Rolando Et Al. 2017. Plant Diversity in A Fog Oasis in Lima
Rolando Et Al. 2017. Plant Diversity in A Fog Oasis in Lima
Rolando Et Al. 2017. Plant Diversity in A Fog Oasis in Lima
Abstract: In the hyper-arid Peruvian-Chilean Desert, fog oasis ecosystems are formed in the
hillslopes of the Andean foothills. Urban expansion and climate change are jeopardizing the
conservation of these ecosystems with a high degree of endemic species. In the city of Lima, a fog
oasis formation, Lomas de Quebrada Verde, has been under local conservation during 20 years;
however, conservation has been empirical and without scientific support. The objectives of the
present study were to: (i) describe a year-round spatio-temporal pattern of the plant diversity
along the study area, and (ii) relate plant diversity and composition with environmental variables
[altitude, slope, soil gravimetric moisture (θg) and soil organic matter (SOM)]. A marked
seasonality was found in plant diversity, having two pronounced seasons, a dry of low diversity
during March and May 2013 and January 2014, and a wet season of greater diversity that
occurred between the July and November 2013 evaluations. Altitude, θg and SOM were positively
correlated with canopy cover, but not with plant diversity indexes (Shannon-Weaver and species
richness). Altitude, θg and SOM were found to have an effect on shaping the plant community
composition. Herbaceous species were dominant in the low altitude and low SOM belt. Whereas
woody species such as Croton alnifolius and Heliotropium arborescens were more abundant in the
higher altitude belt, where SOM was greater and humidity was more persistent along the year.
Key words: Alpha diversity, Atocongo, environmental gradients, lomas, plant diversity,
Quebrada Verde.
Depending on the altitude belt, the loma plant the objectives of the present study were to: (i)
community varies. Usually, a lower belt of describe a year-round spatio-temporal pattern of
cryptograms, followed by a belt dominated by alpha diversity along the study area, and (ii) relate
herbaceous species, and in the medium and denser plant diversity and composition with environmental
fog-zone a belt dominated by woody species is found variables [i.e., altitude, slope, soil gravimetric
(Rundel et al. 1991). moisture (θg) and soil organic matter (SOM)]. A high
The plant community structure and compo- seasonality of the plant diversity related to fog
sition in each loma formation is, however, highly availability was hypothesized, and tested with a non-
site-specific (Dillon et al. 2003; Muenchow et al. parametric Kruskal-Wallis test between sampling
2013a,b; Rundel et al. 1991; Trinidad et al. 2012). dates. While altitude was hypothesized to be the key
These ecological formations are island-like environmental variable shaping plant diversity
ecosystems, isolated between each other by hyper- structure and composition due to moisture
arid desert areas depleted of plant life (Dillon et al. availability. This hypothesis was tested with
2003). The island-like biogeographical condition Spearman correlations between all measured
confers lomas formations a high degree of environmental variables and diversity indexes, and
endemism. Around 40% of total lomas species are a non-parametric MANOVA (NP-MANOVA) using
endemic, while in Central Peru about 20% species the Bray-Curtis similarity index testing if measured
have this category (Manrique et al. 2014; Rundel et environmental variables had an effect on species
al. 1991). Of total lomas species, only around 7% are composition and structure of the plant community.
found simultaneously in Peruvian and Chilean fog
oases, stressing the ecological singularity of each Materials and methods
loma formation (Rundel et al. 1991). This ecological
feature makes the need for conservation high for Study Area
this ecosystem. Even more needed for Peruvian fog
oases, if taking into consideration that Peruvian The present study was conducted at Lomas de
lomas tend to have greater diversity (847 spp., Quebrada Verde, which is located in the southern
Dillon et al. 2011) than Chilean lomas (433 spp., district of Lima, Pachacamac, between latitudes
Larrain 2007). 12°12'00''S and 12°12'40''S and longitudes
In the last decades, however, urban expansion 76°53'32''W and 76°52'40'' W. Engel (1988) located
has considerably diminished lomas extension, being this area as part of the broader fog oasis formation
a constant threat for conservation purposes (Rundel named “Lomas de Atocongo”. Soils at Lomas de
et al. 1991; Trinidad et al. 2012). While climate Atocongo are sandy-loam, with a granular structure
change is reducing moisture availability, leading to a and a smooth to slightly hard consistency (Torres
reduction of plant cover and vigor, and dieback of 1981). Soil profile has two horizons: A and C; and
specific plant populations (Schulz et al. 2011). These SOM, N and pH have altitude gradients (Torres
menaces in an ecologically important desert eco- 1981). Soil moisture varies with fog seasonality,
system, calls for conservation practices to be in place being maximum between August and October and
along the Peruvian-Chilean coast. Especially in minimum between February and April (Torres
lomas formations nearby or within urban areas. 1981). Soil moisture also varies spatially at Lomas
Lomas de Quebrada Verde is a conservation area de Atoncongo, being greater in the highlands (400–
within the Atocongo lomas formation, located in the 600 msnm) than in the lower parts (300 msnm)
Lima southern and rural district of Pachacamac. (Torres 1981). Climatically, during 2013, Peruvian
This area has been under local conservation for coasts presented slight negative anomalies of sea
ecotourism during the last 20 years. However, none surface temperature (SENAMHI 2013a,b, 2014).
