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Title of Research

Spray pyrolysis Bio-synthetic metallic Nps for

electrocatalysis for water splitting

Name of Student: Madiha Zahra

Registration No: 2015-M-phil-app-chem-40
Date of Registration:31/01/2015
Part Time/Full Time: Full time


Dr. Syeda Rubina Gillani



Department of chemistry
University of engineering and technology, Lahore

1- Problem Statement:

With the passage of time energy crisis are increases. It is important and alternative to
supply world energy need by developing clean and safe process for energy production.
For this purpose green nanoparticles from different plant extracts are prepared with Cu
(copper), Ni (Nickel), Fe (iron) Co (cobalt) and Zn (zinc) silver (Ag). Then, these
nanoparticles are deposited by Spray Pyrolysis on an inert substrates i. e. FTO (fluorine
doped tin oxide) and graphite by spray pyrolysis. These nanodeposited plates are used for
water splitting and also a comparison is made between different extracts for water
splitting. The hydrogen produced as a result of water splitting is used as fuel in renewable
energy sources.

2- Objectives:

As the energy crisis arises it is a dire need to introduce renewable energy source. To
overcome this energy crisis, hydrogen gas produces from water splitting, uses as fuel in
renewable sources. In previous work hydrogen gas is produced from water splitting by
photo electrochemical cell and photo thermal systems. The aim of this project is to
produce hydrogen gas from water splitting through nanodeposited plates then make a
comparison of these extracts for maximum hydrogen gas production. At present no data
is present on water splitting from electroplated electrodes. So this is totally new for water

3- Introduction:

Introduction Clean renewable energy generation is quintessential for the sustainable

development of the energy famished industrial world. It is a known fact that the
predominant energy sources fueling the present energy driven economy (primarily carbon
based fuels) are expected to run out by the year 2200 . This motivation is further
hastened by the seemingly irreversible anthropogenic alteration of the earth’s climate
resulting in the global eco-system alteration threatening the extinction of myriad species,
amphibious, aerial as well as terrestrial [2 3]. Currently, the global energy demand is being
addressed on an industrial scale by the combustion of carbonaceous fossil fuels.

However, this approach is not sustainable as it has deleterious effects on the environment
unfortunately, due to excessive greenhouse gas emissions, which has necessitated the
identification of non-carbonaceous fuel, capable of meeting the future global energy
demand [4 7].
This fuel should be easy to store, handle, transport and more importantly, economical to
produce. In consideration of all of these aspects, hydrogen has been identified as the most
promising energy source replacing Gasoline, on the grounds of its high energy density
(120 MJ kg−1for H2higher than 44.4 MJ kg for Gasoline) and environmentally benign
[4 6]
nature (low carbon footprint) . However, there are many roadblocks for
commercializing hydrogen as a fuel. These include not only economic production and
storage but also efficient distribution of hydrogen all of which pose major challenges. At
present, hydrogen is produced on an industrial scale by steam reforming of natural gas [5].
Other widely used methods for hydrogen production include partial oxidation of
hydrocarbons and coal gasification. The drawbacks of these processes are the high
operate temperature (700–1000◦C) and production of CO2, which is an undesired
greenhouse pollutant . Hence, alternate technology involving the use of clean fuel, low
operating temperature without any greenhouse gas emissions and toxic/corrosive
byproduct should be employed for efficient and economic production of hydrogen. A
promising and environmentally benign approach for the generation of hydrogen is the
splitting of water. This approach has received significant attention, as it does not involve
any green house gas emissions and moreover, any corrosive byproduct:
H2O(liq) + 1.23 eV → H2(gas) + ½O2(gas)
However, splitting of water for H2 production is associated with a major activation
energy barrier, requiring external energy (_G◦= 237.13 kJ mol−1) [8]. The deconcentrated
and illimitable solar energy has been thus considered as an economic and viable natural
energy source for a long time now, and can be utilized as an external energy source for
water split-ting. Solar energy induced water splitting, alternatively also known as
photoelectron chemical water splitting, i.e., PEC water splitting is considered to be an
attractive and environmentally benign approach primarily because it involves production
of hydrogen driven by the electricity produced from a tailored semiconductor material
(by absorption of solar energy resulting in the production of mobile charge carriers). The
commercialization of PEC water splitting systems as an industrial process for the
production of hydrogen has been largely hindered by the scarcity of an ideal
semiconductor material exhibiting excellent absorption of light in the visible region of

