All Sap Tables

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The document discusses various SAP tables related to different modules like finance, human resources, etc.

Some of the main tables discussed include BKPF, KNB1, LFB1, T001, T004, T007A, T008, T009, GLREFA etc. which are related to finance, accounting and master data.

Some of the main finance concepts discussed include accounts, charts of accounts, fiscal year variants, taxes, payment methods, credit control etc.


ARCFI Finance

A003 Tax Indicator

ANEK Document header asset posting
ANEP Asset line item
ANKA Asset classes: general data
ANKB Asset class: depreciation area
ANKP Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation
ANKT Asset classes: Description
ANLA Asset master record-segment
ANLB Depreciation terms
ANLC Asset-value fields
ANLE Asset Origin by Line Item
ANLH Asset main number
ANLP Asset periodic values
ANLT Asset text
ANLV Insurance data
ANLW Insurable values (year dependent)
ANLZ Time-dependent asset allocations
AVIK Payment advice header
AVIP Payment advice line item
BKPF Accounting document header
BSEC One-time account data document segment
BSED Bill of exchange fields document segment
BSEG Accounting document segment
BSES Document control data
BSET Tax data document segment
BVOR Intercompany posting procedures
C001 Cust.Grp/MaterialGrp/AcctKey
C002 Cust.Grp/Account Key
C003 Material Grp/Acct Key
C004 General
C005 Acct Key
CCIPE Actual primary line items
COBL Coding Block
COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlement
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COEPBR CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement
COEPD CO Object: Line Item Settlement, Not Valuated, With Status
CSKA Cost elements (data dependent on chart of accounts)
CSKU Cost element texts
FILCA FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCT FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tables
GGREFA Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GGREFC Example for Global FISL Objct Table 2 (Transactn Attributes)
GGREFO Example for Global Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)
GGREFP Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GGREFT Example for Global FI-SL Summary Table

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GLREFA Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)

GLREFC Example for Loc. FISL Objct Table 2 (Transaction Attributes)
GLREFO Example for Local Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)
GLREFP Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLREFT Example for Local FI-SL Summary Table
GLT0 G/L Account Master Record Monthly Debits and Credits
GLT3 FI-LC: Structure of Consolidation staging ledger
KNB1 Customer master (company code)
KNB5 Customer master (dunning data)
KNC1 Customer master (transaction figures)
KNC3 Customer master (special G/L transaction figures)
KNKK Customer master credit management: Control area data
KONP Conditions (Item)
LFB1 Vendor master (company code)
LFB5 Vendor master (dunning data)
LFC1 Vendor master (transaction figures)
LFC3 Vendor master (special G/L transaction figures)
PAYR Payment transfer medium file
PCEC Prenumbered Checks
RFDT Accounting data (INDX structure)
RGSBL Internal Data for a Set Line in SAPMGSBM
S066 Open orders: credit management
SKA1 G/L accounts master (chart of accounts)
SKAT G/L account master record (chart of accounts: description)
SKB1 G/L account master (company code)
T001 Company Codes
T001A Additional local currencies control for company code
T001N Company code - VAT registration numbers
T001Z Additional specifications for company code
T004 List of charts of accounts
T004T Chart of account names
T007A Tax keys
T007F Taxes on sales/purchases groups
T008 Blocking reasons for automatic payment transcations
T008T Blocking reason names in automatic payment trans.
T009 Fiscal year variants
T009B Fiscal year variant periods
T009T Fiscal year variant names
T011 Financial Statement Versions
T011T Financial statement version names
T012 House banks
T014 Credit control areas
T014T Credit control area names
T024B Credit management: Credit representative groups
T024P Credit Management: Credit Representatives
T030 Standard accounts table
T031 Bill discount note
T040 Dunning keys
T040A Dunning key names

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T040S Blocking reasons for dunning notices

T040T Dunning block reason names
T042 Parameters for payment transactions
T042A Bank selection for payment program
T042B Details on the company codes that must pay
T042E Company code-specific specs.for payment methods
T042I Account determination for payment program
T042T Text modules for payment forms
T042Z Payment methods for automatic payment
T043G Tolerances for groups of customers/vendors
T046R Texts for the exceptions from cashed bills/
T046S Exceptions from cashed bills of exchange paid to vendors
T047A Account level dunning control
T047B Dunning level control
T047C Dunning charges
T047D Form selection for legal dunning proceedings
T047E Form selection for dunning letters
T047H Marginal amounts
T047I Standard texts for dunning letters
T047M Dunning areas
T047N Dunning area texts
T047R Grouping rules for dunning notices
T047S Name of grouping rules
T047T Dunning procedure names
T049E Control data for Swiss POR procedure
T052 Terms of payment
T053A Selection rules for payment advices
T053B Selection rules for payment advices (texts)
T053C Selection sequence for payment advices
T053G Payment advice types
T053R Classification of payment differences
T053S Classification of payment differences (texts)
T056 Interest settlement
T056A Time-dependent conditions
T056P Reference interest table
T056R Interest reference definition
T056S Interest scale interest terms (acct
T056U Control table for interest for days overdue
T056X Text table for interest indicators
T056Z Interest rates
T059Q Withholding tax
T074 Special G/L accounts
T074A Special G/L transaction type names
T074T Special G/L indicator names
T074U Special G/L indicator properties
T085 Investment support measures
T085P Investment support: Default and check table
T085S Description of individual investment support measures
T090 Depreciation calculation keys
T090C External depreciation keys

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T090M Table for maximum depreciation amounts

T090P Dep. calc. key percentage records
T090R Period control rules for transactions
T090S Names For Internal Calculation Keys
T090T Names For External Depreciation Keys
T090V Names for period control in transactions
T090Z Period control for transactions
T091 Cut-off value key
T091P Cut-off val. percent. rates
T091T Names for Cut-Off Value Keys
T093 Real and derived depreciation areas
T093A Real depreciation area
T093B Company code-related depreciation area specifications
T093C Company codes in Asset Accounting
T093T Names for real and derived depreciation areas
T094A Index series for replacement values
T094B Base year per index series
T094P Index numbers for replacement values
T094T Index series names
T095 Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas
T095A Account allocation
T095B G/L accounts value adjustment
T095P Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areas
T095T Name for account groups
T096 Chart of depreciation
T096T Chart of depreciation texts
T099 Insurance types
T099T Description of Insurance Types
T169G Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verification
T169S Tolerance Limit Keys
T681 Conditions: Structures
T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T683 Pricing Procedure
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T685 Conditions: Types
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
T691A Credit management risk categories
T691B Credit Management Groups
T691C Credit management group names
T691T Credit management risk classes text
T800S FI-SL Set Table
T800Y FI-SL Set Texts
T850 Company data for Consolidation
T851 Changes in Investments
T852 Subgroups
T852G Subgroup companies
T852U Subgroup companies
T854 Financial statement items for consolidation

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T854S Selected FS items

T854T Financial statement item texts
T854U FS item short texts
T856 Transaction Types
T856T Transaction type texts
T856X Transaction type groups
T857 Line layout of data entry forms
T857A Column layout of data entry form
T857S Column layout for data entry form: Names
T857T Column layout for data entry form: Text
T857X Line layout for data entry form: Name
T857Y Line layout for data entry form: Text
T858 Consolidation versions
T859 Data entry forms
T859T Data entry form title
T862K Standard reports: Headings
T862L Standard reports: Header texts
T862Q Standard reports: Column layout
T862R Standard reports: Column layout texts
T862S Standard reports: Column layout
T862T Standard reports: Headers
T862X Standard reports: Line layout
T862Y Standard reports: Line layout texts
T862Z Standard reports: Line layouts
T863 Consolidation standard reports
T863T Report titles
T863V Valuations: Texts
T863W Valuations
T864 Reclassifications
T865 Intercompany Eliminations
T866 Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS items
T867T Product group texts
T868B Elimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.s
T868L Elimination of IC profit/loss: Vendor data
T869 Consolidation methods
T870 Consolidation method assignment
T871 Changes in investee equity
T872 Equity Holdings Adjustments
T873 Hidden reserves
T875 Asset transfers within the group
T876 Consolidation document types
T877 Consolidation activity groups
T877K Consolidation activity groups: Names
T877L Consolidation activity groups: Texts
T880 Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)
T880B Valuation methods
T881 FI-SL Ledger
T881T FI-SL Ledger text
T882 Company Code/Ledger Assignment
T882C Global Company-Ledger Assignment in FI-SL