scientific effort to understand the plant community During July 2013, anomalies reached values of
structure and composition have been made in this −2.5 °C in the coasts of the city of Lima (SENAMHI
conservation area. In the Peruvian Central region of 2013a). However, a La Niña event did not occur
Lima, there is none published study to our during the year of study, being the year classified
knowledge that analyzes the spatio-temporal as neutral by the Peruvian National Service of
dynamic of the plant community in a fog oasis eco- Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI 2013a,b,
systems during a complete year cycle, or that assess 2014). Average maximum and mini-mum daily
how environmental gradients shape the plant temperatures recorded by Villa Maria del Triunfo
community structure and composition. Taking into SENAMHI meteorological station (12°9'59''S,
account the high specificity of each loma formation, 76°55'12''W) were 26.8 and 19.8 °C
ROLANDO et al. 783
Fig. 2. Relative cover of sub-shrub and shrub (Sh.), annual herbaceous (An.H.), bulbous herbaceous (Bu.H.),
perennial herbaceous (Pe.H.), tuberous herbaceous (Tu.H.), trees (Tr.) and pteridophytes (Pt.) during all sampling
canopy cover and H′ across the study area, isoline based on any measure of similarity, measures the
maps were draw for each of the six sampling dates. effects and interactions of the chosen factors and
Isolines were elaborated using the Kriging generally allows for an additive distribution of
interpolation method in Surfer 10.7 software variation for complex models (Anderson 2001). We
(Golden Software Inc., Golden, Colorado). performed a NP-MANOVA for each environmental
In order to measure the relation between all variable and sampling date. An additional NP-
measured environmental variables (i.e., altitude, MANOVA was run for each environmental variable
slope, SOM and θg) to each other, a correlation using the mean of canopy cover values from the six
analysis using the Spearman correlation coefficient sampling dates. Bray-Curtis similarity index, a
(rs) was performed. The influence of environmental quantitative similarity distance that excludes joint
variables on the composition and structure of the absences between sampling units, was used for all
plant community was estimated with a Spearman analyses (Anderson et al. 2011). Given that NP-
correlation analysis between all measured MANOVA needs categorical variables as
environmental variables and diversity indexes (i.e., independent factors, the data of altitude, slope, θg
S and H′) and total canopy cover. Additionally, in and SOM were categorized in classes. In the case of
order to test if botanical composition was influenced altitude, it was categorized in three as: (i) 150 to 299
by environmental variables, a NP-MANOVA was m asl, (ii) 300 to 449 m asl, and (iii) 450–550 m asl;
performed. This analysis tests whether there are slope as: (i) 10 to 19, (ii) 20 to 29, and (iii) 30 to 39°;
significant differences in a set of dependent and SOM as (i) 1.6–2.4%, (ii) 2.5–3.1%, (iii) 3.2–
variables due to the effect of an independent factor. 3.8%. Since θg varies in each sampling date, it was
The advantage of this analysis is that it can be categorized into three equidistant ranges according
ROLANDO et al. 785
Table 1. Environmental summary of each sampling Astrephia chaerophylloides, Parietaria debilis and
station. SOM: soil organic matter, θg: soil gravimetric Sicyos baderoa. While the tuberous and bulbous
moisture. herba-ceous plants were represented mainly by
Solanum montanum and Clinanthus coccineus,
Sampling Altitude SOM θg respectively. Lomanthus sp. and Dyschoriste sp.
Slope (°)
station (m) (%) (%) were the most abundant perennial herbaceous
B1 20 225 1.7 2.8 species. Adiantum sp. was the only recorded
B2 11 281 2.3 8.9 pteridophyte species, and Acacia macracantha and
Caesalpinia spinosa the only two tree species
B3 28 240 2.8 4.7
recorded during all samplings. During the dry
B4 23 239 2.2 3.8 season (March and May 2013, and January 2014
M1 30 300 1.8 4.6 sampling dates), shrub and sub-bush species
M2 26 350 3.4 9.4 dominated the plant community, whereas during
M3 27 436 2.6 7.1 the beginning (July 2013) and end (November 2013)
M4 26 375 3.0 6.7 of the wet season there was a co-dominance between
herbaceous, shrub and sub-shrub (Fig. 2). During
M5 19 345 1.9 4.3
the climax of the wet season (September 2013) domi-
M6 18 405 2.5 5.8 nance was of annual herbaceous plants (Fig. 2). The
A1 27 453 2.5 7.5 dominance of shrub and sub-shrub species during
A2 18 475 3.8 7.6 the dry season coincided with the greater canopy
A3 36 493 2.6 6.4 cover recorded during these months in the higher
A4 36 570 3.5 5.3 altitudes and in the gully where transect M2 was
located (Fig. 3).
