Abce Python Library

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ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling

Working Paper · June 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16523.90406

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8 authors, including:

Davoud Taghawi-Nejad R Maria Del Río-Chanona

University of Oxford University of Oxford


Adrián Carro
University of Oxford


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ABCE the Python Agent-Based Computational Economy Platform View project

Mistral: Multi-scale infrastructure systems analytics View project

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ABCE: A Python Library for Economic
Agent-based Modeling

Davoud Taghawi-Nejad12 ( ) , Rudy H. Tanin45 , R. Maria Del Rio Chanona12 ,

Adrián Carro12 , J. Doyne Farmer123 , Torsten Heinrich12 , and Mika J. Straka16
Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, University of
Oxford, Oxford OX2 6ED, UK
[email protected]
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3LP, UK
Santa-Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA
Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge 02139, USA
[email protected]
Independent Scholar, Talinn, EE
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca 55100, IT
[email protected]

Abstract. Given the rise of computational power since the beginning of

the millennium, agent-based modelling is now a viable option for mod-
els capable of capturing the complex nature of an economy. However,
the coding implementation can be tedious. Because of this we intro-
duce ABCE, the Agent-Based Computational Economics library. ABCE
is an agent-based modeling library for Python that is specifically tai-
lored for economic phenomena. ABCE’s core idea is that the modeler
specifies the decision logic of the agents, the order of actions, the goods
and their physical transformation (the production and the consumption
functions). Then, ABCE automatically handles the actions, such as pro-
duction and consumption, trade and agent interaction. The result is a
program where the source code consists of only economically meaningful
commands (e.g. decisions, buy, sell, produce, consume, contract, etc.).
ABCE scales on multi-core computers, without the intervention of the
modeler. The model can be packaged into a nice web application or run
in a Jupyter notebook.

Keywords: Agent-Based Models, Agent-Based Macroeconomics, Python, Eco-

nomic Simulation, Computational Economics, Computational Techniques, Sim-
ulation Modeling

1 Introduction
An economy is a complex system where the interaction of heterogeneous agents
plays a crucial role. However, current economic models used by academics, the
2 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

central banks and policy makers fail to acknowledge its complexity and are
either based on empirical statistical models fitted to past data (econometrics)
or assume a perfect world (DSGE) and by their very nature rule out crisis [4].
However, agent-based models (ABM) can take into account of this complexity
since they are expressive computer simulations of heterogeneous agents which
interact across different spatial and temporal scales according to predefined rules.
When modeling an economy, agents represent firms, households, banks and other
important entities that define the systems dynamic.
In social sciences and in particular in economics where designing replicable
experiments is most of the times impossible, agent-based models present a unique
opportunity for policy testing. To give true insights on economic phenomena,
a large number of heterogeneous agents and often stock-flow consistency7 are
crucial. Here we introduce the Agent-Based Computational Economics library
(ABCE) a Python library with the computational efficiency and accounting im-
plementation needed for state of the art ABMs. ABCE has been continuously
been updated and extended for 6 years after its conceptual framework was un-
veiled in [13].
While [13] discusses the theory that agent-based modeling is a language to
express economic phenomena as dynamical processes, this paper gives a practical
overview over how and why to use ABCE. It also incorporates the many updates
that have been introduced in ABCE.
ABCE8 is a Python-based modeling platform for economic simulations and
part of the Economic Simulation Library9 . For simulations of trade, production
and consumption, ABCE comes with standard functions that implement these
kinds of interactions and actions. The modeler only implements the decision
logic of an agent, then ABCE takes care of all exchange of goods and production
and consumption. Furthermore it can also handle contracts and even generate
balance sheets.
One special feature of ABCE is that goods have the physical properties of
goods in reality. In other words if agent A gives a good to agent B, then -
unlike information - agent B receives the good and agent B does not have the
good anymore. That means that agents can trade, produce or consume a good.
The ownership and transformations (production or consumption) of goods are
automatically handled by the platform.
The audience of ABCE are economists, computer scientists, mathematicians,
scientists conducting interdisciplinary research, and people of similar areas that
want to create agent-based models involving trade, production or contracts. It
is especially geared towards simulations that are similar to standard economic
models such as general or partial equilibrium models10 but allow the assumptions
to be relaxed to the extent of removing equilibrium. Current development efforts
Meaning that goods and money are not created “out of thin air”. ABCE is stock
flow consistent, if the stock-flow consistency is not explicitly broken
Without the equilibrium, of course.
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 3

will make it possible to automatically handle contracts, contractual obligations

and balance-sheets. ABCE uses Python - a language that is especially beginner
friendly, but also easy to learn for people who already know object oriented
programming languages such as Java, C++ or even MATLAB. Syntactically,
Python code looks like executable pseudo code[11]. Moreover, in science, code
is meant to be read, verified, and reused by other scientists, so we decide to
cut down the development time and the time required to comprehend our code
rather than execution time. Where speed is relevant, ABCEs backend is written
in C via Cython.