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T884 Currency translation

T886A Activity/Ledger Information
T886B Activity/Ledger/CCode Information
T886C Activity/Ledger/Company Information
T887 Activity/Ledger/CCode Information
T887C Activity/Ledger/Company Information
T888 Field Movement Header Table
T888M FI-SL Field Assignments
T888T FI-SL Field Assignment Texts
T893 Ledger Selection Conditions
T894 FI-SL and FI-LC Versions
T894T FI-SL and FI-LC Version Texts
T895 Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
TABW Asset transaction types
TABWA Transaction types/dep. areas
TABWG Transaction type groups
TABWH Name for asset transaction type groups
TABWM Asgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet item
TABWN Item Titles in the Asset History Sheet
TABWO Names for the asset history sheet versions
TABWP Entity table for asset history sheet versions
TABWQ Asset hist. sheet group
TABWR Name of asset hist. sheet group
TABWT Asset transaction types texts
TABWV Default transaction types
TCKH2 Assignment: Cost Element Interval - Cost Component Layout
TFAV FI: Work lists
TFAVT Work list names
TFAVW FI: Work list values
TFKB Functional areas
TFKBT Name of the functional areas
TGSB Business Areas
TGSBT Business area names
TKKAJ Text Table for Results Analysis Versions
TKKAL Entity table for RA versions for assets under construction
TVOID Check void reason codes
TVOIT Check void reason code texts
TVZB Customers: Terms of payment
TVZBT Customers: Terms of Payment Texts
TZGR Grouping rules for automatic payments
TZGRT Name of grouping rules

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ARCCO Controlling

A013 Surcharge Type

A014 Surcharge Type/Surcharge Key
A026 Controlling Area/Cost Center
A027 Controlling Area
A035 Surcharge Type/Plant
A036 Surcharge Type/Order Type
A037 Surcharge Type/Order Category
A038 Surcharge Type/Company Code
A039 Surcharge Type/Business Area
A058 Controlling Area/Cost Center Type
A059 Controlling Area/Company Code
A060 Controlling Area/Business Area
A061 Controlling Area/Cost Ctr.Type/Cost Centers
A062 Controlling Area/Company Code/Cost Center
A063 Controlling Area/Business Area/Cost Center
A105 Controlling Area/Company Code/Business Area
AFPO Order item
AUAA Settlement Document: Receiver Segment
AUAB Settlement Document: Distribution Rules
AUAI Settlement Amounts per Depreciation Area
AUAK Document Header for Settlement
AUAO Document Segment: CO Objects to be Settled
AUAS Settlement Document: Totals Segment
AUAV Document Segment: Transactions
AUFK Order master data
BKPF Accounting document header
BPBK Doc.Header Controlling Obj.
BPEG Line Item Total Values Controlling Obj.
BPEJ Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.
BPEP Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPGE Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPPE Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPTR Object Data Controlling Obj.
BSEG Accounting document segment
CBPR CO-ABC: Activity Master Table
CCIG Actual bases cost center / activity
CCIP Actual primary totals
CCIPE Actual primary line items
CCOP Primary Open Item Totals
CCPG Planning bases cost center/activity
CCSI Actual statistical ratios
CCSP Planned statistical ratios
CDMMT Texts to cost driver variants
CE1XXXX CO Object: Document header
CE2XXXX CO Object: Document header

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CE3XXXX Language-specific values for object type

CE4XXXX CO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets
CE4XXXX Master Record: Cost Object ID Number
CKBS Base Planning Object - Unit Costing
CKBT Texts for CKBS
CKHS Header - Unit costing (control + totals)
CKIS Unit Costing: Items / Product Costing: Itemization
CKIT Texts for CKIS
CKKS Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals)
CKKT Texts for CKKS
CKPH Master Record: Cost Object ID Number
CKPHS Control for Cost Object Category
CKPHT Texts for CKPH
CKPST Texts for Cost Object Category (CKPHS)
COBK CO Object: Document header
COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlement
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COEJ CO object: year-related line items
COEJL CO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Year)
COEJT CO Object: Activity Price Line Items (by Year)
COEP CO object: period-related line items
COEPL CO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Period)
COEPT CO Object: Activity Price Line Items (by Period)
COFIT Totals records - reconciliation ledger
COKA CO Object: Cost Element Control Data
COKL CO Object: Activity type control data
COKP CO Object: Primary Planning Control Data
COKR CO Object: Statistical Key Figure Control Data
COKS CO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning
COSC CO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets
COSL CO Object: Activity Type Totals
COSP CO Object: Cost Totals - External Postings
COSRV Variants (characteristics) for LIS performance measures
COSS CO Object: Cost Totals - Internal Postings
COST CO object: standard rate totals
CSKB Cost elements (data dependent on controlling area)
CSKS Cost center master
CSKT Cost center texts
CSLA Activity master
CSLT Activity type texts
CSSK Cost center /cost element
CSSL Cost center / activity
KEKO Product Costing - Header
KEPH Product Costing: Cost Components for Cost of Goods Manuf.
MPOS Maintenance Item
ONR00 General Object Number
ONRBP Object number index: Business process
ONRKL Object Number Index, Cost Center/Activity Type
ONRKS Object Number Index, Cost Center
ONROR Object Number Index, Order

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ONRPR Object number index for project structure element

ONRQM Object number index for quality message
ONRVB Object number index for sales document item
QALS Inspection lot record
SETCATA Set Directory as Transparent Table
SETDATA Sets (Contents)
SETLINESSet Lines as Transparent Table
SETLTEXTShort Texts for Set Lines as Transparent Tables
SETTEXTSShort Texts for Sets as Transparent Tables
T003O Order Types
T003P Order Type Descriptions
T683 Pricing Procedure
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T685 Conditions: Types
T685A Conditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
T687 Account Determination: Account Key
T687T Account Determination: Account Key Texts
T800S FI-SL Set Table
T811C Allocation cycles
T811F Allocation element table
T811I Allocation Information for key field
T811K Key fields for allocations
T811L Assess/distrib.descriptions
T811S Allocation segments
T894TPCAEC-PCA: Texts for plan versions
T895PCA EC-PCA: Fiscal-Year Dependent Version Parameters
TBO00 Object type control parameters
TBO01 Language-specific values for object type
TCK01 Costing types
TCK02 Costing Types - Texts
TCK03 Costing Variants
TCK04 Costing Variants - Texts
TCK05 Valuation Variants in Costing
TCK06 Valuation Variants in Costing - Texts
TCK07 Costing Variants for Organizational Units
TCK12 Product Costing: Object for Number Assignment
TCK13 Product Costing: Texts for No. Assignment Object
TCK28 CO area based costing
TCKH1 Cost Component Texts for Cost Assignment Layout
TCKH3 Internal Cost Component Layout Assignment -> Database KEPH
TCKH4 Cost Component Layout for Cost of Goods Manufactured
TCKH5 Cost Component Layout - Texts
TCKH6 Cost Component Groups - Texts
TCKH7 Cost Component Groups
TCKH8 Cost Component Views in Display
TCKH9 Texts for Cost Component Views in Display
TKA00 Control parameters for controlling areas
TKA01 Controlling areas

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TKA02 Controlling area assignment

