Guidelines For Estimating 2018: Aquaculture Production Costs
Guidelines For Estimating 2018: Aquaculture Production Costs
Guidelines For Estimating 2018: Aquaculture Production Costs
This guide is designed to provide you with planning information and a format
for calculating costs of production of an aquaculture (20g to 2kg) grow-out
enterprise in Manitoba. General Manitoba Agriculture recommendations are
assumed in using feed and operating inputs. These figures provide an
economic evaluation of the fish stock and estimated prices required to cover
all costs. Costs include labour, investment and depreciation, but do not
include management costs, nor do they necessarily represent the average
cost of production in Manitoba.
Note: This budget is only a guide and is not intended as an in-depth study of the cost of production
of this industry. Interpretation and use of this information is the responsibility of the user. If you
need help with a budget, contact your local Manitoba Agriculture Office.
Guidelines: Aquaculture Production Costs 2
The following 20 g to 2 kg budget is based on the assumption that the operation is comprised of a well
designed and built recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) housed in a building with adequate
insulation to maintain a relatively stable environment with close to optimal water temperature for cool
water aquaculture throughout the year in Manitoba conditions.
The operation, once constructed - requires a ramp-up period of building fish inventory towards
reaching a steady-state of production. The budget includes an assumption that it takes just over 13
months from the first fish stocking to reach steady-state. Steady-state is defined as the operational
state where the system biomass remains at a relatively consistent amount: Gains in system biomass
are made through fish growth and are offset by regular harvesting of market ready fish. Income and
expenses remain relatively stable during steady-state of production.
The budget is based on the assumption that all feed is purchased from leading aquaculture feed
manufacturers to ensure predictable growth and efficient feed conversion. The budget includes
building, equipment, effluent management and land investment.
The budget includes an assumption that all fish harvested are marketable at the target market price,
however, a mortality rate has been applied to inventory numbers to account for normal fish mortality
and cull fish (unmarketable fish that are removed at any time in the production cycle).
The budget includes an assumption that the operation is continuous production with 4 distinct size
cohorts of fish being present in the system. Stocking densities are in accordance with industry
accepted levels and accounted for in system design to ensure appropriate water quality parameters.
The Manitoba aquaculture production industry is small and many external factors must be considered
carefully by potential producers. External factors such as procuring inputs and securing markets
create business risk. Some feed companies that operate in Manitoba are associated with leading
aquaculture feed manufacturers and some companies in Manitoba participate in processing and
marketing fish. Producers need to develop these arrangements and accurately calculate their costs
before they can properly make a decision.
B. Fixed Costs
3. Depreciation:
3.01 Buildings & Effluent Management $0.19 $22,320
3.02 Equipment $0.53 $64,020
Total Depreciation Cost $0.72 $86,340
4. Investment:
4.01 Land $0.01 $1,375
4.02 Buildings & Effluent Management $0.08 $9,378
4.03 Equipment $0.13 $16,138
Total Investment Cost $0.22 $26,891
Total Fixed Costs $0.94 $113,231
C. Labour
Wages and benefits $0.35 $41,600
Total Cost of Production $4.61 $553,536
Profitability and Breakeven Analysis
Estimated Farmgate Per Kg Total
Target Market Price $4.95
Market weight (kg) 2.00
% of Fish Weight Sold 100
Market Premium (if any) $0.00
Gross Revenue $4.95 $594,245
Marginal Returns
Over Operating Costs $1.63 $195,541
Over Operating & Labour Costs $1.28 $153,941
Over Total Costs (Net Profit) $0.34 $40,711
Operating Expense Ratio 67.1%
Breakeven Selling Price $/kg Total
Operating Costs $3.32 $398,704
Operating & Labour Costs $3.67 $440,304
Total Costs $4.61 $553,535
Return On Assets (ROA) 3.22%
Return On Investment (ROI) 7.35%
Note: This budget is only a guide and is not intended to be an in-depth study of the cost of production of this industry.
Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. No liability for decisions based on this
publication is assumed.
B. Fixed Costs
3. Depreciation:
3.01 Buildings & Effluent Management $25,194
3.02 Equipment $72,264
Total Depreciation Cost $97,458
4. Investment:
4.01 Land $1,552
4.02 Buildings & Effluent Management $10,585
4.03 Equipment $18,216
Total Investment Cost $30,353
Total Fixed Costs $127,811
C. Labour
Wages and benefits $46,957
Note: This budget is only a guide and is not intended to be an in-depth study of the cost of production of this industry.
Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. No liability for decisions based on this
publication is assumed.
