Succession: General Provisions Art. 774. Distinction Between Inheritance and Succession
Succession: General Provisions Art. 774. Distinction Between Inheritance and Succession
Succession: General Provisions Art. 774. Distinction Between Inheritance and Succession
Art. 777
Time and Death of the Decedent 4. Recognition of Ownership by Reason of
Ownership of inheritance passes to heirs Succession
at the time of death of the decedent GR: rights to succession are transmitted from the
Physical delivery, however, may be moment of decedent’s death. However,
delayed by legal formalities such as: recognition of the ownership of the inheritance by
o CPA statement on itemized assets reason of succession is not self-executory in the
and deduction from estate case of the transfer of ownership of shares of
o Estate tax returns, stock of a corporation. Heirs do not automatically
o Execution of deed of partition become stockholders of a corporation. Art. 63 of
o Publication requirements the Corp. Code – no transfer of shares shall be
Time of death of decedent determines: valid until transfer is recorded in the books of the
i) Law applicable to the substantive corporation.
validity of his will
ii) Composition of the decedent’s assets Puno v Puno Enterprises, Inc.
and their valuation Upon the death of a shareholder, the heirs do not
iii) Compulsory heirs who are to succeed automatically become stockholders of the
the decedent and their testamentary corporation and acquire the rights and privileges
capacity to succeed of the deceased as shareholder of the corporation
iv) Determination of issues relating to —the stocks must be distributed first to the heirs
preterition in estate proceedings, and the transfer of the
v) Testamentary capacity of the testator stocks must be recorded in the books of the
vi) Timeliness of acceptance or repudiation corporation; During such interim period, the heirs
of the inheritance and the effects stand as the equitable owners of the stocks, the
thereof executor or administrator duly appointed by the
court being vested with the legal title to the
Consequences of Art. 777
1. Death, the Defining Moment Reyes v. Regional Trial Court of Makati
Bonilla vs. Barcena The status of heirs as co-owners of shares of
The moment of death is the determining factor stocks prior to the partition of the decedent’s
when the heirs acquire a definite right to the estate does not immediately and necessarily
inheritance whether such right to be pure or make them stockholders of the corporation—
contingent. The right of the heirs to the property unless and until there is compliance with Section
of the deceased vests in them even before 63 of the Corporation Code on the manner of
juridical declaration of their being heirs. transferring shares, the heirs do not become
registered stockholders of the corporation
2. Distribution Subject to the Existence of a
Residual Estate Comments on Reyes
Salvador v Sta. Maria No law requires succession to be declared. The
The right of the heirs to specific distributive right of an heir to inherit arises from the moment
shares of the inheritance does not become finally of death of the decedent, although his right to
determinable until all the debts of the estate are specific distributive is inchoate. The process of
paid. liquidating the estate does not reduce the
Final distributive shares are inchoate until death successional rights of the heir to a mere
of decedent and cannot be enforced. Residual expectancy. The “right to inherit” is not
estate after payment of decedent’s death synonymous to “the right to specific distributive
determines distribution. share”.
The repeated use of the words "I bequeath" in the General Rule and Exceptions
testamentary dispositions acquire no legal GR: a will can only distribute properties owned by
significance, such as to convert the same into testator at the time of the execution of the will
devises to be taken solely from the free one-half Exc: 793: testator may dispose future property if
disposable portion of the estate where the he indicates so (“I hereby bequeath all other
testator's intent that his testamentary property which I have not otherwise disposed in
dispositions were by way of adjudications to the this will, as well as all property which I may in the
beneficiaries as heirs and not as mere devisees, future acquire by any title, to X and Y in equal
is clear and that said dispositions were borne out shares.”)
by the use of phrase "my heirs in this testament"
referring to the "devisees." Art. 794.