interest, excellent PEC stability for long term operation and a high photo-electrochemical
activity [9 10].
Water splitting based on semiconductors has been extensively investigated for hydrogen
fuel production from renewable resources. The water splitting was first reported in 1972
[11 14]
based on n-typeTiO2, whose light absorption is limited to the UV region . To
efficiently utilize the energy of solar spectrum reaching the Earth, numerous visible-light-
responsive semiconductor candidates such as WO3, CdS and BiVO4 etc., have been
reported. However, most of them are only active in the half reaction (water reduction or
oxidation). To date, semiconductors with considerable efficiency for direct water splitting
still need to be developed. Recently, Z-scheme water splitting system has been developed
using two different semiconductors and a shuttle redox couple (Red/Ox) to achieve the
overall water splitting[15 18]
. The essential property of this system is similar to natural
photosynthesis in green plants using the two separated PSII and PSI systems [19 20], which
also contains two-step photo-induced oxidation and reduction reactions. The Redox pairs
such as IO3−/I−and Fe3+/Fe2+ were usually employed to participate in the reactions with
the photo-generated carriers of the two photo catalysts to close the cycles of H2 and O2
production. To mimic nature-inspired Z-scheme, several artificial photo catalytic water-
splitting systems have been developed with impressive solar energy-to-chemical

3.1- Literature Survey:

P.P. Patel., et al. studied that hydrogen generation from photoelectrochemical (PEC)
water splitting is on the forefront of clean energy generation landscape. The efficiency of
PEC system is dependent on the engineering of semiconductors with tailored narrow
band gap coupled with superior photoelectrochemical activity and desired stability vital
for the commercialization of PEC water splitting cells. A report herein the study of
vertically aligned Nb and N doped SnO2nanotubes (NTs), i.e., (Sn0.95Nb0.05) O2: N
NTs for PEC water splitting. (Sn0.95Nb0.05)O2NTs was selected for co-doping with
nitrogen by systematic analysis of applied bias photon-to-current efficiency of various Nb
doped SnO2(x = 0–0.1) compositions. Consequently, excellent photoelectro-chemical
stability and the highest efficiency of 4.1% are obtained for (Sn0.95Nb0.05) O2: N-600
NTs never observed for other known TiO2, ZnO, and Fe2O3 systems to date.
Additionally, theoretical first principles study provides understanding of Nb and N co-

doping on the electronic structure and band gap of SnO2 semiconductor, further
corroborating results of the experimental study [21].

Junqing yan., et al. worked on Z-scheme overall water splitting based on semiconductors
has been extensively investigated for hydrogen fuel production from renewable
resources. The Z-scheme involves two different kinds of semiconductor photocatalysts
and the closely related oxidation-reduction processes. However, the two separated photo-
catalytic processes require good production and separation of carriers, which greatly limit
the efficiency of overall water splitting. Herein, to solve the recombination problem of
photo generated charge carriers, it was developed a one-step hydrothermal process to
synthesize TiO2/C3N4 heterojunction. The layered g-C3N4 provides the template and
guidance for the anatase TiO2 heterogeneous nucleation with (001) facet exposed.
Meanwhile, the bulk g-C3N4 turned into thicker nano sheets through the self-exfoliation
with the growth of TiO2. The heterojunctions with TiO2 (001) facet exposed ensure the
efficient separation of photo generated carriers, which accordingly enhances the
photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. WO3 and BiVO4 are chosen as photocatalysts for the
half reaction of oxygen evolution. With suitable redox mediators i.e. I−/IO3−or Fe2+/Fe3+,
the overall water splitting to H2 and O2 could be achieved. If Ni(OH)2, was loaded on the
oxygen evolution photocatalysts, the efficiency of Z-scheme water splitting was greatly
enhanced. Under the monochromatic light irradiation of LEDs, the apparent quantum
efficiency (AQE)values for the Z-scheme of TiO2/C3N4, _-Ni(OH)2/WO3(PtOx) and
I−/IO3−system were 4.94% and 4.01%under 365 and 405 nm, respectively. The
heterojunction strategy for enhancing Z-scheme overall water splitting may give us some
hints on the design of composite systems for overall water splitting .

