Leah's Project

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I Leah Kimani declare that this is my original work. With complete approval of Co-operative

University College.


SIGNATURE : ……………………..

DATE :…………………….


SIGNATURE :…………………….

DATE :…………………….


I am greatly thankful to all those who supported me through my success of this project work

especially my project teacher. Special thanks goes to my parents for their good support and

love may God always bless them. Also to my classmates, I appreciate their support and care for

their guidelines of my project. To all of you God bless you.


My dedication goes to my parents and also to my sister.

DECLARATION………………………………………………………………… … ii
DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………….. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………… … iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………….. v
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………… viii
LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………….. ix
ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………… xi
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION…………………………………..……….. 1
1.1 Background of the study……………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ……………………………………..………………. 3
1.3 Purpose of the study…………………………………………………………… 4
1.4 Objectives of the study …………………………………..…………………… 4
1.5 Research questions…………………………………………………………….. 4
1.6 Significance of the study……………………………………………….……… 5
1.7 Organization of the study……………………………………………………… 6
1.8Definition of Significant terms as used in the study ………………………..… 7
2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….……..……… 8
2.2 Review of the factors influencing performance of savings
and credit co-operative society (SACCO)………………………………….… 8
2.3 Performance…………………………………………………………………….. 15
2.3.1 Management Competency and performance of SACCOs………………….. 16

2.3.2 Personnel and performance of SACCOs……………………….….………….. 20
2.3.3 Computerization and performance of SACCOs……………..…..………….. 21
2.4. Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………. 27
2.4.1 Explanation of Variables …………………………………………………….... 28
2.4.2. Management Competency ……………………………………………………... 28
2.4.3. Personnel ………… ...…………………………………………………………. 28
2.4.4. Computerization ……………………………………………………..……….. 29
3 .1 Introduction………………………….…………………….…………………….. 32
3.2 Research design……………………………………………….………………….. 32
3.3 Target population…………………………………..…………………………….. 32
3.4 Sample size and sampling procedures……………………………………….. 33
3.5 Research Instruments ………………………………….…………………….… 33
3.5.1 Piloting of instruments ……………………………………….……………. 34
3.5.2. Validity of research instruments …………..…………………….….…. 34
3.5.3 Reliability of research instruments ……………………….…………………. 35
3.5.4 Data collection procedures………….……………………………………….. 35
3.6. Data analysis techniques …………….……………………………………….. 36
3.7 Ethical Issues ………………………………………..…………………………. 36
4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….………….. 32
4.2 Response Return rate …………………………………………….………….. 39
4.3 Demographic information………………………………………………… 39
4.4 Factors influencing performance of SACCOS in Laikipia County………… 42

4.4.1 Influence of management competency on SACCO performance…………. ….. 42
4.4.2 Influence of personnel on SACCO performance…………………………..…. 43
4.4.3 Influence of computerization on SACCO performance………………. . 43
5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………….. 39
5.2 Summary ………………………………………………………………….. 39
5.3 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. 40
5.4.1 Management competency………………………………………………..40
5.4.2 Personnel………………………………………………………………….. 40
5.4.3 Computerization………………………………………………………………….. 40
5.5 Recommendation for the study. …………………………………………………….. 51
5.5.1 Policy Recommendation…………………………………………………….. 51
5.5.2 Recommendation for further studied…………………………………………… 38
REFERENCES …………………………………..………………………………………... 39
APPENDIX…………………………………..………………………………………... 441

Table 3.1: Sample size ………………………………………………………… 33

Table 3.2: Operationalization tables ……………………………………………… 37

Table 4.1: Gender of the respondents …………………………………………. 39

Table 4.2: Age of respondents ……………………………………………….. 40

Table 4.3: Position/Rank of respondents ……………………………………….. 40

Table 4.4: Years work or in membership in the company……………………….. 41

Table 4.5: Academic qualification…………………………………………….. 41

Table 4.6: Marital status………………………………………………………. 42

Table 4.7: Influence of management competency on SACCO performance……… 42

Table 4.8: Influence of personnel on SACCO performance…………………………..…. 43

Table 4.9: Influence of computerization on SACCO performance………………. . 44


Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework…………………………………………………. 27


ACCOSCA Africa Confederation of Savings and Credit Association

AGM Annual General Meeting

CAP Chapter

CBK Central Bank of Kenya

CIS Co-operative Insurance Society

CPI Consumer Price Index

CWS Co-operative Wholesale Society

FOSA Front office Service Activity

GSFC Gujarat State Fertilizer Company.