1. This input table outlines the cost of production for a steady state enterprise.
2. Buildings and equipment are valued at new cost.
3. Purchased feed is used.
Indicators of Productivity
Ration 1 Ration 2 Ration 3 Ration 4 Ration 5 Total
Number of Fingerlings 74,200 72,345 70,898 69,657 68,612
Average Beginning Weight (kg) 0.020 0.050 0.200 0.500 1.000
Average Ending Weight (kg) 0.050 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000
Percent Mortality 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 8.69
Daily feed rate (% body weight/day) 2.167 1.438 1.142 0.900 0.742
Days on Feed 38 90 79 82 113 402
Feed Conversion Ratio 0.89 0.92 0.98 1.06 1.20 1.11
Number of Fish (Ending) 72,345 70,898 69,657 68,612 67,754
Weight Gain (kg)/Fish 0.030 0.150 0.300 0.500 1.000 1.980
Feed Consumed (kg)/Fish 0.0266 0.1386 0.2952 0.5310 1.2000 2.191
Total feed used/ration (tonne) 1.977 10.027 20.929 36.988 82.334 152.255
Capital Investment1
120,050 Kg/year
Pumps, plumbing and water reconditioning equipment $450,000.00 $3.75
Computer system $2,000.00 $0.02
Fish Culture Equipment $60,000 $0.50
Total Equipment Cost $512,000 $4.26
Total Buildings and Equipment Cost $1,067,000 $8.89
Land Value
Land Investment 10 acres @ $ 2,000 $20,000 $0.17
Other Costs
Site preparation $30,000 $0.25
Effluent Management $35,000 $0.29
Total Other Costs $65,000 $0.54
¹ FOOTNOTE: The number of square feet in the building and the cost per square foot for buildings and
equipment are approximations only. A certified building plan which is designed according to the average
production capacity of an aquaculture farm should be used in order to get the exact dimensions and area for new
NOTE: 1 sq.ft. = 0.0929 sq.m; 1 sq.m.= 10.764 sq.ft.; 1 ft.= 0.3048 m
Fixed Costs
Depreciation (straight line):
Useful Life:
Buildings 25 years
Equipment 15 years
Salvage Value (% of original cost):
Buildings 10.00 %
Equipment 10.00 %
Veterinary Costs:
Professional Services $1,000 /year
Testing & Supplies $1,500 /year
Property Tax:
Barn & Land $7,350 /year
Land $4.35 /acre
³ FOOTNOTE: 1 cubic metre = 1000 litres
1 cubic metre = 35.314 cubic feet
1 cubic metre = 219.97 imperial gallons
1.01 Ration 1
0.030 kg weight gain/fish
x 0.89 feed conversion ratio
= 0.027 kg ration/fish
x $2,680.00 /tonne ration
÷ 1,000 kg/tonne
x 65,735 fingerlings/year
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $0.04 /kg sold/year
1.02 Ration 2
0.150 kg weight gain/fish
x 0.92 feed conversion ratio
= 0.139 kg ration/fish
x $2,600.00 /tonne ration
÷ 1,000 kg/tonne
x 64,092 fingerlings/year
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $0.19 /kg sold/year
1.03 Ration 3
0.300 kg weight gain/fish
x 0.98 feed conversion ratio
= 0.295 kg ration/fish
x $1,985.00 /tonne ration
÷ 1,000 kg/tonne
x 62,810 fingerlings/year
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $0.31 /kg sold/year
1.04 Ration 4
0.500 kg weight gain/fish
x 1.06 feed conversion ratio
= 0.531 kg ration/fish
x $1,750.00 /tonne ration
÷ 1,000 kg/tonne
x 61,711 fingerlings/year
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $0.48 /kg sold/year
1.05 Ration 5
1.000 kg weight gain/fish
x 1.20 feed conversion ratio
= 1.200 kg ration/fish
x $1,750.00 /tonne ration
÷ 1,000 kg/tonne
x 60,785 fingerlings/year
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $1.06 /kg sold/year
2.08 Insurance
$1,067,000 buildings & equipment
x $0.35 /$100
÷ 100 /$100 capital
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= $0.03 /kg sold/year
Feed Transportation
$50.00 /tonne of feed
152.255 tonnes used
÷ $120,049.56 kg sold/year
= $0.06 /kg sold/year
B. Fixed Costs
3. Depreciation
Original cost - Salvage Value
Useful Life
3.01 Buildings
$620,000 total building cost (including effluent
management structures)
- $62,000 salvage value (building only)
÷ 25 years useful life
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= 0.19 /kg sold/year
3.02 Equipment
$1,067,000 total equipment cost
- $106,700 salvage value
÷ 15 years useful life
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= 0.53 /kg sold/year
4. Investment Cost
4.02 Buildings
$620,000 total building cost (including effluent
management structures)
+ $62,000 salvage value (building only)
÷ 2 average
x 2.8 % investment rate
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= 0.08 /kg sold/year
4.03 Equipment
$1,067,000 total equipment cost
+ $106,700 salvage value
÷ 2 average
x 2.8 % investment rate
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= 0.13 /kg sold/year
5. Labour Cost
2080 total hours/year
x $20.00 /hour
÷ 120,050 kg sold/year
= 0.35 /kg sold/year
Other Assumptions
Production assumptions:
The model has been developed to reflect production of rainbow trout (a.k.a. steelhead) sourced from a genetic
base commonly used in the aquaculture industry or is of comparable performance. Growth is modelled based on
water temperature between 14-15 degrees Celsius.
It is assumed that fish are marketed as whole fish (100% of fish weight sold). In the event of processing, % of
fish weight sold will decrease as more of the fish is removed and it is generally assumed that a higher target
market price would be sought for processed fish. Any additional costs associated with processing are not
included in the model.
The model includes an assumption that the majority of the oxygen required for the operation is provided by on-site
oxygen generation equipment. Incorporating bulk oxygen usage in the system design will result in a lower capital
investment and affect operating costs. Lower capital investment is due to reduced equipment costs. Operating
costs are affected by reducing electricity usage and increasing purchased oxygen usage.
Veterinary Costs:
The assumed veterinary costs include veterinary consultation, routine testing and fish health supplies but DO
NOT include any fish health treatment products as these as uncommonly used in recirculation aquaculture.
Adherence to robust biosecurity protocols is important to help maintain good fish health.
December 2017