Pediatric Osce History and Communication Checklist-1
Pediatric Osce History and Communication Checklist-1
Pediatric Osce History and Communication Checklist-1
2. Brief introduction
• personal data , and current state
• referral /admission cause
• active main problem
• other problem in priorities
3. DDx
• Set most likely Dx initially
• Chose according to child condition not general DDx
• Common is common , not mention very rare disorder
• If don’t know mention DDx , say will seek senior help or you will review the subject and come back again
4. Problem list and suspected diagnosis
• Set main problem worrying parent first
• Known Dx if there
• List the problem by priorities
• Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
• Expected outcome or complication
5. Management plane.
• Mention if need Admition ,Refer ,Senior help
• Mention if need MDT
• Advice and reassurance if valid
• Investigation if required
• Medical management
• Surgical management
• Package of education
• F.up
Edema history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (generalized edema / swelling)
4 : onset , course
onset and duration : when start (acquired ,renal ,liver /congenital ,Turner's or congenital NS).
Generalized or localized
If Generalized(anasarca)
where start and where extension(orbits/ hands, abdomen, back )
Biting (liver ,renal ,cardiac) or non biting (angioedema, hypothyroidism)
aggravating factor(drugs/foods in allergic and angioedema)
dependency ,change with daytimes (standing in legs / lying in sacrum) (early morning in face / mid day in legs)
If localized (periphral)
site :where start (hands, legs) (uni/bilateral)
Biting (liver ,renal ,cardiac)or non biting (infection, lymphedema, thrombosis, arthritis ,Allergic, Insect bite)
painless(liver ,renal ,cardiac, lymphedema, angioedema ,Allergic) or painful (infection, thrombosis, arthritis )
Extension and grade (dorsal foot ,mid leg , up to knee ,whole leg )
ask if preceded by URTI or skin rash
ask if recently received IV fluid or allergen exposure
ask if recently has trauma ,insect bite or local skin infection
5. Associated symptoms (fever,irritable,lethargy,poor feeding ,Vomiting , loss motion, constipation,weight gain/loss, FTT,Poor sleeping)
6. Systemic review:
Renal (colure and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency)
CVS (feeding difficulty, diaphoresis, dyspnea on exertion, ,palpitation ,shortness of breath,cyanosis, orthopnea )
GIT and liver (jaundice, failure to thrive, steatorrhea, or abdominal pain,abdominal distention,stool colour)
hematology: (pallor ,bleeding tendency ,l.adenopathy , bony ache )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , Presence of blood in sputum)
CNS (headache, convulsion (
Endocrine:( short stature ,delay puberty ,obesity)
dysmorphic face and congenital malformation
skin and hair: skin rash ,itching ,dermatitis ,hyper/hypopigmentation ,coarse hair,l.adenopathy
7.Nutritional history
If it is infant: breastfed or bottle fed, type of formula used, how many meals,poor sucking, refusal to eat, prepareation
weaning (when, what type of food she introduced)
If table food: quantity of food, quality
8. past history
Same illness ,food and drug allergy ,Drug (steroid ,ACEI) ,CHD , liver dsisease
Weight gain and tight-fitting clothes and shoes.
malignancy ,chemo Rx , previous surgeries, pelvic trauma,joint problem, eczyma ,trauma
9.perinatal history (if early neonatal odema)
Maternal drug ingestion ,infection (TORSCH) ,hepatitis B and C
1 urine voiding ,hand and feet edema, TSH screen , prolonged neonatal jaundice
6. Systemic review:
CNS (convulsion ,large head)
GIT vomiting , diarrhea, abdominal pain (FMF/IBD) ,pallor, jaundice, changes in tongue (scarlet fever)
Renal (colour and amount of urine /HSP,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency, polyuria)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,itching)
CVS (feeding difficulty,chest pain, shortness of breath,L L edema ,palpitation )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough /measles , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze)
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
Ortho: joint pain, swelling, redness (rheumatic diseas) ,photosensitivity (SLE).
slapped cheeks: erythematic infectiosum.
Oncology : weight loss, anorexia: (malignancies)
7. past history (skin disorder, atopy,asthma,recent URTI,if rash is transient/seasonal ,bleeding tendency, drug allergy )
9. Immunization history (MMR ,varicella)
10.Developmental history (neurocutanous lesion ,NF ,TS ,SWS)
11. Family History: (consanguinity,skin disease, atopy - asthma, seasonal allergy, drug or food allergy, atopic dermatitis)
12 . Nutritional history (cow milk allergy /food allergy)
13. Socioeconomic history (housing , exposures to dusts,chemicals, and pets.)
14 . travel history or contact
15.Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information .
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Lymphadenopathy history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Lymphadenopathy or neck swelling )
4- onset , chch , course
When and where did it begin? duration ,Sites -generalized or local /neck (mid/lat),
progression: Change in size, color
painful or no
mobile or not
Recent sore throat, cough, or upper respiratory symptom
Recent animal bite , scratches or trauma
5. Associated symptoms (fever , night sweats,cough,Hemoptysis , loss of appetite, weight loss ,sore throat ,
Odynophagia , caries , bone pain ,arthritis ,skin rash or conguctivitis )
6. Systemic review:
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , hemoptysis, otalgia, deafness, hoarse, snoring at night, nasal speech )
GIT (Odynophagia ,vomiting ,abdominal distention, abdominal pain , pallor, jaundice, constipation , mouth ulcer)
CNS (LOC,convulsion,increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement, abnormal body movement )
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency, polyuria,)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash ,itching)
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, chest pain, shortness of breath, orthopnea ,L L edema ,palpitation )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
7. past history (similar condition ,previous admission ,surgeries, bleeding tendency, joint problem , allergy, blood
transfusion, Irradiation ,recurrent infection and drug history-induced: phenytoin, allopurinol, INH. )
8.perinatal history (if neonate)
9. Immunization history - for BCG: TB
10.Developmental history (delay in storage disease)
11 . Family History: (Similar illness , Chronic disease ,History of malignancy or respiratory disease, TB)
12 nutritional history (raw milk ingestion)
13. Socioeconomic history (income, housing ,education of family, animals as pts in house)
14. travel history –TB endemic area
15-Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information .
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Neck swelling /mass history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (neck swelling /mass)
4- onset , chch , course
When did it begin? Age / duration
where Sites (mid/lat),other part of body is involved
progression: Change in size, color
painful or no
mobile or not
number ,other part of body is involved
Recent sore throat, cough, or upper respiratory symptom
Recent animal bite , scratches or trauma
5. Associated symptoms (fever ,chills, night sweats, cough,Hemoptysis ,bone pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss
,skin rash or conguctivitis)
6 .Head and Neck symptoms
Chronic unilateral nasal discharge or bleeding /otalgia / Hearing loss (unilateral)
Hoarse ,Odynophagia, dysphagia, globus sensation
7. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC,convulsion,increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement, abnormal body movement )
GIT (Odynophagia ,vomiting ,abdominal distention, abdominal pain , pallor, jaundice, constipation , mouth ulcer)
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency, polyuria,)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash ,itching)
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, chest pain, shortness of breath, orthopnea ,L L edema ,palpitation )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , hemoptysis, otalgia, deafness, hoarse, snoring at night, nasal speech )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
7. past history (similar condition ,previous admission ,Irradiation surgeries, bleeding tendency, joint problem ,
allergy, blood transfusion, Irradiation ,recurrent infection and drug history-induced: phenytoin, allopurinol, INH. )
8.perinatal history (if neonate)
9. Immunization history - for BCG: TB
10.Developmental history (delay in storage disease)
11 . Family History: (Similar illness , Chronic disease ,History of malignancy or respiratory disease, TB)
12 nutritional history (raw milk ingestion)
13. Socioeconomic history (income, housing ,education of family, animals as pts in house)
14. travel history –TB endemic area
15-Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information .
