Div Memo No. 033 S 2019 Calendar of Activities For Synchronized Election Calendar For Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) For Sy 2019-2020
Div Memo No. 033 S 2019 Calendar of Activities For Synchronized Election Calendar For Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) For Sy 2019-2020
Div Memo No. 033 S 2019 Calendar of Activities For Synchronized Election Calendar For Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) For Sy 2019-2020
DePartment of Education
Region V
February 08, 2019
No.33 s.2019
1. Corollary to DepEd Order No. 25 s. 2018 re: School Calendar for School Year 2018-2019 and
Unnumbered Memorandum issued by the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration dated
February L4,20t7 re: Synchronized Election Calendar for Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and
Supreme Student Government (SSG) for SY 20L7 -2OL8, this Office informs all concerned on the
important dates and guidelines of said activity, to wit:
3. School head or his/her duly appointed focal person shall submit and accomplish the Results of
Election and the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Student Government Elections for the School
(CESGE) Form and shall be submitted to SGOD, Attention: Ms. Maria Riza Dino on or before March
4. The following persons will serve as election personnel forthe speedy conductofthe said activity:
DGpEd Ord.r t5. U r.2016- Addltional Guldelin€s on th. Conrtitution and By-Laws of the Slpreme Student
Goveanment and Supreme Pupil@vernment In Elementaryand secondary
DapEd Ordar rao.4, t, 2O!l - Constitution and By{aws ofthe Suprema Student Governmeot and Supreme
Pupil Government in Elamentary and Secondnry Schools
Ettclottrr llb. 7
I . The School Head (SH) upon the proposal of the members of the Spc/SSG
Commission on Electione (COMELECI yith the recomrnendation of the
SPG/SSG COMELEC Chairperson, may aleo issue additional guidelines
on the SFG or SSG COMEI,EC Standard Election Code cutsistent with
the DepEd Ordcr IVo. 47 s. 2O74 aad DcpE<t Ondcr Iyo I t g. 2O16 to
ensure a fair and succssfuI conduct of the electiona.
2. After the conduct of the SPG/ SSG Elections, the SH or ttre pereon whom
he/ she appointed shall accomplish the CoEplchcrdrt Enhrtlor of
thc Studctrt Gosrloolt Elootloor for trbo 8chool lCEtClg form
provided in the enclosure. Soft or hard copies of their documents shall b€
submitted to the Dlvldor School Gosunraoo ead Opcre$oar lllvlrlon
(8COD) through their respective divigion Iotth lornatloa Coodfnrtor
exactly two (21 weeks after the school'e proclamation of winners on X.sch
1a,2[r1t, -..\i
3. The Division SGOD shdt collate the schoola' CESGE Forog and
accomptslr the Dlyldon Coaolt&tcd ELctlo! B.Dott lIlCRf for the
SPG and SSG. Alter co[ating all the rhools' CESGE forms and
accomplishing the Division Election Consolidated Rcport for the SPG and
SSG, thc Division SGOD shall forward the soft or hard copics of the said
copica to'their reepective regional Edocrtlol Elppott icrvlocr ll{vlrilol
on or beforc lr,lch 26, 20lt.
4. Thc ESSD ahall collate, orgeu'rnzE and forward scanncd or Boft copies of
' the docrrments submittcd by the SGOD to the Ioutl Foroetioa
Dfuldor (tlDt observing the folloring directions:
'al The email shall be forwarded to blss.vfdi;deped.gov.ph
bl The email ghall follow the subject:
For SPG: {SPG1819 {name of region}-Submissionl
For SSG: l8SGf819 {name of region}-Submisaionl
eh The emoil shell be frrvarded on or before Alrll 16, 2f|lt.
5. In preparing for the division and regional report of the SPG and SSG
election. The If. formate Bhall b€ obecrved:
Page I of 3
Encloeutp llo. 7
6. The nevly-elected SPG/SSG olfiera upon their oath taking ccr€mony sha[
undergo a parallel school-bascd training on basic skills on teaderstrip,
roles, functions, and responsibilitiea of each o0icer Ttre newly designated
SPG/SSG Adviser shall supervise the implementation of the said training.