General Rule – every legacy or devise is
Vda de. Villafolor v. Juico (L-15737) presumed to convey to the beneficiary the
The intention and wishes of the testator, when entirety of the testator’s interest in the specific
clearly expressed in his will, constitute the fixed property subject matter thereof (if entire, then
law of interpretation, and all questions raised at entire, if aliquot , then aliquot only); no one can
the trial, relative to its execution and fulfillment, give what he does not have
must be settled in accordance therewith,
following the plain and literal meaning of the Grant of Less then Full Interest – testator
testator's words, unless it clearly appears that his may grant to one a naked title and to another
intention was otherwise. usufruct; may grant one-half pro indiviso interest
or bequeath a car to two persons jointly
Observations on vda. De Villaflor
Villaflor was a “reversionary legatee” such that Grant of Greater Interest – testator may
legacy did not give her ownership over properties convey interest in property that exceeds his
but merely a lifetime usufruct. Upon death of rights thereto; may be that 3rd party interest be
decedent, usufruct was extinguished. acquired so as to give the thing in its entirety to
the beneficiary
Art. 792.
Separability Clause – nullity of one of the Art. 795. Formal Validity of a Will
testamentary dispositions does not invalidate the Two kinds of validity of a will: formal and
others, unless the valid dispositions depend upon substantive
the void disposition.
Rules as to Formal Requirements
Balanay, Jr. v. Martinez (L-39247) 1. As to Time – formal validity of a will is
The rule is that “the invalidity of one of several governed by the law in effect at the time
dispositions contained in a will does not result in of its execution; even if the formal
the invalidity of the other dispositions, unless it is requirements are amended subsequent to
to be presumed that the testator would not have its execution (for substantive – law at the
made such other dispositions if the first invalid time of death of testator)
disposition had not been made” 2. As to Place – testator may choose the
law that will govern the formal validity of
Art. 793 his will; Filipino testator abroad may use
Purpose of the Law–permits a testator to foreign law or Philippine law; likewise with
dispose of property acquired after the making of foreign national in the Philippines
a will without having to execute a new will;
minimizes partial intestacy; testator simply Conflict Rules as to Formal Requirements
indicates an intention to dispose all properties Choice of Law as to Place of Execution
acquired after the making of the will and how Filipino a) Philippine law
Testator b) Law of country where will is
Distinguished from the “Future Property” in Art. executed
781 c) Any form established by the
781 793 law of the country in which
Accruals to the Property acquired by he is; may be probated in
inheritance after the testator after the Phil
death of the testators execution of the will Resident and a) Law of country where will is
Belong to the heirs by Non-Resident executed
Alien b) Will of an alien executed imbecility disqualify a person from executing a
Testator abroad is effective in the Phil will
if made with formalities
prescribed by the law of the Art. 799.
place where he resides, Soundness of Mind
in conformity with Phil law IS OF SOUND MIND:
(1) Should know the nature of the estate to be
Conflict Rules as to Substantive Requirements (2) Should know the proper objects of his
Choice of Law as to Substantive Validity bounty
As to Time Law in force at time of death of (3) Conscious of the nature of the
the testator testamentary act
As to Place Art. 16 – national law of the
person whose succession is De Guzman v. Intestate Estate of Francisco
under consideration, whatever Benitez (61167-68)
the nature of the property, Benitez was confined in the National mental
regardless of the country where Hospital for varying periods of time before
property is found executing his will. Trial court ruled that he was
not of sound mind at the time he executed his
Bellis v. Bellis (L-23678)
The doctrine of renvoi is usually pertinent where
Baltazar v. Laxa (174489)
the decedent is a national of one country and is
domiciled in another. It does not apply to a case
Art. 800
where the decedent was a citizen of Texas and
Presumption of Sanity – may be controverted
was domiciled therein at the time of his death. So
by competent evidence; burden of proof with
that, even assuming that Texas has a conflicts
person opposing probate
rule providing that the domiciliary law should
govern successional rights, the same would not
Exceptions to the Presumption of Sanity
result in a reference back (renvoi) to Philippine
(1) One month or less, before the execution of
law, but it would still refer to Texas law.
the will, testator was publicly known to be
Nonetheless, if Texas has a conflicts rule,
adopting the rule of lex rei sitae, which calls for
(2) Prior judicial declaration of testator’s insanity,
the application of the law of the place where the
unless such declaration has been set aside
properties are situated, renvoi would arise, where
prior to execution of the will
the properties involved are found in the
(3) Prior judicial appointment of a guardian over
the person/property of a person by reason of
having been found to be insane
Subsection 2 – Testamentary Capacity and
To maintain validity of the will in these
circumstance, one must prove that testator was
Art. 796.
i. In a lucid interval
Art. 797.
ii. Regained his sanity
Art. 798.
