HTML Is The Standard Markup Language For Web Pages

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HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.

With HTML you can create your own Website.

HTML is easy to learn - You will enjoy it!

Examples in Every Chapter

This HTML tutorial contains hundreds of HTML examples.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>

<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


What is HTML?
HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML describes the structure of a Web page
HTML consists of a series of elements
HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
HTML elements are represented by tags
HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so
Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Example Explained
The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
The <head> element contains meta information about the document
The <title> element specifies a title for the document
The <body> element contains the visible page content
The <h1> element defines a large heading
The <p> element defines a paragraph
HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets:

<tagname>content goes here...</tagname>

HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p>

The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before the
tag name.
Example Explained
The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
The <head> element contains meta information about the document
The <title> element specifies a title for the document
The <body> element contains the visible page content
The <h1> element defines a large heading
The <p> element defines a paragraph.
HTML Elements
An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and an end tag, with the
content inserted in between:

<tagname>Content goes here...</tagname>

The HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag:

<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Start tag Element content

<h1> My First Heading

<p> My first paragraph.


HTML elements with no content are called empty elements. Empty elements do
not have an end tag, such as the <br> element (which indicates a line break).

Nested HTML Elements

HTML elements can be nested (elements can contain elements).

All HTML documents consist of nested HTML elements.

This example contains four HTML elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Example Explained
The <html> element defines the whole document.

It has a start tag <html> and an end tag </html>.

Inside the <html> element is the <body> element.


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


The <body> element defines the document body.

It has a start tag <body> and an end tag </body>.

Inside the <body> element is two other HTML elements: <h1> and <p>.


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


The <h1> element defines a heading.

It has a start tag <h1> and an end tag </h1>.

The element content is: My First Heading.

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

The <p> element defines a paragraph.

It has a start tag <p> and an end tag </p>.

The element content is: My first paragraph.

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