818H Power Mizer For Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems PDF
818H Power Mizer For Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems PDF
818H Power Mizer For Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems PDF
Cast Multistage
Centrifugal Blowers
Blower Performance
Flow Rate – m 3/min
0 142 283 425 566 708 850 991 1132
Air 68 ˚F 30 206.8 2.07
Relative Humidity
25 172.4 1.72
Inlet Pressure
14.7 PSIA
Discharge Pressure – psig
15 103.4 1.03
Series 2500
Series 3500
Series 4000 10 68.9 .69
Series 5000
Series 6000 5 34.5 .34
Series 7000
Series 8000 0 0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
Flow Rate - icfm
Spencer Power Mizer multistage blades transfer energy to the airstream Year-in, year-out savings
centrifugal blowers provide high with very high efficiency. Blade config-
Power Mizer blowers offer long-term
efficiency air delivery for water and urations include radial, backswept
power savings of tens of thousands of
wastewater treatment applications such and combinations of both, selected by
dollars per blower per year. And you
as sewage aeration, odor control, grit Spencer engineers using specialized
can often downsize the motor to save
chamber aeration, channel aeration and computer software.
even more!
filter backwash.
Superior aerodynamics
Cast components with low The air handling components of these EXAMPLE 1*
operating sound levels blowers were designed in the Spencer 38 x .746 = 28.348 kW saved
The inlet section, return channels and Development Laboratory. By avoiding
28.348 x 24 x 365 (continuous
discharge section of Power Mizer blowers abrupt velocity changes that create
annual operation) = 248,328 kWH
are gray cast iron with excellent strength, turbulence and waste energy, Spencer
chemical resistance and sound attenuation. engineers achieved smoother, more 248,328 x $.10/kWH
energy-efficient airflow from blower (local utility cost) = $24,832
inlet to discharge. Motor efficiency of 95% yields an actual
Uniquely shaped impellers, return channels savings of $26,139 on an annual basis.
with airfoil-shaped vanes, redesigned *Assumes savings of 38 HP for one blower.
inlet and discharge passages and vane-
less diffusers all contribute to a peak
adiabatic efficiency that is above 80%. EXAMPLE 2
A New England WWT utility replaced five
Precisely balanced rotors positive displacement aeration blowers
Spencer’s exacting balancing procedures (aggregate 450 HP, 3500 SCFM) with
produce an overall vibration level of three Power Mizer blowers (each 190
Cast aluminum impeller. HP, 4000 SCFM). Even with only one
.19 in/sec or less for Series 2500 to 7000;
and .23 in/sec or less for Series 8000 – blower running at a time, the customer
The rotor assembly of Power Mizer
the best in the industry. This decreases saves $7,000 per month in power bills
blowers in Series 4000 through Series
bearing stress, which improves bearing and expects the blowers to pay for
7000 contains cast aluminum impellers
life and blower reliability. themselves in four years or less.
(shown above). Their three-dimensional
Power Mizer Blower Features
The Turbine Company, 600 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095 USA
TEL 800-232-4321 u 860-688-8361 u FAX 860-688-0098 u www.spencerturbine.com
Bulletin 818H Copyright ©2011 The Spencer Turbine Company 042111KBA4.0