Elements of Testamentary Capacity
Art. 801
(1) Is a natural person
Determination of Testamentary Capacity – at
(2) Is at least 18 yrs of age at the time of the
the time of the execution of the will
execution of the will
(3) Must be of sound mind at the time of the
Art. 802. Married woman without consent of
execution of the will
(4) Is not expressly prohibited by law from
Art. 803. Married woman – sep. property
making a will
and conj property
Age Requirement– to ensure that the testator
Subsection 3 – Forms of Wills
possesses sufficient discretion, emotional and
intellectual maturity
Art. 804
Art. 805
Capacity to Act – power of a person to perform
Art. 806
an act with legal effect; not an element of
Forms of Wills
testamentary capacity; minority insanity and
1. Notarial (attested) o additional disposition appearing after the
2. Holographic (handwritten signature of the testator compromises the
no other form is recognized genuineness of the will
b. Bottom signature does not apply to the
The Purpose of the Formalities witnesses – they may sign at any other
“to close the door on bad faith and fraud, to avoid place to identify the pages of the will and
substitution of wills and testaments, and to to prevent fraudulent substitution
guarantee their truth and authenticity.”
A testator can no longer confirm or explain his Taboada v. Rosal (L-36033)
testamentary dispositions, hence strict The signatures of the instrumental witnesses on
conformity is required for distribution of the the left margin of the first page of the will
estate to be executed according to his intent attested not only to the genuineness of the
signature of the testatrix but also the due
Formal Requisites of a Notarial Will execution of the will as embodied in the
1. A will must be in writing attestation clause.
To evidence compliance with the
formalities prescribed by law It must be noted that the law uses the
To serve as exclusive proof of its contents, terms attestedand subscribed. Attestation
avoiding reliance on the memory of man consists in witnessing the testator’s execution of
Must likewise be presented to the court during the will in order to see and take note mentally
probate so that: that those things are done which the statute
A visual inspection to determine requires for the execution of a will and that the
compliance with formalities signature of the testator exists as a fact. On the
After verifying compliance, opportunity to other hand, subscription is the signing of the
examine the testamentary dispositions witnesses’ names upon the same paper for the
purpose of identification of such paper as the will
2. A will must be written in a language or which was executed by the testator.
dialect known to the testator
to ensure that testator understand c. Sufficiency of the customary signature of
contents of his will, protection against the testator – may affix his initials if that
fraud is his customary signature, may be thumb
mark, if an X must be proved that this is
a. Circumstances Indicating lack of his usual signature
knowledge of the language d. Facsimile signature is not acceptable –
Suroza v. Honrado (AM 2026) risk of unauthorized stamping
Testatrix did not know English, yet the will was e. Requisites for third person signing on
written in English and was affixed with her thumb behalf of the testator
mark. In the opening paragraph of the will, it was i. Testator makes an express directive to
stated that English was a language “understood the third person
and known” to the testatrix. In its concluding ii. Third person should write the name of
paragraph it stated that it was read to the the testator and not his own name
textatrix “and translated into Pilipino language” iii. Third person writes the testator’s name
in the will in the presence of the
b. Circumstances indicating knowledge of testator and of each of the
the language instrumental witnesses
Reyes v. Vda de Vidal (L-2867) (hence, an illiterate person, may execute
Deceased was a mestiza Española married to a a notarial will)
Spaniard, made several trips to Spain. Letters of
deceased were written in Spanish. Balonan v. Abellana, et al. (L-
c. Presumption of knowledge of the The name of testatrix AnacletaAbellana, does not
language – where it is proved that appear under the will by said Abellana or by Dr.