The newly elected SPG/SSG officers shall come up $,ith a Gcneral Plan of
Action (SPOA) for their entire t€rm. The project managemcnt and planning
of GPOA must be facilitated by the SPG/SSG advieer and the outgoing
SPG/SSG olficers during weekends immediately after elections.
8.'For the regional and divieion-fcdcratcd SSG and SPG elections, ALL
Pni6[DEt"8 r€gadlesa of grade lerel, whcther the candidate is from
Grgde' 11 or Gradc 12, can vie for the Prcsidcnt and Vice hesident position
for Le long as they are thc elected President of the SSG and SPC} in their
respective school and are qualilicd to bc nominated.
9 Forlthe stand-alone Junior High School (JHSI, candidates for kesident and
Vice hesident must be Grade 1O and Grade 9 students. Grade-8 and 7
students can rurl for the othcr positions except Preaident and Vice
Pagc 2 of 3
Eaclorll n lilo. 7
10. For elementar5r and secondary schools which have more than l,O0O
students per grade lerreI., the COMELEC can add additional three (3)
membcrs per grade level who will help facilitate the elections. The said
additional members must meet the requird qualifications and undergo the
same process,
I I. Ttre YED as the lead offia for thc Studcnt Government Program (SGPf in
the Central OIEce is authoriud to monitor the conduct of ttre elections and
the formulation, and implementation of the programs and projects to
strengthen the SPG/SSG in schools.
12. The SGOD afld ESSD are authoriad to coordinate and to monitor the
activities of t]le synchronized SPG/SSG elections.
13, All regional dir€ctor8 (RDq and school dMsion superintendents ISDSe)
are cnjoined to support and monitor the implementation of the echool
14. All electione conducted before the dissemination of this Memorandum
shall retain the candidates who were proclaimed winners of their ectrool's
SPG and SSG in their elective positions.
Page 3 of 3
the Schoob (CESGE)
E &jloflt No. 2, Cottprrherive Evatuatim for SPG/SEG Etectioru lot
Burcau of l.canrcr $rpport slrvi(E
Youth Fomr.tion Dtvisiofi
CotnFlEnl lndL.tort Agrtc Rctomm€ndationt
StuddColtrtrl.Ilon The shrdanls lrd ltfiool admin werc wellrcPresented in
on Elcctlon the school Commisi,on on El€c6orls (COMELEq
(coMELEC) The studenrs end *lsol admir were krrewhdgeable ard
pEp.r€d for the cordlrct o{ ItE €l€c{iorB.
TlE rtudents ud 0E schol admin rr€r,e actively
involved in or8lnizing ard running the election
proccdures. i
inErarted rtudentr.
St!.lst Elgrgto€nt The ilud€nt! werc welLinforncd ebout the purpoce of
thc Student Govetngcnt dectinc.
rudcnts w€re awar€ of tlE vodng
rhd€nb rtivdy pcrtrp.d in th..lec{rqr.
prG. rr
The rtu&nts werc emounged b F daipiie in Cp
ltudent Sovemrn€nL
9clcdtqt of The intercsrEd st&rtr ws€ $vm the opportunity to
C.ndldac' partidpab in the de<tirna
All gudrfed crrdi&lsr r,€r" coqlidsrrd.
pr6€rr was oblectiw and tr arordarre
The rpplicrtloo
withtfu I Sttdelrt C,ov€msrent Ehctin Code.
Crmpdg{ The camgrign wrr ordcdy, ortinized, f.lr, rrd pe!€eful.
The camprign rae hdd ln sordqrce wlth lhe D?Ed
SrradentGovernnrnt Electk n Code.
wr elhcdvaly orforced.
The electi,on code
The bqlloc were char rnd availebb.
Th€ votint wa3 orgmi"rd srd
Coqarll[ The COMELEC etrc<dv€ly, effick'ntly, .rd fairly
coducEd the counting of voEs. -
The count was [air, honesg rnd EllEplr.nf
The arurormccmmt w.r imllldirE arld urdbputa*.
r Ltlclt
Bureru of Leanrr Suppott Servic€3
Youth Formation Division
Efrtoffi No. 1t Filitlt o( Csndidfry Er<l(et
a( tts Strdlisptnld
Yorth Formatiqr Division
To run fior a puilnxr ,a &e SSGr/SPG office, each candidac drordd subrnit a cunpleled cigrred applilcat,oi
with tlre following attachmenE:
o Certificate of C-andidacy
r Palental Ccrsent
o Two (2) pcs. of 2x2 photograph
o An offcial copy of the Report card for the present Academic Yeat
r General Plan of Actions
o Two (2) recoaunendatkxr letEts from two (2) individuals whom the candidate has worked wilh in
a co-curricular and e(ra-curricular activity.
