Challenging Tools On Research Issues in Big Data Analytics: Althaf Rahaman - SK, Sai Rajesh.K .Girija Rani K
Challenging Tools On Research Issues in Big Data Analytics: Althaf Rahaman - SK, Sai Rajesh.K .Girija Rani K
Challenging Tools On Research Issues in Big Data Analytics: Althaf Rahaman - SK, Sai Rajesh.K .Girija Rani K
Abstract— In the information era, enormous amounts of data have become available on hand to decision makers. Big data
refers to datasets that are not only big, but also high in variety and velocity, which makes them difficult to handle using
traditional tools and techniques. Due to the rapid growth of such data, solutions need to be studied and provided in order
to handle and extract value and knowledge from these datasets. Analysis of these data requires a lot of efforts at multiple
levels of knowledge extraction for effective decision making. Big data analysis is a current area of research and development.
Additionally, it opens a new horizon for researchers to develop the solution, based on the challenges and open research
Index Terms—Big data analytics; Hadoop; Massive data; Structured data; Unstructured Data; IoT
In digital environment, data is generated from various sources of technologies which has led to growth of big data. It provides
evolutionary breakthroughs in many fields with collection of large datasets. The way in which collection of large and complex
datasets become difficult to process using traditional database management tools or data processing applications. These are
available in structured, semi-structured, and unstructured format in petabytes and beyond. Formally, it is defined from 3Vs to 4Vs.
3Vs refers to volume, velocity, and variety. Volume refers to the huge amount of data that are being generated everyday whereas
velocity is the rate of growth and how fast the data are gathered for being analysis. Variety provides information about the types
of data such as structured, unstructured, semi-structured etc. The fourth V refers to veracity that includes availability and
accountability. The prime objective of big data analysis is to process data of high volume, velocity, variety, and veracity using
various traditional and computational intelligent techniques [1]. The following Figure 1 refers to the definition of big data. However
exact definition for big data is not defined and there is believe that it is problem specific. This will help us in obtaining enhanced
decision making, insight discovery and optimization while being innovative and cost-effective.
It is expected that the growth of big data is estimated to reach 25 billion by 2015 [2]. From the perspective of the information and
communication technology, big data is a robust motivation to the next generation of information technology industries [3], which
are broadly built on the third platform, mainly referring to big data, cloud computing, internet of things, and social business. The
key problem in the analysis of big data is the lack of coordination between database systems as well as with analysis tools such as
data mining and statistical analysis. These challenges generally arise when we wish to perform knowledge discovery and
representation for its practical applications. A fundamental problem is how to quantitatively describe the essential characteristics
of big data. Additionally, the study on complexity theory of big data will help understand essential characteristics and formation
of complex patterns in big data, simplify its representation, gets better knowledge abstraction, and guide the design of computing
models and algorithms on big data [3]. Much research was carried out by various researchers on big data and its trends [4], [5].
The basic objective of this paper is to explore the potential impact of big data challenges, its research issues, and various tools
associated with it. As a result, this article provides a platform to explore big data at different stages. Additionally, we state open
research issues in big data. This paper is divided into following sections. Sections 2 deals with challenges of big data.
In Recent years big data has been accumulated in several domains like health care, retail, bio-chemistry, and other interdisciplinary
scientific researches. Web-based applications encounter big data frequently, such as social computing, internet text and documents,
and inter-net search indexing. Social computing includes social net-work analysis, online communities, recommender systems,
reputation systems, and prediction markets where as internet search indexing includes ISI, IEEE Xplorer, Scopus, Thomson,
Reuters, etc.
Considering this advantages of big data it provides a new opportunities in the knowledge processing tasks for the upcoming
researchers. However opportunities always follow some challenges. To handle the challenges we need to know various
computational complexities, information security, and computational method, to analyze big data. For example, many statistical
methods that perform well for small data size do not scale to huge data. Here the challenges of big data analytics are classified into
four broad categories namely data storage and analysis; knowledge discovery and computational complexities; scalability and
visualization of data; and information security. We discuss these issues briefly in the following subsections.
