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Designation: E 795 – 93

Standard Practices for

Mounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 795; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 4.3 Test reports may refer to these mountings by type

1.1 These practices cover test specimen mountings to be designation instead of providing a detailed description of the
used during sound absorption tests performed in accordance mounting used.
with Test Method C 423. 4.4 The mountings specified in these practices include those
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the formerly listed by the Acoustical and Board Products Manu-
standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for facturers Association, ABPMA (formerly the Acoustical and
information only. Insulating Materials Association, AIMA, and originally the
Acoustical Materials Association, AMA). The proper designa-
2. Referenced Documents tions according to this practice for the ABPMA mountings are
2.1 ASTM Standards: listed in Table 1.
C 423 Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Ab-
sorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method2
TABLE 1 Relationship Between ABPMA Mounting Numbers and
C 634 Terminology Relating to Environmental Acoustics2 Mounting Types Specified in These Practices
3. Terminology ABPMA Designation Present Designation
Mounting No.A Mounting Type
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1 B
3.1.1 Except as noted in 4.2, the terms used in this practice 2 D-20
are defined in Terminology C 634. 4 A
3.2 The following term has the meaning noted for this 5 C-20
7 E-405
practice only: 8 C-40
3.3 test surface—any hard surface over which the test X-00B E-# # #C
specimen or test specimen mounting is placed for testing in A
Designations assigned by the Acoustical and Board Products Manufacturers
accordance with Test Method C 423. The surface shall satisfy Association.
The “00” in the X-00 designation should be replaced by the distance from the
the requirements of 5.2.1 of Test Method C 423. In most cases face of the test specimen to the test surface in inches.
the surface will be the floor of the reverberation room. C
The “# # #” in the E-# # # designation should be replaced by the distance from
the face of the test specimen to the test surface rounded to the nearest multiple of
4. Significance and Use 5 mm.

4.1 The sound absorption of a material that covers a flat

surface depends not only on the physical properties of the
5. Classification
material but also on the way in which the material is mounted
over the surface. The mountings specified in these practices are 5.1 The mountings are designated as follows:
intended to simulate in the laboratory conditions that exist in 5.1.1 Type A Mounting—Test specimen laid directly against
normal use. the test surface (described in detail in Section 6).
4.2 Some of the specified mountings require special fixtures 5.1.2 Type B Mounting—Test specimen cemented to gyp-
or minor deviations from normal practice. These fixtures or sum board and laid directly against the test surface (described
deviations are to be used only during laboratory tests and in detail in Section 7).
should not be specified for practical installations. They are 5.1.3 Type C Mounting—Test specimen comprising sound-
noted in the specifications for the mountings in question by the absorptive material behind a perforated, expanded, or other
phrase “for laboratory testing only.’’ open facing (described in detail in Section 8).
5.1.4 Type D Mounting—Test specimen on wood or other
furring strips (described in detail in Section 9).
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-33 on 5.1.5 Type E Mounting—Test specimen mounted with an air
Environmental Acoustics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E 33.01 space behind it (described in detail in Section 10).
on Sound Absorption.
Current edition approved Apr. 15, 1993. Published June 1993. Originally
5.1.6 Type G Mounting—Test specimen is a drapery, win-
published as E 795 – 81. Last previous edition E 795 – 92. dow shade, or blind hung parallel to the test surface (described
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06. in detail in Section 11).

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 795

(a) Tape or caulking compound used to seal a Type A or Type B mounting

(b) Wood frame used to seal a Type A or Type B mounting
(c) Wood frame used to seal a Type D mounting
(d) Tape or caulking compound used to seal a Type D mounting
(e) Metal angle frame used to seal a Type A or Type B mounting
FIG. 1 Typical Edge Seals

5.1.7 Type H Mounting—Test specimen is a drapery sus- 6.2 Do not use an adhesive that is likely to leave a thin air
pended away from any vertical surface (described in detail in space behind the test specimen. However, mechanical fasten-
Section 12). ers, carpet tape, or contact cement may be used to hold the
5.1.8 Type I Mounting—The specimen is a spray- or trowel- specimen against a vertical or overhead surface or to keep the
applied material on an acoustically hard substrate (described in test specimen in contact with the floor.
detail in Section 13). 6.3 If two or more pieces of material (or separate panels) are
5.1.9 Type K Mounting—Test specimen is an office screen butted together to form the test specimen, it may be advisable
(described in detail in Section 14). to cover the joints between adjacent pieces with tape, caulking
5.2 Type C, D, E, and G mountings are further designated compound, or other material that is not sound-absorptive. If the
by a numerical suffix which indicates the distance from the test joints are sealed in this manner, the test report shall describe
surface rounded to the nearest integral multiple of 5 mm. For the method of sealing.
example, a Type E-400 mounting is a plenum mounting in 6.4 Perimeter Seals for Laboratory Testing Only—If the
which the face of the test specimen is 400 mm (153⁄4 in.) away perimeter edges of the test specimen are not exposed in normal
from the test surface. The distances specified by the suffixes use, seal them by one of the following two methods:
are: 6.4.1 Cover with tape, caulking compounds, or similar
5.2.1 For a Type C Mounting—The depth of the space product as shown in Fig. 1.
behind the perforated facing. 6.4.2 Cover by a wood or metal frame so that the outer face
5.2.2 For a Type D Mounting—The thickness of the furring of the frame is flush with the front face of the test specimen as
strips. shown in Fig. 1. There shall be no air space between the frame
5.2.3 For a Type E Mounting—The distance from the and the perimeter edge of the test specimen.
exposed face of the test specimen to the test surface. NOTE 1—The Type A mounting is intended to simulate normal use
5.2.4 For a Type G Mounting—The distance from the where a product, such as a carpet or wall panel, is either laid directly on
centerline of the hangers to the test surface. the floor or attached to a wall or ceiling with mechanical fasteners.

