Table 1: Different Types of Reinforcement Schedules
Table 1: Different Types of Reinforcement Schedules
Table 1: Different Types of Reinforcement Schedules
Description Advantage Disadvantage
Reinforcement is provided after each Learning occurs quickly. o Time consuming
correct response. o Satiation may occur
Reinforcement is provided for some, Maintains behaviors over Not effective for teaching new
but not all, correct responses. time behaviors
Reinforcement is provided after a
specific number of correct responses.
Ratio reinforcement Two types of ratio reinforcement
schedule: schedules may be used: fixed and
A learner is reinforced based on an Learner’s rate of Not effective for teaching new
average number of correct responses. responding remains behaviors
For example, if the average number of constant
2. Variable Ratio
correct responses is three, a teacher
might call on a learner after he raises
his hand two times and then after he
raises his hand four times.