Another challenge with Big Data analysis is attributed to diversity of data with the ever growing of datasets, data mining tasks has
significantly increased. Additionally data reduction, data selection, feature selection is an essential task especially when dealing
with large datasets. This presents an unprecedented challenge for researchers. It is because, existing algorithms may not always
respond in an adequate time when dealing with these high dimensional data. Automation of this process and developing new
machine learning algorithms to ensure consistency is a major challenge in recent years. In addition to all these Clustering of large
datasets that help in analyzing the big data is of prime concern [7]. Recent technologies such as Hadoop and MapReduce make it
possible to collect large amount of semi structured and unstructured data in a reasonable amount of time. The key engineering
challenge is how to effectively analyze these data for obtaining better knowledge. The major challenge in this case is to pay more
attention for designing storage systems and to elevate efficient data analysis tool that provide guarantees on the output when the
data comes from different sources. Furthermore, design of machine learning algorithms to analyze data is essential for improving
efficiency and scalability.
Analysis of large dataset requires more computational complexities. The major issue is to handle inconsistencies and uncertainty
present in the datasets. In general, systematic modeling of the computational complexity is used. It may be difficult to establish a
comprehensive mathematical system that is broadly applicable to Big Data. But a domain specific data analytics can be done easily
by understanding the particular complexities. A series of such development could simulate big data analytics for different areas.
Much research and survey has been carried out in this direction using machine learning techniques with the least memory
requirements. The basic objective in these research is to minimize computational cost processing and complexities [8], [9], [10].
However, current big data analysis tools have poor performance in handling computational complexities, uncertainty, and
inconsistencies. It leads to a great challenge to develop techniques and technologies that can deal computational complexity,
uncertainty and inconsistencies in an effective manner.
D. Information Security
In big data analysis massive amount of data are correlated, analyzed, and mined for meaningful patterns. All organizations have
different policies to safe guard their sensitive information. Preserving sensitive information is a major issue in big data analysis.
There is a huge security risk associated with big data [12]. Therefore, information security is becoming a big data analytics problem.
Security of big data can be enhanced by using the techniques of authentication, authorization, and encryption. Various security
measures that big data applications face are scale of network, variety of different devices, real time security monitoring, and lack
of intrusion system [13], [14]. The security challenge caused by big data has attracted the attention of information security.
Therefore, attention has to be given to develop a multilevel security policy model and prevention system.
Although much research has been carried out to secure big data [13] but it requires lot of improvement. The major challenge is to
develop a multi-level security, privacy preserved data model for big data.
Big data analytics and data science are becoming the research focal point in industries and academia. Data science aims at
researching big data and knowledge extraction from data. Applications of big data and data science include information science,
uncertainty modelling, uncertain data analysis, machine learning, statistical learning, pattern recognition, data warehousing, and
signal processing. Effective integration of technologies and analysis will result in predicting the future drift of events. Main focus
of this section is to discuss open research issues in big data analytics. The research issues pertaining to big data analysis are classified
into three broad categories namely internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, bio inspired computing, and quantum computing.
However it is not limited to these issues. More research issues related to health care big data can be found in Husing- Kuo et al.
paper [6].
Knowledge acquisition from IoT data is the biggest challenge that big data professional are facing. Therefore, it is essential to
develop infrastructure to analyze the IoT data. An IoT device generates continuous streams of data and the re-searchers can develop
tools to extract meaningful information from these data using machine learning techniques. Under-standing these streams of data
generated from IoT devices and analyzing them to get meaningful information is a challenging issue and it leads to big data
analytics. Machine learning algorithms and computational intelligence techniques is the only solution to handle big data from IoT
prospective. Key technologies that are associated with IoT are also discussed in many research papers [15]. Figure 2 depicts an
overview of IoT big data and knowledge discovery process.
Knowledge exploration system have originated from theories of human information processing such as frames, rules, tagging, and
semantic networks. In general, it consists of four segments such as knowledge acquisition, knowledge base, knowledge
dissemination, and knowledge application.
