Psychosexual Theory by Sigmund Freud Psychosocial Develepment by Erik Erikson Interpersonal Theory by Henry Sullivan Anamnesis

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Psychosexual Theory by Psychosocial Interpersonal theory By Anamnesis

Sigmund Freud Develepment Henry Sullivan

by Erik Erikson
Infancy (Birth to 1 year) Infancy: Trust vs. Infancy (Birth-18
Oral Stage – putting all Mistrust months):
sort of things in the Value: Hope Characteristics:
mouth to satisfy thus The infant is uncertain Gratification od needs A
libido, and thus its if about the world in which time when the child
demands. Which at this they live. To resolve receives tenderness
stage in life orientated , these feelings of from the mothering one
such as sucking, biting, uncertainty, the infant while also learning one
and breastfeeding. looks towards their while also learning
primary caregiver for anxiety through an
stability and consistency empathic linkage with
of care. the mother.

Toddler (1-3 years) Toddler: Autonomy vs. Childhood (18 moths-6

Anal Stage – Libido now Shame years): Characteristics:
becomes focused on the Value: Will Delayed gratification
anus, and the child The child is discovering The need for playmates
derives great pleasure that he or she has many of equal status is called
from defecating. skills and abilities, such childhood. The child’s
as putting on clothes primary interpersonal
and shoes, playing with relationship continues to
toys, etc. Such skills be with the mother, who
illustrate the child’s is now differentiated
growing sense of from other persons who
independence and nurture the child.
Pre-school (3-6 years) Pre-school: Initiative vs. Juvenile era (6-9 yrs):
Phallic Stage – Guilt Characteristics:
Sensitivity now becomes Value: Purpose formation of a peer
concentrated group.

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