A5 31 509 3.6 4.8
The two alpha diversity indexes had the same
A6 22 446 2.4 5.8 dynamics throughout the evaluated year (Fig. 4). For
both variables, the Mann-Whitney test grouped
to the results of each evaluation. All analyses were three significantly different diversity seasons: (i) a
run in PAST v.2.17. lowest diversity season during March and May of
2013 and January of 2014, (ii) intermediate diversity
Results season during July and November 2013, and (iii)
high diversity season during September 2013
Description of the Plant Diversity and sampling date (Fig. 4). However, temporal diversity
Composition patterns differed depending on the location of the
Throughout the six evaluations, 67 different sampled transects. As with canopy cover (Fig. 3),
species were reported, of which 45 were identified during the dry season (March-May 13 and January
up to species level, 7 to be consulted (cf.), 14 at the 14), the diversity was greater in intermediate and
genus level, and species of the Poaceae family were high altitude areas (Fig. 5). However, in the
not identified at a more specific level. Species from evaluation when diversity was greatest (September
27 different families were recorded, being 2013, Fig. 4), the most diverse transects were located
Asteraceae (11), Boraginaceae (8), and Solanaceae in the lower zone (transects B1 and B3) (Fig. 5).
(5) the most representative genus. According to
Environmental Variables and its Relation
León et al. (2006) guide, 6 of the recorded species
with the Plant Diversity
(~13%) were endemic (Ismene amancaes, Ophryos-
porus pubescens, Philoglossa peruviana, Nicotiana Average terrain slope was 25º, the maximum
paniculata, Nolana humifusa and Begonia recorded slope was 36º, and the minimum, 11º
octopetala). Of the 67 reported species, 29 were (Table 1). Altitude ranged from 225 to 570 m asl;
annual herbaceous, 9 tuberous herbaceous, 3 while mean SOM and θg ranged from 1.7 to 3.8%
bulbous herbaceous, 10 perennial herbaceous, 13 and from 2.8 to 9.4%, respectively (Table 1).
shrubs or sub-shrubs, 2 leguminous trees and 1 Following a temporal dynamic similar to that
pteridophyte. Of the shrub and sub-shrub species, described for the plant community diversity, θg had
the most abundant were Croton alnifolius, Ophryos- its lowest mean values during March and May of
porus peruvianus and Ophryosporus floribundus. 2013 and January of 2014 (2.5 ± 0.2%); while during
Of the annual herbaceous, Veronica persica, July and November of 2013, θg was 7.9 ± 0.6% and
the wet season (Table 4). Slope did not have a mine the endemic status of plant species (León et al.
significant relation with the composition of the plant 2006) excludes a series of lomas species that have
community based on our results (data not shown). been traditionally reported as endemic from Peru
(e.g., Clinanthus coccineus, Ophryosporus flori-
Discussion bundus, Croton alnifolius and Caesalpinia spinosa),
and that could have been overestimating the
Botanical considerations of the Lomas de endemic characteristic of lomas formations. Thus,
Quebrada Verde explaining the difference between our findings and
Lomas formations are segregated in three the values that have been reported in the past
different groups based on floristic similarities; being (Manrique et al. 2014; Trinidad et al. 2012). Rundel
the lomas within and surrounding the city of Lima et al. (1991) estimated that Atocongo lomas
are part of the northern Peruvian group (Manrique formation had a plant richness of ~80 spp., while
et al. 2014). Manrique et al. (2014) found that in this Trinidad et al. (2012) reported 112 spp. in Lomas de
group of lomas formations around ~22% of species Villa María del Triunfo, another sector of the
are endemic. In the present study we found a lower Atocongo formation. The lower diversity found in the
percentage (13%). The database we used to deter- present study might be partially explained by: (i) a
Table 2. Spearman correlation (rs) between soil Environmental Gradient Structures Plant
gravimetric moisture (θg), soil organic matter (SOM), Community
slope and altitude. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01.
