Firearms 1
Firearms 1
Firearms 1
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Prohibited firearms
4. Licence for firearm or ammunition
5. Identification of firearm
6. Competency Certificate
7. Application for licence
8. Grant of licence or employee permit
9. Refusal of licence or employee permit
10. Production of firearm and ammunition
11. Form and conditions of licence
12. Duration and renewal of licence
13. Variation of conditions of licence
14. Cancellation or refusal to renew licence
15. Private security service provider
15A. Prohibited possession and use of firearms
16. Game licence
17. Hunting and game shooting organisations
18. Temporary licence for non-citizens
19. Replacement of licences
20. Import licence
21. Export licence
22. Safekeeping of firearms and ammunition
23. Central Firearms Index
24. Weapons which discharge noxious materials
25. Dealers and gunsmiths to register
26. Registration of dealers and gunsmiths
27. Cessation of business
28. Dealers and gunsmiths to keep registers
29. Appeal to the Minister
30. Transfers and repairs
31. Control during serious disturbances
32. Prohibition of brokering activities
33. Pawn of firearm or ammunition prohibited
34. Prohibition on person convicted of crime
35. Possession of firearm with intent
36. Trespassers in possession of firearm
37. Use of firearms to intimidate
38. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs
39. Use of firearms to prevent arrest
40. Loss or theft of firearms
41. Powers of officers
42. Duty to give information
43. Power to require production of firearm
44. Surrender of firearm
45. Search and seizure
46. Other offences and penalties
47. Powers of Courts
48. Regulations
49. – 50. —
51. Savings and transitional provisions
52. —
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Third Schedule
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Firearms Act.
2. Interpretation
In this Act—
“acquire” includes hire, accept as a gift or borrow;
“air gun, air rifle or air pistol” means any device manufactured to discharge a bullet
or any projectile of a calibre of less than 5.6 mm (.22 calibre) by means of a
compressed gas or spring and not by means of burning propellant;
“ammunition” means ammunition for any firearm, except ammunition for an air
gun, air rifle, or air pistol, and includes the ammunition mentioned in section 24;
“antique firearm” means any muzzle loading firearm manufactured before 1
January 1900 or any replica of such a firearm;
“CFI” means the Central Firearm Index referred to in section 23;
“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Police;
“Competency Certificate” means a certificate issued by the Commissioner under
section 6;
“dangerous drug” has the same meaning as in the Dangerous Drugs Act;
“dealer in firearms” means any person who manufactures, sells, transfers, repairs,
tests or proves firearms or ammunition for the purpose of trade or business;
“employee permit” means a permit authorising an employee of a person to be in
possession of the person’s firearms;
(a) means any barrelled weapon of any description which is lethal and from
which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged, and includes—
(i) any component part of any such lethal weapon, and any accessory to
any such lethal weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or
flash caused by firing the weapon;
(ii) any air gun, air rifle or air pistol, and every part of such air gun, air
rifle or air pistol;
(iii) a laser gun; but
(b) does not include—
(i) any toy gun or toy pistol from which any shot, bullet or missile is
discharged by the force of a spring alone; or
(ii) any antique firearm kept solely as a curiosity, ornament or trophy,
which is not used or carried and for which no ammunition is
purchased or acquired;
“firearm licence” means a licence issued under section 8;
“firearm licensee” means the holder of a firearm licence;
“gunsmith” means a person who repairs, tests or proves firearms;
“laser gun” means a hand-held, battery operated gun which produces intense burst
of light capable of burning holes in most materials;
“Minister” means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of home
affairs is assigned;
“next of kin”, in relation to a person, means his spouse, child, father, mother,
brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or any person
under whose responsibility or control a person has been placed;
“private security service” means the business of providing, for remuneration or
reward, a security service, the services of a security guard, and the secure
transportation and delivery of property, as regulated under the Private Security Service
“prohibited firearm” means any firearm specified in the First Schedule;
“security guard” has the same meaning as in the Private Security Service Act;
“shotgun” means a smooth bore gun either single or double barrelled, not less than
60 centimetres in length (24 inches);
“transfer” includes let on hire, give, lend, and part with possession.
[S. 2 amended by s. 7A (a) of Act 2 of 2008 w.e.f. 1 July 2008.]
3. Prohibited firearms
No person shall import, have in his possession, transport or otherwise deal in any
prohibited firearm.