6. Type A Mounting 7. Type B Mounting

6.1 Lay the test specimen directly against the test surface as 7.1 Adhere the test specimen to gypsum board laid directly
shown in Fig. 2. against the test surface as shown in Fig. 3. The thickness of the

E 795

FIG. 2 Type A Mounting

FIG. 4 Type C Mounting

FIG. 3 Type B Mounting

gypsum board is not critical. FIG. 5 Type D Mounting

7.2 Apply the adhesive in accordance with the manufactur-
er’s instructions. If there are no specific instructions, apply four designation shall be the actual thickness of the furring strips
daubs of adhesive to the back of each piece of the test rounded to the nearest integral multiple of 5 mm.
NOTE 4—The preferred size for the furring strips is 20 by 40 mm (3⁄4 by
7.3 For Laboratory Testing Only—Place 3 by 25 by 25-mm 11⁄2 in.). That is a D-20 mounting.
(1⁄8 by 1 by 1-in.) hardboard shims between the test specimen
and the gypsum board at the four corners of each piece of test 9.2 Perimeter Seals for Laboratory Testing Only—Seal the
specimen. perimeter edges of the test specimen by one of the following
7.4 Perimeter Seals, for Laboratory Testing Only—Seal the methods:
perimeter edges of the test specimen by one of the following 9.2.1 Cover with tape, caulking compound, or similar prod-
methods: uct as shown in Fig. 1.
7.4.1 Cover with tape, caulking compound, or similar prod- 9.2.2 Cover a wood or metal frame so that the outer face of
uct as shown in Fig. 1. the frame is flush with the front face of the test specimen as
7.4.2 Cover by a wood or metal frame so that the outer face shown in Fig. 1. There shall be no air space between the frame
of the frame is flush with the front face of the test specimen as and the perimeter edge of the test specimen.
shown in Fig. 1. There shall be no air space between the frame 10. Type E Mounting
and perimeter of the test specimen.
10.1 Mount the test specimen in a fixture that supports the
NOTE 2—The Type B mounting is intended to simulate acoustical exposed face of the specimen at a designated distance from the
ceiling tiles or other sound-absorptive products adhered to a hard surface test surface as shown in Fig. 6. The suffix of the mounting
with ceiling tile adhesive. In normal use this method of application leaves
a thin air space between the product and the surface to which it is adhered.
designation shall be the distance between the exposed face of
The 3-mm thick hardboard shims are used to control the depth of this air the specimen and the test surface rounded to the nearest
space during laboratory tests and should not be included in a normal integral multiple of 5 mm.
installation. 10.2 Mounting Fixture for Laboratory Testing Only—The
mounting fixture shall satisfy the following requirements:
8. Type C Mounting 10.2.1 The mounting fixture, test specimen, and test surface
8.1 The test specimen shall comprise sound-absorptive ma- shall enclose an air space that has no interior partitions.
terial behind a perforated, expanded, or other open facing 10.2.2 The joint between the fixture and the test surface
attached to wood furring strips spaced at 600 mm (24 in.) on shall be sealed to prevent air leaks between the enclosed space
centers and laid directly against the test surface as shown in and the outside.
Fig. 4. The suffix of the mounting designation shall be the 10.2.3 The fixture shall support the exposed face of the test
actual thickness of the furring strips rounded to the nearest specimen at the required distance from the test surface.
integral multiple of 5 mm. 10.2.4 The fixture shall seal the perimeter edges of the test
NOTE 3—The preferred sizes for furring strips are 20 by 40 mm (3⁄4 by specimen.
1-1⁄2 in.) or 40 by 40 mm (11⁄2 by 11⁄2 in.). That is either a C-20 or C-40 10.2.5 The mounting fixture shall be made of a sturdy
mounting. material, such as 20-mm (3⁄4-in.) thick plywood or 3-mm
(1⁄8-in.) thick aluminum.
9. Type D Mounting 10.3 The standard equivalent for the ABPMA No. 7 mount-
9.1 Attach the test specimen to wood furring strips spaced at ing shall be a Type E-400 mounting. This mounting shall be
300 mm (12 in.) on centers and laid directly against the test used to obtain general information about the sound absorption
surface as shown in Fig. 5. The suffix of the mounting of panels or tiles in suspended ceiling systems.

