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Drug-Study Hepa B

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West Visayas State University

La Paz, Iloilo City

Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Active immunization Indicated for Pain or soreness at the -The tip caps of the  Be aware of maternal hepatitis
Hepatitis B with hepatitis B vaccine immunization against injection site prefilled syringes status at appropriate ages.
vaccine stimulates the immune infection caused by Fatigue contain natural rubber  Notify physician of need for
Route: system to produce anti- all known subtypes of latex which may vaccine.
Intramuscular HBs without exposing hepatitis B virus; cause allergic  Draw back on the plunger of the
the patient to the risks of Immunoprophylaxis reactions. syringe before injection to avoid
Brand: Subcutaneous against Hepatitis B. intravascular injection.
Energix B, (for patients at active infection. -Syncope (fainting)
Recombivax HB risk for Infection with hepatitis can occur in
Assess client for the following:
hemorrhage) D can occur only with association with  Soreness or redness at
concurrent hepatitis B administration of injection site
infection, so vaccination injectable vaccines,  Fever
Classification Frequency: with recombinant Contraindications Side Effects including ENGERIX-  Fatigue
Functional: hepatitis B vaccine  Anaphylactic Side effects are usually B. Procedures should  Appearance of rashes
Viral Vaccine provides protection reaction to previous mild and go away in a be in place to avoid  Difficulty of Breathing
against hepatitis D as hepatitis B vaccine few days. They may falling injury and to  Cold symptoms
well. dose include: restore cerebral  Low blood pressure
Chemical:  Moderate or severe -Soreness or redness perfusion following  Flushing
Subunit/conjugate The recombinant acute illness. syncope.  Muscle, joint, and back pain
where the shot was
vaccine hepatitis B vaccine is -Temporarily defer  Seizures
produced by injecting -Fever vaccination of infants  Irritability
Saccharomyces -Irritability with a birth weight  Diarrhea
cerevisiae (yeast) with a -Diarrhea less than 2,000 g born  Reduced Appetite
plasmid that codes for -Reduced appetite to hepatitis B surface
the adw subtype of -Cold symptoms antigen(HBsAg)-
HBsAg. The genetically -Low blood pressure negative mothers.
altered yeast produce -Flushing -Apnea following
significant quantities of -Back and muscle pain intramuscular
HBsAg, which are -Seizures vaccination has been
released by cell observed in some
disruption, collected, Serious side effects infants born
and purified. The from the hepatitis B prematurely.
particulate matter vaccine are very rare. Decisions about when
present in the hepatitis B to administer an
vaccine, recombinant intramuscular
contains large amounts vaccine, including
of protein derived from ENGERIX-B, to
HBsAg against which an infants born
immune response prematurely should
occurs, resulting in the be based on
formation of anti-HBs. consideration of the
Extensive study of the infant’s medical
recombinant-stimulated status, and the
antibodies reveals that potential benefits and
they are remarkably possible risks of
similar to naturally vaccination.
occurring anti-HBs in
variety, biochemistry,
potency, and protective

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