5. Identification of firearm
(1) No firearm licence shall be issued in respect of a firearm, unless it bears the
manufacturer’s serial number or any other mark by which the firearm can be identified.
(2) The Commissioner may direct any firearm in respect of which an application for a
licence has been made, to be marked and stamped in such manner as may be prescribed
with such additional identification mark as he may determine.
(3) No person shall erase, alter or in any manner tamper with—
(a) the manufacturer’s serial number or any other identification mark on a
firearm; or
(b) any mark, or stamp, or additional mark directed by the Commissioner to be
made on a firearm.
(4) A person who is in possession of a firearm of which the manufacturer’s serial
number or other identification mark, or the Commissioner’s additional identification
mark, has been erased, altered or in any other manner tampered with or has become
illegible, shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not
exceeding 50,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.
6. Competency Certificate
(1) (a) An application for a Competency Certificate shall be made to the
Commissioner in the prescribed form.
(b) No application under paragraph (a) shall be entertained by the Commissioner
unless he is satisfied that—
(i) the Competency Certificate is required for the purposes of an application for
a firearm licence or a game licence, or its renewal, or an employee permit, or
an application for registration as dealer in firearms or gunsmith, under this
(ii) the applicant, in the case of a firearm licence, also meets the criteria
specified in section 8 (1) (a) and (b).
(2) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the Commissioner may issue a Competency
Certificate to an applicant who—
(a) has successfully completed the prescribed training course and passed the
tests conducted by the Commissioner regarding the safe and efficient
handling of a firearm of the type in respect of which a firearm licence, or
registration, as the case may be, is sought by the applicant;
(b) is 18 years of age or more;
(c) is a citizen of Mauritius;
(d) is a fit and proper person to possess a firearm, to trade in firearms or to
conduct business as a gunsmith, as the case may be;
(e) is physically fit, of stable mental condition and is not inclined to violence;
(f) is not dependent on any substance which has an intoxicating or narcotic
(g) has not been convicted of any offence under this Act; or
(h) has not been convicted, whether in or outside Mauritius, of—
(i) an offence involving the use, or a threat to use, or the handling of, a
firearm or ammunition;
(ii) an offence under the Protection from the Domestic Violence Act;
(iii) an offence involving dangerous drugs.
(3) A Competency Certificate shall specify whether it relates to—
(a) possession of a firearm;
(b) dealing in firearms; or
(c) conducting business as a gunsmith.
(4) A Competency Certificate shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of
issue of the certificate.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), subsection (2) (a) and (b) shall not apply to a corporate
(6) Before the Commissioner issues a Competency Certificate to a corporate body, he
shall satisfy himself that any person designated by the corporate body as the person who
would be in charge of any firearm satisfies the requirements of subsection (2).
48. Regulations
(1) The Minister may make such regulations as he thinks fit for the purposes of this
(2) Any regulations made under subsection (1) may provide—
(a) for the levying of fees and charges;
(b) for the amendment of the Schedules;
(c) that any person who contravenes them shall commit an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees and to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months.
49. – 50. —
52. —
First Schedule
[Section 3]
Anti-personnel and anti-tanks systems
Any firearm equipped with a silencer device
Assault rifles
Hand-held, under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers
Heavy machine guns
Light machine guns
Mobile containers with missiles or shells for single action anti-aircraft and anti-tanks systems
Mortars with a calibre of less than 100 mm
Portable anti-craft guns
Portable anti-tank guns and recoilless rifles
Portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems
Portable launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems
Shells and missiles for light weapons
Sub-machine guns
Second Schedule
[Sections 8 (2), 16 (4), 19, 20 (3) (b), 21 (5) (b), 22 (2)]
1. Firearm licence in respect of a firearm, a shot gun, an air gun or air rifle, or
renewal for each such firearm 1000
2. Firearm licence in respect of a pistol or revolver 1000
3. Import licence in respect of firearms 2000
4. Export licence in respect of firearms 2000
5. Employee permit 500
6. Game licence 1500
7. Issuing duplicate firearm licence 500
8. Issuing duplicate firearm licence booklet 500
9. Safekeeping of firearms owned by private parties at the Police Armoury, for
each such firearm, per month. 100
Third Schedule
[Section 47]
Criminal Code (Supplementary) Act, section 28 (1) (d)
Public Gatherings Act
Prevention of Terrorism Act
Protection from Domestic Violence Act