TKA03 Statistical key figures
TKA05 Cost center types
TKA07 Fiscal year dependent version parameters
TKA09 Basic settings for versions
TKA09V Version Table: Separate Transactions for Delta Version
TKA10 Master table price indicators
TKB4A Original Settlement Structure
TKB4B Text Table for Original Settlement Structure
TKB4C Original Settlement Assignment
TKB4D Text Table for Original Settlement Assignment
TKB4E Original Settlement Structure
TKB5A Settlement Structure
TKB5B Text Table for Settlement Structure
TKB5C Settlement Assignment
TKB5D Text Table for Settlement Assignment
TKB5E Settlement Structure
TKB6 Account Determination for Settlement
TKEB Operating concern
TKEBB Operating concern - Period block if not = 4
TKEBL Assignment: Ledger -> operating concern
TKEBT Description of operating concern
TKEFE Field catalog, assignment to operating concern
TKEVS CO-PA version attributes
TKKH1 Origin in CO Object
TKKH2 Text Table for Origin in CO Object
TKSA0 Admin. for calc. of cost center imputed costs
TKT03 Stat. key figure texts
TKT05 Cost center type texts
TKVS CO versions
TKVST CO Version Texts
TKZU1 Surcharge base cost elements
TKZU2 Surcharge base origin
TKZU3 Surcharge credit keys
TKZU9 Credit objects for target/actual cost elements
TKZX3 Credit objects to surcharge cost elements per COMCDE/BUSAREA
TKZX9 Credit objects to target=actual cost elements per COCDE/BUSA
TSC0A Layout table
TSC0B Layout text table
TSC0C Table of selection criteria for assignments
TSC0D Assignment table
TSC0E Text table for assignments
TSC0F Table of assignments with splitting rules
TSC0G Table of splitting rules
TSC0H Text table for splitting rules
TSC0I Table of selection criteria for rules
TSC0J Splitting method table
TSC0K Text table for splitting methods
TVGA Record types for CO-PA
TVGAT Texts for Record Types

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VBAP Sales Document: Item Data

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ARCBL Logistics general

A001 Not Used in Standard

A002 Domestic Taxes
A004 Material
A005 Customer/Material
A006 Price List Type/Currency/Material
A007 Division/Customer
A011 Export Taxes
A015 Not Used in Standard
A016 Contract Item
A017 Material Info Record (Plant-Specific)
A018 Material Info Record
A019 Contract Header
A020 Division/Price Group
A022 Material/Unit of Measure
A024 Distribution Channel/Material/Unit of Measure
A025 Info Record for Non-Stock Item (Plant-Specific)
A028 Info Record for Non-Stock Item
A029 Material Pricing Group
A030 Customer/Material Pricing Group
A031 Price Group/Material Pricing Group
A032 Price group/Material
A033 Incoterms
A034 Incoterms Part 1 + 2
A043 Purchasing Organization/Material Type
A044 Vendor
A045 Vendor Condition Group
A046 Material Group Prices
A047 Material Group Prices (Plant-Specific)
A049 Market Price for Material
A054 Market Price for Material Group
A065 Customer Hierarchy/Material
A068 Outline Agreement Item: Plant-Dependent
A076 Master Conditions for Activities in Contract
A077 Cost Split for Activities in Contract
A095 Activities + Purchasing Organization
A096 Activities for Vendor
A097 Activities for Vendor with Plant
A104 Service Conditions (Own Estimate)
ASMD Service Master: Basic Data
ASMDT Service Short Texts
CUCO Additional Data for Configurable Objects
EMBK Export Control: License Master - Header Data
EQKT Equipment short texts
EQUI Equipment master data
ESTDF EHS: Additional Information: Substance Characteristic Text
ESTDR EHS: Additional Information: Substance Char. Assessment

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ESTDS EHS: Additional Information: Substance Characteristic Source

ESTDU EHS: Additional Information: Substance Characteristic Usage
ESTLP EHS: Substance Report Variant
ESTLR EHS: Language-dependent Label Substance Report Variant
ESTLU EHS: Substance Report Variant Rating
ESTLV EHS: Substance Report Variant language (labels only)
ESTMJ EHS: Substance - Material - Relationships
ESTPH EHS: Phrase Header
ESTPJ EHS: Phrase Set - Phrase Header - Allocation
ESTPO EHS: Original Phrase
ESTPP EHS: Phrase Item
ESTPS EHS: Phrase Set
ESTPT EHS: Language-dependent Label for Phrase Set
ESTRH EHS: Substance header
ESTRI EHS: Substance identifier (nummbers, names, formulas)
ESTRL EHS: Substance Identifier - Substance List - Allocation
ESTRR EHS: Substance Reference
ESTVA EHS: Substance Characteristic
ESTVH EHS: Substance - Substance Characteristic Category - Alloc.
ESTVP EHS: Substance Characteristic Item
KONA Rebate Agreements
KOND Conditions (Data)
KONH Conditions (Header)
KONM Conditions (1 Dimensional Quantity Scales)
KONP Conditions (Item)
KONW Conditions (1 Dimensional Value Scales)
KOTE001 Condition for Rebate: KOTE001
KOTE002 Condition for Rebate: KOTE002
KOTE003 Condition for Rebate: KOTE003
KOTE004 Customer Hierarchy
KOTE005 Customer Hierarchy/Material
KOTE006 Vendor/Material
KOTE007 Vendor/Accounting Group
KOTE008 Vendor
KOTE009 Vendor/VSR
MAEX Material Master: Export Control File
MAKT Material Descriptions
MAPR Material Index for Forecast
MARA Material Master: General Data
MARC Material Master: C Segment
MARD Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment
MARM Units of Measure
MAST Material to BOM Link
MCH1 Batches (if Batch Management Cross-Plant)
MCHA Batches
MDVM Entry in MRP File
MEAN International Article Numbers (EANs) for Material
MKAL Production Versions of Material
MKOP Consignment Price Segment
MLAN Tax Classification: Material

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MLGN Material Data per Warehouse Number

MLGT Material Data per Storage Type
MVER Material consumption
MVKE Material Master: Sales Data
PGMI Product Group/Member Allocation
PGZU Product Group/Member Quantity Conversions
PROP Forecast parameters
QMAT Inspection type - material parameters
QMSP QM: material specification
S001 SIS: Customer Statistics
S002 SIS: Sales Office Statistics
S003 SIS: SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/District/Customer/Product
S004 SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel
S005 SIS: Shipping Point/Route/Forwarding Agent/Receiving Country
S006 SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/Product
S011 PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S012 PURCHIS: Purchasing Statistics
S013 PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor Evaluation
S015 Subsequent Settlement: Evaluation
S023 SFIS: Cumulative Records for Material
S024 Totals Records for Work Center
S031 Statistics: Movements for current stocks
S039 Statistics: Inventory Controlling
S060 Model Structure for Info Structures with Initial VAKEY
S061 Location and planning
S062 Object type and manufacturer
S064 Single object - damage analysis
S065 Object statistics
S068 Vendor statistics
S069 Material Statistics (QM)
S070 Breakdown Statistics
S074 Subsequent Settlement: Condition
S077 STRPS: Movements
S078 STRPS: Stocks
S079 STRPS: Movements + Stock
S080 Purchasing: Movements
S081 Purchasing: Stock
S082 Purchasing: Movements + Stock
S083 Material: Movements
S084 Material: Stock
S085 Material: Movements + Stock
S086 Promotion
S087 Material/Add-on: Movements
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STST Standard BOM Link
STZU Permanent BOM data
T001L Storage Locations

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T001W Plants/Branches
T023 Material Groups
T023T Material Group Descriptions
T024L Laboratory/office for material
T024X Laboratory/Office Texts
T134 Material Types
T134G Organization Unit: Business Area Determination
T134T Material Type Descriptions
T142 Storage Conditions for Materials
T142T Storage Condition Texts
T143 Temperature Conditions for Storing Materials
T143T Temperature Condition Texts
T144 Container Requirements for Storing Materials
T144T Container Requirement Texts
T178 Conditions: Groups for Materials
T178T Conditions: Groups for Materials: Texts
T179 Materials: Product Hierarchies
T179T Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts
T304 Storage Section Indicators
T304T Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305 Storage Type Indicators
T305T Text for Storage Type Indicator
T338 Block Storage Indicators
T338T Texts for Block Storage Indicators
T357 Company area
T362 Service Categories
T399I Planning plant parameters
T415A Alternative BOM Selection
T415B Alternative Determination by Unit of Measure
T415M Material Types Allowed in BOM
T416 BOM Usage - Item Statuses
T416T BOM Usage Texts
T437U Control table for further processing of goods receipts
T441R Values table for checking rule
T441V Availability check control
T441W Checking rule texts
T499S Location
T604 Commodity Codes
T604T Commodity Codes: Descriptions
T606 Export Control: Combination Legal Regulation - License Type
T606B Export Control: Combination of Legal Reg. - Embargo Group
T606G Export Control: Legal Regulation
T606H Export Contr.: Mat. Classification Acc. to Legal Regulation
T606I Export Control: Material Grouping Legal Regulation
T606M Export Control: Product Classification
T606R Export Control: Designation of Legal Regulation
T606T Export Control: Designation of License Type
T606U Export Control: Description of Embargo Group
T606V Export Control: Description of Export Control Classification
T606Y Export Control: Link to License Master: Material Classific.