ICA International Co-operative Alliance

ICMIF International Co-operative and Mutual Insurance Federation

ILO International Labour Organisation

KNFC Kenya National Federation of Co-operatives

KUSCCO Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Co-operative

M2 Money supply

MOCDM Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing

MPT Modern Portfolio Theory

NPLS Non Performing Loans

PS Permanent Secretary

SACCO Savings and Credit Co-operative

UN United Nation

USA United States of America

WOCCU World Council of Credit Unions


The ever changing socio-economic landscape in the co-operatives and Sacco sector in the

country is bringing about the need for a total rethink and overhaul about the role this sector is

supposed to play in socio-economic development of the country, poverty eradication with

economic empowerment topping the agenda. In Laikipia County there are 18 active Saccos and

10 dormant ones registered for the purpose of uplifting the living standards of the residents but

little seemed to have been achieved. This study was guided by the following objectives:- to

determine the extend to which management competency influence performance of SACCOs in

Laikipia County, to determine the extent to which personnel influence the performance of

SACCOs in Laikipia County, to determine the extent to which computerization influence

performance of SACCOs in Laikipia County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research

design. Byuse of questionnaires, 150 respondents who were management staff of the Saccos,

who in thiscase were the target population, were interviewed. Data was also collected using

observation and key informant interviews. Simple random sampling was the main method of

sampling techniques that was employed in this study. The findings will be significant to the

researchers and scholars in that it will form a basis for further research, management of the

Saccos as it will act as a guide to setting up strategies of improving their performance. In

conclusions the study recommends that the management of Saccos should improve their

performance by searching of the best ideas and taking advantage of the available opportunities,

make proper financial plans, proper selection of personnel, adapt technological change and

improve on competitiveness in order to win the markets and in overall have a financially stable

and well managed co-operative movement in Laikipia County.


1.1 Background of the study

Savings and credit co-operative societies has a number of principles one of which is the

belief in cooperative and mutual self-help for the uplifting of the standards of living. (KUSCCO

2006). Members with common bond join hands to form those quasi-banks institutions. With

finances mobilized through such joint efforts the savings and credit co-operative society

members build up the capital which they can use through local arrangements to finance their own

social as well as economic development. The primary purpose of savings and credit co-operative

society is to meet the common needs of members.

Co-operatives are perceived to be organization which are mobilized and controlled largely

by small producers, workers and other less economically endowed members of the society who

own and obtain service and other benefits from them. The statement of co-operative identify

from ICA defines a cooperative as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to

meet their common economic social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned

and democratically controlled enterprise.”

According to Muchibo (2005) SACCOs face numerous challenges that hinder the

exploitation of their full potential. He raised concerns on the caliber of leaders who run SACCOs

noting that since these are voluntary organizations, members can elect anybody they like, who

may not necessarily have skills to run a SACCO.

According to Armstrong, performance is often defined in out put terms- the achievement of

quality objectives. But performance is a matter not only of what people achieve but how they

achieve it. High performance result from appropriate behaviour especially discretionary

behaviour and the effective use of the required knowledge, skills and competencies.

1.2 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing the performance of savings and

credit co-operative societies in laikipia County.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study was guided by the following objectives:

i. To determine the extent to which management competency influence performance of Saccos

in Laikipia County.

ii. To determine the extent to which personnel influence performance of Saccos in Laikipia


iii. To determine the extent to which computerization influenceperformance of Saccos in

Laikipia County.

1.4 Research Questions

The study sought to answer the following questions:-

i. To what extent does management competency influence performance of Saccos in Laikipia


ii. To what extent do personnel influenceperformance of Saccos in LaikipiaCounty?

iii. To what extent doescomputerizationinfluenceperformance of Saccos in Laikipia County?

1.5. Significance of the study

The findings of the study would be beneficial to the following stakeholders: The results of

this study would bevaluable to researchers and scholars, as it forms a basis for further research.

The researchers will use this study as a basis for discussions on savings and credit cooperatives

(SACCOs) business in Kenya and the factors that influence their performance.

The study would give academicians, students and lecturers an insight on the causes of the

competition and the implication to SACCOs and other financial institutions as to the effect it has

to the economic development of the country. The study also forms a basis for further research

for academicians and students on the effects of competition on savings and credit co-

operatives societies (SACCO) business in Kenya, the challenges and the strategies to improve

their performance.

1.10 Organization of the Study

The study was organized into five chapters; chapter one basically gives the introduction and

describes the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study,

objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, and organization of the

study. Chapter two provided a review of literature related to the study thematically as per the

research objectives, the theoretical frame work and the conceptual framework. Chapter three

focuses on the research methodology discussed under the following subheadings; research

design, target population, sample size, sample selection, research instruments, pilot testing of

instruments, validity of research instruments, reliability of research instruments, data collection

procedures, data analysis techniques and ethical issues in research. Chapter four gives the data

analysis, presentation, interpretation and discussion, while chapter five provides for the

summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations.