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Neonatal history taking checklist
Neonatal cyanosis history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (bluish discolouration of lips,tongue,or both +_ skin )
4. Onset of the cyanosis (sudden ,gradual )
Age of onset (since birth )
sit of cyanosis (lips,tongue,or both +_ skin /upper or one side of body)
course (progressive,regressive,intermittent )
with or without RD
5. Aggravating factors (feeding ,crying ,cold environment ), relieving factors (rest ,special position ,oxygen )
6. Systemic symptoms (fever , sweeting, loss of wt ,loss of activity , poor feeding ,sleep pattern)
7. Systemic review:
CVS (feeding difficulty, effort intolerance , shortness of breath, orthopnea , palpitation)
CNS (seizure , HIE ,flopness, poor feeding, apnea )
respiratory system (RD ,cough, choking, wheeze, noisy breathing ,sleep apnea )
8.perinatal history
Prenatal :(Torch infection, HTN,DM, maternal drugs ingestion /narcotic/magnesium ,poor fetal movement …. (
Natal (Prematurity , post term , cesarean and GA ,asphyxia ,need for resuscitatioin ,meconium aspiration )
Post natal (admission to ICU ,need for oxygen ,ventilator support ,fever iv neonatal period , Congenital defects)
9. Family History: (consanguinity ,sibilant with CHD ,myopathy, infant death, Chronic disease )
10. At the end to ask if there is any more questions
11. Thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Projectile Vomiting (infant) history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Vomiting) then ask about its charastristic
• Age of Onset and Duration: when was your vomiting started? Acute or chronic
• Time : posfeeding
• color : bilious / nonbilious/bloody
• Frequency: how many times per day
• Nature: effortless, forceful (onto child or parent), projectile (several feet away)
• Volume: dribble onto clothes or full stomach
• Frequency: how many times per day
• Relation to feed and posture
4. Associated symptoms (fever , constipation+ dryish nappies from dehydration , abdominal distention , jaundice, Weight loss)
5. Systemic review:
6. postnatal history: (APGAR score ,meconium passage ,neonatal screening , haemorrhage or birth injury, congenital
abnormalities , number of days in hospital, NICU admission, birth and discharge weight)
7 . drug history (macrolide ,digoxin , opiates ,theophylline)
10. Family History: (Similar illness)
11 . feeding history breastfed or bottle fed, type of formula used, how many meals, quantity of milk, how she prepare the
formula, weaning (when, what type of food she introduced) (feeding problem/cow milk allergy)
13.Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information .
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Neonatal Jaundice history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing)
2.personal data
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (yellowish discolouration of skin ,sclera or mucus membrane )
4. Perinatal history
Prenatal :
ethnicity? (Asians, and Blacks have some increased risk)
Primi or no /abortion
Maternal blood group /if RH –ve ask about anti D
Maternal illnesses HTN, DM or Torch infection
Results of antenatal screening tests (HAVsAg )
Maternal medicine or drug intake
Preterm ,small for gestational age or post maturity, twins
mode of delivery ,instrument uses (Birth trauma with bruising or cephalohematoma)
Delayed cord clamping (could indicate polycythemia)
Post natal
Neonate blood group ….
admission to N ICU ,need for oxygen ,ventilator, blood transfusion ,fever, iv AB, surgery ,TPN.
if mother +ve for HBVsAg /results of newborn tests (HBV vaccine ,HBIG)
Delay in passage of meconium
Results of newborn screening tests (galactosemia ,TSH) ,TORCH
5. History of Present Illess (characteristic of the Jaundice)
• onset (Age < 24hrs/>24 hrs old age ) (sudden ,gradual )
• Duration (acute (<1 week), prolonged (> 3 weeks)
• sit of Jaundice ( skin, sclera , mucus membrane )
• progression of jaundiced skin (progressive, regressive, intermittent )
• urine and stool color (dark, tea coloured urine or acholic (pale) stools)
6 . General health
• General activity: irritable? lethargic?
• Infections or fever?
• Feeding: breast milk or formula?
• Current weight compared to birth weight. Gaining weight appropriately?
• Number of wet diapers per day? (Indicator of hydration status)
7 . symptoms of kernicterus : ( consciousness, hearing changes, seizure, hyper-hypotonia)
8. Systemic review:
Dysmorphic face
Heamatological (bleeding tendency)
CVS and respiratory system (feeding difficulty, shortness of breath , cough,choking, noisy breathing ,sleep apnea)
Skin (rash or pigmentation )
9.Family History
• consanguinity
• Previous siblings with neonatal jaundice
• Other family members with jaundice
• Anemia or blood disorders
• Splenectomy
• Bile stones or gallbladder removal
10.Ask the relative if he has any question or information.
Neonatal seizure history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Seizure)
4 . ask witness about event: Onset /Frequency /Types / Character /time / duration
5. Prenatal history :
prenatal care, and use of medications/drugs
Family history of neonatal seizures
The presence of kittens at home
Maternal illnesses or infections (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes)
Maternal diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or hypoparathyroidism
immunization against rubella
maternal blood groups
6.Natal history :
Type and duration of delivery
presence of fetal monitoring
head trauma
need for resuscitation
Apgar scores, venous or arterial blood gas determinations
7.Postnatal history :
Preterm ,small for gestational age or post maturity
Birth weight, estimated gestational age at birth (including method of determination)
vital signs including body temperature
admission to NICU ,need for oxygen ,ventilator, iv AB
8.Age of onset and Type of seizure
Multifocal ,clonic ,Tonic ,Myoclonic ,Subtle seizures
At birth :Maternal anesthetic agents:
Day 1 : Metabolic abnormalities such as hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, HIE
Days 2-3 : Drug withdrawal or meningitis.
Day 5 or greater :Hypocalcemia, TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, CMV, and HSV), or developmental
More than 1-2 weeks. Methadone withdrawal.
9. Associated symptoms
skin rash,cataract ,glaucoma, ,juandice
macrocephaly ,cephalohematoma
Metabolic and septic screen, blood group and RH factor ,biluribine ,Torch screen, EEG,brain CT ,cranial sonography
improving or getting worse ,use anticonvulsant ,etc..
12 .Ask relative if he has Any question
13. thanks
Cardiac history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint
4. HOPI:
If the child is cyanotic Ask about (onset, course and duration ,cyanotic spells, or squatting in older infants.)
Ask about Murmur the initial detection (first 6 hours after birth inTR,MR) (after 24 hours in ASD, VSD, PDA, PS, TOF).
Ask about Syncopal attack : right or left obstructive heart diseases , pulmonary hypertension , arrhythmia (such as prolonged QT).
Ask about palpitations: sinus tachycardia , supraventricular tachycardia , ventricular tachycardia
Ask about related symptoms to low cardiac output: (Dizziness ,blurring of vision ,oliguria ,easy fatigability ,cold extremities)
Ask about signs of Heart Failure:(RHF –H.splenomegaly,Edema,Ascites,P.effusion)(LVH –Tachypnea,R.distress ,Wheezing ,rale P .edema)
Ask about chest pain : (left ventricular outflow obstruction, aortic dissection, pericarditis, myocarditis, and arrhythmias)
Ask about exercise tolerance : (obstructive lesions such as aortic or pulmonic stenosis)
5.perinatal history (if neonate)
• the use of medications(warfarin, phenytoin, valoprat, vit .A , lithium, NSAIDs)
• gestational diabetes mellitus ,PKU .