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T606Z Export Control: Link to License Master: Customer Numbers

T681 Conditions: Structures
T682 Conditions: Access Sequences
T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682T Conditions: Access Sequences: Texts
T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T683 Pricing Procedure
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T684 Condition Exclusion Groups
T684G Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types
T684S Condition Exclusion: Procedure Assignment
T684T Condition exclusion: Texts
T685 Conditions: Types
T685A Conditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
T685Z Condition Types: Lower/Higher Limits for Pricing Elements
T687 Account Determination: Account Key
T687T Account Determination: Account Key Texts
T6B1 Rebate : Agreement Types
T6B1T Rebate: Agreement Types : Texts
T6B2 Rebate : Group of permitted Condition Types/Tables
T6B2F Rebate : Permitted Condition Types/Tables per Group
T6B2T Rebates : Group of Allowed Condition Types/Tables : Texts
TCG11 EHS: Substance characteristic category
TCG12 EHS: Language-dependent Label for Subs. Char. Category
TCG21 EHS: Identification type
TCG22 EHS: Language-dependent Label for Identification Type
TCG23 EHS: Identification category
TCG24 EHS: Language-dependent label for identification category
TCG31 EHS: Substance category
TCG32 EHS: Language-dependent label for substance category
TCG36 EHS: Substance authorization objects
TCG37 EHS: Language-dependent label for subs. authorization object
TCG46 EHS: Source
TCG47 EHS: Source category
TCG48 EHS: Language-dependent label for source category
TCG51 EHS: Properties tree
TCG52 EHS: Language-dependent Label for Properties Tree
TCG53 EHS: Properties tree - characteristic category - allocations
TCG61 EHS: Phrase library
TCG62 EHS: Language-dependent label for phrase library
TCG63 EHS: Phrase group
TCG64 EHS: Language-dependent label for phrase group
TCG66 EHS: Substance characteristic category class characteristic
TCG71 EHS: Characteristic assessment
TCG72 EHS: Language-dependent label - characteristic assessment
TCG76 EHS: Component category
TCG77 EHS: Language-depedent label for component category
TCG81 EHS: Substance list

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TCG82 EHS: Language-dependent Label for Substance List

TCG86 EHS: Characteristic rating
TCG87 EHS: Language-dependent label for characteristic rating
TCGA1 EHS: Substance report symbol group
TCGA2 EHS: Language-dependent label for subs. report symbol cat.
TCGA6 EHS: Substance report symbol
TCGA7 EHS: Language-dependent label for substance report symbol
TCGL1 EHS: Report types
TCGL2 EHS: Report type - language-dependent label
TERVH Allowed Shipping Materials for each Mat.Grouping f.Shp.Mats
TFCF Fields in Field Catalogs
TFCG Fields Catalogs for Statistics Fields
TFCT Field Catalog Description
TINC Customers: Incoterms
TINCT Customers: Incoterms: Texts
TLGR Routes: Loading Groups
TLGRT Routes: Loading Groups: Texts
TMC1D Data Elements of Generated DDIC Structures
TMC1K Key Elements in Generated DDIC Structures
TMC4 Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure
TMVF Availability Check Control
TMVFT Availability check control: Texts
TNTP International Article Number (EAN) Categories
TNTPB Descriptions of EAN Categories
TSKM Material Taxes
TSKMT Taxes: Materials: Texts
TTGR Delivery Scheduling: Transportation Groups
TTGRT Shipping Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Texts
TVBO Sales Rebate Groups
TVBOT Sales Rebate Groups: Texts
TVEGR Material Pricing Group: Shipping Materials
TVEGRT Material Pricing Group: Shipping Materials: Designations
TVFM Export/Import Material Group
TVFMT Material Pricing Group for Export/Import: Descriptions
TVKM Materials: Account Assignment Groups
TVKMT Material: Account Assignment Group Texts
TVSM Material statistics groups
TVSMT Materials: Statistics groups: Texts
TVSTZ Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per Plant
TVTY Shipping Material Types
TVTYT Shipping Material Types: Designations

Page 17

ARCSD Sales and Distribution

FPLA Billing Plan

FPLT Billing Plan: Dates
KNMT Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
KONA Rebate Agreements
KONDD Material Substitution - Data Division
KONDDP Conditions: Additional Materials for Material Determination
KONV Conditions (Procedure Data)
KOTD001 Conditions: Substitution - Sample Structure
KOTG001 Material Listing/Exclusion - Sample Structure
KOTG002 Material Listing/Exclusion - Sample Structure
KOTG003 Material Listing/Exclusion - Sample Structure
KOTG502 Material Listing/Exclusion - Sample Structure
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
MARA Material Master: General Data
MLST Milestone
T171 Customers: Sales Districts
T171T Customers: Sales districts: Texts
T173 Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping Type
T173T Routes: Transportation by dispatch type: Texts
T604P Preference: Relationship betw.Comm.Code/Customs Area/Rule
T604R Preference: Relation betw.Preference Determ.Rule/Percentages
T604V Preference: Procedure
T604X Preference: Language table for T604V
T605 Export/Import: Business Transaction Type
T605T Export/Import: Type of Business - Descriptions
T606K Export Control: Analysis of Export Control Situation
T616 Export/Import: Procedures
T616T Export/Import: Procedures - Descriptions
T618 Mode of Transport (When Goods Cross Border)
T618T Modes of Transport: Descriptions
T681 Conditions: Structures
T682 Conditions: Access Sequences
T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682T Conditions: Access Sequences: Texts
T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T683 Pricing Procedure
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T683U Conditions: Procedure (Text)
T683V Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.
T685 Conditions: Types
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
T691D Credit groups for document types
T691E Credit Groups Document Type Description
T691F Control of Automatic Credit Control

Page 18

T691G Control of Automatic Credit Control: Description

TFPLA Billing Plan Type
TFPLB Billing Plan Type: Description
TFPLT Date Type for Billing Plan Type
TFPLU Date Type in Billing Plan: Description
TNLS Nielsen ID
TNLST Description of Nielsen Indicators
TROAL Routes: Allowed Actual Routes for Delivery
TROAZ Routes: Determination in Sales Documents
TROLZ Routes: Determination in Deliveries
TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions
TSPAT Organizational Unit: Divisions: Texts
TTDS Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point
TTDST Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: Texts
TVAK Sales Document Types
TVAKT Sales Document Types: Texts
TVAS Action Procedure for End of Contract
TVASB Action Procedure: Texts
TVAU Sales Documents: Order Reasons
TVAUK Cost Center Determination
TVAUT Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
TVBUR Organizational Unit: Sales Offices
TVBVK Organizational Unit: Sales Groups per Sales Office
TVCPA Sales Documents: Copying Control
TVCPF Billing: Copying Control
TVCPL Deliveries: Copying Control
TVFK Billing: Document Types
TVFKT Billing: Document Types: Texts
TVGRT Organizational Unit: Sales Group Texts
TVKBT Organizational Unit: Sales Offices: Texts
TVKBZ Org.Unit: Sales Office: Assignment to Organizational Unit
TVKGR Organizational Unit: Sales Groups
TVKK Sales Activity Types
TVKKT Sales Activity Types : Texts
TVKN Routes: Transportation Connection Points
TVKNT Routes: Transportation connection points: Texts
TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations
TVKOL Picking: Storage Location Determination for Deliveries
TVKOS Organizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization
TVKOT Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts
TVKOV Org. Unit: Distribution Channels per Sales Organization
TVKR Cancellation Rules
TVKRT Descriptions of Cancellation Rules
TVKS Cancellation procedures for contracts
TVKST Cancellation Procedures for Agreements; Texts
TVKUS Cancellation Procedures
TVKV Pricing Procedures: Transaction
TVKVT Pricing Procedures: Procedure: Texts
TVKWZ Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization
TVLA Org.unit: Loading points per shipping point