2.1 Introduction

The chapter reviews literature related to factors influencing performance of SACCOs. These are

discussed in the next subsection then followed by a conceptual framework drawn from the

variables in the literature review.

2.3 Performance

According to Armstrong (2005), performance is often defined simply in output terms – the

achievement of quantified objectives. But performance is a matter not only of what people

achieve but how they achieve it. The oxford English dictionary confirms this by including the

phrase “carrying out” in its definition of performance; the accomplishment, execution, working

out, carrying out of anything ordered or undertaken. “High performance results from

appropriate behavior, and the effective use for the required knowledge, skills and


Performance means both behaviors and results. Behaviors emulate from the performer

and transforms performance from abstraction to action. Not just the instruments for results,

behaviors are also outcomes in their own right – the product of mental physical effort applied

to tasks – and can be judged apart from results. This definition of performance leads to the

conclusion that when managing performance both inputs (behavior) and outputs (results) need

to be considered.

According to Johnson & Scholes (2007), many managers find a process for developing a

useful set of performance indicators for their organizations difficult. One reason for this is that

many indicators give a useful but only partial view of the overall picture. Also, some indicators

are qualitative in nature, whilst the hard quantitative end of assessing performance has been

dominated by financial analysis. In an attempt to cope with this very heterogeneous situation,

balanced score cards have been used as a way of identifying a useful, but varied set of key

measures, balance score cards combine both qualitative and 16 quantitative measures,

acknowledge expectations of different stakeholder and relate an assessment of performance to

choice of strategy.

According to Pearce and Robinson (2007), operational controls provide post action

evaluation and controls over short periods from one month to one year. To be effective,

operational controls must take four steps common to all post action controls; set standards of

performance, measure actual performance and identity deviations from standards and initiate

corrective actions.

According to Mwaura (2005), lack of credit analysis, credit follow – ups as well as hostile

lending are the key factors that contribute to poor performance in loan lending by SACCO

societies in Kenya.

2.3.1. Management Competency and Performance of SACCOs

According to Noebere (2000) all studies of business failure points to poor management as

the main cause. The success of a firm is measured by its profitability which depends on the

efficiency of its management.

According to Kibera (1996), management can be defined as a set of activities directed at the

efficient and effective utilization of resources in pursuit of one or more objectives. The

resources are usually people, machines, materials, time and managerial know- how. A need to

embrace good corporate governance and the by-laws need to be reviewed to provide for

minimum qualification standards for both the board members and delegates for efficient and

sound management (KUSCCO 2003).

According to Ouma (1980), a structure for the organization of co-operatives has evolved

over the years since Kenya achieved its independence in 1963. At the lower end we have

primary co-operative units, which are composed of at least 12 individual persons. Primary co-

operative societies are governed by the co-operative societies Act Cap 490 of the laws of Kenya.

However, the Act does not provide a clear definition of a co-operative society, apart from

saying that it is a society registered under the Act. From the primary societies there is some

kind of “hierarchical” arrangement, going unto the apex society at the top. A primary co-

operative society is defined as a 17 society where membership is restricted to individual

persons. It is managed by a management committee elected at the AGM. The management

committee generally employs a full time manager to assist in the day –to – day running of

operation of the society.

The primary co-operative societies are in turn organized to form what is called co-operative

“unions” or similar to secondary co-operative societies. This covers a much larger and wider

administrative area. The membership to a union is restricted to co-operative societies. At least

two co-operative societies may form a union. Such a union normally operates on a wider area.

These co-operative unions serve the primary co-operative societies as service agencies. For

example, they provide societies with credit required to pay the growers in advance for their

agricultural produce and with any other services that they might require. Co-operative unions

tend to operate on a district basis; hence they are usually called “District Co-operative Unions”.

They are managed by an executive committee who are elected from the primary co-operative

societies. They are also served by a manager or secretary/manager assisted by staff of a

considerable size. These unions in turn form an apex- a national co-operative body such as

KNFC, whose role for the most part is advisory.

According to Sambu (2005), Mudibo (2005 raised concern on the caliber of leaders who

run SACCOs. Since they are voluntary organizations, members can elect anybody they like, who

may not necessarily have the skills to run a SACCO. To address this, he further pointed out that

SACCO members are required through their by-laws to provide for minimum qualifications for

their managers. Shareholders ought to appoint directors and auditors and satisfy themselves

that the appropriate governance structure is in place. The shareholders will also ensure that

only reliable persons with competence are elected or appointed as directors. They can also

change the composition of the board.