2 Design

ABCEs main design goal is that code can be rapidly written to enable a modeler
to quickly write down code and quickly explore different alternatives of a model.
In Python, variables do not have to be declared, garbage does not have to be
collected and classes have no boiler-plate code. Another advantage of Python
that facilitates rapid coding is its rich environment of standard libraries. For
example, Python standard library, turtle enables representation of agents in a
spatial world, which allow the modeler to build a spatial model. Installation of
packages is much simpler in Python than in Java, C, or C++.
Execution speed is a secondary concern to the goal of rapid development. Ex-
ecution speed is increased achieved by making use of multiple-cores/processors
and using C (via Cython) for backend tasks. For the user, the library is a pure
python library, with the C backend completely hidden from the user. Although
Python is slower than Java or C in terms of execution speed, this disadvan-
tage can be largely overcome by using various optimized packages for numerical
calculations, such as NumPy[15] and SciPy[5], which make use of backend im-
plementations in C. ABCE allows to parallelize the code and gain significant
speed advantage over single-threaded code.
Thirdly the design is giving full modelling liberty to the programmer. This
is done by not implementing any economic assumptions in the simulation en-
gine of the library. Depending on the use case, a user may decide to not use
the pre-defined agents in the library, and may instead define new agents from
scratch without restrictions. In other words, ABCE is a library that allows trade,
consumption and production of goods but does not force specific economic as-
It is important to note that there are predefined agents (Agent, Firm or
Household) which are Python classes that can be inherited from. This will allow
the modeler to concentrate on defining the behaviour of the agents and the
specification of goods, production/consumption functions. ABCE automatically
handles the communication, trade and consumption of goods.
ABCE allows the modeler to program agents as ordinary Python objects, and
to run the simulation on a multi-core/processor computer without further config-
uration or intervention. The parallel execution of agents is the only non-standard
feature of ABCE, which bypasses Pythons global interpreter lock (GIL). The
4 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

speed advantages of the parallelization are observed when running simulations

involving 10000 agents or more.
Models in ABCE are implemented as a 2-level nested loop. In other words,
a simulation is a sequence of rounds, with sub-rounds in which agents execute
actions in parallel. Each agent executes these actions possibly using some of
the built-in functions, such as messaging, trade, production and consumption
of ABCE. Agents communicate only between sub-rounds, all actions within one
sub-round are executed as if they were executed in parallel.
It is also possible to run a simulation as a discrete event simulation, where
events are scheduled at particular times.
Agent-based economic models are usually about the production, transfer and
consumptions of goods. Goods are different than information in the sense that
if you give somebody a good, then you dont have the good anymore. This is
generally not reflected in other ABM libraries and added by ABCE.

2.1 Physical Goods

Physical goods are at the heart of almost every economic model. The core feature
and main difference to other ABM platforms is the implementation of physical
goods. In contrast to information or messages, sharing a good means having less
of it. If agent A transfers a good to agent B then agent A does not have this
good anymore. One of the major strength of ABCE is that this is automatically
In ABCE goods can be created, destroyed, traded, given or changed through
production and consumption. All these functions are implemented in ABCE
and can be inherited by an agent. These functions are automatically handled by
ABCE upon decision from the modeler.
Every agent in ABCE must inherit from the abce.Agent class. This gives the
agent a couple of stock methods: create, destroy, trade, and give. create and
destroy create or destroy a good immediately. Because trade and give involve
a form of interaction between the agents, they are run over several sub-rounds.
Selling of a good for example works as follow:

– subround 1: the first agent offers the goods

post-subround ABCE handler: the good is automatically subtracted from
the agents possessions, to avoid double selling
– subround 2: the counter agent receives the offer. The agent can
• accept: the goods are added to the counter parts possessions. Money is
• reject (or equivalently ignore): nothing happens in this sub-round
• partially accept the offer: the partial amount of goods is added to the
counter parts possessions. Money is subtracted
– subround 3: in case of
• acceptance, the money is credited
• rejection the original good is re-credited
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 5

• partial acceptance the money is credited and the unsold part of the good
is re-credited

Objects have a special stance in agent-based modeling:

– objects can be recovered (resources)
– exchanged (trade)
– transformed (production)
– consumed
– destroyed and depreciate over time
ABCE takes care of trade, production / transformation and consumption of
goods automatically. Good categories can also be made to perish or yield another
good. E.G. a field can grow crops and an oilfield oil. The modeler has only to
decide on the when and how.