• maternal SLE, and exposure to infectious (ie. Rubella, Coxsackie virus (
• prenatal ultrasounds which identify structural heart disease before birth
• cyanosis at birth
• gestational age and APGAR score ,asphyxia, hypertension, pneumonia
• birth defects (ie. heart-related or not) diagnosed at birth
• dysmorphic baby (Down ,Edwards' ,Patau ,Turner , Di George Williams and Noonan syndrome)
6.past history
• CHD ,murmur ,exercise tolerance ,chest pain ,syncope ,palpitations ,recurrent chest infection DOB, stridor, wheezing
• Admission ,blood transfusion, operation
7. Family History:
• congenital or childhood heart disease
• sudden death
8.Developmental history
• height and weight gain can be affected by poor cardiac function, pulmonary edema, or a left-to-right shunt .
9. nutritional history (feeding intolerance ,choking , sweeting)
10 Ask relative if he has Any question
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx .
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer/Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Syncope history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.Refer to the child by name
3.Open question about the chief complaint or the reason for the admission
Before attack
position :occur during physical activity (cardiac etiology) during long periods of standing (vasovagal)
Aggrevated factors:
hot weather, anexity, surprise(vasovagal)overcrowding (hysteria) trauma and fright,crying (BHS)
Position change ,Head turning ,Coughing ,Urination ,Standing suddenly after eating
Any warning: aura ( Seizures) , spots before the eyes, dizziness, visual field defects ( migraine) etc?
During attack (any witnesses)
Onset of syncope /LOC(sudden in seizure) (gradual in syncope)
Duration of LOC (prolonged in seizure) (short in syncope)
episode Symptoms of dizziness, visual changes, nausea (vasovagal) Abnormal movements (seizure, BHS)
Did they injure themselves? Bite tongue? (seizure)
Incontinence (faecal or urinary)? (seizure)
Colour of patient/ cyanosis in (cyanotic BHS)/ pale and diaphoretic in (Pallid BHS,BPV)
Post attack (any witnesses)
postictal phase confused or sleepy in (seizure) , tired in (syncope).
can they remember? (syncope)
Is it recurrent?(seizure ,cardiogenic)
5.Associated symptom (palpitation,chest pain ,SOB ,Loss of hearing or tinnitus , Double vision )
6.Systematic review
7.Past history of
• CHD/RHD/arrhythmeasis,HTN ,DM
• epilepsy /head injury
• Drugs and medication (prokinetic ,erythromycin ,ASA ,Antihypertensives ,Diuretics ,Dilantin)
• Metabolic diseases (Hypo C, Hypo k ,hypo Mg).
• Migraine, headaches
• Anemia
• Meniere dz ,Neurologic dz ,Ear dz
8.Family History of :
• Similar illness /deafness (prolonged QT -Jervell Lange nielsen (AR) lethal + VT + VF)
• Sudden death, SIDS, CHD, arrhythmias, CMP
• Seizures
9.Social History of :
• Drug Ingestion
• Illicit drug use
10.At the end to ask if there is any more questions
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane ,Investigation/Medical management/Advice, reassurance/education/ F.up
Palpitations history taking checklist
1. Initial approach to the patient (Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.Refer to the child by name
3.Open question about the chief complaint
Onset Do the palpitations start suddenly?
How long do they last?
What do you think brings them on?
Aggrevated factors stress, worry, or excitement tea, coffee ?
Is it recurrent?
5.Associated symptom ( dizzy or faint , chest pain ,SOB ,headache ,sweeting, Loss weight,abdominal distintion)
6.Systematic review
7.Past history of
• CHD /RHD /previous admission /surgery
• Psychologic stress
• Drugs and medication (digoxin)
8.Family History of :
• Similar illness
• Sudden death, SIDS, CHD, arrhythmias, CMP.
9.Social History of :
• Drug Ingestion
• Illicit drug use
10.At the end to ask if there is any more questions
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/
education / F.up
Chest pain history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Chest pain)
4 . For any pain. determine its:
• Site and radiation.
• Character.
• Severity (e.g. 1 to 10, sleep disturbance).
• Onset and duration.
• Aggravating and alleviating factors (exercise, cold air, feeding , movement).
• Ask about any previous episodes of chest pain.
5. Associated symptoms (nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness, cough, palpitations, fever, anxiety )
6. Systemic review:
7. past history
(similar condition ,previous admission ,recurrent chest infection , previous trauma ,surgeries, blood transfusion , joint
problem, Drug- NSAIDs and contraceptive pill)
8. Family History: (Similar illness , coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, rheumatic fever, stroke, hypertension,
hyperlipidaemia ,diabetes)
9 nutritional history .
10 . Socioeconomic history (Effect of the chest pain on the patient's life (Employment ,Housing,Hobbies)
11 Ask relative if he has Any question
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Respiratory history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
3. Open question about the chief Complaint and HOPI (Cough /Haemoptysis/SOB/Wheeze)
14. thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
chronic cough history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
14. thanks
Wheezy infant history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint
6..perinatal history
Prenatal :(mother smoking , ,HTN,DM,drugs …. (
Post natal(admission to ICU and duration ,need for oxygen ,ventilator support ,TPN ,IVH ,ROP ,juandice ,fever,home O2 )
7. past history
• previous admission
• eczyma
• food allergy
• medication
• charge/f.up previous arrange
8 . feeding history (reflex)
9.Developmental history (detail)
10. Immunization history
11. At the end to ask if there is any more questions
12. Thanks
Breathlessness history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
15. thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Bronchial asthma history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
14. thanks
CF history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2. personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint and HOPI (CF /lung/GIT/nutrition)
4.associated symptoms fever , poor appetite
5 . HOPI. determine its:
• When start / age of onset
• Frequency of chest infections requiring oral/ intravenous antibiotics
• Amount of sputum produced
• Persistent abnormalities of bowel habit or stools despite treatment
• Recurrent episodes of abdominal pain due to meconium ileus equivalent
• (now called distal intestinal obstruction syndrome).
• Amount of school missed
• Exercise tolerance
• Result of last PFT and growth chart
• Result of last sputum sample with colonization or AB resistance
6. Systemic review:
Respiratory: Cough ,wheezes,hemoptysis and chest pain+ SOB
GIT: diarrhea, vomiting, costipation, abdominal pain.
Endocrine thirst ,polyuria ,fatigue , loss of wt , poor growth
Others: arthritis, nasal polyps, infertility (in adult).
7. Initial diagnosis
how diagnosed, genetic analysis, sweet test
Education given
8.Complication history
• GlT/endocrine: coeliac disease and Crohn's disease Growth failure and delayed puberty,DM, Liver
cirrhosis intestinal obstruction, rectal prolapsed.
• Respiratory: Pneumothorax,Chronic sinusitis,B.asthma Allergic BP aspergillosis,haernoptysis.
9. Past management history and drugs compliance
disease progression in the first years of life (FTT, meconium ileus, rectal prolapsed)
Ask about any previous episodes , hospitalisations /year, elective or emergency(including PICU(
pancreatic supplements, diabetic progression
Changes of management
Complications of treatment (constipation/central line)
10. nutrition history
dietary asupplements, dietician involvement
11.Current treatment
current antibiotic regimens, DNase, treatment of coexisting asthma, physiotherapy
dietary , pancreatic supplements and dietary adaptations (is there a dietician involved?)