Page 19

TVLAT Org.Unit: Loading points per shipping point: Texts

TVLG Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries
TVLGT Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts
TVLK Delivery Types
TVLKT Delivery Types: Texts
TVLZ Validity Period Category
TVLZT Validity Period Category: Texts
TVRO Routes
TVROT Route Texts
TVRSZ Routes: Legs for each Route
TVSA SD Documents: Processing Groups
TVSAT SD document processing groups: Texts
TVSB Shipping Conditions
TVSBT Shipping Conditions: Texts
TVSR Routes: Legs
TVST Organizational Unit: Shipping Points
TVSTT Organizational Unit: Shipping Points: Texts
TVSWZ Shipping Points per Plant
TVTA Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s)
TVTK Shipment Types
TVTKT Transport Type: Description
TVTR Routes: Modes of Transport
TVTRT Routes: Method of Transportation Texts
TVTW Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels
TVTWT Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts
TVVD Contract Data Profile
VBAK Sales Document: Header Data
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
VBEH Schedule line history
VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
VBFA Sales Document Flow
VBKA Sales activities
VBKD Sales Document: Business Data
VBPA Sales Document: Partner
VBRK Billing: Header Data
VBRL SD Document: Invoice List
VBRP Billing: Item Data
VBSK Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header
VBSS Collective Processing: Sales Documents
VEDA Contract Data
VEKP SD Document: Shipping Unit Header
VEPO SD Document: Shipping Unit Item (Content)
VTSP Stage of Transport / Item Allocation
VTTK Shipment Header
VTTP Shipment Item
VTTS Stage of Transport

Page 20

ARCMM Materials Management

CAWN Characteristic values

COOI Open Item Management: Line Items
EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EINA Purchasing Info Record - General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record - Purchasing Organization Data
EIPA Order Price History, Info Record
EKAB Release Documentation
EKBE History of Purchasing Document
EKBZ History of Purchasing Document - Delivery Costs
EKEH Scheduling Agreement Release Documentation
EKEK Header Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases
EKES Order Acceptance/Fulfillment Confirmations
EKET Delivery Schedules
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPA Partner Roles in Purchasing
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
ELBK Vendor Evaluation: Header Data
ELBM Vendor Evaluation: Material-Related Item
ELBP Main Criterion for Vendor Evaluation
EORD Purchasing Source List
EQUK Quota File - Header
EQUP Quota File - Item
ESKL Account Coding Assignment: Service Line
ESKN Account Assignment in Service Package
ESLL Lines of Service Package
ESSR Service Entry Sheet Header Data
ESUC Services Management: Unplanned Limits on Contract Item
ESUH Services Management: Unplanned Service Limits: Header Data
IKPF Header: Physical Inventory Document
ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
KONP Conditions (Item)
KONV Conditions (Procedure Data)
KSML Characteristics of a Class
LAGP Storage bins
LEIN Storage unit header records
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LINK Inventory document header in WM
LINP Inventory document item in WM
LINV Inventory data per quant
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
LQUA Quants
LTAK WM transfer order header
LTAP Transfer order item
LTBK Transfer requirement header

Page 21

LTBP Transfer requirement item

LUBU Posting change document
MARC Material Master: C Segment
MARD Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment
MBEW Material Valuation
MGEF Hazardous materials
MKOL Special Stocks from Vendor
MKPF Header: Material Document
MSEG Document Segment: Material
MSKA Sales Order Stock
MSKU Special Stocks with Customer
MSLB Special Stocks with Vendor
MSPR Project Stock
PKHD Control cycle header
RBKP Document header: invoice receipt
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
RKPF Document Header: Reservation
RSEG Document item: Incoming invoice
T001K Valuation area
T024 Purchasing Groups
T024E Purchasing Organizations
T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024Z Purchasing Organizations
T025 Valuation Classes
T025K Account Category Reference
T025L Account Category Reference Description
T025T Valuation Class Descriptions
T026 Purchasing Area
T026T Language-dependent purchasing area
T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
T147A Definition for Main Criteria for Vendor Evaluation
T147B Texts for Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147C Definition for Subcriteria for Vendor Evaluation
T147D Texts for Subcriteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147G Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147I Definition for Subcriteria for Main Criterion
T148 Special Stock Indicator
T148T Special Stock Descriptions
T149 Valuation type/valuation class
T149A Valuation types for valuation area
T149B Valuation Category/Valuation type
T149C Global valuation categories
T149D Global valuation types
T149E Global Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations
T149T Global valuation category descriptions
T156 Movement Type
T156T Movement Type Text
T163E Order Acceptance/Fulfillment Confirmation Categories
T163F Order Accept./Fulfillment Confirmation Cats.: Descriptions
T163G Confirmation Control

Page 22

T163L Order Acceptance/Fulfillment Confirmation Control Keys

T163M Order Accept./Fulfillment Confirm. Control Keys: Descr.
T16FC Release Codes
T16FD Description of Release Codes
T16FG Release Groups
T16FH Descriptions of Release Groups
T16FK Release Statuses
T16FS Release Strategies
T16FT Descriptions of Release Strategies
T16FV Release Prerequisites
T16FW Role Assignment to Release Code
T300 WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301 WM Storage Types
T301T Storage Type Descriptions
T302 WM Storage Sections
T302T Storage Section Names
T303 WM Storage Bin Types
T303T WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T307 Storage Unit Types
T307T Text for Storage Unit Type
T308 Requirement Types
T308T Texts for Requirement Types
T309 Fire-Containment Sections
T309T Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T311 Definition of WM Reference Number
T311A Cross-Reference WM Reference Number for Documents
T320 WM: Assignment MM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T322 RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory
T330 Blocking Reasons
T330T Text for Blocking Reason
T331 Storage Type Control
T331L Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333 WM Movement Types
T333A Transfer Types
T333B Texts for Transfer Types
T333T Texts for WM Movement Types
T334B Storage Section Search
T334E Storage Unit Type Check
T334P Storage Bin Type Search
T334T Storage Type Search
T336 Difference Indicators
T336T Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B Block Storage Sectioning
T337Z Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T340D WM Default Values
T646A Aggregate States
T646G Hazardous Material Warnings
T646H Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings

Page 23

T646L Storage Classes

T646M Texts for Storage Classes
T646V Hazardous Material Warnings
T646W Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
TMKE Group for Calculation Schema (Purchasing Organization)
TMKET Group for Calculation Schema (Purch. Org.): Description
TMKS Calculation Schemas: Purchasing
TMKSU Calculation Schema, Purchasing, for Stock Transfer

Page 24

ARCPP Production Planning and Control

AFAB Network - Relationships

AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
AFFL Work order sequence
AFFT Order process instructions
AFFV Order process instruction values
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
AFRH Header information for confirmation pool
AFRU Order completion confirmations
AFRV Pool of confirmations
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
AUFK Order master data
CRFH CIM production resource/tool master data
CRID CIM Resource - Entities
CRTX Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool
CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
CRVE_A Assignment PRT data - equipment
CRVE_B Assignment equipment - PRT data
CRVM_A Link of PRT data to a material
CRVM_B Link of material to a production resource/tool
CRVS_A Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external number
CRVS_B Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal number
KAKO Capacity Header Segment
KAKT Capacity Description
KAPA Shift Parameters for Available Capacity
KAZY Interval of Available Capacity
KBED Capacity requirements records
MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
MDKP Header data for MRP document
MDTB MRP table
MDVL Planning file entry for long-term planning
MKAL Production Versions of Material
MLST Milestone
MLTX Milestone Description
MSET Standard milestone set
PBED Independent requirements data
PBIM Independent requirements for material
PGPL Sales & Operations Planning (SOP)
PKHD Control cycle header
PKPS Control cycle item / container (Kanban)
PLAB Relationships
PLAF Planned order
PLAS Task list - selection of operations/activities

