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Top 5 Hazards

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(1) Subcontractor workers were summoned

and immediately instructed to stop the work
and report to their supervisor in order to
change their fall body harness with a good
and inspected one.
2 hours
Location: Spray Painting Area
(2) Carry out tool box talk with all the workers
Hazard: working at heights, showing to them on how
Two subcontractor spray painters in the scaffold were to check fall body harness daily before use
observed wearing their required full body harness but and observe 100% tie off if working where
failed to hook them to the anchorage point. Further a fall of 1.8 metres or more is possible and 2 hours
inspection revealed that the two are wearing worn out attached to a stable and secure anchor
full body harness with burned lanyard. point.

Risk: Falls from work at height (3) Install appropriate signage on every access
point of elevated working platforms. 4 hours
Inappropriate use of personal fall arrest system
while inside the scaffold exposes the workers to a Long Term
much severe consequence in the event of falls, (1) Review existing policy and procedure
which includes fractured bones, serious head regarding working at heights to include:
injuries, loss of consciousness and even death. Harnesses and Lanyards inspection
procedure before use and equipment to
be checked and tagged as per site color 3 weeks
(OSHA 29 CFR - 1915.159) PERSONAL FALL code scheme. Ensure removal from
ARREST SYSTEM service of all damaged full body harness
and keep out from the site.

(2) Personnel must be competent in the use

of a Personal Fall Arrest System 1 month
(harness), all involved will be assessed
following the in house training course
“Safe Work at Heights / Fall Prevention”

(3) Ensure there is a rescue plan in place.

(1) Ensure all excavations soil is located
Hazard: away from the excavation edge,
Excavation soil (spoil) was found near the materials and spoils shall be set back at
excavation edge which is not meeting the site safety least 0.6m to 1 m from the edge of 4 hours
excavation. Plan a timely removal of
requirement. Where heavy construction vehicles are
excavation soils as per site requirement.
working nearby.
(2) Hard Barricade the sides of the pit to avoid 2 hours
Risk: collapse of the sides; unauthorized entry and accidental entry
materials falling on workers in the excavation; into the working area.
falls of people and/or vehicles into the excavation; 2 hours
(3) Erect warning signs and flash beacons
18 Consequence: around the excavation pit area

The sides of the excavated pit may collapse due to 2 hours

instability and nearby heavy construction vehicle (4) Arrange for proper access and egress for
movement which disturbs the stability of the excavation pit
excavation that can lead to workers inside the pit being
entrapped in soil. Long Term
2 weeks
(1) Monitor and supervise the excavation pit
The construction vehicles may fell down due to works by competent staff.
instability of soil will cause Major injuries, disabilities
and death to workers who working inside the 1 week
excavation pit. (2) Deliver safety induction and Tool box talk
on excavation works and emergence
response procedure.
(1) Stop the operation immediately, advise
1 hour
Hazard: other workers to vacate the area because
Several contractor workers were observed working there is ongoing lifting activity directly above
6 their area.
and passing under suspended load (welding
shelter) which is being carried by side boom
equipment. (2) Notify the supervisor in-charge to install
lifting safety signs and barricade around the 1 hour
area of swing arc and implement mandatory
Risk: struck by falling overhead object, crush injury, PPE especially head protection. No
load striking a person, loss of load or material unauthorized persons or vehicles are
damage or loss permitted in the work area.

Consequence: (3) Pre meeting with rigger and operator to

agree on hand signals and over all plan for 1 hour
In an event of a subsequent lifting gear or lift. Ensure there is a safe work area to
accessory failure during lifting operations, anybody operate in.
who is under a suspended load could suffer from
2 hour
crushing injury leading to debilitating bodily injury (4) Personnel are not to manoeuvre the load
and even death. by hand until it is below shoulder height
using taglines and they are to ensure no
This also affects workers, tools, materials part of their body is under the load during
machinery and equipment who are inside the swing the “setting down” process.
radius of any lifting equipment, as well as the load
its self could lead to its damage, destruction, or
even loss.
Long Term

(1) Review the risk assessment to identify all 2 weeks

the hazards prior lifting operation will be
performed and conduct pre job inspection
prior commencing the task.

(2) Develop a lifting procedure incorporating 2 weeks

crane inspections, color coding, lifting gears
inspection, Crane Operator competency.
3 weeks
(3) Delivery Safety Training regarding Safe
Lifting Operations and Safety Awareness in
Working around Lifting Equipment.