According to Mwaura (2005), actions of top management influence performance. He also

recommended that members, when electing office bearers, including delegates, should ensure

that they elect trustworthy persons. Success and hence performance depends on the caliber of

the officials that they elect. 18 King(1975) once argued that investment ideas do not begin life

in filing cabinet ready for evaluation . This implies that investment ideas , and moreover the

best ideas , must be searched for support the strategy in order to achieve objectives.

2.3.2 Personnel and performance of SACCOs

According to Noebue (2000) all studies of business failure points to poor management as

the main cause. The success of a firm is measured by its profitability which depends on the

efficiency of its management. The management comprises of the chief executive officer and the

same management team with the primary responsibility of ensuring performance. The major

challenge addressed by corporate governance is how to grant managers discretionary power

over the conduct of business while at the same time holding them accountable for the use of

that power. Balancing of the two is essential to ensure that decisions made by the management

are on long term interests of the shareholders. Specific management practices have been found

to improve corporate performance:- Three dimensional strategy comprise exploration of new

horizons, selectivity and drive, making wisdom contagious by empowering independence,

interaction and communication among employees, focusing on group performance rather than

individual performance external process which include bench working, systems for feedback

both from suppliers and customers and continous innovation based on internal and external


According to Cole (2004), there is no generally accepted definition of “management” as an

activity, although the classical definition is still held to be that of Henry Fayol. His general

statement about management is as follows: “To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to

command, to coordinate and to control.” Management is a social process. The process consist

planning control, coordination and motivation. Managing is an operational process initially best

deselected by analyzing the managerial 21 functions. The five managerial functions are:

planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling (Koontz and O Donnell 1984).

Recruitment of staff in the SACCOs in most cases is done without paying attention to the

reflection of supply and demand of qualified personnel for the positions to be staffed. Selection

is also done on the basis of ethnicity and the influence of the Board of the Directors and the

members leading to mismanagement and poor performance. The right qualifications should be

considered most. It is also important therefore that SACCOs should embrace education and

trainings for their personnel and should be taken very seriously if these SACCOs are to compete

side by side with other business organizations and be able to fulfill members’ aspirations.

Improvement and standardization of training and education in the co-operative movement has

been emphasized in every development plan since independence (Kerman 2006).

According to Ouma (1990), knowledge has been described generally as the key to success

for any dynamic business enterprises. Education and training help people to acquire knowledge

and develop skills which enables them to implement decisions effectively. In common with all

business requires specific education and training for those who wish to operate it. The

challenges facing the SACCO movement especially the SACCOs in Laikipia county requires

leadership skills and capacity to develop and mobilize SACCO stakeholders around a shared

vision, values and ability to translate them into concrete outcomes focusing on customer and

membership loyalty, a commitment to integrity accountability and ethical practices. There is

also need for staff with appealing public relations to attract more members or customers.

2.3.3 Computerization and performance of SACCOs

Co-operatives in Kenya have no option, if they have to remain relevant and stronger but adapt

to change. The factors of environment, technology and globalization are neutral to any business

organization, including SACCOs. The environment, technology and globalization impact on all

businesses. 22 Globalization and application of rapidly changing technologies in the free market

economic systems have led to ever increasing corporate dominance of big corporations. At the

bottom of the multinational corporation is a mix of thousands of small and medium size

business enterprises, including SACCOs operating in fiercely competitive markets (Davis and

Donaldson 1998).

The SACCO business model and structure given its superior societal concept offers various

opportunities to introduce desirable products and services to clients locally, naturally and

internationally. The co-operative system therefore, especially in Laikipia County is potential for

equitable wealth and employment creation. But despite the known co-operative business

model advantages, they cannot hope to overcome or even match competition in the market

places unless they embrace, exploit and sustain change, that’s computerization of services.

The development and increasing use of information technology will provide SACCOs with

networking and innovative opportunities to strengthen their niche and competitive advantages.

According to Pearce and Robinson (2007) operational controls provide post action

controls, sets standard of performance, identify deviations from standards and initiate

corrective actions. Computerization of services is therefore paramount in serving this purpose.

Management of SACCOs ought to identify suitable hard and soft wares based on their needs.

This will improve efficiency, accuracy and effectiveness in the delivery of their services and are

able to sustain the business in the long run.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

To conceptualize is to determine what will be measured and conceptualization of this study

involves determination and explanation of the research variables. The conceptualization in this

study will be based on the following variables: Management competency, personnel,

computerization, market competition, financial stability(independent variables)

andperformance as the dependent variable as shown below.