Please secure and rubarit two (2) rc<ommmdation letEs (in a rignedr/mkd mvelope) from two (2)
individualg that tre candid.te has worked with in a coctrrkrrlar ard ortra<uricrlar activity. Ttre
rccornmerulations shall include the following:
F . Descripion oI the activity wlerein the candidaE ard the autlror of the reconmerdation leter
worked ogether
o Detailed.descfiption of how tlre candidate the prirrciples of teamworlc collective decision-making
and good work ethk in the said activity.
the author of tlre recorrmendation letters should not be relahl by affinity or cqsanguinity to the
The two (Z) recrirmnurdation letErs should each come frosr a fellow shrdent that he/Cre worled with in
an activity and fronr the Eacher that rerved as an adviser of &e sarne activity.
Tle autrore of the recornmmdation lettets should not be related to fte candidate by affinity or second
degee coneanguinity. If needed, the COMELEC has the authority to v"alidate tte rectmmendation letters
witr iE sigillries.
E crorxrt ,vo. t Patlnlal Consent lor SPG/SSG Ctndidal€3
Aqublit ot tbr $fitip0ines
Youth Formation Division
E,rrosrr lvo 5: PrrEr al CorEnr ior SPG/SSG ClrdidaE3
Attublir ot tbe Slilippinec
Youth Formatisr Dvigion
Exlotux No. 6: Czrtiflcate of Cttdidtc)' for the SFG/SSG
Ne:c oI ecffvucr paddprUf rdrbd b fhc dcr&ld Spccl6c roL h fh: rrfftdfv
I furtlr state ttat I rfi mral chamter rrd rc.d€rnic siandirE, ard I wil.l abkle
bon. Sdc rtudmt of thb scltool wtth good
with the elecdon rules aad guid€[rlq of th! Suprert Pupil GoverrmEnL
t lr.rcoy certi! thet the ffi staH ls"in ar€ Eue ,rd csrict to ttE b6t of llry tnoivl€d8e.
si8ruture of Clrdidab ovcr hhEd Nenre
An officer of tfte grprern: Student Govemrnent lives the ideals, principb, arxl practice of panicipatory democracy. Hellihe
rep€lents the stud€nt body, arxl must be fully committetl to lead and lerve the studstt body towards thc fulfitlment o( the
goab of the stu&nt Gov6nrnenl lle/She mr6l upMd the com vslucs arrl thrugts of tl|e Deparbnent of Eclucailon and
serve as a roh rnodel of rhool md communlty in words ard in derdr.
Gsn&E-.. ASG D.t o( Bitth:
Nc o( r<tivlticr prrticipefcd..l.H to tlrc dahed Speclfk rclc ln ttc xrivlw
P.ny N.Jie tu.&iolnthPuy_.-
. stu&nt of tftls l(hool
I cerdfy that I am a bom fidG
l, wlrce mme arvl other personal &ils
are herdn rtrEd, do helety fib lhis CerdfcaE of Cardidacy for the Suprrme
Studcnt Goverrune l COMELEC in the election fot rhool yar Nl7-frrg.
I do hereby dcctare nry intentlon arxl d€rire b be nominated for the porttcular pclfion of
I furtlEr sarae at t l am bona fide student ot this sclrool with good nrcal cnaracEr.nd rcldetrdc saardin& and I will rbide
with tlp election rules ard guiddirs of ttr Shrdent Golsntnenl
I h€reby certlfy drat the frtr staEd h6etn are hue anrl correct b the
-- knowledge-
bat of rny
Sttnetur: o{ Cendi&b oylr PlhH Nrm"
SUBSCRI BED AND SWORN b before me this d^y of 201 E, at affiant t'xhibi ting to me
ti,t/ h€r nomt na tion kit which conlEim his/ her c.o.c, photograph, academic rwords, and psrenhl c'omenl.