PR & Publicity Briefing Document - Background

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 Outline the marketing opportunity/problem – that is, why you want to achieve
through PR (e.g. introduce a new product or service, or address sales
 What is happening in the market - eg buyer profile, any information you have on
buying behaviors of the target group.
 The competitive landscape: include information (formal research or informal
feedback) that outlines how customers and prospects perceive you vs.
competitors; and what importance they attach to your competitive differentiators.
 Outcomes of previous PR or marketing programs


 Any planned developments (eg new resources or initiatives) you will be

introducing that will impact on your business goals.


 Audiences or stakeholders you are interested in – whether these are stratified

horizontally or vertically


 Be as clear as you can be about the intended outcome of the campaign.


Tactics are the tools we use to achieve your objectives and these would be expressed
in terms such as

Implement an integrated PR campaign targeting XXX market”. From here, it is also

useful to outline any tactics you wish to see used (e.g. “Media launch event for new
thematic campaign”)


These encapsulate the “reasons why” of your goal – for instance, the reason customers
would benefit from buying a new product or service, as well as the reasons customers
would benefit from choosing you over your competitors.
Key messages are the foundation of an effective marketing campaign – and beyond
that, they also help your sales teams speak clearly to potential customers. (Copy
Strategy and Support)


Time period in which you want to achieve the goal - e.g. six months, a year, two years.


How do you want the project to be implemented– for instance, do you want regular
updates during the project, or will you be unavailable for significant portions of it? Who
is authorized to speak on behalf of the company in your absence?


Budget will depend on the size and scope of the PR campaign.


Draw on a broader set of measure of success such as tracking prospect touch points, or
even shifting some indicators of customer behavior or solid market research and/or
customer analysis

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