Business Proposal: Rationale
Business Proposal: Rationale
Business Proposal: Rationale
Product Control
One of the pros of running a bakery is you have control or the products you provide and their
amounts. You have options including an almost endless variety of breads, pastries, cakes, brownies
and pies.
Sustainable Market
The bakery business has long been considered recession proof. This is based on the fact that
people have to eat and a large number of persons enjoy and are willing to pay for fresh products.
Baked items are comfort foods that can be prepared as very nutritious and tasty.
The bakery business offers the potential for great creativity. You can experiment with original
recipes, exciting presentations of products and can express the bakery's style with decorations.
Bakers who are allowed to express their ideas are more satisfied with their work than those who
are expected to produce the same items day in and day out.
To get the best feedback from the customers
To sale in a good way and to have harmonious relationship with the customers
Budget= 100,000
Supplies and packaging matrerials
Other variable costs