Distribution Transformer/ Line/ Cable
protection/ Power Transforemr of heavy
duty class.
2 Type of Arrester Station Class Metal Oxide (ZnO), Gapless
3 Construction Single Unit, basically consisting of gapless
hermetically sealed in with non-linear
characteristics with high energy capacity, all
enclosed in porcelain housing.
4 Installation Outdoor
5 Mounting Pole Mounted steel bracket
6 Nominal System Voltage 33 kV
7 Maximum continuous operating Voltage 36 kV
8 System Frequency 50 Hz
9 Number of Phase 1⌽
10 Rated Arrester Voltage 36KV
11 Continuous Operating Voltage 30 kV
12 Nominal Discharge Current 10 KA
(KAp) of 8/20 micro second
13 Power Frequency withstands voltage of 70 kV (Dry & wet)
Lightning Arrester Housing, Dry & Wet.
14 Impulse Withstand Voltage of Lightning 170 kV (peak)
Arrester Housing.
15 Lightning Impulse Residual Voltage 170 kV (peak)
(8/20 micro-second wave)
16 Basic Insulation level 170KV
17 Steep Current Impulse Residual Voltage 40 kV (peak)
at 10KA of 1 micro-second front time.
18 High Current Impulse Withstand Value Minimum 100 KA
(4/10 micro-second)
19 Minimum Energy Discharge capability 5
(KJ/KV) at rated voltage.
20 Temporary over voltage withstand 42KV
capability (KVrms) for 10.0 secs
21 Creepage distance (minimum) 25 mm/ kV
22 Partial Discharge(pico-coulomb) when Not exceeding 10 PC
energized at 1.05 times its continuous
operating voltage.
23 Earthing system earth with earthing transformer
24 system Fault level 25KA for 3sec
25 Standard Performance, Design & Testing shall be in
accordance to IEC-60099-4/ ANSI- C 62.11 or
equivalent international Standards unless
otherwise specified herein.
- The arresters shall be ZnO type, basically consisting of gap-less hermetically sealed in with
non-linear volt-ampere characteristics with high energy capacity. ZnO arrester shall have
excellent thermal stability for high energy surges, external pollution & temporary over
- The Line lead & earthing terminal with clamps shall be provided, suitable to accommodate
AAC/ ACSR/ Copper Conductor of diameter from 10.0mm to 15 mm.
- All ferrous parts exposed to atmosphere shall be Cadmium plated. The arrester shall be
suitable for mounting vertically. The housing shall be of high quality porcelain containers of
heavy construction sealed against the entry of moisture and oxygen and free from influence of
moisture and weather condition.
- Bidders shall supply surge counter /Monitor for each phase of the surge arrester. It shall be
integrated into the arrester ground connection and counts the surge arrester responses that
have occurred. Surge counter with leakage current meter shall also offer monitoring of
arrester leakage current. The surge arrester can be analog or digital type.
- Each Single pole arrester shall be furnished with a stainless steel rating plate mentioning
manufacturer’s name, client name, year of manufacturing & model of LA.
- Mounting steel bracket and fixing bolts, nut, washer, Standard clam etc. shall be provided with
the arrester for steel cross-arm. The mounting steel bracket & necessary fittings shall be hot
dip galvanized as per BS-729.
- The lightning Arrestors shall be of adequate Pressure Relief Class as per IEC-60099-4 , fitted
with Pressure Relief Devices and Arc diverting ports to minimise possibilities of shattering of
porcelain housing and providing path for flow of rated fault currents in the event of arrestor
failure. The Bidder shall indicate the methods need to provide pressure relief or to prevent
explosive sheltering of the porcelain housing. No chemical action shall be take place nor shall
the arrester material show deterioration as a result of the specified operating duty. No
maintenance other than routine inspection shall be required under service conditions.
- The necessary connecting wire (5meter for each LA) for the connection of each Lightening
arrester to surge counter shall also be included in the scope of supply.