2.2 Services or Labor

We can model services and labor as goods that perish and that are replenished
every round. This would amount to a worker that can sell one unit of labor every
round, that disappears if not used.

2.3 Closed Economy

Imposing that goods can only be transformed, but neither created nor destroyed,
amounts to modeling a physically closed economy, which is stock and flow consis-
tent. In ABCE this can be achieved by calling the respective creation/destruction
functions for goods, money, etc. only in the initialization phase.

3 Difference to Other Agent-based Modeling Frameworks

We identified several survey articles as well as a quite complete overview of
agent-based modeling software on Wikipedia. [12], [1] [7], [14], [10], [16]. The
articles Tools of the Trade by Madey and Nikolai [7] and Survey of Agent Based
Modelling and Simulation Tools by Allan [1] attempt to give a complete overview
of agent-based modelling platforms/frameworks. The Madey and Nikolai paper
categorizes the ABM-platforms according to several categories (Programming
Language, Type of License, Operating System and Domain). According to this
article, there is only one software platform which aims at the specific domain
of economics: JASA. But JASA is a modeling platform that aims specifically at
auctions. Wikipedia [16] lists JAMEL as an economic platform, but JAMEL is
closed source and an non-programming platform. The Survey of Agent Based
Modelling and Simulation Tools by Allan [1] draws our attention to LSD, which
follows a dynamical systems approach rather than an agent-based modeling plat-
form. We conclude that there is a market for a domain specific language for
6 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

While the formerly mentioned papers on modeling platforms aim to give a

complete overview, Evaluation of free Java - libraries for social scientific agent
based simulation by Tobias and Hoffman [14] chooses to concentrate on a smaller
number of simulation packages. Tobias and Hoffman analyze: RePast, Swarm,
Quicksilver, and VSEit. We will follow this approach and concentrate on a sub-
set of ABM models. First as economics is a subset of social science we dismiss
all platforms that are not explicitly targeted at social science. The list of so-
cial science platforms according to [7] Madey and Nikolai is: AgentSheets, LSD,
FAMOJA, MAML, MAS-SOC, MIMOSE, NetLogo, Repast SimBioSys, StarL-
ogo, StarLogoT, StarLogo TNG, Sugarscape, VSEit NetLogo and Moduleco. We
dismiss some of these frameworks/platforms from our analysis:

– AgentSheets, because it is closed source and not programmable.

– LSD, because it uses dynamical systems approach rather than an agent-based
modeling environment.
– MAML, because it does not use a standard programming language, but it is
its own.
– MAS-SOC, because we could not find it in the internet and its documentation
according to [1] is sparse.
– MIMOSE, an interesting language, but we will not analyze as it is based on
a completely different programming paradigm, i.e., functional programming,
as opposed to object-oriented programming.
– SimBioSys, because it has, according to Allan [1] and our research, a sparse
– StarLogo, StarLogoT, StarLogo TNG, because they have been superseded
by NetLogo
– Moduleco, because it has, according to Allan [1] and our research, a sparse
documentation. Furthermore, it has not been updated since roughly 2001.

We will concentrate on the most widely used ABM frameworks/platforms:

MASON, NetLogo, Repast.

4 General Differences to Other Agent-based Modeling

First of all ABCE is specifically designed for economic problems. It provides
the basic functions such as production, consumption, trade and communication
as fully automated stock methods. Because any kind of agent interaction (com-
munication and exchange of goods) is handled automatically by ABCE, it can
run the agents (virtually) parallel and run simulations on multi-core/processor
systems without any intervention by the modeler.
The second biggest difference between ABCE and other platforms is that
ABCE introduces the physical good as an ontological object in the simulation.
Goods can be exchanged and transformed. ABCE handles these processes au-
tomatically, so that for the model a physical good behaves like a physical good
and not like a message.
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 7

Thirdly, ABCE is just a scheduler that schedules the actions of the agents
and a Python class that enables the agent to produce, consume, trade and com-
municate. A model written in ABCE, is therefore standard Python code and
the modeler can make use of the complete Python language and the Python
language environment.
Fourthly, many frameworks such as FLAME, NetLogo, StarLogo, Ascape
and SugarScape and, in a more limited sense, Repast are designed with spatial
representation in mind. For ABCE, a spatial representation is possible, but not
a design goal. Since agents in ABCE are ordinary Python objects, they can use
Python modules such as turtle from the Python standard library and therefore
gain a spatial representation much like NetLogo. This does not mean that ABCE
could not be a good choice for a problem where the spatial position plays a
role. Particularly if the model has different transport costs or other properties
according to the geographical position of the agents, but the agents do not move
or the movement does not have to be represented graphically, ABCE could still
be a good choice.