12. Social situation and family support
13.Immunisations (influenza, pneumococcal, also pertussis and measles - easily forgotten!)
15. thanks
Stridor history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
6.associated symptom : cough , Weak or muffled cry, fever, Hoarseness, Drooling ,Dysphagia, Snoring
12. Thanks
Gastrointestinal history taking checklist
Vomiting history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Vomiting) then ask about its charastristic
• Onset and Duration: when was your vomiting started? Acute or chronic
• Time : early morning , daytime ,nigh.
• Frequency: how many times per day
• Course: Is it for solid or liquid food
• Volume: dribble onto clothes or full stomach
• Presence of blood or bile in vomit
• Nature: effortless, forceful (onto child or parent), projectile (several feet away)
• Relation to feed and posture
• Is there nausea or not
4. Associated symptoms (fever ,diarrhea , constipation , dyspepsia , abdominal pain , abdominal distention , jaundice,FTT)
5. Systemic review:
CNS (Mental status ,symptoms of increased ICP , headache, irritability) .
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency, bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
Respiratory (URTI , ear pain, Sinusitis )
endocrine:( DM , tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling )
metabolic (IBEM appear early in the newborn period with vomiting and failure to thrive).
6. past history
Antinatal history: (APGAR score ,meconium passage ,neonatal screening , haemorrhage or birth injury, congenital
abnormalities , number of days in hospital, NICU admission, birth and discharge weight)
Past illness : (similar condition , head trauma , previous surgeries - CNS/GIT)
7 . drug history (digoxin , opiates ,theophylline, chemoRx)
8. Immunization history(Rota vaccine)
9.Developmental history
• physical growth (height/weight growth charts – is or has the child been failing to thrive(?
• time of milestones (motor /CP) , toilet trained
• dentition (age of first teeth, loss/eruption of teeth)
• development of secondary sexual characteristics
10. Family History: (consanguinity/metabolic, Similar illness/migraine )
11 . nutritional history
-if it is infant: breastfed or bottle fed, type of formula used, how many meals, quantity of milk, how she prepare the
formula, weaning (when, what type of food she introduced) (feeding problem/cow milk allergy)
-if table food: quantity of food, quality, does the child feed himself, food refusal, drink (juice, soda, water, milk intake),
(food allergy and pica hx)
12. Socioeconomic history (income,housing ,education of family )
13.Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information .
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Chronic diarrhea history taking checklist ( Definition: > 2 weeks)
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Diarrhea) and its characteristic
• age of onset
• mode of onset (acute, chronic/ recurrent)
• frequency
• appearance (blood, mucous, sticky, floating)
• consistency (formed, loose, watery) /over flow infant diaper
• amount (large, small)
• smell (foul)
• tenesmus (young crying with defection)
• relation to food
5. Associated symptoms (fever ,nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, decreased activity, irritability, weight loss
abdominal distention, abdominal pain , pallor, jaundice, constipation, sweating ,)
6. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC,convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement )
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, chest pain, shortness of breath, orthopnea ,L L edema ,palpitation )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze, noisy breathing )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
7. past history
• Post natal (delayed in passing of meconium ,delay umbilical separation, prolonged juandice)
• similar condition , recurrent infection (chest) , previous admission ,GIT/ liver surgeries.
• joint problem, skin lesion/rash.
• history of travel or contact (day care)
• drugs history(laxative, antibiotic(clindamycin, cephalosporins and amoxicillin),Mg containing antacid ,chemoRx)
9. Immunization history (Rota vaccine)
10.growth and developmental history
• Normal weight gain in IBS ,dietary indigestion ,parasitic infestation ,carbohydrate intolerance .
• weight loss in immune deficiency /cystic fibrosis /post abdominal surgery / IBD and celiac disease
11. Family History: (consanguinity, Similar illness , Chronic disease Particularly of neoplastic ,IBD or coeliac disease).
12 nutritional history
• breastfed (lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, chloride diarrhea, cystic fibrosis)
• bottle fed (cow's milk protein intolerance or lactase deficiency).
• weaning (when, what type of food she introduced) (celiac disease ,disaccharidase/Fructose intolerance)
• If table food: (quantity of food, quality) (food allergy , celiac disease ,IBD ,malabsorption )
13. Socioeconomic history (housing ,water supply, animal )
16. Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Constipation history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Constipation) and its characteristic
• age of onset
• mode of onset (acute, chronic/ recurrent)
• stool frequency
• appearance
• consistency
• associated pain .
5. Associated symptoms (Fecal incontinence, vomiting, diarrhea ,loss of appetite, decreased activity, irritability, weight loss
abdominal distention, abdominal pain , pallor, jaundice, sweating ,fever )
6. Systemic review:
CNS (hypotonia ,convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP ,cranial nerve involvement )
Respiratory (recurrent cough , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze)
Renal (urinary incontinence, amount of urine ,dysuria,urgency ,frequency)
Endocrine:( short stature ,Polyuria and polydipsia, Delayed growth)
Skin and joint (talpus deformities ,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
7. past history
• Post natal (delayed in passing of meconium, cong. malformation ,neonatal screen for TFT )
• similar condition , previous admission ,GIT/ liver surgeries/ VP shunt.
• drugs history (Anticholinergic ,Narcotics ,Antidepressants ,vincristine ,Pancreatic enzymes Lead ,Vitamin D)
10.growth and developmental history
• milestone
• motor and toilet training / urinary incontinence /bladder disease
11. Family History: (Similar illness ).
12 nutritional history
• processed foods and lack of fiber
13. Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Faecal Soiling history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Constipation) and its characteristic
• age of onset
• mode of onset (acute, chronic/ recurrent)
• Assoc. constipation/withholding/absence of warning
• Parent‟s management style
4. Associated symptoms (urinary incontinence, irritability, weight loss ,abdominal distention, abdominal pain , jaundice)
5. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC, convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms)
Renal (urinary incontinence, amount of urine ,dysuria, urgency ,frequency)
joints (talpus deformities)
CVS (murmur, Exercise intolerance ,shortness of breath)
Endocrine:( short stature ,coarse face )
6. past history
• Post natal (delayed in passing of meconium, cong. malformation ,neonatal screen for TFT )
• previous admission ,GIT/ liver surgeries/ VP shunt.
• drugs history (Anticholinergic ,Narcotics ,Antidepressants ,vincristine ,Pancreatic enzymes Lead ,Vitamin D)
7.growth and developmental history
• milestone
• motor and toilet training / urinary incontinence /bladder disease
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Recurrent abdominal Pain history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Abdominal Pain) and its characteristic
• Time /when start and trigger factor
• Place/Location: identify the specific location of the pain
• Quality: can be a sharp stabbing pain(i.e. trauma) or diffuse, poorly,localized pain (i.e.chronic or visceral(
• Radiation: pain can radiate from its point of origin in any direction
• Severity: degree of pain on a scale of 10 /wake up at night
• duration of pain, frequency ,course during the day, does it wake them at night
• Alleviating Factors: anything that reduces the pain – body position, movements , Purging ,medications.
• Aggravating Factors: anything that increases the pain – body position,movements, relation to food intake.
• Attempted interventions or therapies
4.Appetite , satiety and bowel movement patterns and stool quality (size, hard/soft, odour)
5. Associated symptoms (fever,nausea,vomiting, refex ,hematemesis, melena,weight loss, Jaundice )
6. Systemic review:
CNS : Diaphoresis ,Dizziness headache
Renal (Testicular pain ,Dysuria/polyuria/hematuria ,Vaginal/Penile discharge ,Dysmenorrhea (
joint pain and swelling (IBD HSP)
Respiratory (recurrent URTI ) (CF)
Endocine Delayed growth and pubertal development(CF) (IBD)
Skin Lesions (IBD HSP Liver disease)
Eye:( redness, blurred vision)
7. Effect of symptoms on activities, school, play, and relationships
8. past history
• Cystic fibrosis / gallstones, Spina bifida, cerebral palsy, developmental delay/ constipation.