Page 25

PLFH Task list - production resources/tools

PLFL Task list - sequences
PLFT Process instructions
PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values
PLKO Task list - header
PLMK Inspection characteristic
PLMW MAPL-dependent characteristic values (inspection plan)
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations
PLPB Long-term planning: independent requirements versions
PLPH Phases/Sub-Operations
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLPT Long-term planning: plants of planning scenario
PLSC Planning scenarios in long-term planning
PROW Forecast Values
PVBE Supply area
PVKT Text table for WIP locations
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
SAFK Run schedule master data
SMGT Milestone group description
SMLG Standard milestone group
SMLS Standard milestone
SMLT Standard milestone description
SNUM BOM explosion number
SUMS New key assignment: BOM explosion no.->New BOM explosion no.
T024A Planner group
T024C Planner Group for CAPP
T024F Production scheduler
T433 Milestone Indicator
T433T Milestone texts
T437P Planning IDs for repetitive manufacturing
T438M Control parameter for MRP -material level-
T438X MRP group text
T439G PPplanning periods: header table
T439H PP planning periods: long texts
T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods)
T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule
T459A External requirements types
T459V Version table
T459W Texts for requirements types
T461P Planning strategy group
T461S Planning strategies
T461X Planning strategy group text
T550A Daily Work Schedules
T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts
T551A Period Work Schedules
T551S Period Work Schedule Texts
TC27 Capacity planner groups
TC27T Text for the capacity planner group
TC29 Distribution key for capacity load

Page 26

TC29F Distribution function for capacity planning

TC29L Description of distribution keys
TC29R Descriptions of distribution strategy
TC29S Distribution strategy
TC29T Descriptions of distribution functions
TC29V Distribution function
TPK01 Key for controlling the control cycle; in-house production
TPK02 Key for controlling control cycle: external replenishment
TPK03 Key for controlling control cycle; stock transfer
VBAK Sales Document: Header Data
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
VBBS Sales Requirement Totals Record
VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
VBKD Sales Document: Business Data
VERFK Process header data
VERFT Process texts
VERME Assignment of CAPP methods to CAPP processes
VERTE Assignment of CAPP processes to work centers
VFORK Formula header data
VFORP Characteristics for formulas
VFORS Formula strings
VFORT Formula texts
VMETK Method header data
VMETP Characteristics for methods
VMETT Method texts
VMETVORData base for CAPP rules

Page 27

ARCPM Plant Maintenance

AFAB Network - Relationships

AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
AFIH Maintenance Order Header
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFRU Order completion confirmations
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
AUFK Order master data
BGMK Master warr.header
BGMP Master warranty item
BGMS Text item master warranty
BGMT Master warramty text
BGMZ Warranty counter
CRID CIM Resource - Entities
EAPL Allocation of Task Lists to Pieces of Equipment
EQKT Equipment short texts
EQST Equipment to BOM Link
EQUI Equipment master data
EQUZ Equipment time segment
ESLL Lines of Service Package
ESUC Services Management: Unplanned Limits on Contract Item
ESUH Services Management: Unplanned Service Limits: Header Data
HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table
IFLOT Functional Location (Table)
IFLOTX Functional location: short texts
IHGNS Plant maintenance permit segment
IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners
IHSG Plant maintenance permit table x
ILOA PM object location and account assignment
IMPTT Measuring Point (Table)
IMRG Measurement document
INET Object networks
INETX Language-dependent texts for INET
IRLOT Reference Functional Location (Table)
IRLOTX Reference functional location: short texts
KBED Capacity requirements records
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
KNVK Customer Master Contact Partner
KONP Conditions (Item)
LFA1 Vendor master (general section)
MARA Material Master: General Data
MHIO Maintenance order history
MHIS Maintenance Plan History
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
MPLA Maintenance Plan

Page 28

MPOS Maintenance Item

OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Events)
PLFH Task list - production resources/tools
PLKO Task list - header
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLWP Allocation of Maintenance Packages to Task List Operations
QMEL Quality notification
QMFE Quality notification - items
QMIH Quality message - maintenance data excerpt
QMMA Quality notification - activities
QMSM Quality notification - tasks
QMUR Quality notification - causes
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
T024I Maintenance planner groups
T351 Maintenance strategy
T351P Maintenance packages
T351T Maintenance strategy texts
T351X Maintenance strategy package texts
T352T Approval categories
T352T_T Approval category texts
T357G Special permits
T357G_T Table 357G texts
T370F Functional location category
T370F_T Language-dependent texts for T370F
T370P Measuring point category
T370P_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370P
T370R Reference functional location category
T370R_T Language-dependent texts for T370R
T370T EquipCategories
T370U Language-dependent texts for T370T
T372I Network identification
T372I_T Language-dependent texts for network ID
T372M Medium
T372M_T Language-dependent texts for link medium (T372)M
T790G Warranty type
T790G_T Warranty type text
TAPL Allocation of task lists to funct.locations
TPST Functional Location - BOM Link
TQ80 Notification types
TQ80_T Notification Type Texts

Page 29

ARCQM Quality Management

AFRU Order completion confirmations

AFVC Operation within an order
IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners
KONDI Conditions: Data part for certificates
KOTI001 Material
KOTI002 Material/Customer
KOTI003 Material group
MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
PLAS Task list - selection of operations/activities
PLFL Task list - sequences
PLKO Task list - header
PLMK Inspection characteristic
PLMW MAPL-dependent characteristic values (inspection plan)
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
QAKL Results table for value classes
QALS Inspection lot record
QALT Partial lot
QAMR Characteristic results during inspection processing
QAMV Characteristic specifications for inspection processing
QAPO Inspection operation records
QAPP Inspection point
QAS2 Single results for the sample
QASE Results table for the sample unit
QASH Control chart
QASR Sample results for inspection characteristics
QAST Control chart track
QASV Sample specifications for inspection processing
QAVE Inspection processing: Usage decision
QCVK Certificate profile header
QCVM Certificate profile characteristic level
QCVMT Certificate profile characteristic level: texts
QDBM Valuation mode
QDBMT Valuation Mode: Texts
QDDR Dynamic modification rule (header)
QDDRT Dynamic modification rule: texts
QDEB Allwd. Relationships: Sampling Procedures/Dynamic Mod. Rules
QDEP Allowed inspection severities
QDEPT Allowed Inspection Severities: Texts
QDPA Sampling scheme-instructions
QDPK Sampling scheme header
QDPKT Sampling scheme: texts
QDPP Sampling scheme item
QDPS Inspection stages for a dynamic modification rule
QDPST Inspection Stages: Texts
QDQL Quality level

Page 30

QDSA Sampling type

QDSAT Sampling Type: Texts
QDSV Sampling procedure
QDSVT Sampling Procedure: Texts
QINF QM-info record for material and vendor
QMEL Quality notification
QMFE Quality notification - items
QMMA Quality notification - activities
QMSM Quality notification - tasks
QMUR Quality notification - causes
QPAC Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets
QPCD Inspection catalog codes
QPCT Code texts
QPGR Inspection catalog code groups
QPGT Code group texts
QPSH Control chart types
QPSHT Texts for control chart types
QPSP SPC criterion
QPSPT Texts for SPC criteria
QPST Control chart track
QPSTT Texts for control chart tracks
QVDM QM Info Record - Control for QM in SD
SER04 Doc.header f.serial numbers for inspection lot
T681 Conditions: Structures
T682 Conditions: Access Sequences
T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682T Conditions: Access Sequences: Texts
T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T683 Pricing Procedure
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T683U Conditions: Procedure (Text)
T685 Conditions: Types
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
TQ05 QM certificate categories for procurement
TQ15 Inspection catalog type index
TQ80 Notification types
TQ80_T Notification Type Texts

Page 31

ARCPS Project System

AFAB Network - Relationships

AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
AFRU Order completion confirmations
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
AUFK Order master data
ESLL Lines of Service Package
ESUC Services Management: Unplanned Limits on Contract Item
ESUH Services Management: Unplanned Service Limits: Header Data
KBED Capacity requirements records
MLST Milestone
MLTX Milestone Description
NPTX PS Texts (Network)
PLAB Relationships
PLFH Task list - production resources/tools
PLKO Task list - header
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLTX PS Texts (Library Network)
PRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer)
PROJ Project definition
PROJS Standard project definition
PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
PRPSS Standard WBS element (WBS element) - Master data
PRTE Scheduling Data for Project Item
PSTX PS Texts (Header)
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
SETCATA Set Directory as Transparent Table
SETDATA Sets (Contents)
SETLINESSet Lines as Transparent Table
SETLTEXTShort Texts for Set Lines as Transparent Tables
SETTEXTSShort Texts for Sets as Transparent Tables
SMLS Standard milestone
SMLT Standard milestone description
T800S FI-SL Set Table
TVTZ Deadline Functions
TVTZT Description for Purpose of Date