Zhen zhu., et al. worked on Pt doped TiO2 hollow spheres (Pt/HS-TiO2) are prepared by
sol-gel method and characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and UV-visible absorption
spectra. In addition, Pt/HS-TiO2 is employed as a catalyst in photocatalytic hydrogen
production from water splitting under visible light irradiation. The result shows that
Pt/HS-TiO2 with hallow sphere structure presents excellent photocatalytic hydrogen
evolution observed after 30h irradiation. Furthermore, the reactivity of Pt/HS-TiO2 could
be regenerate by repeating cycle. Therefore, Pt/HS-TiO2 is a most promising
photocatalyst to generate hydrogen from water splitting efficiently [23].

Hui Pan., et al, studied that hydrogen has been extensively used to satisfy the increasing
demand on green energy. Efficiently producing hydrogen from water under sunlight is
one of the challenging and important topics in hydrogen energy technology. Photocatalyst
plays a critical role for the photo production of hydrogen from water. It is essential to
design novel photocatalysts with enhanced efficiency for the increasing demand in
energy. In this paper, recent development on novel strategies to design photocatalysts and
novel nanomaterials for efficient production of hydrogen is comprehensively reviewed
based on fundamental principles. The strategies include codoping, hydrogenation, defect
engineering, sensitization, formation of heterojunction, metal decoration, band-edge-
states modification and novel design of cell structure (tendom cell) are systematically
discussed. Nanomaterials including oxides (such as TiO2, Ta2O5, Fe2O3 and SrTiO3) and
nitrides (such as CaN, graphite carbon nitride and Ta2N3), are investigated. It is shown
that these strategies can generally apply to all material such as nitride and oxides
semiconductors. It is believe that maximal conversion efficiency could be achieved by
optimizing the electronic structures of photocatalysts and engineering the structures of
cell [24].
Qianqian Hu., et al. worked on fabrication. They fabricated a series of CuOx/TiO2
composite films composed of TiO2 nanorods and CuOx nanoparticles with copper
content in the range of 0–4.75% by a facile magnetron sputtering method for hydrogen
generation from water splitting. By virtue of the one-dimensional TiO2nanostructures, all
the nanorods films show excellent photocatalytic activity. Especially, there appear to be
an optimum Cu content of 2.72% giving the H2 evolution rate of 53 mmol m-2 h-1, which
is about 15 times higher than that of pristine anatase TiO2 nanorods film. To evaluate the
effect of foreign copper on the photocatalytic proper-ties, comprehensive structural,
morphology and surface characterizations of catalysts have been carried out. It is found
that CuO is an unstable species which is inevitably reduced to Cu2O during the initial
stage of photocatalytic reaction, and the occurrence of highly disperse Cu2O species is
responsible for the improved photocatalytic activity [25].

Md Anisur Rahman., et al. stated that Oxygen vacancy defects were highly desirable for
photo electrochemical water splitting reactions of TiO2 nanomaterials because they act as
electron donors and thereby enhance the electrical conductivity and charge transport
property of TiO2. For TiO2 nanowires reported to date, oxygen vacancies are mainly
generated by post-treatment of the as synthesized nanowires. This comes with a

disadvantage that oxygen vacancies are found to form just within a few tens of
nanometers at the outer surface of these nanowires, and the photocurrent density is
significantly reduced by two to three orders of magnitude when ultraviolet light is filtered
out from the AM 1.5G light. Here, we demonstrate, for the first time, the controlled
growth of 1D TiO2nanostructures with different morphologies and with incorporation of
oxygen vacancy defects on a Si substrate by a single-step, catalyst-assisted pulsed laser
deposition (PLD) method. Photoelectrochemical water splitting measurements under
simulated sunlight show that the decorated nanowires exhibit one of the highest
photoactivity values in the visible region (>430 nm) reported to date, which represents
87% of the overall photocurrent. The higher activity in the visible region can be
attributed to more conductive TiO2 nanostructures (i.e., with a larger amount of oxygen
vacancy defects), and the enhanced charge transfer from the nanocrystallites to the core
of the decorated nanowires [26].