In knowledge acquisition phase, knowledge is discovered by using various traditional and computational intelligence techniques, the
discovered knowledge is stored in knowledge bases and expert systems are generally designed based on the discovered knowledge.
Knowledge dissemination is important for obtaining meaningful information from the knowledge bases and expert systems are generally
designed based on the discovered knowledge. Knowledge dissemination is important for obtaining meaningful information from the
knowledge base. Knowledge extraction is a process that searches documents, knowledge within documents as well as knowledge bases.
The final phase is to apply discovered knowledge in various applications. It is the ultimate goal of knowledge discovery. The knowledge
exploration system is necessarily iterative with the judgement of knowledge application. There are many issues, discussions, and
researches in this area of knowledge exploration. It is beyond the scope of this survey paper. For better visualization, knowledge
exploration system is depicted in Figure 3.
environment should provide tools that allow data scientists and business analysts to interactively and collaboratively explor e knowledge
acquisition data for further processing and extracting fruitful results. This can help to solve large applications that may arise in various domains.
In addition to this, cloud computing should also enable scaling of tools from virtual technologies into new technologies like spark, R, and other
types of big data processing techniques.
Big data forms a framework for discussing cloud computing options. Depending on special need, user can go to the Market place and
buy infrastructure services from cloud service providers such as Google, Amazon, IBM, software as a service (SaaS) from a who le crew
of companies such as NetSuite, Cloud9, Job science, etc. Another advantage of cloud computing is cloud storage which provides a possible
way for storing big data. The obvious one is the time and cost that are needed to upload and download big data in the cloud environment. Else,
it becomes difficult to control the distribution of computation and the underlying hardware. But, the major issues are privacy concerns relating
to the hosting of data on public servers, and the storage of data from human studies. All these issues will take big data and cloud
computing to a high level of development.
B. Apache Mahout
Apache mahout aims to provide scalable and commercial machine learning techniques for large scale and intelligent data analysis
applications. Core algorithms of mahout including clustering, classification, pattern mining, regression, dimensionality reduction,
evolutionary algorithms, and batch based collaborative filtering run on top of Hadoop platform through map reduce framework. The
goal of mahout is to build a vibrant, responsive, diverse community to facilitate discussions on the project and potential use cases.
The basic objective of Apache Mahout is to provide a tool for elevating big challenges. The different companies those who have
implemented scalable machine learning algorithms are Google, IBM, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter.
C. Apache Spark
Apache spark is an open source big data processing frame- work built for speed processing, and sophisticated analytics. It is easy
to use and was originally developed in 2009 in UC Berkeleys AMPLab. It was open sourced in 2010 as an Apache project. Spark lets
you quickly write applications in java, scala, or python. In addition to map reduce operations, it supports SQL queries, streaming
data, machine learning, and graph data processing. Spark runs on top of existing hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) infrastructure
to provide enhanced and additional functionality. Spark consists of components namely driver program, cluster manager and worker
nodes. The driver program serves as the starting point of execution of an application on the spark cluster. The cluster manager
allocates the resources and the worker nodes to do the data processing in the form of tasks. Each application will have a set of
processes called executors that are responsible for executing the tasks. The major advantage is that it provides support for deploying
spark applications in an existing hadoop clusters. Figure 5 depicts the architecture diagram of Apache Spark. The various features of
Apache Spark are listed below:
The prime focus of spark includes resilient distributed datasets (RDD), which store data in-memory and provide fault tolerance
without replication. It supports iterative computation, improves speed and resource utilization. The foremost advantage is that in
addition to MapReduce it also supports streaming data, machine learning and graph algorithms. Another advantage is that user can
run the application program in different languages such as Java, R, Python, or Scala. This is possible as it comes with higher-level
libraries for advanced analytics. These standard libraries increases developer productivity and can be seamlessly combined to create
complex work- flows
Spark helps to run an application in Hadoop, Cluster, up to 100 times faster in memory, and 10 times faster when running on d isk.