The Bidder/ Manufacturer as per tender requirements shall provide all information. Besides
these, the following information/ Documents have to be submitted:-
(a) Detail dimensional drawing of the offered type LA.
(b) Manufacturer's ISO 9001 certificate.
(c) Manufacturer's Printed catalogue describing specification, technical data, rated voltage,
current, creepage distance, characteristics curve etc. of the offered type LA.
The following documents are to be submitted along with the bid, otherwise the bid will be
rejected .
Tenderer shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No. 4 and they should submit Bid validity, Bid
Bond, Bid Bond validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorisation of the signatory,
Tender Submission Sheet, Tenderer Information Sheet & Documentary evidence for
establishing the Tenderer’s Qualifications, etc. and all other documents including information
related to rejection clause as per Tender Document.
1) Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) shall be properly filled up and signed by both
Manufacturer and Tenderer.
2) Letter of authorization from the Manufacturers, in case, the bidder is not the manufacturer, in
prescribed Form.
3) 2 (two) nos. of Manufacturer’s Supply record for similar or higher Current rating of same
voltage class of offered Lightning Arrester within the last 5 (five) years from the date of
opening in the following format (The supply record covering at least 25% of the tendered
quantity in a single tender will be considered only).
Sl. Name, Address, Phone No. Tender No. Tender Description Date of
No e-mail & Fax No. & Date Value of material completion
. of the Purchaser with of supply
4) Satisfactory Performance Certificates from at least 2 (two) end users (Electricity Utility) for
similar or higher Current rating of same voltage class of offered Model/ Type Lightning
Arrester within the last 5 (five) years from the date of opening.
6) Type Test Reports (as stated in Clause 7.2.9) for offered type LA from STL (Short-Circuit
Testing Liaison) members as per relevant Standards.
6) Manufacturers, who have supplied the same offered item to BPDB within the last 5 (five)
years from the date of opening, shall submit Satisfactory Performance Certificate from
Director, Purchase, BPDB, Dhaka, for the same offered item.
7) At least 1(one) piece of offered type 33KV Single Phase Lightning Arrester as sample along
with the tender. The submitted sample should comply the technical requirements of the
tender document. It is noted that the submitted sample of the responsive Tenderers will be
tested as per latest version of relevant IEC/ BS or equivalent international standards as
mentioned in the tender at CERS, BPDB or BUET/ CUET/ KUET/ RUET. If the submitted
sample failed in test to conform the technical specification, the tender of the Tenderer will be
rejected. The cost of test will be borne by the purchaser.
The following test reports including tests carried out for the offered type 33KV Single Phase
Lightning Arrester in accordance with the latest version of IEC-60099-4, which are issued by STL
(Short-Circuit Testing Liaison) members by confirming design to the tender document shall be
submitted with the offer:-
a) Insulation Withstand tests on the Arrester housing;
b) Step Current Impulse Residual Voltage test;
c) Lightning Impulse Residual Voltage test;
d) Long Duration Current Impulse withstand test;
e) High Current Impulse operating duty test;
f) Power Frequency voltage versus time curve;
g) Partial Discharge test.
Functional electrical, material, mechanical and hydraulic tests shall be carried out at
manufacturers’ premises. The extent and method of recording the results shall be agreed by the
Purchaser in ample time to enable the tests to be satisfactorily witnessed or to make any changes
to the proposed program of tests.
Material Tests
The supplier shall provide test pieces free of charge as required to enable the quality of the
material to be determined at the supplier’s expense. Purchaser may at its own discretion and by
specific arrangement accept certified particulars of tests carried out in the absence of his
authorized representative.
Type Test
Type tests are required to prove the general design of the offered equipments/ materials. The
Tenderer shall submit the type test reports of the offered equipments/ materials from
internationally reputed independent testing laboratory as per latest version of relevant IEC/ BS or
equivalent international standards as mentioned in the tender.