Savio J. A. Moniz., et al, stated that solar driven catalysis on semiconductors to produce
clean chemical fuels, such as hydrogen, is widely considered as a promising route to
mitigate environmental issues caused by the combustion of fossil fuels and to meet
increasing worldwide demands for energy. The major limiting factors affecting the
efficiency of solar fuel synthesis include; (i) light absorption, (ii) charge separation and
transport and (iii) surface chemical reaction; therefore substantial efforts have been put
into solving these problems. In particular, the loading of co-catalysts or secondary
semiconductors that can act as either electron or hole acceptors for improved charge
separation is a promising strategy, leading to the adaptation of a junction architecture.
Research related to semiconductor junction photocatalysts has developed very rapidly.
This critical review seeks to give an overview of the concept of heterojunction
construction and more importantly, the current state-of-the art for the efficient, visible-
light driven junction water splitting photo (electro) catalysts reported over the past ten
years. For water splitting, these include BiVO4, Fe2O3, Cu2O and C3N4, which have
attracted increasing attention. Experimental observations of the proposed charge transfer
mechanism across the semiconductor/semiconductor/metal junctions and the resultant
activity enhancement are discussed. In parallel, recent successes in the theoretical
modelling of semiconductor electronic structures at interfaces and how these explain the
functionality of the junction structures is highlighted [27].

Daniel Friebel., et al, worked on highly active catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) required for the development of photoelectrochemical devices that generate
hydrogen efficiently from water using solar energy. Here, it is identified the origin of a
500-fold OER activity enhancement that can be achieved with mixed (Ni, Fe)
oxyhydroxides (Ni1–xFexOOH) over their pure Ni and Fe parent compounds, resulting in
one of the most active currently known OER catalysts in alkaline electrolyte. Operando
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) using high energy resolution fluorescence
detection (HERFD) reveals that Fe3+ in Ni1–xFexOOH occupies octahedral sites with
unusually short Fe–O bond distances, induced by edge-sharing with surrounding [NiO6]
octahedra. Using computational methods, we establish that this structural motif results in
near optimal adsorption energies of OER intermediates and low overpotentials at Fe sites.
By contrast, Ni sites in Ni1–xFexOOH are not active sites for the oxidation of water [28].

Charles C. L. McCrory., et al, worked on comparisons of electrocatalyst activity and

stability using standard methods under identical conditions were necessary to evaluate the
viability of existing electrocatalysts for integration into solar-fuel devices as well as to
help inform the development of new catalytic systems. Herein, they use a standard
protocol as a primary screen for evaluating the activity, short-term (2 h) stability, and
electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of 18 electrocatalysts for the hydrogen
evolution reaction (HER) and 26 electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) under conditions relevant to an integrated solar water-splitting device in aqueous
acidic or alkaline solution. Our primary figure of merit is the over potential necessary to
achieve a magnitude current density of 10 mA cm–2 per geometric area, the approximate
current density expected for a 10% efficient solar-to-fuels conversion device under 1 sun
illumination. The specific activity per ECSA of each material is also reported. Among
HER catalysts, several could operate at 10 mA cm–2 with overpotentials <0.1 V in acidic
and/or alkaline solutions. Among OER catalysts in acidic solution, no non-noble metal
based materials showed promising activity and stability, whereas in alkaline solution
many OER catalysts performed with similar activity achieving 10 mA cm–2 current
densities at overpotentials of ∼0.33–0.5 V. Most OER catalysts showed comparable or
better specific activity per ECSA when compared to Ir and Ru catalysts in alkaline
solutions, while most HER catalysts showed much lower specific activity than Pt in both
acidic and alkaline solutions. For select catalysts, additional secondary screening

measurements were conducted including Faradaic efficiency and extended stability

measurements [29].