2.4.1. Explanation of Variables.

Performance of SACCOs is not governed by one or two factors, because the performance

problem is not simply one of replacing old equipment by a new one, but is concerned with

replacing an existing process in a system with another process which makes the entire system

more effective. We discuss below some of the factors that influence performance.

2.4.2. Management Competency

If the management is progressive and has an aggressively marketing and growth outlook, it will

encourage innovation and favor capital proposals which ensure better productivity on quality

or both. In some industries where the product being designed is a simple standardized one,

innovation is difficult and management would be extremely cost conscious. In contrast, in some

industries, a firm cannot survive, if it follows a policy of ‘make-do’ with its existing equipment.

The management has to be progressive and innovation must be encouraged in such cases.

The focus of co-operative governance will ensure long-term strategic objectives and plans are

established and that proper management structure is in place to achieve those objectives while

at the same time making sure that the structure functions to maintain the company’s integrity,

reputation and accountability to its relevant constituencies. The right systems of check and

balances should be on the basis of merit or any corporate governance system. Skillful persons

are entrusted with this responsibility.

2.4.3 Personnel

Leadership is a major factor in co-operative organization and management development. Co-

operatives deserved visionary competent, dynamic and professional leadership given their

elaborate business model of ownership, purpose, structure, principles and values.

Inappropriate interpretation and application of co-operative principles inhibits the

development of many co-operative enterprises in Kenya. If cooperatives are led and managed

prudently they can provide alternative channels to ordinary people to improve their quality of

life and fight increasing pangs of poverty. Increased emphasis on the training of members and

training of personnel will therefore continue to be maintained. The education and training core

related to the needs of co-operatives and the community and its goals are geared towards the

development of the individuals talent and capacities to the full. Professionalism is key in the

management of personnel and SACCO businesses.

2.4.4 Computerization

Globalization and application of rapidly changing technologies in the free market economic

systems have led to ever increasing corporate dominance of big corporations. At the bottom of

the multinational corporations is a mix of thousands of small and medium size business

enterprises, including cooperatives, operating in fiercely competitive markets (Davis and

Donaldson, 1998). The co-operative business model and structure, given its superior societal

concept, offers opportunities to introduce desirable elements of consumer choice, economic

democracy and distributive justice to small producers, workers and consumers to counter the

distortion of markets and other inadequacies of the multinationals. The co-operative system,

especially in Kenya, has potential for equitable wealth and employment creation. But despite

the well known co-operative business model advantages, they cannot hope to overcome or

even match competition in the market place unless they embrace, exploit and sustain change,

new technology and competitive strategies. The Kenyan co-operative have to shed their

traditional silo business structures and adopt comprehensive and integrated infrastructures.

Silostructures here refer to co-operative organizations that specialize in a single commodity or


Developing and increasing the use of Information Technology will provide co-operatives with

networking and innovative opportunities to strengthen their niche and competitive advantages.

Cooperatives can position themselves to have integrative infrastructures that create

possibilities of transiting from local to national, regional and ultimately global levels through

innovations, networks, consolidations or mergers. Change is important for growth and change

is driven by creative ideas and technology.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter begins by addressing the research design of the study. It goes a head and discusses

the target population,Sample size and Sampling Procedures and instruments. A method of

pretesting is reviewed and finally discusses the methods of data collection and data analysis

methods used.

3.2 Research Design

In this study a descriptive survey wasused. Descriptive research portrays an accurate profile of

persons, events, or situation (Robson, 2002). Surveys allow the collection of large amount of

data from a sizeable population in highly economical way. It allows one to collect quantitative

data, which will be analyzed quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics (Saunders

et al 2007). Therefore, the descriptive survey was deemed the best strategy to fulfill the

objectives of this study. Descriptive Research is the investigation in which quantity data is

collected and analyzed in order to describe the specific phenomenon in its current trends,

current events and linkages between different factors at the current time. Descriptive research

design was chosen because it enabled the researcher to generalize the findings to a larger


3.3. Target Population

According to Cooper and Schindler (2000), target population is the total collection of elements

about which we wish to make inferences. This definition ensures that target population of

interest is homogeneous. Target Population studies also called census are more representative

because everyone has equal chance to be included in the final sample that is drawn. The

population consisted of all the 28 savings and credit co-operative societies (SACCOs) in Laikipia

County. The researcher targeted a total population of 150 SACCO staff and members who were

categorized into three namely: Senior management Level, Middle Level and members.