Routine Tests
All equipments/ materials shall be subjected to routine tests as per latest version of relevant IEC/
BS or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the tender at the manufacturers works
and shall include, but not be limited to an operational test.
BPDB’s Inspection Team ( at least 03 Engineers) shall have to conduct Technical Orientation and
Quality Test Witness at the manufacturer’s factory premises. The cost incurred for this purpose
shall be borne by the tenderer and the cost in this regard shall be deemed is included in the
offered price.
The cost of Air Tickets (both way) from Bangladesh to Manufacturer’s Country (place of Technical
Orientation and Quality Test Witness), Hotel Accommodation etc. will be borne by the Supplier.
Other than this, the Supplier will pay a standard amount of pocket money(100USD/day) per day
(excluding journey period). The period for this purpose is more or less 07 (seven) days (excluding
travel period). All the cost for this purpose shall be deemed to be included in the offered price.
No goods shall be packed, prepared for shipment/delivery unless it has been approved including
factory Test reports and written instructions has been issued by the Purchaser.
The Tenderer has mentioned the place of Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness in the
following table:-
Section - 8
(To be filled up by the Manufacturer in Manufacturer Letterhead Pad, otherwise the bid shall be rejected.)
(To be filled up by the Manufacturer in Manufacturer Letterhead Pad, otherwise the bid shall be rejected)
Sl. BPDB's
Description Unit 's Guaranteed
No. Requirement
01 Manufacturer’s Name and Country - To be mentioned
02 Manufacturer’s model No. - To be mentioned
03 Type of the Arrester - Metal Oxide (ZnO),
04 Rated Arrester Voltage kV 36
05 Max. System Voltage KV 42
06 Continuous Operating Voltage kV 30
07 Nominal Discharge Current (8/20micro KA 10
08 Power Frequency withstand voltage of kV rms 70 (Dry) &
the Arrester Housing, Dry & Wet 70 (Wet)
09 Impulse withstand Voltage of the kV (peak) 170
Arrester Housing.
10 Lightning Impulse Residual Voltage kV (peak) 170
(8/20 micro-second wave)
11 Maxm. Steep Current Impulse Residual kV (peak) 130
Voltage at 10 KA of 1 micro second front
12 High Current Impulse Withstand Value KA Min 100KA
(4/10 micro second)
13 Temporary Over voltage capability:
a) 0.1 Second kV (peak) To be mentioned
b) 1.0 Second kV (peak) To be mentioned
c) 10 Second kV (peak) To be mentioned
d) 100 Second kV (peak) To be mentioned
14 Leakage Current at rated voltage mA < 1 mA
15 Total Creepage distance (minimum) mm/ kV 25
16 Overall dimension :
a) Height mm To be mentioned
b) Diameter mm To be mentioned
17 Total weight of Arrester Kg. To be mentioned
18 Line discharge class - Shall be mentioned
19 Short Circuit Current Withstand duration Sec 25KA, 3 sec
20 Minimum Energy Discharge - 5
capability (KJ/KV) at rated
21 Min. Bending load (kgm) 500
22 Surge Counter /Monitor Shall be provided
23 Cable for Connecting Surge Counter Shall be provided
24 Standard - IEC-60099-4
Seal & Signature of the Manufacturer Seal & Signature of the Bidder
8.1.3. 33KV FUSE LINK
Sl. BPDB's
Description Unit Guaranteed
No. Requirement
To be
1 Manufacturer’s Name & Country -
To be
2 Manufacturer’s Model no. -
3 Type - K-Type
4 Rated Voltage KV 33
5 Frequency Hz. 50
6 Rated Current Amps. a) 05 Amps
b) 10 Amps
7 Rated interrupting capacity KA 8
8 Time/ Current Characteristics - To be furnished
To be
9 Material of fuse Link -
To be
10 Material of fuse cartridge -
Section - 9