E 795
12. Type H Mounting
12.1 The test specimen shall be a drapery suspended at least
1.5 m away from any vertical surface and not parallel to a wall
as shown in Fig. 8.
NOTE 8—Type H mountings are intended to simulate draperies used as
space absorbers.

13. Type I Mounting

13.1 Spray or trowel the material to be tested on to a
substrate that satisfies the following conditions:
13.1.1 The substrate shall be no more than 25 mm (1 in.)
13.1.2 The sound absorption coefficients of the substrate
shall be less than 0.05 in each frequency band when tested in
a Type A mounting according to Test Method C 423.
13.1.3 The substrate shall not cup or warp after the material
has been applied.
13.1.4 There shall be negligible air space between the back
FIG. 6 Type E Mounting of the substrate and the test surface.
13.1.5 If the sound absorption of the material to be tested
NOTE 5—Type E mountings are intended to simulate a suspended
depends on the orientation and position of the substrate (that is,
ceiling with an open plenum above it. vertical, horizontal above the material, or horizontal beneath
NOTE 6—When there is good reason to test on a Type E mounting other the material), the material shall be applied with the substrate in
than Type E-400, a mounting whose suffix is an integral multiple of 25 is the orientation and position of interest, and the specimen shall
preferred (for example, E-375, E-425, etc.). remain in that orientation and position until the material has
cured completely.
11. Type G Mounting
13.1.6 Joint Seals for Laboratory Tests Only—If the sub-
11.1 The test specimen shall be a drapery, window shade, or strate comprises panels that are fitted together for the test, the
window blind hung parallel to the test surface. The suffix of the joints between the panels shall be sealed with caulking
mounting designation shall be the distance from the test surface compound.
to the centerline of the hangers rounded to the nearest integral 13.2 Perimeter Seals for Laboratory Tests Only—Seal the
multiple of 5 mm. perimeter edges of the test specimen by one of the following
NOTE 7—The preferred distance between the centerline of the hangers methods:
and the test surface is 75 mm (3 in.). If another distance is used, it should 13.2.1 Cover with tape, caulking compound, or similar
be an integral multiple of 25 mm. product as shown in Fig. 1.
11.2 Attach the hangers to a solid beam or plank that is 13.2.2 Cover by a wood or metal frame so that the outer face
butted against the test surface as shown in Fig. 7. The beam or of the frame is flush with the front face of the test specimen as
plank should prevent sound waves from passing over the top of shown in Fig. 1. There shall be no air space between the frame
the test specimen into or out of the space behind it. and the perimeter of the test specimen.

FIG. 7 Type G Mounting

E 795

FIG. 8 Type H Mounting

14. Type K Mounting the mounting type and any additional information that is
14.1 The test specimen shall be an office screen comprising required by Section 12 of Test Method C 423. In particular, the
a panel or combination of panels and associated support following information shall be provided when applicable:
hardware that satisfy the following: 15.1.1 A description of the perimeter seals used to satisfy
14.1.1 The panel or panels have plane or curved parallel 6.4, 7.4, and 9.2.
surfaces 15.1.2 A description of the facing used with a Type C
14.1.2 The thickness of the panel or panels does not exceed mounting including enough information to identify the size or
125 mm (5 in.). sizes of the openings, the percent of open area, the material and
14.1.3 The support hardware is intended to support the its thickness, and the pattern of the openings,
panel or panels in an upright postition so that both surfaces are 15.1.3 The ratio of the area covered in the plane of the
exposed to the sound field. drapery to the area of the fabric for Type G and H mountings,
15.1.4 The distance between the bottom of the drapery and
NOTE 9—It may be necessary to guy up panels from post-and-panel the floor, rounded to the nearest 0.01 m for Type G and H
systems with a light-weight cord or twine.
14.1.4 No shelves, cabinet, or other accessories are attached 15.1.5 The method of suspension used to satisfy 11.2,
to the test specimen. 15.1.6 A description of the substrate used with a Type I
14.1.5 The panel or panels are not attached to a desk, filing mounting, and
cabinet, or other furniture. 15.1.7 The orientation and position of the substrate when
14.1.6 The requirements for office screens in Test Method 14.1.4 applies.
C 423 are satisfied.
NOTE 10—Some of these requirements can be satisfied by naming the
14.2 If the height of the bottom edge of the panel or panels
manufacturer and his product designation.
that make up the test specimen is adjustable, it shall be set to
its minimum value. 15.2 If there is another designation (for example, ABPMA)
for the mounting used, it may also be included in the test
15. Test Report report.
15.1 When one of the mountings specified in these practices 15.3 Any exceptions to the mounting specifications defined
is used during a sound absorption test, the test report shall state by these practices shall be explicitly noted in the test report.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

E 795

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual
reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585
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