Building Material
Building Material
Building Material
Stone: Stone Rockes classification
1. Geological Classification
2. Physical Classification
3. Chemical Classfication
1. Geological Classification :-Geological Classification made of origan
Ex. Sand stone, Lime stone, gypsum, lignite, laterite, shale, chalk, gravel
Sedimantry Rock : Aqueous rocks -Starified Rocks
3. Metamarphic Rocks existing rocks (igneous rocks, sedimantry rock]
pressure or temperature varivation
metamarphic rocks
Note: Metamarphic rocks structure floited
Ex: (i) Quartzite (ii) Marble (iii) Slate (iv) Genisses
Name of sedimentry /Igneous & Change into metamorphic Rock
(i) Shale Temp./Pr e. Slate
(i) igneous rocks earth surface top set [basalt & trap]
igneous rocks extrusive igneous rocks
(ii) earth surface set [dolierite & granite] intrusive igneous
Physical Classifiation :
Physical Classification rocks classification
1. Sratified Rock
2. Unstratifed Rock
3. Floited Rocks
1. Stratified Rocks: plan
of strafication Plan of cleavge layers startfied
sendimantry rocks
Lime stone, sand stone, lignite, chalk, latrite, gravel, gypsum.
2. Unstraifed Rocks : unstraified
igneoius rocks
granite, dolarite, trap, basalt
3. Floited Rocks: metamorphic rock physically
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Little Birds School, Sanjay Nagar, Front of Railway Station, Alwar
Quartzite, marble, slate genous, crenisses
3. Chemical Classification : classification engineering classificatioin
scientific classficatioin
(i) Siliceous Rocks (ii) Calcareous Rocks (iii) Argillaceous Rocks
(i) Siliceous Rocks : rocks silica main componant available
siliceous rocks
granite, sand stone, quartzite
(ii) Calcarous Rocks: rocks calcium oxide (lime) main component
calcerous rocks
Ex.= Lime stone, Marble
(iii) Argillaceous Rocks : clay main component
Argillaceous rocks
Laterite, Slate
Natural Bed of Stone: The natural bed of stone in sedimantry rocks have a
distinct of divison along which stone can easily split is called Natural bed of
Sedimantry rocks plain layers
Natural Bed of Stone plane of cleavage
Note: Sedimentry rocks load pressure direction natural bed of stone
prepandicular (90º) right angle
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Little Birds School, Sanjay Nagar, Front of Railway Station, Alwar
Directioin of Natural Bed of Stone for differnet types of work:
Types of Work Direction of Natural Bed of Stone
1. In masonary wall Horizontal
2. In arches Radial direction
3. Cornice string course Vertical direction
(i) A good building stone water adsorption capacity shoud not exceed 5% of the
self weight.
(ii) A stone should be rejected not use for masonary work if water adsorption
0.10 of the the self weight.
5. Easy to working : quality mason
6. Heavyness: reatining wall, dam, harbour work
Smith's test are done to determine the presence of soluble matter in aggre-
Test Processure: Agg. sample
clean soluble matter turbid
solubale matter
2. Curshing Test: Stone compressive strenght crushing test
compression testing machie stone cube thick
plaster of paris plywood
13.72 N/mm2 per minute loand
Data : Curshing test
(i) Test Spacimen : 3 cube 40 mm in size.