3.4 Sample size and Sampling Procedures.

The sample size of this study was all staffs in the management level and members in Sacco’s in

Laikipia County. The researcher conducted a census study. According to Cooper & Schindler

(2007), a census is feasible when the population is small and necessary when the elements are

quite different from each other. When the population is small and variable, any sample we

draw may not be representative of the population from which it is drawn. Therefore, for this

case, the study was appropriate for researcher to choose census method to be used because

the population wassmall and the institutions were easily assessable to reach. Noting that

performance impacts the organization as whole (all departments), the researcher interviewed

the senior managers and members across all departments from the selected SACCOs. According

to Krejeie and Morgan (1970) a sample size of 108 is appropriate for a target population of 150.

3.5Research Instruments

The researcher collected primary data through self administered questionnaire. According

to Sproul (1998), a self administered questionnaire is the only way to elicit self report on

people’s opinion, attitudes, beliefs and values. Primary data was obtained through self-

administered questionnaires with closed and open-ended questions (see appendix I). As much

as possible, a 5-point likert scale was used.

The questionnaires included structured and unstructured questions and was administered

through drop and pick method to respondents who were senior managers and members in the

organization. The closed ended questions assisted the researcher to collect quantitative data

while open-ended questions enabled the researcher to collect qualitative data.

3.5.1 Piloting Instruments

A pilot study was conducted to test the accuracy of the instruments. This was done before the

actual fieldwork. This involved 10 individuals who were part of the sampling frame but who

were not in the sample. The reason for the pilot study was to test questions. Some questions

may have been vague sensitive, instructive or difficult hence may not hadelicited the wanted

responses, or worse still, they may had elicited no responses at all. Such questions could be

changed. The pilot studywas also expected to give an estimate of the time that it took to

complete one instrument.

3.5.2 Validity of the research instrument

Validity is the extent to which an instrument captures what it purports to measure ,It is the

accuracy and meaningfullness of inference which are based on the research results .It is the

degree to which results obtain from the analysis of data actually represent the phenomenon

under study (Mugenda & Mugenda ,2003 ).validity deals with how accurate the instrument

represent the variables of the study. If a method is valid then differences in results between

individuals or groups or organizations can be taken as representing true differences in the

characteristics under study (ibid).Content validity of a measuring instrument is the extent to

which it provides adequate coverage of investigative questions guiding the study (Mugenda &

Mugenda,2003).These experts looked at every question in the questionnaire and made

appropriaterecommendations which were taken into improving the instrument .

3.5.3. Reliability of Research instrument

Reliability is a measure of the degree to which research instrument yields consistent results

or data after repeated trials .Reliability in research is influenced by random error (Mugenda

& Mugenda ,2003).This definition implies one method for assessing reliability the test -retest

method ,where the research is exactly replicated .A comparison of the two application

indicates the reliability , or lack of it .

3.5.4 Data collection procedure

3.5.5 Observation

Observation involves a situation where the researcher presence in a social context is

maintained for scientific investigation/ purpose. In this case the researcher maintained a

constant presence with members and staff of the Saccos in Laikipia County. During visits to

various Saccos, observed the types of Sacco projects in their premises and gender dynamic in

terms of who between men and women was doing what in the respective offices.

Detailed observation was important because it was used to verify some of the information

produced during interview session. Observation was used throughout during data collection

and was mainly to produce qualitative data.

3.5.6 Survey Method

This was the main method of data collection that involved the use of a questionnaire as the

instruments for data collection. The semi-structured questionnaire was issued to 150

respondents who were senior managers and members in the organization. The closed ended

Questionnaires assisted the researcher to collect qualitative data.

3.6. Data analysis Techniques.

The whole process starts immediately after collection and ends at the point of interpretation

and processing data is data analysis (Cooper & Schindler, 2003). The data analysis method that

was used was based on quantitative approach using descriptive statistics. The collected data

was thoroughly examined and checked for completeness and comprehensibility. The data was

summarized, edited, classified, coded and entered. This ensureda better and efficient analysis.

The coded data was entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for analysis.

Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and variance was used to analyze the

data. SPSS was used to perform the analysis as it aided in organizing and summarizing the data

by the use of descriptive statistics such as tables, charts and graphs including frequency

percentages of subgroups to the total population for disclosing reliability of the study also

helped to measure variables, distribution size, shape and their relationship. This ensured that

the gathered information was clearly understood. The study also used inferential statistics such

as the Pearson correlation and the regression to test the strength and the relationship between

dependent and independent variables.

3.7. Ethical Issues

During the planning and period of carrying out the research, as well as in reporting research

findings, there were certain considerations and obligations that the researcher hadto fulfill in

the course of the work. During the data collection, the management and members of

organizations selected were approached in the course of doing study and were informed about

the nature of the study, through a formal letter, requesting for permission to carry out data

collection in their organizations, stating the objectives of the study and any risks to the business

that the study could create by involving its employees. The confidentiality of the respondents

was upheld and the information collected was used for this research only. This study also

adhered to the principles of research and the research findings which were solely for academic





This chapter presents the analysis and results of the study. The analysis is based on the data


from the questionnaires sent to the employees and members. 150 questionnaires were sent to

the field

and 110 were successfully dully filled.