5 Comparison to Other Agent-based Modeling Platforms


MASON is a single-threaded discrete event platform that is intended for simula-

tions of social, biological and economical systems. [6]. Mason is a platform that
was explicitly designed with the goal of running it on large platforms. MASON
distributes a large number of single threaded simulations over different comput-
ers or processors. ABCE on the other hand is multi-threaded it allows to run
agents in parallel. A single run of a simulation in MASON is therefore not faster
on a computing cluster than on a potent single-processor computer. ABCE on
the other hand uses the full capacity of multi-core/processor systems for a sin-
gle simulation run. The fast execution of a model in ABCE allows a different
software development process, modelers can ‘try their models while they are
developing and adjust the code until it works as desired. The different nature
of both platforms make it necessary to implement a different event scheduling
system. MASON is a discrete event platform. Events can be scheduled by the
agents. ABCE on the other hand is scheduled - it has global list of sub-rounds
that establish the sequence of actions in every round. Each of these sub-rounds
lets a number of agents execute the same actions in parallel. However ABCE
also supports discrete event scheduling. MASON, like Repast Java is based on
Java, while ABCE is based on Python.

5.2 NetLogo

Netlogo is a multi-agent special purpose programming language that integrates

with Java. It can, if required, be supplemented with Java code and is run in
a Java VM. First released in 1999, NetLogo dates back to the early days of
8 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

agent-based modeling and is widely advertised for its ease of use and appeal to
scholars without prior programming experience. This, however, comes at a price:
As Netlogo is an interpreted language running on top of a Java implementation,
performance and speed of NetLogo simulations are impeded. Further, NetLogo
is heavily centered on visualization and spatial structure, even if the spatial
structure does not have a useful interpretation for the use case at hand.
In contrast to Netlogo, ABCE is not a special purpose language but a library
that can directly be included from programs written in the general purpose lan-
guage Python. It also places much fewer restrictions on the modelers modelling
decisions and will, for instance not enforce the use of spatial (or any other)
structures. That said, NetLogo-style spatial simulations can be implemented in
ABCE/Python by using Pythons turtle library.

5.3 Repast
Repast is a modeling environment for social science. It was originally conceived
as a Java rewrite of SWARM. [3] [8] Repast has API in several flavors: Java, .Net,
and a Python-like language. Repast has been superseded by Repast Simphony
which maintains all functionality, but is limited to Java. Repast Simphony has
a point and click interface for simple models. :raw-tex:citeNORTH2005a Repast
supports static and dynamic scheduling. [3] Repast is vast, which contains 210
classes in 9 packages :raw-tex‘citeCollier‘. ABCE, thanks to its limited scope and
Python, has only 8 classes visible to the modeler in a single package.

5.4 JABM, JMAB and special purpose ABM tools

Recent years have seen the emergence of a variety of other ABM platforms and
tools. One of them is the Java Macro Agent-Based (JMAB) toolkit, which is ex-
plicitly designed for building stock-flow consistent Macroeconomic ABM[2]. As
such, it limits the modelers possibilities by design, precluding for instance micro-
level models that do not presume to fully represent the entirety of an economy,
but also inter-disciplinary approaches that place their focus on a field other than
economics. The JMAB toolkit is, in turn, based on the Java Agent-Based Mod-
elling (JABM) toolkit, another ABM library. Both JMAB and JABM run on
Java and concentrate significant parts of their design on dependency injection:
Experiments can be defined by the modeler in a configuration file and run with-
out having to touch any Java code. [9] This creates desirable properties in terms
of controlling consistency across experiments but may impede the flexibility of
the modeler.

