Journal Number One: File:///Users/Zq4751Rm/Downloads/Mathstandards2007 005247 Reposted 92815%2 0 PDF

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Journal Number One

How can you use specific answers from your Cultural Self Study Questionnaire to reflect here
on why you chose the profession of teaching?
One question in which my answer reflects why I chose to be a teacher is question

number eight from the cultural self-study questionnaire which is: what would you say are the

primary values of the culture to which you identify? My answer to this is that my family’s

primary values are supporting others, loving those around you, being compassionate and

respectful, and working hard. All of these values that have been portrayed in my household and

in my community have led me to want to become a teacher. I want to support and care for the

students in my classroom, give them compassion and respect. I also want to show them the

benefits of being hard working and how hard work now can lead to success in the future. These

values are important for all teacher to have, and for all students to learn. If these values were

not in my home growing up, I would not have been as successful in school, or have wanted to

become a teacher in the future. In order to be a teacher, you have to be patient and

understanding with the students.

See the first entry required on your resource list- locate a hyperlink or PDF of a list of content
area standards required for students at the grade level(s) you desire to teach
The grade levels that I am interested in teaching are 9th through 12th grade. The math

standards for these grades can be found on Pages 35-45 of the PDF that is hyperlinked below.



How do any of your EDFD 401 Development or Learning theorists help you explain here how
students’ cultural backgrounds influence their learning?
There are many ways in which cultural backgrounds can affect a student’s learning and

development. The first example of this is through their cognitive development. In Piaget’s
stages it is important for the children to be able to play, interact socially, and explore in order

to increase their brain development (Cognitive Development PowerPoint- Slide 15). Some

cultures value play and exploration more than others. In cultures that are big promotors of

play, exploration, and socializing their children they have the opportunity of better cognitive

development. This can then affect their learning. If they have cognitive development that is

faster than others, they will be more likely to grasp concepts that their peers do not. If they

have slower cognitive development than their peers, they will be unable to understand

concepts that the other students their age understand.

Another way in which development effects learning is through social development. Over

the course of life people learn social adjustment, social performance, and social skills. They

learn how to behave, interact with others, and respond to situations in a way that is

appropriate (Social Development PowerPoint- Slide 13). Students from various cultures might

have different beliefs on what these appropriate actions are, because each culture has varying

responses to certain situations. This can affect the entire dynamic of the classroom, affecting

the learning of all the students inside of it despite their cultural background. Differences in

culture can cause miscommunication, misunderstanding, and tension in the classroom that

causes students and teachers to be in a state of discomfort than can affect the teachers

teaching ability, and the student’s ability to learn.

Another thing that can affect learning is the moral development of the student. There

are many different stages of moral development that all cause different paths of thinking about

situations. If the students in the classroom are in the moral stage that they are worried about

fitting in and what other people think of them they can be persuaded to talk or text in class,
avoid homework to do fun stuff, to cheat on tests and homework, and skip class (Moral

Development PowerPoint- Slide 9). Trying to fit in with everyone else causes students to be

distracted from the academic material that is actually in front of them. All of these things can

affect the learning of the student in negative ways, because they will not actually be

understanding the material being presented to them. Some stages can also promote positive

academic behavior. If the student is focused on doing the right thing and being seen as a good

student they are going to actively participate, do their homework, and ask questions in class.

This can cause them to perform better in school simply because they want to be seen as a good

student to those around them. Thus, the moral stage that the student is in can cause them to

negatively or positively impact their education. Overall, the stages that the students are in for

all aspects of their life whether physical, cognitive, social, emotional, or moral can have a lasting

effect on their academic ability and their learning in school.

What is the Analysis Strategy/Potential Theme that you will be exploring in this Digital
Ethnography project? Why?
For this project the potential theme that I will be focusing on is Gender. This topic fits

well with my placement in the 10th grade AVID classroom because a majority of the students

that are in this class are male students that are in the middle of the road at school where they

are not failing but they are not excelling either. The students in this classroom are already very

different than me because they are males that are in the middle of their grade, and I am a

female that has always been towards the top of her class. I have always been interested in the

academic difference between men and women, and I would like to use this project as an

opportunity to explore that more fully.

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