• Sickle cell disease ,Recurrent respiratory tract infections suggest mesenteric adenitis .
• sexual history – Females: menstrual cycles (regularity, amount of bleeding,relation to abdominal pain)
• Drugs history(NSAIDs) , food allergy and Past surgical history
9.growth and developmental history
• Normal weight gain in IBS ,dietary indigestion ,parasitic infestation ,carbohydrate intolerance .
• weight loss in immune deficiency /cystic fibrosis /post abdominal surgery / IBD and celiac disease
10. Family History: (migraine , IBS,IBD, peptic disease,pancreatitis, biliary disease).
11 nutritional history
• in young children, too much milk can lead to constipation.
12. Socioeconomic history (school, play, ,housing ,water supply, social and psychiatric (potential stressors) history)
13.Ask the relative if he has any question or information.
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /+ve main problem /organic causes wt loss(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education
/ F.up
Upper gastrointestinal Bleeding history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
7. past history (similar condition ,previous admition ,recurrent infection , previous surgeries, bleeding tendency, blood
transfusion , skin lesion/rash. infectious contacts ,allergy to cow or soy milk and drugs history (NSAIDs) )
8.perinatal history
Prenatal ,Natal ,Post natal(delayed in passing of meconium)
9. Immunization history
10.Developmental history
11. Family History: (consanguinity, Similar illness , Chronic disese History family x of liver disease or peptic ulcer disease or
duodenal ulcer, coagulopathy)
6. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC,convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement )
Renal (colour and amount of urine , urgency ,frequency nephrolithisis -IBD)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency)
CVS (shortness of breath, orthopnea ,L L edema ,palpitation )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze, noisy breathing )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
joint pain and swelling: HSP, IBD.
skin changes: (purpura: HSP, coagulopthy) (erythema nodosum: IBD)
eye sx: (episcleritis, uveitis, iritis =IBD)
7. past history (similar condition , previous GI surgeries, bleeding tendency, blood transfusion , skin lesion/rash,allergy to
cow or soy milk and drugs history (NSAIDs) )
11. Family History: (consanguinity, Similar illness , Chronic disese History family x of liver disease or peptic ulcer disease or
duodenal ulcer, coagulopathy ,IBD)
4.Asks about
• current weight and height /Determines amount and time course of weight loss
• Asks whether weight loss has been intentional
• Asks whether patient still considers herself to be overweight
• Asks how often patient weighs herself/looks at herself in mirror
• Assesses patient’s degree of insight into eating disorder
• Establishes amount and type of food eaten on a typical day
• Asks about binge eating
• Asks about vomiting
• Asks about laxatives, purgatives, and diuretics
• Asks about appetite suppressants and stimulant drugs
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Hepatomegaly history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint and HOPI (Hepatomegaly)
• onset and duration
• history of recent infection? (eg: rash, pharyngitis, cough, SOB, fever, exposure, poor feeding, malaise etc)
• consumed any contaminated food or experienced any diarrhea and/or vomiting?
• any change in stool /urine color? What color are his/her stools/urine?
• history of loss of consciousness or seizures?
• associated pain .
4. Associated symptoms (fever , jaundice, vomiting , diarrhea, abd ,pain, weight loss)
5. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC, convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement )
Renal (H.uria , amount of urine )
Heamatological (bleeding tendency, bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, shortness of breath, orthopnea , L L edema )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , wheeze, noisy breathing )
6. past history
• complications during pregnancy, delivery, and after delivery?
• Is there any maternal history of hepatitis B or C, CMV, EBV or HIV?
• Does the child have any preexisting liver diseases, lung diseases, or congenital heart diseases?
• Is there any history of drug or toxin ingestion? Is there any exposure to radiation?
• Is the child on any medications right now?
• Is there any history of trauma?
7.growth and developmental history
• Are there any growth (weight gain) and developmental concerns
8. Family History: (family history of cystic fibrosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, storage diseases, liver diseases, heart
diseases, autoimmune diseases or malignancy?).
9. recent travel/contact
10. vaccination history (HBV)
11. nutritional history
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Splenomegaly history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint and HOPI (Splenomegaly)
• onset and duration
• history of recent infection? (eg: rash, pharyngitis, cough, SOB, fever, exposure, poor feeding, malaise etc)
• • Is there any abnormal bruising, bone pain, or history of frequent infections? .
4. Associated symptoms (fever , jaundice, night sweats, or weight loss)
5. Systemic review:
CNS (LOC, convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement )
Renal (H.uria , amount of urine )
Heamatological (bleeding tendency, bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, shortness of breath, orthopnea , L L edema )
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , wheeze, noisy breathing )
6. past history
• complications during pregnancy, delivery, and after delivery?
• Was there persistent, unresolved jaundice following delivery?
• Does the child have any congenital heart diseases, storage diseases, bleeding disorders or liver diseases?
• Does the child have any history of surgeries or transfusions?
• Is there any history of trauma?
7.growth and developmental history
• Are there any growth (weight gain) and developmental concerns
8. Family History:
Is there any family history of hematological diseases, autoimmune diseases, storage diseases, or malignancy
What is the family ethnicity
9. recent travel/contact
10. vaccination history
11. nutritional history
Enuresis History taking cheklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Enuresis)
6. Systemic review:
CNS: developmental delay ,spinal defect , LL hypotonia , Gait disturbance.,
Endocrine: FTT, polyuria ,polydipsia
Cardiac: exercise tolerance ,dyspnea.
Respiratory : coughing, hemoptysis ,Nighttime snoring.
Hematology: sickle cell anemia..
Gastrointestinal: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation ,Encopresis
Skeletal: talpus deformity
7. past history
• Birth history, especially any complications (1st time voiding)
• urinary tract infections
• History of CNS trauma, Injury to the genital or back area
• diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus and CRF
• Surgical history
8. Fluid intake and dietary habits
10. Medications and Family’s and patient’s attitude toward the bedwetting
13. Medications and Family’s and patient’s attitude toward the bedwetting
6. other symptom apart from puffy eye (H,urea,oliguria ,shock ,headache ,abd. Pain)
8.Ask about pediatrican f.up notic (BP , urine for H.urea, renal failure ,maximum body wt)
9.past medical history (mainly varicella ,medication)
10. Immunization history(mainly pneumococcal ,influnza)
11. Family History: (renal diseases, SLE, Chronic renal failur)
12- Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially and most likely Dx initially
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education
/ F.up
Neurological history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief CNS Complaint (Seizures, Hypotonia , Headache)
4 : onset
• course
• frequency
• Time day /night
• duration
• Character
• Loss of consciousness
• Motor or sensory symptoms
• Signs of increase ICP
• Meningeal signs
• Aggravating factors
• Relieving factors
5. Associated symptoms
(fever, loss of appetite, vomting , decreased activity, irritability, weight loss, sweating, sleep pattern )
6. Systemic review:
gastrointestinal tract
heart and blood vessels
7. past history (similar condition , febrile convulsions , head trauma ,previous admission , previous surgeries,
bleeding tendency, joint problem, skin lesion/rash allergy and drug history)
8.perinatal history (any neonatal fits)
9. Immunization history (DPT,measels)
10.Developmental history (especially delay in first 2 years of life)
11. Family History: (consanguinity, Similar illness , developmental delay)
12 nutritional history
13. Socioeconomic history .
14 .Ask relative if he has Any question
15. thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Seizure history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Seizure)
4 . ask witness about event: Onset /Frequency /Types / Character /time / duration
5.Pre-ictal event
provoking factors such as fever, illness, TV, stress, sleep deprivation, ingestion, compliance, trauma
6.Ictus event
aura,duration, focal features, motor signs, Loss of consciousness, cyanosis, urination,self injury ,tounge bit
7.Postictal event
unilateral headache, weakness, aphasia, visual field defects
improving or getting worse ,Relieving factors (anticonvulsant ,etc..)
