Lesson 2

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I Wanna Iguana- Lesson 2

1. Teacher Name: Oropeza 2. Course/Content/Grade: ELA/Close Reading/ 3rd

3. Unit/Module/Topic: Unit 2 Week 2 4. Plan Duration: ~40 minutes

Today I am learning how characters respond to each

RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to other.
demonstrate understanding of a text, 6. Learning Intentions and Success So I can understand the text.
5. Core Standard(s): I will know I have learned this when I can use the
referring explicitly to the text as the basis Criteria
for the answer. sentence frames to answer the questions.

Social Studies: Students will understand

Adorable, compassionate, exactly, iguana,
7. Essential Vocabulary: 8. Inter-Disciplinary Connections: that reaching a good solution involves
mention, trophies.
cooperating and compromising.

9. Assessing for Student Learning: Partner talk and exit tickets.

10. Technology Integration:

Teacher Use: Smart board Student Use: None
(When applicable)

11. Area for Content Specific Additions Continuing work on vocabulary words and discuss how the text structure is unique.

12. 13. Lesson Sequence 14. 15. Grouping and Scaffolding 16. Engagement & Checking for Understanding
Pacing (What You Do When: Including Explicit DOK Structures (including interventions (OTRs: What will students be saying,
(mins.) Instruction/Guided Inquiry) Level for diverse learners) writing, reading & doing)

5 minutes Review prior knowledge and recall what we learned 1 Whole group Students will be actively participating in the
the day before when reading I Wanna Iguana whole group discussion.
I Wanna Iguana- Lesson 2
3 minutes Inform students about the learning objectives and 1 Whole group Have students choral read the learning
success criteria. objective and success criteria.
Slide 19

5 minutes Pass out the copies of pages 250-253. Explain 1 Whole Group Students will be writing their name date and
Annotation: students will be circling questions his number on their page and actively listening to
mom asks and underlining how Alex responds instructions.

5 minutes Discuss the text structure and what the students 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students use the 4 l’s to partner talk.
noticed about the text. Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Slide 20 Have students share back responses with the
Once students have done the partner talk have a whole class.
few pairs share.

7 minutes Reread pages 250-251 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students do some cloze reading and
Slide 21-22 then have them use the 4 L’s to partner talk.
Complete partner talk Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Annotate Have students share back responses with the
whole class.
Have students circle questions and underline

7 minutes Reread pages 252-251 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students do some cloze reading and
Slide 23-24 then have them use the 4 L’s to partner talk.
Complete partner talk Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Annotate Have students share back responses with the
whole class.
Have students circle questions and underline

5 minutes Review success criteria/learning intention 2 independent Have students independently complete the
Slide 25 exit ticket.
Exit ticket
I Wanna Iguana- Lesson 2
17. Closure:
Have students complete the exit ticket independently using their
(Students reflecting on their learning
and providing feedback on their annotated pages as a resource to help them answer the questions.
understanding to the teacher)

18. Feedback to students: Feedback given on the exit tickets along with the partner talk responses throughout the whole lesson.
(Teacher providing feedback to
students on their learning and

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