Juan Liu., et al. The use of solar energy to produce molecular hydrogen and oxygen
(H2 and O2) from overall water splitting is a promising means of renewable energy
storage. In the past 40 years, various inorganic and organic systems have been developed
as photocatalysts for water splitting driven by visible light. These photocatalysts,
however, still suffer from low quantum efficiency and/or poor stability. We report the
design and fabrication of a metal-free carbon nanodot–carbon nitride (C3N4)
nanocomposite and demonstrate its impressive performance for photocatalytic solar water
splitting. We measured quantum efficiencies of 16% for wavelength λ = 420 ± 20
nanometers, 6.29% for λ = 580 ± 15 nanometers, and 4.42% for λ = 600 ± 10 nanometers,
and determined an overall solar energy conversion efficiency of 2.0%. The catalyst
comprises low-cost, Earth-abundant, environmentally friendly materials and shows
excellent stability [30].

Joel W. Ager., et al. stated that laboratory demonstrations of spontaneous

photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar water splitting cells were reviewed. Reported solar-to-
hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiencies range from <1% to 18%. The demonstrations are
categorized by the number of photovoltaic junctions employed (2 or 3), photovoltaic
junction type (solid–solid or solid–liquid) and the ability of the systems to produce
separated reaction product streams. Demonstrations employing two photovoltaic (PV)
junctions have the highest reported efficiencies of 12.4% and 18%, which are for cells
that, respectively, do and do not contain a semiconductor–liquid junction. These devices
used PV components based on III–V semiconductors; recently, a number of
demonstrations with >10% STH efficiency using potentially less costly materials have
been reported. Device stability is a major challenge for the field, as evidenced by
lifetimes of less than 24 hours in all but a few reports. No globally accepted protocol for
evaluating and certifying STH efficiencies and lifetimes exists. It is our recommendation
that a protocol similar to that used by the photovoltaic community be adopted so that
future demonstrations of solar PEC water splitting can be compared on equal grounds [31].

Jingshan Luo., et al. stated that sunlight-driven water splitting is a promising route to
sustainable hydrogen fuel production, widespread implementation is hampered by the

expense of the necessary photovoltaic and photo electrochemical apparatus. Here, they
describe a highly efficient and low-cost water-splitting cell combining a state-of-the-art
solution-processed perovskite tandem solar cell and a bifunctional Earth-abundant
catalyst. The catalyst electrode, a NiFe layered double hydroxide, exhibits high activity
toward both the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions in alkaline electrolyte. The
combination of the two yields a water-splitting photocurrent density of around 10
milliamperes per square centimeter, corresponding to a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of
12.3%. Currently, the perovskite instability limits the cell lifetime [32].

Shu Hu., et al, studied that semiconductors such as silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs),
and gallium phosphide (GaP) band gaps which make them efficient photo anodes for
solar fuel production, these materials are unstable in aqueous media. They show that
TiO2 coatings (4 to 143 nanometers thick) grown by atomic layer deposition prevent
corrosion, have electronic defects that promote hole conduction, and are sufficiently
transparent to reach the light-limited performance of protected semiconductors. In
conjunction with a thin layer or islands of Ni oxide electrocatalysts, Si photo anodes
exhibited continuous oxidation of 1.0 molar aqueous KOH to O 2 for more than 100 hours
at photocurrent densities of >30 milliamperes per square centimeter and ~100% Faradaic
efficiency. TiO2-coated GaAs and GaP photoelectrodes exhibited photovoltages of 0.81
and 0.59 V and light-limiting photocurrent densities of 14.3 and 3.4 milliamperes per
square centimeter, respectively, for water oxidation [33].

Fatwa F. Abdi., et al, stated that metal oxides generally very stable in aqueous solutions
and cheap, but their photochemical activity usually limited by poor charge carrier
separation. Here they show that this problem can be solved by introducing a gradient
dopant concentration in the metal oxide film, thereby creating a distributed n+–n
homojunction. This concept is demonstrated with a low-cost, spray-deposited and non-
porous tungsten-doped bismuth vanadate photoanode in which carrier-separation
efficiencies of up to 80% are achieved. By combining this state-of-the-art photoanode
with an earth-abundant cobalt phosphate water-oxidation catalyst and a double- or single-
junction amorphous Si solar cell in a tandem configuration, stable short-circuit water-
splitting photocurrents of ~4 and 3 mA cm−2, respectively, are achieved under 1 sun
illumination. The 4 mA cm−2 photocurrent corresponds to a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency

of 4.9%, which is the highest efficiency yet reported for a stand-alone water-splitting
device based on a metal oxide photoanode [34].

