Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
11. Area for Content Specific Additions Continuing work on vocabulary words and discuss how the text structure is unique.
12. 13. Lesson Sequence 14. 15. Grouping and Scaffolding 16. Engagement & Checking for Understanding
Pacing (What You Do When: Including Explicit DOK Structures (including interventions (OTRs: What will students be saying,
(mins.) Instruction/Guided Inquiry) Level for diverse learners) writing, reading & doing)
5 minutes Review prior knowledge and recall what we learned 1 Whole group Students will be actively participating in the
the day before when reading I Wanna Iguana whole group discussion.
I Wanna Iguana- Lesson 2
3 minutes Inform students about the learning objectives and 1 Whole group Have students choral read the learning
success criteria. objective and success criteria.
Slide 19
5 minutes Pass out the copies of pages 250-253. Explain 1 Whole Group Students will be writing their name date and
Annotation: students will be circling questions his number on their page and actively listening to
mom asks and underlining how Alex responds instructions.
5 minutes Discuss the text structure and what the students 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students use the 4 l’s to partner talk.
noticed about the text. Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Slide 20 Have students share back responses with the
Once students have done the partner talk have a whole class.
few pairs share.
7 minutes Reread pages 250-251 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students do some cloze reading and
Slide 21-22 then have them use the 4 L’s to partner talk.
Complete partner talk Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Annotate Have students share back responses with the
whole class.
Have students circle questions and underline
7 minutes Reread pages 252-251 2 Partner talk/whole group Have students do some cloze reading and
Slide 23-24 then have them use the 4 L’s to partner talk.
Complete partner talk Look, Lean, Lower, and Listen.
Annotate Have students share back responses with the
whole class.
Have students circle questions and underline
5 minutes Review success criteria/learning intention 2 independent Have students independently complete the
Slide 25 exit ticket.
Exit ticket
I Wanna Iguana- Lesson 2
17. Closure:
Have students complete the exit ticket independently using their
(Students reflecting on their learning
and providing feedback on their annotated pages as a resource to help them answer the questions.
understanding to the teacher)
18. Feedback to students: Feedback given on the exit tickets along with the partner talk responses throughout the whole lesson.
(Teacher providing feedback to
students on their learning and