Image Analysis in Quantitative Metallography: National Metallurgical Laborator Y, Jamshedpur-831007
Image Analysis in Quantitative Metallography: National Metallurgical Laborator Y, Jamshedpur-831007
Image Analysis in Quantitative Metallography: National Metallurgical Laborator Y, Jamshedpur-831007
The aim of quantitative metallography (QM) is to get features of three dimen-
sional effect from the measurement of two dimensional objects of a polished
and etched metallic or alloy surface. The three-dimensional features are shown
to he related with physical and mechanical properties of materials. In practice,
these expected properties are never attained but may be approached with any
desired degree of accuracy by simply increasing the number of measure-
ments Care must be taken that the observed samples must be representa-
tive. Modern image analysis system has become an important tool for quan-
titative measurement of microstructural aspects.
The application limits of a material are becoming to narrow and more specific.
so it is necessary to specify and control the microstructure quantitatively,
though the improvement of metallurgical smelting processes have led to the
production of very pure metals and alloys. The visual evaluation of a polished
section of such materials has become increasingly more difficult and time
consuming. As a result, efforts have been made both to improve the methods
of specimen preparation, as well as to automate the process of evaluation. The
QM with modern image analysis plays an active role in the industry for con-
trolling the quality of their products. The statistical out-put from an image
analysis system becomes essential for total quality control (TQC).
In the year 1964 the first instrument Quantimet B was available for Q\1.
Though. it had some problems relating to light source, insufficient automation
and poor linearity that prevented the instrument from being used for routine
checking in the industry. In 1970 the third generation image analyser came
into the market which was also mainly employed for research purposes. Even.
these were not fast enough to carry out routine test work. For day to day
quality control, the image analysis system was employed only after modern
economical computer became available. Towards the end of 1977 a special
version of Quantimet was available for the first time for the routine determi-
nation of inclusions in steels. In the year of 1983, a modern image analyser
TAS-Plus with modern auto-focusing system came to the market.. In additions
to measuring the purity and grain sizes of specimen. it also measures others
parameters like percentage, volume and area fraction and distribution of
phases, image features. porosity, particle size, distribution analysis etcl'-`.
The basic measurement can he done by using areal ratio, linear ratio and point
ratio of selected objects on a microstructure. The measurement of volume
fraction can he obtained through some basic equations (mentioned in the sec-
(ion 3) from any of the above mentioned measurement ratio.
The point count method refers to the measurement of number of points that
fall on a specific features of a microstructure. The ratio (Pr) of number of
points that fall on a specific phase (P.) by the number of total points (P.,.) gives
the quantitative measurement. An application of point-count measurement to
a graphite nodules in ferrite matrix is shown in figure I1". Again, the number
of intersection per unit length of a line (drawn on a microstructurc) also gives
the quantitative measurement of phases. Here a test line or linear array is
drawn randomly on a microstructure containing linear features. The points of
intersection along the test line are counted.
N r.n,
For a system, with various particles in a matrix the equation will he in the
form of
(V,.), P,,
where , S, = surface or interface area divided by total test volume (surface to
volume ratio ) and Vv = sum of volumes of structural features divided by total
test volume.
Fig. 3: Superimposed square grid used in the Saltvkov method for detennining the
surface- to-volume ratio of discrete particles. P. represents a point count and
P, represents on intersection count.
The three basic equations which are mainly employed for the quantitative
measurement of a metallic samples, are as follows' 6.3.91
L =2P, (6)
Equation (4) show the equality of volume fraction to areal, linear and point
ratio of the selected phases on a ma ^ rix. When surface area per unit volume
and linear traces on microstructure are of interest the equation (5) can be
used. For example. inter-phase boundary area (S,,), length of grain boundary
traces can he measured by this equation. In case of estimating linear elements
on microstructure (like dislocation lines, grain edges where three adjacent
grains contact. needle like precipitate particles and slag or oxide stringers) per
unit volume is necessary to measure from points counted on the microstruc-
ture, then equation (6) can he employed. A typical example is shown in figure
4 where, to get dislocation density the number of dislocation etch pits is used.
^,^ , r 2 ore
• !^ ^.•r s
^ rr •- r•
r ' + , • IF
G. /)AS
Grain Size Measurement
Measurement of grain size is one of the most oldest and important techniques
for QM as it influences many properties of metals and alloys. There are sev-
eral methods which have been for the measurement of grain sizes or diameters
though the definitions of diameter is usually arbitrary. These methods are
intercept or plainmatric or by chart comparison.