Location: Immediate

Hazard: (1) Inspect and eliminate improper connection

5 Electrical Distribution Panel is exposed and workers immediately by competent electrician and
were observed plugging in to power supply deliver Tool box talk all staffs for safe 2 hours
themselves and making improper connections. Upon connection of electrical sockets.
closer inspection, electrical extension cords were
found out to be not listed as UL or equivalent as per (2) Inform competent electrician in
international standards. Additionally, no danger charge for immediate isolation and 3 hours
signs and barricade were in place. install warning/danger signs and
barricade the area properly.

Risk: Electrocution, Electrical Fire, Secondary (3) Provide Electrical Distribution panels
hazard, and Property damage. equipped with doors and lock and 4 hours
implement the lock out and tag out
Consequence: procedures to restrict unauthorized access.

Improper electrical connections created lay workers (4) Use approved electrical sockets and
may lead to short circuit or excess load which results connectors as well as provide electrical 4 hours
in electrical fire. It could damage the entire property extension cords (outdoor type) that are
and workers may be affected by fire and smoke certified by an independent testing and
inhalation from electrical burns, dizziness, fatigue, certification service such as UL or
unconsciousness and even fatality. equivalent as per international standards
and shall bear the appropriate certifying
agency mark.
Exposure to improper electrical connections poses
risks for workers thru getting electric shock or
electrocution leading to secondary hazards such as
cardiac arrest, fatality, muscle, tissue and nerve Long Term
3 weeks
destruction, thermal burn from contact of electrical (1) Provide training to the workers on the
source. safety rules related to the taking power
from distribution boxes. 4 weeks

(2) Review existing policy and procedure

regarding Electrical Safety on site.

(1) Immediately call the attention of the site in

charge and advise to stop the vehicle
1 movement. Additionally, request provision of 4 hours
trained banksmen to direct the safe on-site
Location: Open area near main site ingress point. vehicle movement.

4 hours
It was observed that banksmen/flagmen were not (2) Advise for installation of functional hazard
available to direct onsite vehicle movement during beacons and reversing alarms for all vehicles
delivery of site materials and equipment. Additionally, entering the construction site including the 1 day
the installed hazard beacon light and reversing alarm laydown area.
on one of the heavy equipment was found to be non-
functional. (3) Assign a separate walkway for the pedestrians 3 days
separated by barriers and erect appropriate
Risk: Struck by moving vehicle and Property damage
3 days
or material loss.
(4) Install signboards for vehicle movement area,
unloading area, speed limit, and suitable traffic
Consequence : directional signs.
The absence of flagman / banksman to direct the
vehicle movement on the ground and deficient (5) Provision of proper illumination during night 1 week
warning system will result to a serious risk of workers works.
and pedestrians getting struck by reversing vehicles
that may lead to serious bodily injuries and even 1 month
fatality. Long Term

(1) Layout and communicate the approved site- 1 month

Vehicle reversing without banksman’s guidance can specific Traffic Management Plan which
cause potential collision with other on site vehicles and presents the vehicle traffic flow, parking area,
heavy equipment, materials, and assets that will result loading/unloading area.
to property or material damage or loss.
(2) Preventive maintenance for reversing alarms
and beacons lights. Ensure availability of
spare materials on site.

(3) Plan and Deliver training for vehicle operators

and banksmen. Include the traffic
management plan in toolbox talks or in site
induction seminars.
(1) Falls from work at height – Inappropriate use of Personal Fall Arrest System (observation No: 24)

Inappropriate use of personal fall arrest system while inside the scaffold increases the exposure of workers to a much severe consequence in the event of
falls. Stringent implementation of 100% tie off on all work at height would drastically reduce the risk levels of the said activity.

As per ILO R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988: Article III. Preventive and Protective Measures - Safety of Workplaces
clearly states that where workers cannot be protected against falls from heights by any other means, adequate safety harnesses should be provided and

Additionally, ILO C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988: Article 30 - Personal Protective Equipment and Protective Clothing states

 The employer shall provide the workers with the appropriate means to enable them to use the individual protective equipment, and shall ensure its
proper use.
 Workers shall be required to make proper use of and to take good care of the personal protective equipment and protective clothing provided for their

(2) Cave-in: Excavation collapse – Excavation spoils deposited close to the excavation edge (Observation No: 18)

The sides of the excavated pit may collapse due to the weight of spoils that is too close to the edge of the excavation and nearby heavy construction vehicle
movement or traffic in the construction area that makes the soil come apart that can lead to workers inside the pit being entrapped in soil. Reducing risk to
acceptable levels can be attained by enforcing guidelines on excavation safety and consistent monitoring of all excavation activities.

