Project Job Ref.: V B T, y T, R C
Project Job Ref.: V B T, y T, R C
Project Job Ref.: V B T, y T, R C
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
ENGINEER 11/11/2019
Resistance factors
Shear; v = 1.00
Flexure; b = 0.90
Tensile yielding; t,y = 0.90
Tensile rupture; t,r = 0.75
Compression; c = 0.90
Design section 1
Section details
Section type; UB 150x75x14 (JIS)
ASTM steel designation; A992
Steel yield stress; Fy = 345 N/mm2
Steel tensile stress; Fu = 448 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity; E = 199948 N/mm2
UB 150x75x14 (JIS)
Analysis results
Required flexural strength - Major axis; Mr,x = 11.551 kNm
Required flexural strength - Minor axis; Mr,y = 0.002 kNm
Required shear strength - Major axis; Vr,x = 4.96 kN
Required shear strength - Minor axis; Vr,y = 0.001 kN
Restraint spacing
Major axis lateral restraint; Lx = 5112 mm
Minor axis lateral restraint; Ly = 5112 mm
Torsional restraint; Lz = 5112 mm
Classification of sections for local buckling - Section B4
Classification of flanges in flexure - Table B4.1b (case 10)
Width to thickness ratio; bf / (2 tf) = 5.36
Project Job Ref.
Section Sheet no./rev.
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
ENGINEER 11/11/2019
Limiting ratio for compact section; pff = 0.38 [E / Fy] = 9.15
Limiting ratio for non-compact section; rff = 1.0 [E / Fy] = 24.08; Compact
Critical flexural stress - eq F2-4; Fcr = (Cb 2 E / (Lb / rts)2) (1 + 0.078 (J c / (Sx ho)) (Lb / rts)2) =
178 N/mm2
Nominal flexural strength for lateral-torsional buckling - eq F2-2
Mn,ltb,x = min(Fcr Sx, Mp,x) = 15.8 kNm