Guide To Report Writing: School of Marketing & Management
Guide To Report Writing: School of Marketing & Management
Guide To Report Writing: School of Marketing & Management
This guide will help you to maximise the marks you receive for report-based assessments.
A Report An Essay
Uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations) Rarely uses graphics
Guide to report writing /School of Marketing & Management
cannot read some parts of your essay to learn what they want to know. A reader must
read your entire essay to understand how well you can argue.
In a report you can indicate the structure clearly by using sub-headings for each
section. Each section has a distinct purpose. Sometimes the reader may want to
read one section of your report only so each section must contain the type of
information the reader expects to find in that section.
When you are writing an essay, your reader is your Subject Coordinator or marker
and you want to display the extent to which you are learning to write about issues
in an academic way.
In contrast, often you are writing your report not only for your lecturer to read, but
also for an imagined client in the business world. You should use language that is
as clear and direct as possible as you need to imagine you are writing for very
busy people. Your language also needs to be on the one hand respectful, because
your reader is your 'client' or 'employer', but, on the other hand, it needs to be
authoritative, because you are the one with expert knowledge.
Reports have a very clear structure that is signalled by headings and subheadings.
The purpose and appropriate contents for each section is shown in Table 2. Not all
the sections are required in every report you write (the notes in the table provide
guidance). Some assessments specifically require you to use a particular report
structure – use that structure even if it differs from the one given here.
TITLE PAGE The title of the report A title page is almost always required but the
Student's name and ID details of what you write might vary.
EXECUTIVE This is a short summary of the key points of the whole This may not be necessary with short reports.
SUMMARY report (for busy executives to read!). It summarises the Check the assignment requirements. This is
report's purpose, findings, conclusions and easier to write after your report is complete.
recommendations. For your assignments, the executive
summary should not be more than a page.
TABLE OF This lists the sections of the report with page numbers. Again, this may not be necessary with very
CONTENTS short reports. Most word processing software
has the ability to create tables of contents for
INTRODUCTION The introduction usually includes: This provides an overview of the report and is
Brief background information important to set the scene for the reader. It is
not the same as the executive summary. It is
Purpose of the report very important to make the purpose of the
Scope of topic report very clear in the introduction.
Outline of what will be covered in the report
Guide to report writing /School of Marketing & Management
BODY This is the main part of your report. The heading you This section is likely to be worth more marks
give it, and the sections within it will vary according to than the rest of the report. The assignment
the type of report. question will often indicate what headings to
use. Use a subheading and/or numbers for
each subsection.
CONCLUSION The conclusion provides a summary and evaluation of You will always need to write a conclusion. It
the report's findings with the key recommendations. It ties the report together, almost like the ‘flip-
may also identify the limitations of the report. side’ of the introduction.
RECOMMEND- The recommendations are a summary in point or You will not always be required to list
ATIONS numbered form of solutions or courses of action that recommendations in a separate section.
follow logically from your interpretation of your findings. Recommendations are usually 'should'
statements. They are specific, indicating who
should do what, where, when, how, and
(sometimes) at what cost.
REFERENCES A single list of all the books, articles, web sites, Some reports in the workplace do not have
interviews etc you have referred to in your report. this section, but most reports you write at
university will require you to refer to the
literature in your field.
APPENDIX This is where you put charts, tables and other If the tables and charts are very important you
information that is too detailed to put in the body of your may need to include them in the body of the
report. report.
Each section of your report should have a clear heading and each subsection a
clear subheading. This allows the reader to access quickly the information
important to him or her. Your headings and subheadings should make it clear to
the reader how each part of the report is related to other parts.
The "styles" tool on your word processor can help you choose the appropriate font
and size for each level of heading. It is confusing for readers if headings and
subheadings look the same.
It is also important to make good use of space. Leave enough space between each
section to indicate that one section is finished and another will begin – usually
each major section is started on a new page.
The headings and subheadings you choose are very important. They will appear in
the Table of Contents as well as in the body of the report. They are the reader's
first impression of what you have written. The headings and subheadings should
be clear and consistent in style.
The topic and requirements of the assignment should suggest the main sections of your
report, but you may still have to decide on some of the headings. You are also likely
have many subsections for which you have to choose the wording yourself. The
following are some pointers for the wording of headings and subheadings.
• Use nouns or noun phrases for your headings, for examples: Managerial
styles; A model of problem solving; Teamwork.
• Make sure your subheadings are as parallel as possible, e.g. "Decrease in
costs" would be parallel with "Increase in employee output" but not with
"Increasing employee input".
• Do not use questions as headings. Questions are used for informal
documents in which the writer addresses the reader directly (like this
guide!). You are expected to be more formal in the reports you write for
your university course.
Guide to report writing /School of Marketing & Management
Reports written at university do require academic writing and what you have
learned about sentence construction in EAP courses is relevant for your writing of
reports in an academic context. Sometimes in the workplace it may be possible to
write reports using "we" and "I" and "you" because the person or people who will
read the report are well known to the writer. This is not the case with the reports
you write at university so you should maintain a less familiar tone. In order to do
this you will probably sometimes have to use the passive voice. This is fine. The
passive voice is used quite often in English because it makes it easy for us to put
the events, ideas and objects that interest us at the beginning of sentences rather
than the people who are responsible for these.
Often the reports you are asked to write in your subjects are for an imagined client
and an imagined professional situation so in many respects the reports you write
are very similar to professional reports. However they are usually not just
professional reports pure and simple. You are writing these reports in an academic
context and so you must show evidence in your report that you have a very good
understanding of the relevant theory that relates to the issues presented in your
report. You need to show that you can apply the theory in your analysis and
discussion of the issues.
Guide to report writing /School of Marketing & Management
Massey University OWLL. (2007, July 30). Business reports. Retrieved January
24, 2008, from:
Nutting, J., Cielens, M. & Strachan, J. (1996) Business reports: The business of
communicating. (3rd ed.) Sydney, NSW: McGraw-Hill.