9. Associated symptoms (Symptoms of increased ICP , Motor or sensory,CN involvement , meningeal irritation)
11.When problem start /controllable or more frequent
12. Perinatal history (any neonatal fits)
13.Past medical history
History of febrile seizures ,head trauma, meningitis, status epilepticus,Hospital or intensive care admissions
14.Drugs history (past and present, doses, side effects, allergy)
15.Developmental history (especially delay in first 2 years of life)
16. Family History: (consanguinity, eplepsy , developmental delay)
17. Social history (behavioral, educational,school, financial problems)
18 .Ask relative if he has Any question
19. thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice / education / F.up
Febrile seizure history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (febrile Seizure)
4.Pre-ictal event
• Ask about fever (onset, grade ,duration before seizure)
• Ask if there has been any recent illness (URTI,GE,UTI)
• Ask if there has been any recent immunizations ( same day of DTP /and 8 to 14 days following MMR )
5.ask about ictal event: Was it really a seizure? If yes, what type – typical or atypical?
• Onset /time
• Types and Character generalized /focal features, , loss of consciousness, cyanosis
• duration (more or less than 15 min)
• termination Relieving factors (antipyretic , anticonvulsant ,etc..)
• Frequency /24 hrs
6.Post-ictal event (confusion/fatigue).
6. Systemic review:
• CNS : ICP: early morning headache, vomiting, nystagmus ,Dysarthria ,Sensory loss, change in mental status
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
CVS (feeding difficulty, chest pain, shortness of breath ,L L edema ,palpitation)
GIT (abdominal distention, pain , pallor, jaundice, constipation , diarrhea, vomiting)
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze, noisy breathing )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
7. past history
Birth Hx:
• exposures, TORCHES (congenital infections including toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, Herpes, Syphillis)
• congenital anomalies (ataxia can be congenital or hereditary, but not appear until later).
9. Immunization history (varicella)
10.Developmental history (developmental delay)
11. Family History:
• consanguinity,Similar illness , Chronic disese , sickle cell, metabolic disease, epilepsy, migraines or Friedrich’s ataxia(
12 nutritional history (malnutrition ,vit E deficiency)
13 . Socioeconomic history .
14 Ask relative if he has Any question ,thanks
Abnormal Movement history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (abnormal Movement)
4 : onset, course ,duration ,frequency, Distribution
• Symmetry
• Speed of movement—fast (excessive movement, hyperkinetic) or slow (paucity of movement, hypokinetic( Presence at rest?
With action
• Relation to certain postures or positions
• Task specificity
• Ability to suppress
• Stereotyped ,Rhythmic
• Continuous? Intermittent? Occurring in discrete episodes
• Association with an urge
• Persistence during sleep
• Association with functional motor impairment
• Aggravating/alleviating factors
• LOC, convulsion ,symptoms of increased ICP,motor or sensory symptoms,cranial nerve involvement
5. Associated symptoms (loss of appetite, decreased activity, irritability, weight loss, sweating ,fever )
6. Systemic review:
Renal (colour and amount of urine ,dysuria, loin pain ,urgency ,frequency)
Heamatological (bleeding tendency,bony ache ,joint pain and swelling ,skin rash )
CVS (feeding difficulty, Exercise intolerance, chest pain, shortness of breath, orthopnea ,L L edema ,palpitation )
GIT (abdominal distention, abdominal pain , pallor, jaundice, constipation , diarrhea, nausea, vomiting)
Respiratory (URTI ,cough , Presence of blood in sputum, wheeze, noisy breathing )
Endocrine:( tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling)
7. past history (similar condition ,previous admition ,recurrent infection , previous surgeries, blood transfusion , joint
problem, skin lesion/rash ,allergy or drug history)
8.perinatal history
9. Immunization history
10.Developmental history
11. Family History: (consanguinity, Similar illness , Chronic disese ,history of convulsion )
12 & nutritional history
.13 . Socioeconomic history .
14 Ask relative if he has Any question ,thanks
17- travel history
18- Ask the relative or patient if he has any question or information
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
Neurodevelopment history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient : Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3.Developmental history in detail (age milestones)
• <18 months - begin questions around gross motor abilities, then vision and hearing skills, followed by hand skills.
• 18 months to 2.5 years -begin with speech and language then fine motor (hand) skills ,later questioning about gross motor
• 2.5 to 3.5 years - initial questions are best focused around speech and language and social/emotional/behavioural skills.
4.Gross motor
• Ask when has head control (6 weeks) ,Roll over (4 mon) ,sit (6 mon), crawl (8 mon), creep (9 mon) ,stand (10 mon) walk (12 mon)
• run (16 months ,walk upstairs and throw ball (24 months), kick ball (2 .5 yrs ) , ride tricycle (3 yrs)
• Ask about newborn screen-:If there are eye anomalies (red reflex)( cataract).
• Ask if Fix and follow human face (6wks)
• Ask if Reaches well for toys (6mon)
• Ask if can pick up raisn(9mon)
• Ask about result of screen of visual acuity and squint at school entry (4-6 yrs)
• Ask about newborn hearing screen test (EOAE)
• Ask if notices sudden prolonged sounds ( 1 month )
• Ask if smiles and turn his head or eyes towards your voice even when he cannot see you (4 months)
• Ask if turns immediately to your voice across the room or to very quiet noises (7 months)
• Ask if listens to family every day sounds and searches for very quiet sounds made out of sight(9 months) .
• Ask if shows some response to his own name and to other familiar words and respond to 'no' (12 months).
7.fine motor
Ask if Holds rattles (3 months ) (reach object and transfer and mouthing (6 mths ( ,raisins and casting (9 mths) ,Pincer (12 mths)
Ask if can build blocks (15 m) ,tower (24 m) and bridge (3yr)
Ask if can hold pen + scribble (18 mo), Verticle line and turn pages of book at time (24 mo ) ,draw ircular and cut paper (3 yrs)
8.Speech and languge
What exactly he can say?
• Ask if cooing (2-4mo ) ,babble (6mo) ,said dada and (10 -12 mon)
• Ask if know 4 words (18 mths) , 2 words join (2 yrs), know 50 words, said name, age and count 1 – 10 (2.5 yrs)
What he can understand?
• Ask if respond to own name and inhibit to no (10mths)
• Ask if he point own body (18 mo) ,know colour (3 yrs)
• Ask if understand complex instruction and ask how ( 4 yrs) .
• Ask if Knows if morning or afternoon ( 5 yrs)
9.Personal & social/ Play
• Ask if smile (6 weeks) ,has stranger anxiety (8 months),wave bye bye ( 12 months)
• Ask if Finger feeding (10 mo) drink from cub (18 months) eat with spone ( 2.5 yrs) use knife (5 yrs).