testator resides in a particular locality, a Juan Abello, hence failure to comply with
presumption arises that he knows the requirement that testator must himself sign the
language or dialect spoken therein will or some other in his presence with her
express direction
3. The testator must sign at the end of the
a. Purpose – indicate the logical end of the 4. A will must be attested and subscribed
testamentary dispositions by three credible witnesses
Functions of witnesses:
i. Attesting the due execution of the will Lopez v Liboro (L-1787)
- Declare compliance with formalities The purpose of the law in prescribing the paging
which law requires to be confirmed in of wills is to guard against fraud, and to afford
the attestation clause means of preventing the substitution or of
ii. Subscribing thereto detecting the loss of any of its pages. The
- Signing of witnesses’ names upon the omission to put a page number on a sheet, if that
same paper for identification of such be necessary, may be supplied by other forms of
as the will executed by the testator identification more trustworthy than the
conventional numeral words or characters.
b. Effect of a missing signature – witnesses
should sign the will ON THE LEFT MARGIN 8. The will must contain in an attestation
OF EVERY PAGE except the last clause
- if one page was missed but the other
pages signed, the formal defect is Attestation clause = part of a will where
cured and will be admitted to probate witnesses certify:
1) The number of pages used upon which the
Icasiano v. Icasiano (L-18979) will was written
Failure of witness to sign one page is cured by 2) That the testator signed the will or caused
complete set of signatures in the duplicate copy. another to write his name by his express
direction and in his presence and present
c. Credible witness – credible is “worthy of of the witnesses
belief”; cannot be legislated 3) That the testator and the witness signed
d. Competent witness– Art. 820 enumerates the will in the presence of one another
qualifications of a witness to a notarial
will, 821 enumerates disqualifications a. Attestation clause fails to state the
number of pages – not necessarily a fatal
5. The testator and witnesses must sign in defect if the number of pages is readily
the presence of one another discernible
Nera v. Rimando (5971) Tabaoada v. Rosal (L-36033)
The position of testator and of the witnesses to a
will, at the moment of the subscription by each, b. Error in indicating the actual number of
must be such that they may see each other sign pages – not necessarily a fatal error
if they choose to do so.The question whether the
testator and the subscribing witnesses to an Samaniego-Celeda v. Abena (145545) -
alleged will sign the instrument in the presence of While it is true that the attestation clause
each other does not depend upon proof of the is not a part of the will, the court, after
fact that their eyes were actually cast upon the examining the totality of the will, is of the
paper at the moment of its subscription by each considered opinion that error in the
of them, but whether at that moment existing number of pages of the will as stated in
conditions and the position of the parties, with the attestation clause is not material to
relation to each other, were such that by merely invalidate the subject will.
casting their eyes in the proper direction they
could have seen each other sign. If notarial acknowledgment indicates pages
different from number of pages in actuality,
6. The testator and witnesses must sign on Court disallowed probate
the left margin of each page
Fully met when instrumental witnesses signed Lopez v. Lopez(189984) - The law is clear
at the left margin of the sole page which that the attestation must state the
contains all the testamentary dispositions number of pages used upon which the will
to prevent substitution of pages is written. The purpose of the law is to
safeguard against possible interpolation
7. Each page of the will must be numbered or omission of one or some of its pages
correlatively and prevent any increase or decrease in
Safeguards against possible insertion the pages.
Location of the page number is not material
for as long as there is pagination c. Attestation clause fails to state the
Pagination need not be in letters and may be number of witnesses – not a fatal error
in Arabic numerals
If the first page is not numbered, omission Testate Estate of the Late AlipioAbada v.
does not necessarily invalidate the will Abaja (147145)
d. Attestation clause fails to state that the other to write his name, under his
testator’s name was written by a third express direction, in the presence
person – fatally defective of instrumental witnesses
Garcia v. Lacuesta (L-4067) – signature c. The instrumental witnesses
page says that testator requested lawyer witnessed and signed the will and
to write his name, however, the all the pages thereof in the
attestation clause did not say so hence, presence of the testator and of
denial of probate one another
3) Notarial acknowledgment
e. Attesting witnesses did not sign at the
bottom of the attestation clause Garcia v Gatchalian (L-20357) – document
Cagro v Cagro (L-5826) - signature of the was acknowledged before a notary public
witnesses do not appear at the bottom of by the testator but not by the
the attestation clause although were on instrumental witnesses hence cannot be
the left hand margin fatally defective probated