As per ILO R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988: Article III. Preventive and Protective Measures - Excavations, Shafts,
Earthworks, And Underground Works and Tunnels clearly states that:
Adequate precautions shall be taken in any excavation, shaft, earthworks, underground works or tunnel-

 by suitable shoring or otherwise to guard against danger to workers from a fall or dislodgement of earth, rock or other material;
 to guard against dangers arising from the fall of persons, materials or objects or the inrush of water into the excavation, shaft, earthworks,
underground works or tunnel

Additionally, ILO R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988: Article III. Preventive and Protective Measures - Transport, Earth-
Moving and Materials-Handling Equipment states that preventive measures should be taken to avoid the fall of vehicles and earth-moving and materials-
handling equipment into excavations or into water.

(3) Working under suspended load (Observation No: 6)

In an event of a subsequent lifting gear or accessory failure during lifting operations, workers who are under a suspended load could suffer from crushing
injury leading to debilitating bodily injury and even death. By total elimination of all activities under suspended load, the risk of getting struck by falling load is
also eliminated.

As per ILO R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988: Article III. Preventive and Protective Measures - Lifting Appliances and
Lifting Gear clearly states that:

The drivers and operators of such lifting appliances as are prescribed by national laws or regulations should be properly trained and qualified

Additionally, Saudi Aramco CSM: Article 8 of Slings and Rigging hardware states that:

 Standing or walking under a suspended load is prohibited.

 Suspended loads shall not be left unattended.
 Routes for moving suspended loads shall be preplanned to ensure that personnel are not required to work directly below a suspended load.
 The routes for moving suspended loads shall be assessed and necessary measures implemented to minimize against potential damage to equipment
and adjacent facilities.
(4) Electrical Safety - Exposed electrical distribution panel and improper electrical connections (Observation No: 5)

Exposed electrical distribution panel and improper electrical connections are perfect components that leads to short circuit or excess load which increases the
possibility of electrical fire and electrocution. Provision of appropriate electrical cords and electrical distribution panels equipped with doors and lock greatly lessen
the amount of exposure to electrical hazard.

As per ILO C167 Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988: Article 26 - Electricity clearly states that:

 All electrical equipment and installations shall be constructed, installed and maintained by a competent person, and so used as to guard against danger.

 Before construction is commenced and during the progress thereof adequate steps shall be taken to ascertain the presence of and to guard against
danger to workers from any live electrical cable or apparatus which is under, over or on the site.

Additionally, ILO C167 Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988: Article 26 Fire Precaution states that the employer shall take all appropriate

measures to:
 avoid the risk of fire;
 combat quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire;
 bring about a quick and safe evacuation of persons.

(5) Struck by moving vehicle - Vehicle reversing without banksman’s guidance and the lack of warning alarm system (Observation No: 1)

Vehicle reversing without banksman’s guidance and the lack of warning alarm system can be a source potential collision with other on site vehicle and pedestrians
that leads to serious bodily injuries and even fatality. Arrange trained banksmen to direct the safe on-site vehicle movement and installation of functional hazard
beacons and reversing alarms addresses the hazards present and maintains it to acceptable risk levels.
According to ILO R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988: Article III. Preventive and Protective Measures - Transport, Earth-
Moving and Materials-Handling Equipment states that:

 Adequate signalling or other control arrangements or devices should be provided to guard against danger from the movement of vehicles and earth-

moving or materials-handling equipment. Special safety precautions should be taken for vehicles and equipment when maneuvering backwards.

Additionally, ILO C167 Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988: Article 19 - Transport, Earth-Moving and Materials-Handling Equipment
states that:

All vehicles and earth-moving or materials-handling equipment shall-

 be operated by workers who have received appropriate training in accordance with national laws and regulations.

Recommendations Likely Resource Implications Priority Target Date

Falls from work at height –
Inappropriate use of Personal Fall
Arrest System (observation No:

(1) Provision of personal fall Full Body Harness with double lanyard HIGH
arrest system, inspected 3 EA X 500 = 1500 SAR
100% Tie Off Signage
(2) Install appropriate signage 3 EA X 50 = 150 SAR HIGH
on every access point of
elevated working platforms.
“Safe Work at Heights / Fall Prevention” MEDIUM
(3) Deliver in-house training In-house Training
course “Safe Work at No Direct Cost Involved
Heights / Fall Prevention”
Cave-in: Excavation collapse –
Excavation spoils deposited close
to the excavation edge
(Observation No: 18)