Page 32

ARCIM Investment Management

ANIA Depr. simulation for invest. projects

ANIB Investment projects depr. simulation depr. areas
ANLI Link table for capital investment measure -> AuC
BPBK Doc.Header Controlling Obj.
BPEG Line Item Total Values Controlling Obj.
BPEJ Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.
BPGE Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
IMPR Capital Investment Program Positions
IMPS Assignable Operative Objs for Capital Investment Positions
IMPU Texts for cap. inv. program positions
IMTP Capital Investment Programs
IMTT Capital Investment Program Texts
IMZO Assignment Table: CO Object - Capital Investment Prog.Pos.
T087I Reason for investment
T087J Text
TAI05 CI Program Types
TAI06 CI Program Type Texts
TAI07 Operative objects for inv. programs that can be allocated
TAI08 Budget categories for capital investment programs
TAI09 Texts for IM budget categories
TAIGD Scale of investment objects
TAIGK Key figure key for scale
TAIGM Possible key figures keys for scale
TAIGS Key figure key for scale (language-dependent)
TAIGW Definition of the scale of capital investment measures
TAPRF Cap. inv. measure profile for AuC and dep. simulation
TAPRG Cap.Inv.Measure Profile - Orig.Alloc. per Origin Structure
TBP1C Budget/Plan Profile
TBP1T Budget / Plan Profile Texts
TKKAA Check Table for Results Analysis Key of Results Analysis
TKKAD Text Table for Results Analysis Keys of Order Results Analys
TKKAK Calculate Capitalization Value of Capital Investment Measure

Page 33

ARCTR Treasury

BPBK Doc.Header Controlling Obj.

BPCG Controlling Object, by Year
BPCJ Controlling Object, by Year
BPCK Controlling objects, activated objects
BPEG Line Item Total Values Controlling Obj.
BPEJ Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.
BPEP Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPGE Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPPE Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPTR Object Data Controlling Obj.
FCABK FI-CA: Document Header
FCABP FI-CA: Document Item
FDES Cash Management and Forecast: Memo Records
FDM1 Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of MM Documents
FDM2 Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition
FDS1 Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of SD Documents
FDSB CMF summary records for G/L accounts
FDSR CMF summary records for planning groups
FEBCL Clearing data for an electronic bank statement line item
FEBEP Electronic Bank Statement Line Items
FEBKO Electronic Bank Statement Header Records
FEBRE Reference record for electronic bank statement line item
FEBVW Electronic Banking Management Records
FM01 FM areas
FM01T Funds Management Area Texts
FMAPSTAFIFM: System Status for FIFM Acct Asst Objects
FMBE FI-FM Cash Levels
FMCFSB FM - CF: Rules for Carry Forward
FMEP FI-FM Line Items
FMFCPO FIFM: Commitment Summarization Item
FMFCPOTFIFM: Financial Summarization Item Texts
FMFCTR FIFM: Funds Center Master Record
FMFCTRT FIFM: Funds Center Texts
FMFINCO FIFM: Financing code
FMFINT FIFM: Fund texts
FMFPO FIFM: Commitment Item
FMFPOT Texts for a Financia Management Item
FMFUSE FIFM: Application of secondary source funds
FMFUSET FIFM: Application of secondary source funds
FMHICTR FIFB: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations in a Center
FMHIPOS FIFM: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations for an Item
FMSU FI-FM Totals Records
FMVORTRBalance Carried Forward Table
FMZUGR Assign controlling group to FM acct assgmnt
FMZUKA Assign cost element to FM acct assgmnt

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FMZUOB Assign controlling object to FM acct assgmnt

KBLK Document Header: Manual Document Entry
KBLP Document Item: Manual Document Entry
T012K House bank accounts
T018C Intermediate accts and min. balances for cash concentration
T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank
T028D Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking
T028E Text Table for T028D
T028G Allocate External to Internal Transactions
T028H Allocate Manual to Internal Transactions
T028I Text Table for T028H
T028V Transaction types
T028W Transaction types: Names
T035 Planning groups
T035D Cash Management Account Names
T035T Planning Group Texts
T035U Texts for Cash Management Account Names
T036 Planning levels
T036O Symbols for Allocating Levels for Updating
T036P Texts for Level Symbols in T0360
T036Q Allocating Levels for T0360
T036S Planning Levels with Payment Blocks
T036T Planning Level Texts
T037 Planning Types
T037T Planning Type Texts
T038 Summarization of FF70 and FF73
T038T Texts for Groupings
T038V Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast
T039 Source Symbols for Cash Management
T039T Source Symbol Texts
T045D Available amounts for bill of exchange presentatn
T045G Charges table for bill of exchange presentation
T045L Charges table for bill/ex.presentation (country-specific)
T049A Posting data for autocash with lockbox
T049L Lockboxes at our house banks
TBP1C Budget/Plan Profile
TBP1T Budget / Plan Profile Texts
TBP3A Budget / plan versions from rel.3.0
TBP3B Texts for planning / budgeting versions
TBPFE Commitment Budget Availability Control: Tolerance Limits
TFB06 Financial Transaction Reporting

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ARCEC Enterprise Controlling

CEPC Profit center master data table

CEPCT Texts for Profit Center Master Data
CF001 Profitability Analysis
CF002 Human Resources
CF003 Projects
CF004 Stock Prices
CF005 Personnel Information
CF006 Balance Sheet
CF050 Balance sheet/P&L (FI/FILC)
CF055 Balance sheet/P&L (FI/FILC)
CFNNN Reference structure for aspect tables SAP-EIS
COIX Controlling: Info system cluster tables
DD02T R/3-DD: SAP Table Texts
GLPCT EC-PCA: Totals Table
SETCATA Set Directory as Transparent Table
SETDATA Sets (Contents)
SETLINESSet Lines as Transparent Table
SETLTEXTShort Texts for Set Lines as Transparent Tables
SETTEXTSShort Texts for Sets as Transparent Tables
T241H Text for report portfolio hierarchy
T241V Description
T241W Description of value type
T241Z User profile text table
T242A Aspects
T242H Hierarchies in report portfolio
T242V Version
T242W Value types
T242Z Hierarchy index
T2703 Master data texts: &
T27NN Master data table: &
T2803 Master data texts: &
T28NN Master data texts: &
T800S FI-SL Set Table
TKCA Aspects
TKCF SAP-EIS Field Catalog
TKCFA SAP-EIS Field Catalog, Aspect Assignment
TKCHH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy header
TKCHHT SAP-EIS: Texts for hierarchy header
TKCHN SAP-EIS Hierarchy nodes
TKCHNT SAP-EIS Hierarchy node texts
TKCHV SAP-EIS: Hierarchy variants
TKCHVT SAP-EIS: Description of hierarchy variants
TKCHW SAP-EIS: Hierarchy data
TKCK Key figures
TKCKA Key Figures, Aspect Assignment (SAP-EIS)
TKCKU Key Figure Assignment Groups

Page 36

TKCTK Language Table for Key Figures

TKCTU Language Table: Key Figure Assignment Groups
TKEB1 Report Management
TKEB2 Report texts
TKEP7 Characteristic group
TKEP8 Characteristic group - Rows
TKEP9 Characteristic group - Text table
TKES1 Row/column structures
TKES2 Text table for row/column structure

Page 37

ARCHRG Human Resources Management general

AUFK Order master data

CEPC Profit center master data table
CSKS Cost center master
HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table
HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table
HRP1008 Infotype 1008 DB table
HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB table
P0900 Human resources master record infotype 0900 (sales data)
PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Events)
PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PA0003 HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
PA0004 HR Master Record: Infotype 0004 (Challenge)
PA0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PA0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PA0011 HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
PA0021 HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family)
PA0027 HR Master Record: Infotype 0027 (Cost Distribution)
PA0030 HR Master Record: Infotype 0030 (Powers of Attorney)
PA0057 HR Master Record: Infotype 0057 (Membership Fees)
PA0077 HR Master Record: Infotype 0077 (Additional Personal Data)
PB0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PB0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PB0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PB0077 HR Master Record: Infotype 0077
PB4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
T001P Personnel Areas/Subareas
T001S Accounting clerks
T500P Personnel Areas
T501 Employee Group
T501T Employee Group Names
T503 Employee Groups / Subgroups
T503K Employee subgroup
T503T Employee Subgroup Names
T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules
T508Z Assign PS Grouping for Work Schedule to Daily Work Schedule
T510 Pay Scale Groups
T510A Pay Scale Types
T510B Appraisal Constants
T510C Adjust Bases for Calculating PScale
T510I Standard Working Hours
T510U Pay Scale Groups
T513 Jobs
T513S Job Titles
T526 Administrator