• Ask how play alone (2yrs) , begine to share toys (3 yrs) has friends (4 yrs)
• Ask if bowel control (3 yrs) and bladder control (4 yrs)
• Ask if dressed and undressed (4 yrs)
10 . perinatal history
• Prenatal : - previous pregnancy loss, sibilant neonatal death ,Torch Infection /Toxins (e.g. drugs,alcohol)
• Perinatal : -Prematurity /hyperbilirubinaemia /Perinatal asphyxia /hypoglycaemia /meningitis
• Postnatal: - NICU admission ,drugs (steroid/Lasix,gentamicin)Infection (Meningitis, encephalitis) /Vascular accidents birth injury and screen
11.Past history :
• head trauma, admission, surgery
• result of previous investigation (brain CT /MRI) (metabolic screen)(EEG)
• previous professional involved (pediatrician, dietician, physioRX ,speech Rx)
• medication history
• immunization
12.Family social history ( consagulity/blindness/deafness /genetical diseases/developmental delay /eplepsy/MR/death)
13.growth and feeding history
14 Ask relative if he has Any question
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
Now determine where specific developmental delay Global /motor /Speech or social development delay
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice / education / F.up
Global development delay history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint
4.Developmental history in detail (age milestones)
• gross motor
• fine motor and vision
• hearing and speech
• social and behavioural
5. Age of onset:
• First 6 months – (Tay-Sachs disease, Leigh disease, tuberose sclerosis)
• Toddlers – (infantile metachromatic leukodystrophy, mucopolysaccharidoses, infantile Gaucher, Krabbe disease (
• Older children – (juvenile Batten disease, SSPE, Wilson disease, Huntington chorea)
6. Ask about comorbidities problem
seizure and dementia (gray matter/neurodegenerative)
spasticity, cortical deafness and blindness (whit matter)
Feeding ,wt gain/reflex/constipation ,aspiration ,contraction/scoliosis(CP)
Dysmorphic features – (Down syndrome, Noonan, mucopolysaccharidoses)
Neurocutaneous signs – (ataxia telangiectasia, Sturge-Weber syndrome, incontinentia pigmenti, tuberose sclerosis)
Extrapyramidal movements – (cerebral palsy, Wilson disease, Huntington chorea)
Tremor – (Wilson disease, Friedreich's ataxia, metachromatic leukodystrophy)
7.ask about general health (fever, vomting , abnormal odour)
8 . perinatal history
• Prenatal : - previous pregnancy loss, sibilant neonatal death ,Torch Infection /Toxins (e.g. drugs,alcohol)
• Perinatal :Prematurity /hyperbilirubinaemia /Perinatal asphyxia /hypoglycaemia /meningitis
• Postnatal: NICU admission ,Infection (Meningitis, encephalitis) /Vascular accidents Head injury neonatal screen
9.Past history :
• head trauma, Meningitis, encephalitis , admission, surgery
• result of previous investigation (brain CT /MRI) (metabolic screen)(EEG)
• previous professional involved (pediatrician, dietician, physioRX ,speech Rx)
• medication history
• vaccination(SSPE/measles)
10.Family history : (consagulity/affect sibilant /genetical diseases/developmental delay /eplepsy/death)
11.growth and feeding history
• FTT and poor wt gain (CP)
• faltering growth ( metabolic disease,
• gigantism ( Soto syndrome)
• slowing head growth
• Large head – (Alexander, Canavan, Tay-Sachs syndromes, mucopolysaccharidoses (
• Small head - (cerebral palsy, Rubinstein-Taybi, Smith-Lemli-Opitz, Cornelia de Lange syndromes)
12. social History : (housing /transport/education/social help)
13 Ask relative if he has Any question
Speech delay history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint
4. Age of onset:
5.Ask if problem with language input(receptive comprehension dysphasia)
• Ask about hearing
• Ask about social history if reduced exposure to spoken language,e.g. (twins ,parenting skills ,familial pattern,education,school)
Ask if problem with language output (expressive dysphasia)
• Ask about development Motor /oromotor incoordination, e.g. cerebral palsy
• Ask if there anatomical deficit, e.g .cleft palate ,tongue tie
Ask if problem with language processing (mental, social and behavioral development)
• general developmental delay (mental retardation)
• poor social skills, i.e. autistic disorder
Ask if problem due to specific speech and language delay
• linguistic processing ( articulation stammering ,dyspraxia) (Grammar forms and structure of language)
Problems in understanding the meaning of words , sentences or social use of language
6.Developmental history in detail (age milestones) (gross ,fine motor and vision ,social and mental).
7. Ask about comorbidities problem
eplepsy (Liandau-Kleffner syndrome) (gray matter)
spasticity and cortical blindness (whit matter)
Feeding ,wt gain/reflux/constipation ,aspiration ,contraction/scoliosis(CP)
Dysmorphic features – (Down syndrome, mucopolysaccharidoses)
Neurocutaneous signs – (ataxia telangiectasia, Sturge-Weber syndrome, incontinentia pigmenti, tuberose sclerosis)
Extrapyramidal movements-athetosis – (cerebral palsy, Wilson disease, Huntington chorea)
Tremor – (Wilson disease, Friedreich's ataxia, metachromatic leukodystrophy)
8.ask about general health (fever, vomting , abnormal odour)
9 . Past history
perinatal: -
• Torch Infection /Prematurity / asphyxia/ hypoglycaemia /meningitis
• NICU admission ,drugs (lasix, gentamicin) and neonatal screen (TFT)
Past medical history:-
• head trauma, meningitis ,admission, surgery
• result of previous investigation (brain CT /MRI) (metabolic screen)(EEG)
• previous professional involved (pediatrician, a speech and language therapist)
• medication history (Lasix, gentamicin)
10.Family history : consagulity/affect sibilant /twin/developmental delay /epilepsy /death
11.growth and feeding history
• FTT and poor wt gain (CP)
• faltering growth ( metabolic disease)
• gigantism ( Soto syndrome)
• Large head – (Alexander, Canavan, Tay-Sachs syndromes, mucopolysaccharidoses (
• Small head - (cerebral palsy, Rubinstein-Taybi, Smith-Lemli-Opitz, Cornelia de Lange syndromes)
12. Ask relative if he has Any question
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice / education / F.up
Cerebral palsy (motor development delay) history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (motor development delay)
4 .If new undignosis case (take detail history)
Prenatal(80%) : - (mainly Ataxic CP)
• Family history of consagulity/affect sibilant /Genetical diseases/eplepsy
• Infection (e.g. CMV, rubella, chorioamnionitis)
• Toxins (e.g. drugs,alcohol)
• placental insufficiency
5.Perinatal(10%) :
Prematurity – (IVH/PVH/PVL) (mainly diplegic CP)
Toxins e.g. (hyperbilirubinaemia -mainly dyskinetic CP )
Perinatal asphyxia (mainly Quadriplegia CP)
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia
Infection (e.g. meningitis)
6 . Postnatal(10%(
• Infection (Meningitis, encephalitis)
• Vascular accidents
• Head injury (accidental or non-accidental)
• Encephalopathy
7.Ask about general health (fever ,sleep ,feeding ,bowel motion)
8.growth and feeding history
• feeding difficulties with slow feeding ,reflex and vomiting(quadriplegic)
• FTT and poor wt gain
• slowing head growth
9. Ask about comorbidities problem
Feeding problem ,wt gain/reflex/consipation
mental retardation
Ophthalmologic/hearing impairments
Speech and language delay
10. result of previous investigation (brain CT /MRI) (metabolic screen)(EEG)
11. previous professional involved (pediatrician, dietician, physioRX ,speech Rx)
12. medication history
13. social History:
14 Ask relative if he has Any question and thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
Classify the type (quadriplegia, hemiplegia, diplegia, ataxic, dyskinetic).
associated conditions
determined the etiology of CP
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice / education / F.up
Cerebral palsy(known case) history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
13. family and social History: (schooling ,housing ,education and social help )
Locomotors history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
2.personal data , Refer to the child by name
3. Open question about the chief Complaint (Locomotor proplem)
4.Asks about Current symptoms / complain (Pain ,Stiffness ,Swelling ) and determines its:
Pain : History points to elicit can easily be remembered using the mnemonic ‘SOCRATES’ .