(1) Ensure all excavations soil

is located away from the Contractor for hauling spoil soil
excavation edge. Arrange
timely removal of Contract Cost 10,000 SAR
excavation soils as per site

(2) Hard Barricade the sides of Hard Barricades

the pit to avoid 4 SETS X 1,000 SAR = 4,000 SAR
unauthorized entry and
accidental entry into the Outdoor String Lights
working area. 5 SETS X 200 SAR = 1,000 SAR

(3) Erect warning signs and

flash beacons around the Signboards: Warning Deep Excavation
excavation pit area 5 EA X 75 SAR = 375 SAR

(4) Deliver safety induction and Training and Emergency procedure

Tool box talk on excavation Review
works and emergency No Direct Cost Involved
response procedure.
TOTAL COST = 15, 375 SAR
Working under suspended load
(Observation No: 6)

(1) Install lifting safety signs and Signboards: LIFTING IN PROGRESS

barricade around the area of 5 EA X 75 SAR = 375 SAR
swing arc.
Hard Barricades
1 SET X 1,000 SAR = 1,000 SAR

White and Red Warning Tape

5 ROLLS X 20 = 100 SAR
(2) Personnel are not to Tag Lines
manoeuvre the load by 4 EA X 25 = 100 SAR
hand until it is below
shoulder height using

(3) Develop a lifting procedure Color-Coded Inspection Stickers

incorporating crane 100 EA X 2 SAR = 200 SAR
inspections, color coding,
lifting gears inspection, Third Party Lifting Gear Inspection
Crane Operator 4 EA X 100 SAR = 100 SAR
Operator Certification
1 EA X 1,500 SAR = 1,500 SAR

(4) Delivery Safety Training In-house Training for Safe Lifting

regarding Safe Lifting Operations and Safety Awareness in
Operations and Safety Working around Lifting Equipment
Awareness in Working No Direct Cost Involved
around Lifting Equipment.
Electrical Safety - Exposed
electrical distribution panel and
improper electrical connections
(Observation No: 5)

(1) Install warning/danger Danger Notice Signages

signs and barricade the 3 EA X 50 = 150 SAR
area properly.

(2) Provide Electrical Outdoor Electrical Distribution panels

Distribution panels equipped with doors and lock.
equipped with doors and 3 EA X 250 SAR = 750 SAR

LOTO Tags And Locks

(3) Implement the lock out and 3 EA X 150 SAR = 450 SAR
tag out procedures to
restrict unauthorized

(4) Use approved electrical Electrical Sockets and Connector Set

sockets and connectors as 3 SETS X 100 = 300 SAR
well as provide electrical
extension cords (outdoor Outdoor Type Extension Cord
type) UL Listed or 3 EA X 500 = 1,500 SAR

(5) Provide training to the In-House Electrical Safety TRAINING

workers on Electrical No Direct Cost Involved
Struck by moving vehicle - Vehicle
reversing without banksman’s
guidance and the lack of warning
alarm system (Observation No: 1)
(1) Provision of trained Trained Banksmen per onsite vehicle
banksmen to direct the safe No Direct Cost Involved HIGH
on-site vehicle movement.

(2) Install functional hazard Beacon Lights

beacons and reversing 6 EA X 150 SAR = 900 SAR
alarms for all vehicles HIGH
entering the construction Reversing Sound Alarms
site including the laydown 6 EA X 100 = 900 SAR

(3) Provisions of barriers and Hard Barricades

appropriate signage to 2 SETS X 1,000 SAR = 2,000 SAR HIGH
separate walkway for the
pedestrians. Notice Signages
3 EA X 50 = 150 SAR
(4) Install signboards for
vehicle movement area, Signboards: Speed Limit
unloading area, speed limit, 5 EA X 75 SAR = 375 SAR
and suitable traffic Signboards: Loading / Unloading Area
directional signs. 5 EA X 75 SAR = 375 SAR HIGH
Signboards: Traffic Directional Signs
(5) Provision of proper 5 EA x 75 SAR = 375 SAR
illumination during night
works. Portable Flood Lights
2 EA X 15,000 SAR = 30,000 SAR HIGH
(6) Preventive maintenance for
reversing alarms and
beacons lights. Ensure
availability of spare Preventive maintenance MEDIUM
materials on site. No Direct Cost Involved

(7) Deliver training for vehicle

operators and banksmen.
Training for Banksmen and Working
around heavy equipment MEDIUM
No Direct Cost Involved


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