N = + 1.0000 (7)
For many random planes, of course, the average intersection values are true
representative of a 3-diamensional parameters. The mean intercept length is
defined as :
NL (or Pr) PM
Fig. 5 : S7rnuiard classilred grain sizes for steel (grain size numbers are
indicated ). X 100 ( reduced to 3/5 size in printing)
Pig. 6 : Iantalnrn sumplr pc'lrslu •d said etched. Note lack of
high/' defined groan /,oundarics 6(K)X
G. 1).4 S
Except few cases (like oxide dispersion strengthened alloys and free machin-
ing steels), it is well established that inclusions play a detrimental role in the
performance of a material depending on their type, shape, size and distribu-
tion. It is defined as particles of foreign materials in a metallic matrix. The
particles are usually compounds such as oxides, sulphides or silicates and
insoluble in the matrix. Inclusions are relatively small, their volume fraction
are low, they are not randomly distributed, and they deform at different rates
than the matrix during working..
The oldest procedure for rating of inclusions are based on standard charts e.g.
ASTM E45. JK (Jernkontoret. Swedish, E 1122). A standard JK chart for
comparative inclusions studies of various type is shown in figure 8'"'. For
general purposes this method is adequate but has it number of deficiencies.
The main problem is related to the reproducibility, time consuming, difficult
for easy handling and availability of standard charts are limited in numbers.
Because of this, some other methods were developed.Sulphur prints was also
developed. The development for colour metallography was also thought of for
their identification. To make the quantification easier and faster, an image
analyser with automatic focusing system plays an important role. In the begin-
ning. the image analyser was employed only for rating of inclusions. The
inclusions present are differentiated between by their reflecting grey values.
Attempt was also made to classify the inclusions by measuring their lengths.
But length measurements alone however proved to he insufficiently character-
istic criterion. In modern image analyser. to quantify inclusions. the most
important parameters used are"':
• Inclusion type.
• The volume fraction,
G. /)AS
^ Q000
^U. 145
It is well known'" that the tendency for detects to initiate can he lowered by
insuring that inclusions are well distributed and do not cluster together. Im-
proyement of defects initiation tendency can sometimes he achieved by reduc-
ing the clustering. rather than by lowering the overall inclusions volume frac-
tion. Several methods are available for obtaining spatial distribution of sphere
shaped particles. Procedures are also available for convex particles of arbitrary
shapes. ellipsoids etc. Although. the exact solution for regular shapes are
available, but for irregular shaped particles the situation is not so simple.
Assumptions are required with a loss of accuracy. From the true two-dimen-
sional size distribution, the 3-dimensional pictures can he drawn.
Three main parameters : mean diameter (D). the standard deviation [a(D)J and
the number of particles per unit volume (Ny,) are necessary for representing
a site distribution curve. These parameters can he obtained from the appropri-
ate experimental data or from the analysis of particle size distribution. Figure
9 shows a schematic representation of three type of measurements.
Porosity is a common feature for ordinary cast products. While melting metals
and alloys - oxvaen. nitrogen and hydrogen get trapped and during solidifica-
tion they are released leaving behind considerable amounts of pores of differ-
ent sites. Deoxidising process by simply adding deoxydiser during melting
these gases can he removed. However, in practice for many cases some remain
Areas Chords
trapped in the ingot. So, quantification of such porosity in terms of sire dis-
tribution are essential for assessing the health of materials. A modern image
analyser can he employed for exactly quantify the pores present in the mate-
rials. Care must he taken to differentiate inclusions and pores.
4Vv (9)
Where. V,, = the volume fraction of the obtained phase and S, = the interface
area. The above equation can also be extended for multiphase phases.
An additional parameter, similar to the mean phase intercept, is the mean ran-
dom spacing and is defined as'="
6 = - (10)
Where. N, = particle (or clusters) intercept counts. 6 may he interpreted as a
mean centre to centre distance between dispersed particles or clusters of a par-
ticular phase.
The fundamental parameters used for mean free path relations are V and S'
and. the volume fraction of phase "i" and the surface area per unit volume of
boundary shared by phase 'i' and 'j'. Vcan he found by point count procedure
which can he related to the fraction of points on a grid occupying the phase
1,. P', by
V'=1" (I1)
Similarly. S" can he related by (S'= 2P`'r ), where. P'L = boundaries intercept
per unit test line length.
Fig. 10(a) : Typical AZS re fra( t,n nuurrial shat, rn,' lour diswict phases : P orosit.%,
Silica, Alumina (reed Zhrnnia 400X.
G. D .4 S
Fig. I0(b) : Typical video level hislograun (4".1o ur-phase / IZS material seen in
Fig. /0( a). Each peak corresponds to a separate phase
Quantitative data. extracted from polished and etched samples (if required),
can he used for various purposes like quality control, process control, failure
analysis or research purposes . A systematic and positive approach should he
taken for precise measurement of various parameters . From sample prepara-
tion to data analysis - all steps must he properly and carefully performed to get
best results. Sampling or identification of test samples from a large piece of
materials or from a big component is most important. Specimen must he pre-
pared properly, both during polishing and etching (if required). The best pos-
sible image should he fed into image analyser for proper quantification of
various parameters of an image . Manual method can also be employed for
image analysis but it is less sensitive and time consuming . Accuracy can also
he improved simply by increasing the number of test measurements of fields
or features . When all the steps will he fulfilled the final results will be precise
and reproducible.
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