Arduino Based PWM Output Voltage Control of A DC DC Boost Converter IJERTV6IS030350
Arduino Based PWM Output Voltage Control of A DC DC Boost Converter IJERTV6IS030350
Arduino Based PWM Output Voltage Control of A DC DC Boost Converter IJERTV6IS030350
Abstract-The main objective of this paper is to design The PWM pulses needed to switch on the
a boost converter which uses the Arduino to provide the semiconductor switches used in the boost converter are
gating pulses switch the semiconductor devices used in the generated in many ways. A PIC microcontroller can be
boost converter. The input of these converters is an used but it requires an external interface to produce the
unregulated DC voltage, which is mostly obtained by photo
PWM. In another method omp-amp based microcontroller
voltaic system and therefore it will fluctuate due to changes in
radiation and temperature which in turn, changes the average is used which becomes very bulky to handle and hence not
output voltage. Thus we have proposed a system in whichthe advantageous.
output voltage is monitored by introducing two push buttons,
through which the Arduino generated pulses, are given to the II. METHODOLOGY
semiconductor devices. By pressing one push button the duty In order to overcome all these disadvantages we
cycle of the PWM signal generated is increased and by are using Arduino for generating the PWM signals for
pressing another switch the duty cycle is decreased and hence powering the semiconductor switches and also for
the output voltage is monitored accordingly. monitoring the output voltage of the boost converter.
Keywods – Arduino; Boostconverter; PWM
Arduino package is a single-board microcontroller
whose hardware has a simple open source hardware board
Power electronics is one of the most abruptly
.The software has a standard programming language
growing branches in the field of applied science. During
compiler and a boot loader that executes on the
the past decades as the size, utility and complexity of
microcontroller. The programming is done using C
today’s most modern electronic devices increases new
language. This package reduces the complexity of
techniques has been developed to effectively power them
generating PWM triggering signals. Based on the
up and create very useful devices in order to meet various
implementation of an effective control technique the output
requirements such as long battery life, cheap and small
voltage can also be monitored using this Arduino board.
power system. To cope up with these increasing
developments many innovators has come up with various The method proposed implements the generation
converts and control strategy. of pulses for the switches using Arduino and the open loop
control of the output voltage in a boost converter.A DC
A DC-DC boost converter is an electronic circuit power source, mostly battery is used to power the boost
whose output voltage is greater than the input voltage. converter. The boost converter then boosts the input
They are also called as step up converters since it steps up voltage and gives it to the load. The pulse needed for
the input voltage. They play an important role in renewable switching on the semiconductor switch used in the boost
energy sources such as solar energy, hybrid vehicle converter is generated using the Arduino UNO.
systems, lightning system etc. Boost converter is a class of
switched mode power supply. It consists of at least two
semiconductor switches and at least one energy storage
element such as capacitor or inductor or the combination of
the both.
A dc source is used to give input supply to
the boost converter. The boost converter produces an
output voltage greater than the input voltage depending on
the duty cycle of the PWM pulses produced by the Arduino
board. The output voltage is given to the load and it is
displayed in a display.
Fig 3: output voltage waveform
A mosfet based chopper kit was used in this
project. It consists of three modules such as the power
circuit, load and DC source.A dc voltage of about 24V is
used as a source. An incandescent lamp of 230V is used.
The power circuit of the kit comprises of MOSFET,
inductance, capacitance and diode. The type and the values
of the components used are as follows:
Table 1: components
Inductance 60mH
A boost converter is an efficient step-up DC-DC converter
used in numerous electronics devices. In this project, a
boost converter is modelled and simulated using Arduino
with two push buttons. An open loop model is developed
by using which the output voltage is monitored. This
method has advantages like reduced hardware, high
performance, less weight and accuracy. The simulation
results thus obtained are in accordance with the output