S-site/O-onset /C-character /R-radiation /A- associations /T-timing /E-exacerbating & relieving factors S severity
ask about use of medication for pain relief.
Stiffness (early morning, night)
Swelling : site (Which joint is start involved) ( small, large or back)
Pattern of joint is involved (mono/ polyarthritis) /
Monoarticular – only one joint affected
Pauciarticular (or oligoarticular) – less than four joints affected
Polyarticular – a more than four of joints affected
Axial – the spine is predominantly affected
5.Evolution of condition
Acute or chronic ?
When did the symptoms start and how have they evolved? Was the onset sudden or gradual?
Associated events
Was the onset associated with a particular event, e.g. trauma or infection?
Management Hx: •
Remember to ask about use of medication for pain relief.
Which treatments has the condition responded to?
drugs given (steroids, NSAID, methotroxate)
Physical therapy and rehabilitation, sports activity
Response to treatment
Complications Hx: drugs S/E, deformity, wheel chair, splinting
6. associated general symptoms (fever, night sweats ,Malaise, weight loss , increase weight or fracture.)
7. Systemic review:
cardiac (chest pain, exercise intolerance)
respiratory (cough, SOB)
Renal: (H.urea ,odema,oligure)
skin rash ….etc.
6. Impact of lifestyle
Patient’s needs/ aspirations
Ability to adapt with functional loss
Daily activities: housing ,eating (TMJ involvement), dressing, writing, walking, limping, school attendance, sport
Asses social support and rules out depressive disorder
8.Social psychological history
• Asses social support
• Rules out depressive disorder
9. past history (trauma, infection, surgery, medications (steroids) ( laxative excess ), blood transfusion.)
10. Immunization history (esp. polio.)
11.Developmental history (delayed milestones esp. motor, sun exposure, vit D supplementation )
12. Family History (consanguinity, Similar illness , other diseases.)
13.Ask the relative if he has any question or information and thanks
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education / F.up
knee joint pain history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what he/she will be doing)
4. Describe
Onset (sudden, insidious, acute).
Course (progressive, stationary, regressive).
Aggravating factors (e.g. exercise) or relieving factors (e.g. rest).
recent hx of trauma/exercise.
5. associated symptoms
• associated joint swelling, tenderness ,decreased mobility, limping.
• associated back and hip pain
• associated constitutional symptoms, fever, fatigue, night sweat , wt loss, increase weight.
6. Systemic review:
associated skin rash.
associated GI symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea…).
associated urinary symptoms (hematuria, dysurea…).
associated eye symptoms (pain & redness).
cardiac (chest pain, SOB)
respiratory (cough, exercise intolerance)
hematological, (bleeding tendency).
7. past history (previous knee pain or other joint, surgery, hx of bleeding disorder or blood transfusion.)
8. Immunization history esp. polio/MMR.
9. Developmental history
10. Family History (family hx of joint disorders)
11.Ask the relative if he has any question or information.
Brief introduction (personal data and current state /active main problem other problem in priorities(
DDx initially then most likely Dx
List the problem by priorities /Social and psychological impact of problem on child and family
Management plane. Investigation/ Medical and Surgical management/ MDT/ Refer Advice and reassurance/ education
/ F.up
Limping history taking checklist
1.Initial approach to the patient (Greeting ,Introduce him/herself, explain what he/she will be doing)
6. Systemic review:
cardiac (chest pain, SOB)
respiratory (URTI, exercise intolerance)
GIT (UTI, H.urea, skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting)
Hematological (anemia ,bleeding tendency ).
7. past history (trauma ,surgery, medications (steroids) ( laxative excess ), blood transfusion ,IM injection)
8.perinatal history
prenatal: maternal infections or diseases, medications
natal: birth asphyxia, risk factors for DDH (large baby, breech, 1st baby, twins).
Postnatal: Hx of meningitis, septic arthritis.
9. Immunization history esp. polio.
10.Developmental history delayed milestones esp. motor, sun exposure, vit D supplementation .
• What genitalia size and shape at birth (CAH ,hypogonadism )
• small penis and cryptorchidism (hypogonadism)
• syndromic face ( Denys-Drash syndrome) (WAGR syndrome )
vomiting , hypoglycemia , dehydration or shock
ask about previous investigation, medication
3. Welcoming mother
4. Appropriate eye to eye contact
5. Appropriate body language
6. Sympathy with mother and patient
7. Reassurance of mother
8. Clear explanation about LP, why is it necessary and what is involv ed
10. Explains that patient may feel sick after the operation
11. Explains that patient may feel pain after the operation
12. Discusses post-operative pain relief
13. Discusses going home
14.Elicits and addresses any remaining questions and concerns
Breaking bad news counseling checklist
1.Initial approach to the parents (Introduces your)
11. Ensures that there is someone with her when she leaves
The angry parents or relative counseling checklist
1.Initial approach to the parents (Introduces your)
10. thanks
Breastfeeding technique counseling checklist
1.Initial approach to the mother
(Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing)
2. Open the discussion
3. History
• Past pregnancy history (examples include number of pregnancies, labor complications, term or
• Breastfeeding history (examples include breastfeeding experience with other children, age child
• weaned, breastfeeding difficulties, why breastfeeding discontinued)
• Current breastfeeding interest (examples include your interest in breastfeeding now, what you have
• heard about breastfeeding, how is breastfeeding going, any questions regarding breastfeeding)
• Past medical history
• Current medications (prescription, over the counter and alternative)
• Medication allergies
• Alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs
4. Educated me about how to optimize baby’s attachment to breast
“C” hold of breast
Proper alignment of infant, mouth at nipple level
Mother tickles infant’s lower lip
Cheeks not sucked in
Cradle, football, and side by side
Bring baby to breast instead of bringing baby to nipple
Clicking sounds means baby is not properly attached
Comfortable sitting position
6. Share information
Patient understanding of illness
Clinician information and explanation
7. Reach agreement (planning, evaluation, and treatment)
8. Provide closure
Patient next steps
Physician conclusion
Counseling formula against Breastfeeding checklist
5. explain urination
9. regular F,up
12.thanks mother
Counseling mother whose child has been Dx hemophilia checklist
1.Initial approach to the mother (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing )
2. explain disease
4. associated symptom
12.when Fup
15.thanks mother
Counseling mother whose child has been Dx with +ve HIV(ELISA) checklist
1.Initial approach to the mother (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing )
2. explain disease
3. problem address
7.other investigation
9. vaccination discrimination
13.when Fup
15.thanks mother
Counseling mother whose child has been Dx nephrotic syndrome checklist
1.Initial approach to the mother (Greeting ,Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing )
2. explain disease
8. F.up
14.thanks mother
PEFR meter explanation and counseling checklist
1.Initial approach to the parents (Introduces your self / Wash hands )
10. thanks
Inhaler explanation and counseling checklist
1.Initial approach to the parents (Introduces your)