5.5 Mesa
Mesa is a modular ABM framework, with a goal to be Python 3-based alternative
to NetLogo, Repast, or MASON. Its specific strength is the spatial representation
of agent positions. Which is the same as in netlogo. ABCE is specifically built
for economic modelling, has core components written in Cython, and has been
optimized for parallel execution.
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 9

6 How to write an agent-based model in ABCE

The first step to make an ABM is to define the agents. ABCE provides the pro-
grammer with a predetermined set of benchmark agents and functions. However
the main advantage of ABCE is that gives total flexibility for the modeler to
define its own agents. Therefore we explain how an agent class must be defined.
The agent classes must inherit the base agent (abce.Agent) and possibly the
firm (abce.Firm) or the household class (abce.Household). The base class gives
agents the ability to interact with other agents. That includes amongst others the
ability to send messages and trade. The firm and household classes give agents
the ability to produce and consume. For firm and household agents the modeler
has to specify the functional form of the production or consumption function in
the init method. Below we show an example where a firm is created with
a money budget of 10 and produces ”GOOD” with a Cobb-Douglas production
import abce

c l a s s Firm ( abce . Agent , abce . Firm ) :

def i n i t ( s e l f , s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m s , agent params ) :
1 . Gets an i n i t i a l amount o f money
2. create a cobb douglas function :
GOOD = 1 ∗ l a b o r ∗∗ 1 .
s e l f . c r e a t e ( ’ money ’ , 1 0 )
s e l f . s e t c o b b d o u g l a s ( ”GOOD” , 1 , { ” l a b o r ” : 1 } )
The simulation parameters and agent parameters must be given when the
simulation is called, as we will explain further down below.
The modeler must also specify the agents decision logic. For every method of
the agent class the modeler has to decide under which conditions agents, interact,
trade, produce, consume, etc. or do other things. Its is instructive to consider
the following code snippet: look on code for this:
# Agent 1
def s e l l c o o k i e s ( s e l f ) :
s e l f . s e l l ( buyer , 2 , ’ c o o k i e s ’ , p r i c e =1, q u a n t i t y =2.5)

# Agent 2
def b u y c o o k i e s ( s e l f ) :
o f fe r s = s e l f . get offers ( ’ cookies ’ )
f o r o f f e r in o f f e r s :
if offer . price < 0.5:
try :
s e l f . accept ( o f f e r )
10 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

except NotEnoughGoods :
s e l f . accept ( offer ,
( s e l f . p o s s e s s i o n ( ’ money ’ ) /
offer . price ))
Amongst others agent 1 sends an offer of cookies to agent 2. The agent
receives all offers of cookies. She can iterate over all offers and decide, which
offers to accept and which not. Note that the interesting thing here is that the
modeler only implements the decision logic, but the transactions are handled by
ABCE in the background.
Once the agents have been defined, the simulation must be run in a start
file. Here the simulation class is instantiated, which then builds the agents from
the agent classes already defined as explained above. It is in this part that the
simulation parameters and agent parameters are defined as shown in the code
snipet below. The order of execution of agents action has to be specified, as
well as goods and their properties, such as services or perishable, respectively.
Finally, we need to define which observables should be measured throughout the
p a r a m e t e r s = { ’ name ’ : ’ 2 x2 ’ ,
’ random seed ’ : None ,
’ rounds ’ : 10}

@gui ( p a r a m e t e r s )
def main ( p a r a m e t e r s ) :
w = S i m u l a t i o n ( rounds=p a r a m e t e r s [ ’ rounds ’ ] )
w . d e c l a r e r o u n d e n d o w m e n t ( r e s o u r c e= ’ a d u l t ’ , u n i t s =1,
p r o d u c t= ’ l a b o r ’ )
w . d e c l a r e p e r i s h a b l e ( good= ’ l a b o r ’ )

w . p a n e l ( ’ h o u s e h o l d ’ , p o s s e s s i o n s =[ ’ money ’ , ’GOOD’ ] ,
v a r i a b l e s =[ ’ c u r r e n t u t i l i y ’ ] )
w . p a n e l ( ’ f i r m ’ , p o s s e s s i o n s =[ ’ money ’ , ’GOOD’ ] )

f i r m s = w . b u i l d a g e n t s ( Firm , ’ f i r m ’ , 1 )
h o u s e h o l d s = w . b u i l d a g e n t s ( Household , ’ h o u s e h o l d ’ , 1 )
f o r r in w . n e x t r o u n d ( ) :
h o u s e h o l d s . do ( ’ s e l l l a b o r ’ )
f i r m s . do ( ’ b u y l a b o r ’ )
f i r m s . do ( ’ p r o d u c t i o n ’ )
f i r m s . do ( ’ p a n e l ’ )
f i r m s . do ( ’ s e l l g o o d s ’ )
h o u s e h o l d s . do ( ’ buy goods ’ )
h o u s e h o l d s . do ( ’ p a n e l ’ )
h o u s e h o l d s . do ( ’ consumption ’ )

if name == ’ main ’:
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 11

main ( p a r a m e t e r s )
The fact that ABCE is designed to be a library means that the same
file can use other Python libraries. For example we can use a calibration tool
and a statistical package that runs the simulation repeatedly with different pa-
rameters to achieve a certain fit, read from a relational database to calibrate the
agents, frame the agents to move around and gather resources in a 2D/3D mesh
or a graph.