It is possible because of the reduction in number of read or write operations to disk. It is written in Scala programming language
and runs on java virtual machine (JVM) environment. Additionally, it supports java, python and R for developing applications using
D. Dryad
It is another popular programming model for implementing parallel and distributed programs for handling large context bases on
dataflow graph. It consists of a cluster of computing nodes, and a user use the resources of a computer cluster to run their program in
a distributed way. Indeed a dryad user use thousands of machines, each of them with multiple processors or cores. The major
advantage is that users do not need to know anything about concurrent programming. A dryad application runs a computational
directed graph that is composed of computational vertices and communication channels. Therefore, dryad provides a large number
of functionality including generating of job graph, scheduling of the machines for the available processes, transition failure handling
in the cluster, collection of performance metrics, visualizing the job, invoking user defined policies and dynamically updating the job
graph in response to these policy decisions without knowing the semantics of the vertices.
E. Storm
Storm is a distributed and fault tolerant real time computation system for processing large streaming data. It is specially designed
for real time processing in contrasts with hadoop which is for batch processing. Additionally, it is also easy to set up and operate,
scalable, fault-tolerant to provide competitive performances. The storm cluster is apparently similar to hadoop cluster. On storm
cluster users run different topologies for different storm tasks whereas hadoop platform implements map reduce jobs for
corresponding applications. There are number of differences between map reduce jobs and topologies. The basic differences is that
map reduce job eventually finishes whereas a topology process messages all two kinds of nodes such as master node and worker
node. The master node and worker node implement two kinds of roles such as nimbus and supervisor respectively. The two roles
have similar functions in accordance with job tracker and task tracker of map reduce framework. Nimbus is in charge of distributing
code across the storm cluster, scheduling and assigning tasks to worker nodes, and monitoring the whole system. The supervisor
compiles tasks as assigned to them by nimbus. In addition, it start and terminate the process as necessary based on the instructions of
nimbus the whole computational technology is partitioned and distributed to a number of worker process and each worker process
implements a part of the topology.
F. Apache Drill
Apache drill is another distributed system for interactive analysis of big data. It has more flexibility to support many types of
query languages, data formats, and data sources. It is also specially designed to exploit nested data. Also it has an objective to scale
up on 10,000 servers or more and reaches the capability to process petabytes of data and trillions of records in seconds. Drill use
HDFS for storage and map reduce to perform batch analysis.
fruitful in representing data. These models are also very much fruitful for analysis. More often than not, big data are reduced to
include only the important characteristics necessary from a particular study point of view or depending upon the application area. So,
reduction techniques have been developed. Often the data collected have missing values. These values need to be generated or the
tuples having these missing values are eliminated from the data set before analysis. More importantly, these new challenges may
comprise, sometimes even deteriorate, the performance, efficiency and scalability of the dedicated data intensive computing systems.
The later approach sometimes leads to loss of information and hence not preferred. This brings up many research issues in the industry
and research community in forms of capturing and accessing data effectively. In addition, fast processing while achieving high
performance and high throughput, and storing it efficiently for future use is another issue. Further, programming for big data analysis
is an important challenging issue. Expressing data access requirements of applications and designing programming language
abstractions to exploit parallelism are an immediate need.
Additionally Machine learning concepts and tools are gaining popularity among researchers to facilitate meaningful results from
these concepts. Research in the area of machine learning tools of big data are started recently needs drastic change to adopt it. We
argue that while each other of the tool has their advantages and limitations, more efficient tools can be developed for dealing with
problems inherent to big data. The efficient tools to be developed must have provision to handle noisy and imbalance data, uncertainty
and inconsistency, and missing values.
In recent years data are generated at dramatic pace analyzing these data is challenging for a general man. To this end in this paper,
we survey the various research issues, challenges, and tools used to analyze these big data. From this survey, it is understood that
every big data platform has its individual focus some of them are designed for batch processing whereas some are good at real-time
analytic. Each big data platform also has specific functionality. Different techniques used for the analysis include statistical analysis,
machine learning, data mining, intelligent analysis, cloud computing, quantum computing, and data stream processing. We believe
that in future researchers will pay more attention to these techniques to solve problems of big data effectively and efficiently.
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