(ii) Before testing 72 hours submerse in water
(iii) 5 mm thick plaster or playwood are period between C.T. Maching & stone
(iv) Load Intensity is 13.72 N/mm2 per minute are applied
cylenders 30 RPM
(Revoluation per mint)
test sample mm sieve pass
20 - lossinweight in gram
Cofficient of Hardness=
stone hardness cofficent greater 17 stone hard
stone road work suitable
stone hardness cofficient medium hard
3. stone hardness coffiecnet very poor, hard
5. Impeat Test:
Stone toughness impact test test cast iron
anvil testing machine
Toughness Coefficnet=6
(i) stone toughness coefficient poor quality
(ii) stone toughness coefficient 13 stone moderate
(iii) stone toughness 19 tough
Acid Test:Stone weather resistance capacity
acid test
stone sample hydrochloric acid solution
4. Pilla Bricks :
Pilla Bricks surkhi
premissible limit loss
of cohession( )
2. Aluminium : number alumina
Alumina 30%
Function of Alumina :
Alumina plasticity
Disadvantage of Alumina:
Alumina permissible limit
shrinkage warping hard
3. Lime:
lime 5%
Lime Lump Lime
fine powder
Function of Lime :
Lime shrinkage (retained)
Lime flux silica temperature burn
Disadvantage :
lime 5% burn shape
Colour of Bricks:
Brick process
(i) Preparation of clay
(ii) Moulding of brick clay
(iii) Drying of brick
(iv) Burning of brick
(i) Slope Moulding (ii) Sand Moulding
(i) Slope Moulding: surface spray
slope moulding
(ii) Sand Moulding: surface sand ash spray
sand moulding
Note : Brick Mould Horiontal member pallel board
mould frog member stock board
Note: (i) Frog Brick top surface depression part size
9x4x1 cm
2. Brick manuall process hand moulding
moulds brick
machine moulding
3. Dryning of brick : burn properly dry
moisture content 2%
(i) Natural process (ii) Artificial Process
(i) Natural Process : method open to Atmosphere
period 3 10
(ii) Artifical Process: tem.
120ºC peirod
(iv) Buring of brick : burn temperature 900 1200ºC mantain
burn clamp (Kiln)
Clamp temprary structure kiln parmanant structure
Burning unit
4. Drying space
5. Initial cost
6. Popularity
8. Suitability ( ) Brick
season hoff
man Kiln
grass, cowdig
Perm anent
clam p structu re Kiln
supervi si on
(i) Brick strength 12.5 N/mm2 permissible efflorence 10
50% moderate
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Little Birds School, Sanjay Nagar, Front of Railway Station, Alwar
(ii) brick strength 12.5 N/mm2 permissible efflorence
10% & light
Refectory Bricks:
bricks higher temperature resist refectary brick
Refectory brick blast furnace boiler higher
temperature resist condition
sap pith medula
2. branch leaf sap sap wood
Season of felling
(i) hilly area mid summer
heavy rain fall
(ii) plane area best period mid winter
Note: best period sap rest condition
condition sap rest condition
Sawing of Timber Conversion of timber
(i) Bow: The defect of bow in timber is indicated the curvature in the direction of
the lenght
(ii) CUP: width cup
The defect of cup in timber is indicated the curvature in the direction width.
(iii) Twist : tibmer twisted twist
When A piece of timber spirally destroyed along its lenght is known twist.
(iv) Case harding: timber outer surface
inner surface shrinkage equal outer surface Shrinkage
inner surface compare timber outer surface
compressiong develep surface tension develop
timber defect case harding
Due to this defect in timber the outer suface is under compression or inner
surface in under tension is called case hardning.
5. Honey combing : timber shrinkage
nature stress develp partical
Seperation defect honey combing
Seasoning of timber : timber sap moisture
timber dry weight 50% timber use
proper strength durable
seasoning of timber
moisture content 15%
(ii) Artificial method :Timber method adopet
sap washout
seasoning timber shrinkage warping
2. Boiling : seasoning timber
Boiling quick method category
seasoning shrinkage warping reduce timber
elasticity, strength durability costly
(i) This is quicker method
(ii) Boiling in water 3-4 hours
(iii) Sharinkage & warping is reduce
(iv) Strength, durability, elastisity is effected
(v) This method is costly
Thickness of plywood:-
No. of Veneers (No. of Ply) Thickness of Plywood
3 play 3-5 mm
5 play 5-9 mm
7 Play 12-16 mm
9 Play 12-19 mm
11 Play 19-25 mm
ply Hot process tem. 150 2600c Mantane
Plywood cold process Tem., Room tem. [ 27 0 c 20 c ]
[equal] Mantane
Advantage of Plywood:-
(1) Ply are placed at right angle [900] to each other the expension or shrinkage is
very low.