Page 38

T527X Organizational Units

T528B Positions - Work Centers
T528T Position Texts
T529U Status Values
T546T EE Subgroup Groupings for Pers.Calc.Rules
T555V Employee Status for Time Management: Texts
T582A Infotypes
T582S Infotype Texts
T588D Infogroups for Events
T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations
T591A Subtype Characteristics
T591S Subtype Texts
T750X Vacancy
T777T Infotypes
T777U Subtype texts
T778T Infotypes
T778U Subtypes
USR02 Logon data

Page 39

ARCPAY Payroll Accounting

PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)

PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany
PA0014 HR Master Record: Infotype 0014 (Recurr. Bens/Deducs)
PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PA0036 HR Master Record: Infotype 0036 (Social Insurance CH)
PA0038 HR Master Record: Infotype 0038 (Tax - CH)
PA0042 HR Master Record: Infotype 0042 (Tax - Austria)
PA0044 HR Master Record: Infotype 0044 (Social Insurance - A)
PA0059 HR Master Record: Infotype 0059 (Social Insurance - NL)
PA0061 HR Master Record: Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - E)
PA0062 HR Master Record: Infotype 0062 (Tax - E)
PA0064 HR Master Record: Infotype 0064 (Social Insurance - F)
PA0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PA0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PA0072 HR Master Record: Infotype 0072 (Tax - DK)
PA0095 HR Master Record: Infotype 0095 (Tax Canada)
PA0096 HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)
PA0101 HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B)
PA0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Care Plans)
PA0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PA0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans)
PA0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Spending Accounts)
PC200 Payroll Results Key
PC202 Payroll Results: Factual Version
PC207 Payroll Results: Results Table
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T500T Personnel Country Groupings
T510 Pay Scale Groups
T510G Pay Scale Areas
T510J Constant Valuations
T510S Time Wage Type Selection Rule
T511 Wage Types
T511A Calculation Rules for Averages
T511B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511K Payroll Constants
T511P International Payroll Constants
T512L Payroll Constant Designations
T512T Wage Type Texts
T512W Wage Type Valuation
T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
T528B Positions - Work Centers
T528C Wage Type Catalog
T52B5 Assignment of Values to Objects

Page 40

T52BA Assignment of Values to Customer Objects

T52C0 Payroll Schemas
T52C1 Payroll Schemas
T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CC Schema Directory
T52CD Schema Directory
T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules
T539A Default Wage Types for Basic Pay
T549A Payroll Areas
T549N Period Modifiers
T549R Period Parameters
T549T Payroll Areas

Page 41

ARCPAD Personnel Administration

PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Events)

PA0016 HR Master Record: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PA0019 HR Master Record: Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of Dates)
PA0028 HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PA0032 HR Master Record: Infotype 0032 (Internal Control)
PA0035 HR Master Record: Infotype 0035 (Comp.Instr.)
PA0040 HR Master Record: Infotype 0040 (Objects on Loan)
PA0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041 (Date Specifications)
PB0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041
T523T Challenge Types
T529A Personnel Event
T529T Personnel Event Texts
T530 Reasons for Events
T530T Event Reason Texts
T531 Deadline Types
T531S Deadline Type Texts
T543 Challenge Group
T543S Challenge Groups
T547S Contract Type Texts
T547V Contract Types
T548T Date Types
T548Y Date Types
T578T Areas Of Examination
T578W Texts On Values For Areas Of Examination
T578X Permissible Values for Areas of Examination
T578Y Examination Results
T578Z Control Table for Internal Medical Service
T591A Subtype Characteristics
T591S Subtype Texts

Page 42

ARCTIM Personnel Time Management

P2011 HR Time Record: Infotype 2011 (Time Events)

PA0005 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PA0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Work Schedule)
PA0050 HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording)
PA0080 HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection)
PA0081 HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service)
PA0083 HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation)
PA2001 HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)
PA2002 HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)
PA2003 HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)
PA2004 HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability)
PA2005 HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime)
PA2006 HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)
PA2007 HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Approval)
PA2012 HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Balance Revisions)
PC2B5 Time balances per period (Table SALDO)
PC2B6 Time balances per day (Table ZES)
PC2B9 Absence quotas (Table ABWKONTI)
PC2BB Attendance quotas (Table ANWKONTI)
PC2BF Time wage types (Table ZL)
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
T508A Work Schedule Rules
T533 Leave Types
T533T Leave Type Texts
T550A Daily Work Schedules
T550P Work Break Schedules
T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts
T550X Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules
T551A Period Work Schedules
T551C Period Work Schedule Valuation
T551S Period Work Schedule Texts
T552A Monthly Work Schedules
T554C Absence Valuation
T554G Types of Birth
T554M Rule Table: Absences for Maternity Protection
T554O Valuation Classes
T554S Absence and Attendance Types
T554T Absence and Attendance Texts
T554W Periods of Military Service
T554X Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction
T555A Time Types
T555B Time Type Designations
T555T Overtime Compensation Type Texts
T556 Substitution Types
T556A Absence Quota Types
T556B Absence Quota Type Texts

Page 43

T556P Attendance Quota Types

T556Q Attendance Quota Type Texts
T556T Substitution Type Texts
T557 Availability Types
T557T Texts for Availability Types
T705C Internal Record Types
T705D Function Codes
T705O Personal PDC Modifiers
TEVEN Time Events

Page 44

ARCDEV Personnel Planning and Development

HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table

PA0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PA0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Previous Employment)
PA0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PA0025 HR Master Record: Infotype 0025 (Personal Appraisals)
PB0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PB0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Previous Employment)
PB0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
T513F Appraisal Criteria Texts
T513G Appraisal Groups
T513H Appraisal Criteria
T517A School Types/Final Certificates
T517T School Type Designations
T517X Branches Of Study
T517Y Check Table for Branches of Study
T517Z School Types/Branches of Study
T519T Final Certificates
T574A Qualification Keys
T574B Qualification Texts

Page 45

ARCECEISExecutive Information System

CF001 Profitability Analysis

CF002 Human Resources
CF003 Projects
CF004 Stock Prices
CF005 Personnel Information
CF006 Balance Sheet
CF050 Balance sheet/P&L (FI/FILC)
CF055 Balance sheet/P&L (FI/FILC)
CFNNN Reference structure for aspect tables SAP-EIS
COIX Controlling: Info system cluster tables
DD02T R/3-DD: SAP Table Texts
T241H Text for report portfolio hierarchy
T241V Description
T241W Description of value type
T241Z User profile text table
T242A Aspects
T242H Hierarchies in report portfolio
T242V Version
T242W Value types
T242Z Hierarchy index
T2703 Master data texts: &
T27NN Master data table: &
T2803 Master data texts: &
T28NN Master data texts: &
TKCA Aspects
TKCF SAP-EIS Field Catalog
TKCFA SAP-EIS Field Catalog, Aspect Assignment
TKCHH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy header
TKCHHT SAP-EIS: Texts for hierarchy header
TKCHN SAP-EIS Hierarchy nodes
TKCHNT SAP-EIS Hierarchy node texts
TKCHV SAP-EIS: Hierarchy variants
TKCHVT SAP-EIS: Description of hierarchy variants
TKCHW SAP-EIS: Hierarchy data
TKCK Key figures
TKCKA Key Figures, Aspect Assignment (SAP-EIS)
TKCKU Key Figure Assignment Groups
TKCTK Language Table for Key Figures
TKCTU Language Table: Key Figure Assignment Groups
TKEB1 Report Management
TKEB2 Report texts
TKEP7 Characteristic group
TKEP8 Characteristic group - Rows
TKEP9 Characteristic group - Text table
TKES1 Row/column structures
TKES2 Text table for row/column structure

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