7 The scheduling and parallelization

Let us assume for the sake of the argument that we want to simulate actions
that happen in real life in parallel, but we can only run agents sequentially in
the simulation. Since these actions happen in parallel we know they (a) start
with the same information set and (b) cannot affect each other. This has two
implications: they must start with the same information set and the effects on
the other agents must happen after they have all finished, i.e. the information
set can only be updated after all agents actions have been executed.
Generally speaking, multithreading and parallel execution have to cope with
the problem that actions do not necessarily finish at the same time, which has
to be considered when updating the information set.
To address this issue, in ABCE time is discrete and actions happen in lock-
step. Temporal events consist of rounds and sub-rounds. Rounds correspond
to real-time intervals, e.g. days. In each subround all agents execute the same
action. So for example in overnight-loans:

– subround 1: banks send a request for overnight loans

post-subround ABCE handler: messages are delivered
– subround 2: banks receive requests and process them
post-subround ABCE handler: messages and payments are delivered
– subround 3: money has arrived, banks can make new requests if they still
need money
– ...

In conclusion, time in ABCE is discrete and actions that happen in the

same subround do not causally affect each other. Communication happens only
between the sub-rounds simulating simultaneity of the actions in one subround.
For example, a sales transaction is handled in the following way:
The transfer of goods between agents and its consistency is handled by
ABCE. In other words, if a good is sent, it gets subtracted from one agent
and added to the other. However, ABCE also ensures that objects cannot be
transferred twice: if an agent gives an object to another agent it is immediately
taken from his possessions and credited only in the next round. In case of a sale
offer, or analogously a purchase offer, the good gets committed to the sale as
soon as the offer is made.
The game tree is as follows
12 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

– subround 1: Agent A offers the good:

self . sell (’ receiver ’, receiver id , ’good’, quantity, price)
post-subround ABCE handler: the quantity of the good is subtracted from
his possessions immediately
– either of
• subround 2a: Agent B accepts self .accept( offer )
post-subround ABCE handler: the money is subtracted immediately,
then the good is added immediately
• subround 3a: (pre-subround ABCE handler) the money is added to Agent
A’s possessions
• ...
• subround 2b: Agent B rejects self . reject ( offer )

• subround 3b: (pre-round ABCE handler) the good is refunded

• ...

8 GUI and Database

ABCE has several ways of collecting data. For example, agents can log data
directly to the database or the simulation can monitor variables and possessions
of agents and log them collectively to the database. The database is used to
generate graphs and can be used for further processing.
All data that has been collected can be automatically displayed on an inter-
active webpage. What is more the whole simulation can be packaged into a web-
app. In this case, a menu can be displayed in the browser, from which simulation
parameters can be chosen. A user can set the parameters, run the simulation,
and observe the results directly in the browser. Past simulations remain accessi-
ble in the menu. Examples of simulations written in ABCE with interactive web
interface can be accessed in
ABCE: A Python Library for Economic Agent-based Modeling 13

Fig. 1. An interactive web interface for the simulation

Fig. 2. A screenshot of an interactive exploration of the simulation as reflected in the

14 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad et al.

9 Conclusion

ABCE is a modeling library that allows economic modelers to write agent-based

models in a concise fashion. The modeler can concentrate on the decision logic
of the model and does not have to deal with transactions between the agents
or physical consistency. ABCE accelerates simulations from vanilla Python by
providing core libraries in Cython and parallelizing computations on multi-core
PCs. Moreover, ABCE collects statistics on observables defined by the user and
makes them accessible in a nice web app interface, which provides an immediate
representation of results. ABCEs documentation can be accessed in http://
ABCE has been developed and used internally for the past 6 years. It is now
our intention to open up the development to the community. For this purpose
ABCE's source code is available at:
abce. ABCE is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and can thus be
used permissively for academic and commercial purposes.


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