Michael J. Kenney., et al. studied on silicon’s sensitivity to corrosion hindered its use in
photoanode applications. They found that deposition of a ~2-nanometer nickel film on n-
type silicon (n-Si) with its native oxide affords a high-performance metal-insulator-
semiconductor photoanode for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water oxidation in both
aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH, pH = 14) and aqueous borate buffer (pH = 9.5)
solutions. The Ni film acted as a surface protection layer against corrosion and as a
nonprecious metal electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution. In 1 M aqueous KOH, the Ni/n-
Si photoanodes exhibited high PEC activity with a low onset potential (~1.07 volts versus
reversible hydrogen electrode), high photocurrent density, and durability. The electrode
showed no sign of decay after ~80 hours of continuous PEC water oxidation in a mixed
lithium borate–potassium borate electrolyte. The high photovoltage was attributed to a
high built-in potential in a metal-insulator-semiconductor–like device with an ultrathin,
incomplete screening Ni/NiOx layer from the electrolyte [35].

4- Methodology:

a) Brief description of how research will be conducted:

 Nanoparticles extracts from different plants

 Deposition of these nanoparticles by Spray Pyrolysis on inert substrate i. e FTO
(fluorine doped tin oxide)
 Characterization of these nanodeposited FTO plates
 Water splitting through these nanodeposited electrodes
 Comparison of these extracted plates for hydrogen gas production.

b) Experimentation:

 Preparation of nanoparticles from different plant extracts with Cu, Ni, Fe, Zn and

 Deposition of nanoparticles on FTO (fluorine doped tin oxide) using spray

pyrolysis method.
 Application of these nanoparticles in water splitting.
 Comparison of extracted nanoparticles by water splitting.

c) Experimental set up:

Techniques for characterization of nanoparticles and also for nanodeposited plate

 XRD ( X-ray Diffraction)
 SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)
 TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)
 UV-Vis.Spectroscopy
 EDX (Energy dispersive x-ray)
 FT-IR ( Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
 AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy)
Water splitting is done by using potentiostate.

d) Theoretical Studies:

Results obtained from experimentation will be theoretically studied and a

comparative discussion will be given on the basis of experimental results and relevant
literature collected

e) Result expected and Method of the Analysis:

Analysis of green nanoparticles and nanodeposited FTO will be done via SEM, XRD,
TEM, FT-IR AAS UV-Vis. Spectroscopy. By using these nanodeposited FTO water
splitting will be carried out. After that these extracts of nanoparticles will compare with
each other for producing more hydrogen.

5- Utilization of research results:

Basically this research work will indicate green nanoparticles which will be used for
deposition on an inert substrate i. e FTO (Fluorine doped Tin Oxide). This nanodeposited
plates will use for water splitting. There is a hope for good expected results which will be
publish in a well reputed jouirnal.

6- Research Time Table:

(Showing the period for the start of work and expected time for each stage like,
literature review, time for experimental set up, experimentation, analysis of
results and submission of thesis etc).

Sr. No. Research Time Time Duration

1. Starting time. January, 2016.
2. Literature survey. January to March,
3. Sample collection and April to June,2016.
Experimental set-ups.
4. Experimentation and July to September,
computation of results. 2016.
5. Thesis write-up. October to
December, 2016.
6. Submission of final January, 2017.
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8- Comments of Supervisor.

This Project is fully apprehended and evaluated and found feasible for project
work of M.Phil Thesis as a partial fulfillment of Degree of M. Phil in Applied
Chemistry from Chemistry Department, University of Engineering & Technology.

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Student


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Studies/Committee of Post-Graduate Studies in its meeting held on _____________ is
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