Akshya Patra Case Questions
Akshya Patra Case Questions
Akshya Patra Case Questions
Based on the demand data provided in the case, prepare an MPS (# Cauldrons) for the
following products for a month (31 days). Assume day 1 is a Monday.
i.Rice Products
ii.Sambar / Rasam Products
iv.Curds (Litres)
vi.Tomato Bath
vii.Bisi Bele Bath
ix.Rice Kesari Bath
x.Madras Sambar
xi.Bhimapaka Sambar
xii.Gokulam Sambar
xiii.Kadamba Sambar
xiv.Krishnamrita Sambar
xv.Aiyangar Rasam
xvi.Lakshmi Rasam
xvii.Mysore Rasam
B. Using the MPS generated prepare an MRP for the following products using the
information provided in the case.
i.Palm Oil: On-hand = 4000 kg
ii.Market Rice: On-hand = 8270 kg, Scheduled Receipt of 17 tons on day 3, Safety Stock=
1 ton, Storage Capacity = 35 tons.
iii.Chilli (B): On-hand 210 kg, Reviewed on day 8 and 20.
iv.Refined Oil: On-hand = 800 kg, Scheduled Receipt of 400 kg on day 3, Safety Stock=
100 kg