4.2 Response Return Rate

With regard to the sample design a total of 150 respondents were targeted, 73%of the

respondents gave

back their questionnaires. This was a result of the fact that some of the respondents were

members who

took the questionnaires home and were unable to bring themback and some of the senior

managers went

on leave and some attended some courses outside their offices.

4.3 Demographic information

In this section the researcher sought to find out the personal characteristics of respondents

who took part

in the study; this include information such as gender, age, marital status, position/rank, years

worked in

the SACCO and highest academic qualification attained.

Table 4.1 Gender of the respondent

Sources: Research, 2012
Findings in table 4.1 revealed that there were more males than females respondents that
participated in
the study. Males comprised of 59% while 41% were female respondents.
Table 4.2 Age of the respondents

The results in table 4.2 above revealed that majority of the respondents had ages between 31-35
and 36-40 years old. This is the age considered as the age of maturity and experience by the
the county.
Table 4.3 Position /Rank

he results revealed that most of the respondents had worked for a period 5-7years comprising
27percent while 25percent had worked for a period of between 8 and 10years. Only 11 percent
worked for a period of 3 years.
Table 4.5 Academic qualification

Results in Table 4.4 above indicated that most of the respondents had diploma level of education
comprising 35% while 29% had degree level of education, 18% had certificate level of
education, 11%
had masters degree level of education while 7% had O level qualifications.
Table 4.6 Marital status of the respondents

Its clear from the findings in the table 4.6 that most (89%) of the respondents were married. It
observed that marital status goes along with responsibilities and demands.

4.4Factors influencing performance of savings and credit co-operative societies in Laikipia

The Purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the performance of savings
credit co-operative societies in Laikipia County.
The respondents indicated that performance of their respective SACCOs are influenced by
competency, personnel, computerization, market competition and financial stability.
4.4.1 Influence of management competency on performance of SACCO.
This section inquired on the extent management competency influence performance of the
Table 4:7 Influence of management competency on performance of SACCO.

The result in table 4.7 above revealed that majority of the respondents did agree that
competence influence performance of Saccos. The scores of 55%, 33%, 21% on management
competency supporting that it influences business growth, encourages more members to join and
improve decision making while 1% showed that it has little impact.
4.4.2 Influence of personnel on performance of Saccos
In establishing whether personnel influence the performance of SACCOs in Laikipia County the
respondents were asked if they were in agreement with the statement that personnel improves
professionalism, link Board and members, recruit more members and give skilful services as
these are
the main personnel roles.
Table 4.8Influence of personnel on performance of Sacco

From these results, personnel in an organization play important roles and thus influence the
performance of Saccos in many ways as indicated above by the respondents. Personnel improves
professionalism 48%, gives skilful services 28%,recruit members 16% and link board and
4.4.3Influence of computerization on performance of Saccos.
This section inquired on the extent of agreement on the influence of computerization on the
of the Saccos.
Table 4.9Extent computerization influence performance of Sacco

Result revealed that computerization influence the performance of Saccos as the system serves in
improvement of efficiency of services as was shown by scores of 65%, creates confidence 15%,
errors 12% and improves the general Sacco business 8%.



5.1 Introduction

This section of research provides a discussion on the findings of the research, the conclusions of

the study and the recommendations of the study which sought to investigate the factors

influencing the performance of savings and credit co-operative societies in Laikipia County.

5.2 Summary

This section of this chapter confirms the stated objects. It gives the strength of each factor and

the perception of each respondent. From the analysis in chapter four, the study found that most of

the respondents were male comprising of 59 percent while 41percent were females. Further, a

majority of the respondents were in middle level management comprising 42 percent while 31

percent were in senior level management and 27 percent were members.

In addition, most of the respondents had worked or stayed in membership for a period between 5

and 7 years comprising of 27percent while25 percent had worked for a period of less than 3

years. Only 11 percent had worked for a period between 3 and 5 years and 25 percent had

worked for a period of 8 and above 10 years. On education, most of the respondents had diploma

level of education comprising of 38% while 30% had degree level of education, 13% had

certificate level of education, while 12 percent had masters level and 7% had O level

qualifications. From the analysis in chapter four it is evident that the performance of SACCOs

depends on the management competency, personnel, and computerization.