Ply Right Angle [900 perpendicular] Expension or
(2) Ply compare Light weigth
(3) Ply Atmosphere
(4) Ply [Longitudnal, Lateral] tensile strength
(5) Ply ordinary timber compare apperance
(6) Ply ordinary timber compare stronger impact loading
(7) Plywood elasticity ordinary timber compare
(2) Deoder :-
(i) weight ligth soft varity
(ii) Railway sleeper's, structural work, Bridge, piling
(3) Sal:-
(i) hard heavy weight
(ii) Ornamental work [ ]
(4) Babul:-
(i) Hard timber Weight Heavy
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Little Birds School, Sanjay Nagar, Front of Railway Station, Alwar
(5) Teak:-
(i) strong hard timber weight heavy
(ii) high quality furniture, sleeper
(6) ]:-
(i) strong Heavy weight timber
(ii) Quality table & chair Beam
(7) Mulberry:-
(i) Timber elasticity
(ii) Mulberry timber sport good's
P.V.C.N = 100
V1 V2
(3) :- resist
(4) :- effect Resist
(5) Cellulose paint:-
Paint in Better conding, but spot, gress, oil, Paint is not better condistion
Dust etc.
(4) Flaking:- Due to this effect a small portion of paint surface sometime seen
loose is called Flaking & this defect is due to poor Addeshion [ ]
Paint defect paint surface loose Paint
defect Flaking
(5) Grinning:- When the final coat of paint has not sufficent opacity & the back
ground it clearly seen is called grinning.
paint surface final coat Back ground suface clear
paint defect grinning
(6) Sagging:- When a vertical or Inclined surface is too thickly painted then due
to this defect is called sagging.
vertical inclined surface paint paint
defect sagging
(7) Wrinkling:- When a horizontal surface a too thickly painted then this defect
is called wrinkling.
horizontal surface paint paint defect
Varnish:- mix
(2) Spar Varnish:- varnish marine effect resist
Outer part spare
(3) Asphalt varnish:- varnish Asphalt
linseed oil mix
Asphalt varnish
(4) Flat varnish:- varnish shine reduce varnish
fine varnish flat varnish
(5) Sprit varnish:- varnish mix
sprit varnish furniture
Ex. Sprit varnish:- Shallac varnish, Lacguer varnish, sub & sprit varnish, french
polish varnish
Note:- French polish varnish High quality furniture
(1) Fat lime:- High calcium lime, pure lime, Rich lime, white lime
Lime Pure lime carbonate
Lime 95% calcium oxide +5%
(i) lime set Lime set Air
CO2 Absorb
lime slaking action
[Fat lime slaking action is vigrously]
4. Fat Lime hydrolocity Hydraulic lime
hydrolocity properly
(1) Finer sand:- sand 1.5875 mm sieve pass Finer sand
(2) Coarser sand:- sand 3.175 mm sieve Pass coarser sand
(3) Gravel sand:- sand 7.63 mm sieve pass 3.175 mm sieve
greval sand
(1) Fine sand plaster
(2) Coarser sand
(3) Gravel sand concerte
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Little Birds School, Sanjay Nagar, Front of Railway Station, Alwar
(1) Gauge mortar Lime+cement+sand
(2) Gypsum mortar Gypsum Mortar Initial
setting time 4 6 min.
(3) Gypsum mortar Gypsum [ CaSO4 2H 2O ] 79.1%
calcium sulphate 20.9% water
(4) Gypsum mortar final setting time 30 min
(5) Gypsum c heat plaster of pairis [ CaSO 4 H 2O ]
Gypsum heat 14.7% water plaster of pairis 6.2
(6) Fire Resistance mortar Alumina cement fire brick
Fire Resistance mortar Alumina cement fire brick powder mix
mortar High tem. Blast furnace, Boiler
Ferrous and Non ferrous material