His To Pathology

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Histopathology from Pasha

 Inverted papilloma`cristae-laden senescnt mitochdria, endophytic growth

of epithelium

 Rhinoscleroma Mikuicz`s cell (foamy histocytes containing the

bacteria, "moth-eaten" cytoplasm), Russell bodies (bloated plasma cells with
bifringent inclusions), pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia

 Rhinosporidosis pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, submucosal cysts,

fungal sporangia with chitinous shells

 Aspergillosis histologyseptated 45 degree, Y-shaped (sabouraud`s ager


 Mucormycosis histologynonseptated, 90 degree broad branching hyphae

 Kuettner’s Tumor (Chronic Sclerosing Sialadenitis of the Submandibular

Gland)  chronic inflammation with destruction of acinar cells, sclerosis,
“cirrhotic” changes

 Radiation sialadeniits  interstitial fibrosis

 Benign Lymphoepithelial Cysts lymphoreticular infiltrate, clusters of
lymphoid tissue (germinal centers), acinar atrophy, ductal metaplasia
 Pleomorphic Adenoma

Cellular Components:
1. myoepithelial component: spindle shaped with hyperchromatic nuclei, may
be more than one cell layer thick
2. epithelial components: varied growth patterns (trabecular, solid, cystic,
3. stromal components: product of myoepithelial cells: myxoid, chondroid,
fibroid, or osteoid components
o fibrous pseudocapsule (except minor glands)
o micro-pseudopod extensions

 Warthin’s Tumor

Biphasic Layers

o epithelial component: lines papillary projections; double lining of

oncocytes; inner or luminal cells, nonciliated, tall columnar nuclei at
luminal aspect; outer or basal cells are round, cuboidal with vesicular
o lymphoid component: mature lymphocytes with germinal centers
mucous secreting cells
o Oncocytic Cell: metaplasia (cytoplasmic alteration) of myo- or
epithelial cells

 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

o Low-Grade (Well-Differentiated) more mucinous cystic elements,

aggregates of mucoid cells with strands of epithelial cells, positive
keratin staining
o High-Grade (Poorly-Differentiated) less mucinous elements, more
solid nests of cells, requires mucin staining to differentiate from
squamous cell carcinoma, positive keratin staining

 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (Cylindroma)

o low-grade  cribiform (nests of cells with round spaces, “Swiss

cheese” appearance) or cylindromatous (tubular pattern) pattern,
o high-grade  more solid pattern (dense cellular pattern with few

 Acinic Cell Carcinoma  serous acinar cells or clear cytoplasm cells, several
configurations (microcystic, papillary, solid, follicular), lymphoid infiltrate

 TB Laryngitis  cellular inflammation, granuloma in subepithelium,


 Scleroma of the Larynx/Rhinoscleroma  pseudoepitheliomatous

hyperplasia of the larynx (similar to blastomycosis)

 Granular Cell Tumor  pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia near epithelial

borders (often confused with SSC), polygonal uniform cells with vesicular
nucleus, coarsely cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules, PAS and S-100 positive

 Graves’ Disease  hyperplasia, increased colloid material, papillary


 Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  fibrosis, lymphocytic infiltration

 Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma  papillary and follicular structures,

psammoma bodies (calcific), intranuclear vacuoles (“Orphan Annie” eyes),

 Hürthle Cell Tumors  Hürthle cells (large granular eosinophilic cells,

trabecular pattern)

 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma  small round cells, amyloid stroma, may

have calcification and fibrotic strands

 Anaplastic Carcinoma giant and spindle cells variation, undifferentiated

“bizarre cells”

 Actinomycosis  branching anaerobic gram negative bacteria, sulfur granules

 Pemphigus Vulgaris  intraepithelial cell splitting (suprabasilar), attached

rows of basal cells to lamina propria (row of tombstones), Tzank cells (free
squamous cells, more spherical from loss of intracellular attachment)

 Lichen Planus  vacuolar alteration of the basal cell layer resulting in

Civatte bodies (degenerative eosinophilic ovoid keratinocytes), “saw tooth”
pattern of epidermal hyperplasia, lymphocytic infiltration of lamina propria

 Primary Leukoplakia  hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, atypia

 Ameloblastoma  various histological patterns, most common is the

follicular pattern with islands of epithelium lined with columnar cells, central
mass of loosely arranged cells (stellate reticulum), collagenous stroma

 Pindborg Tumor (Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor)  sheets or

islands of epithelial cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm, may contain amyloid
with concentric calcifications or psammoma-like bodies (Liesegang rings)

 Ameloblastic Odontoma  presence of dentin and enamel (similar to a

dental follicle), “ghost” cells

 Thyroglossal Duct Cyst  lined with respiratory and squamous epithelium

 Cat-Scratch Disease  intracellular, gram-negative bacillus, Warthin-Starry


 Histocytosis X (Reticuloendotheliosis)  sheets of polygonal histiocytes,

Birbeck granules (“zipper” pattern)

 Sarcoidosis  noncaseating granulomas, accumulation of T-cells,

mononuclear phagocytes, derangement of normal tissue architecture

 Syphilis mononuclear infiltrate, obliterative arteritis, hydrops, gummas and

osteolytic lesions in optic capsule

 Blastomycosis  pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, intraepithelial

microabscess, single bifringent broad based bud (“figure 8” formation)

 Wegener’s Granulomatosis necrotizing granulomas (with multinucleated

giant cells) with vasculitis of upper and lower respiratory tract

 Verrucous Carcinoma (Akerman’s Tumor)  benign-appearing

(nonmitotic, no infiltration), well-differentiated squamous epithelium with
papillary projections, extensive hyperkeratosis, basement membrane intact,
“pushing” margins

 Cholesteatoma  compact sac of keratinizing squamous epithelium with a
central core of keratin debris

 Glomus Tumors  nests of nonchromaffin staining cells clustered among

vascular channels lined by epithelioid cells

 Acoustic Neuroma Histologic Types

o Antoni Type A: histologically parallel nuclei, uniform spindle cells,
compact cells
o Antoni Type B: histologically less uniform, may have fatty or hyaline
degeneration, less cellular

 Otosclerosis (Otospongiosis) active lesions reveal spongy bone seen as

blue with staining (blue mantles of Manasse), hypercellularity, active
osteocytes and osteoblasts, increased resorption spaces, and increased vascular
channels; inactive lesions reveal resorption spaces filled with collagen and
osteoid, sclerotic bone, and narrowed vascular spaces

Done by

Dr.khalid Badr

‫متيناتي للجماع بتلتوفاق و السداد‬

‫ال يينسونت من دعتئكم‬

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