Considering the responses that were received, the following conclusion can be made:

5.4.1 Management competency

Most of the respondent indicated that the employee training influence the SACCO performance

which means that the SACCO performance is dependent on education and training of the staff,

board members and general membership. Education and training is considered by the employees

and the members of the SACCO as critical in their performance as it would provide new

information and skills which enhance performance by the members.

5.4.2 Personnel

The majority of the respondents indicates that leadership is a major factor in co-operative

organization and management development. Saccos deserve visionary, competent, dynamic and

professional members of staff for their Success. Continuous staff training need to be emphasized

and maintained.

5.4.3 Computerization

On the area of computerization, most respondents strongly agreed that there is urgent need for all

the Saccos to adapt modern technology and in particular computerization of services for

effectiveness and efficiency. The Sacco management ought to identify suitable hard and software

based on their needs.

5.5 Recommendation for the study

The study provided a fertile ground to understand the factors that influence the performance of

SACCOs In Laikipia County. The conclusion made thereof provides a basis for these

recommendations. The management of these SACCOs should focus their attention to these as

they provide a backbone for their performances. It is therefore recommended that the same

factors should be considered and implemented to improve the performance of these SACCOs.

5.5.1 Policy Recommendation

1. The management should provide training and education for the staff and committee
members as well as their general members so that they can improver their contributions and
shares. The management should also provide training on the areas of public relations and
marketing to enhance marketing competitiveness and professionalism.

2. The SACCO management should also invest majority on advertising, research and
development and management consultancy for the continuous improvement of their products
and services.

3. Moreover there is need for the SACCO management in Bomet County to improve Capital
investment decision and there is need to involve commitment of large amount of funds by the

4. The management should encourage members to save and accumulate funds for long term

5.5.2 Recommendation for further studies

From this study the following suggestions for further studies are made.

1. Similar studies should be carried out in other parts of the country focusing on factors
influencing the performance of savings and credit co-operative societies.

2. There is need to look at other factors, including the effects that are emerging like HIV/AIDS
has on the performance of SACCOs.

3. A study is also required to look at the general sustainability of savings and credit co-operative



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Instructions: Tick where appropriate

Section A: Demographic Information

1. Name (Optional)…………………………………………………………………..

2. Kindly indicate your gender

Male [ ] Female [ ]

3. Age

20-25 years [ ]

26-30 years [ ]

31-35 years [ ]

36-40 years [ ]

Over 40 years [ ]

4. Marital status

Single [ ]

Married [ ]

Separated [ ]

Divorced [ ]

Widow/widower [ ]

5. Position/Rank [ ]

Senior Level Management [ ]

Middle level Management [ ]

Member [ ]

6. How many years have you worked or been a member in the Company?

Less than 3 years [ ]

3 -5 years [ ]

6 -7 years [ ]

8 – 10 years [ ]

Above 10 years [ ]

7. What’s your highest academic qualification?

O – level [ ]

Certificate []

Diploma [ ]

Degree [ ]

Masters [ ]

Any other(Specify) ………………………………………………………………………………

Section B

8. To what extend has your SACCO invest in the following projects or activities? Use a scale of 1-

5; where 5 very great extent, 4 great extend, 3 moderate extend, 2 little extent and 1 not


9. What other investment projects or activities is your SACCO planning to undertake other than

the one named above?..............................................................................................

Section C

10. To what extent do you agree that management competency influence performance of your

Sacco? Use a scale of 1 – 5 where: 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree and 1 strongly

11. Do you think that personnel in your Sacco influence the performance of your Sacco?

Yes No If yes use a scale of 1 – 5 where 5 very great extent, 4 great extent, 3 moderate extent, 2

little extent and 1 no extent. disagree.

13. Do you agree that the following institutions are your Saccos competitors? Use a scale of 1 –

5 where 5 very great extent, 4 great extent, 3 moderate extent, 2 little extent and 1 no extent.

14. To what extent do you agree the following statements on the influence of financial stability

on performance of your Sacco? Use a scale of 1 – 5 where 5 very great extent, 4 great extent, 3

moderate extent, 2 little extent and 1 no extent.

Section D

16. To what extend do the following factors influence performance in your organization? Use a

scale of 1 – 5 where 5 very great extent, 4 great extent, 3 moderate extent, 2 little extent and 1

no extent.

Section E

17. To what extent do the following statements on sound SACCO performance evaluation

criterion? Use a scale of 1-5 where 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree and 1

strongly disagree.

Section F

18. Importance of performance

To what extent do you agree with the following statements on importance of SACCO

performance? Use a scale of 1 -5 where 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 neutral, 2 disagree and 1

strongly disagree.


Thanks for your co-operation.


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