The altitude gradient modified the plant
community composition (Table 4). In the higher
SOM Slope Altitude
areas, there was a greater canopy cover from shrub
θg Mar 13' 0.09 −0.54* 0.00 species such as Croton alnifolius, Heliotropium
θg May 13' 0.48 −0.24 0.36 arborescens, and some annual herbaceous, such as
θg Jul 13' 0.29 −0.27 0.25 Veronica persica and Parietaria debilis. On the
θg Sept 13' 0.26 0.33 0.09 other hand, Ismene amancaes, a bulbous herba-
θg Nov 13' 0.54* −0.10 0.53* ceous, was inversely correlated with altitude
(Spearman's ρ = −0.54, P = 0.03), being present
θg Jan 14' 0.27 0.08 0.14
exclusively in the lower zone (220–250 m asl). The
θg Mean 0.51* −0.15 0.39
conservation status of Ismene amancaes is
Slope 0.35 - - important due to its high cultural and touristic
Altitude 0.69** 0.43 - value, and for being endemic from the department
of Lima (León et al. 2006). Our results are
Table 3. Spearman correlation (rs) between average consistent with that of Muenchow et al. (2013a),
soil gravimetric moisture (θg) soil organic matter which found that altitude alone explained 96% of
(SOM), slope and altitude with total canopy cover the plant composition in a study in Cerro Campana
(CC), Shannon-Weaver index (H′) and species richness fog oasis. Several studies in lomas formations relate
(S). **P ≤ 0.01. altitude with the amount of condensed fog, which
increases continuously until reaching the altitude
CC H' S of inversion (~1000 m asl in Central Peruvian coast)
SOM 0.71** −0.18 0.23 at which point moisture availability decreases
θg 0.73** −0.02 0.37 (Cereceda et al. 2008; Latorre et al. 2011;
Altitude 0.76** −0.29 −0.15 Muenchow et al. 2013a,b; Péfaur 1982; Trinidad et
Slope 0.26 −0.28 −0.34 al. 2012). This humidity gradient explains the
Peruvian lomas altitude profile described by Rundel
survey approach destined to sample the spatio- (1991), where there is a lower belt of cryptograms,
temporal pattern of the plant community and not a followed by an herbaceous species belt, and in the
species exhaustive survey, (ii) an underestimation in medium and denser fog-zone the plant community
our results due to the lack of identification of Poaceae is dominated by woody species (Rundel et al. 1991).
species, (iii) a probable lower diversity in Lomas de In most of these studies, the most diverse belt was
Quebrada Verde than Lomas de Villa María del the medium fog-zone where moisture availability
Triunfo. was greater (Muenchow et al. 2013a,b; Péfaur
A marked seasonality was found in the plant 1982). In our study, diversity followed that pattern
community, which is consistent with the during the dry season. During the wet season,
seasonality of fog formations along the Peruvian- however, we had a greater diversity in the lower
Chilean coast (Fig. 4; Cereceda et al. 2008). A winter area (stations B1 and B3) (Fig. 5). A possible
dominance of opportunistic herbaceous that take explanation for the greater diversity in the B1–B3
advantage of winter water pulses was found across area might be the influence of livestock grazing,
the study area, but was more evident in the lower which has been related to an increase on plant
belt. This was evidenced by a great increase of plant diversity (Galán de Mera et al. 2011).
cover and diversity in lower areas during the wet The input of organic matter into the soil is
season, whereas during the dry season it was near directly or indirectly of plant origin (Stockmann et al.
zero due to the scarce presence of perennial species 2013). Thus, the greater concentration of SOM in
(Figs. 3, 5). Moreover, during the dry season, the stations with consistently greater canopy cover along
relative cover of the plant community was the dry and wet season was expected (Table 3). The
dominated by the scarce sub-shrub and shrub greater concentration of SOM results in greater
species; while during the wet season it was infiltration rates and water retention capacity
dominated by the herbaceous species, considerably (Saxton & Rawls 2006), which are used by vegetation
increasing the diversity during this season of the for greater growth and development. This is
year (Figs. 2, 4). especially important in arid ecosystems, where water
ROLANDO et al. 789
Table 4. Statistical significance of the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between groupings of transects based on their
altitude, soil gravimetric moisture (θg) and soil organic matter (M.O.) based on NP-MANOVA. Different letters
represent statistical differences (P ≤ 0.05).
Altitude θg SOM
Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High
Mar 13' a ab b a a a a ab b
May 13' a b b a b ab a ab b
Jul 13' a a a a ab b a a a
Sept 13' a b b a a a a a a
Nov 13' a a b a a a a b b
Jan 14' a a b a a a a a a
∑ a b b a b ab a ab b
is usually the limiting factor for plant development. individuals, reforestation should begin in the
Altitude was positively correlated with canopy cover medium altitude areas and in gullies, where plant
due to the dominance of sub-shrub and shrub species cover, SOM and θg tends to be greater along the
in the upper area. The greater canopy cover and year.
vertical structure of shrub species in the upper zone
contribute to increase θg through the interception of Conclusion
fog and root system’s hydraulic redistribution
(Holdridge 1967; Muñoz et al. 2008). This is This study gave more insights about the spatio-
consistent with Muenchow et al. (2013a) study, temporal pattern of the lomas plant community,
which found a greater concentration of SOM in the and the environmental gradients that shape it. We
zone of shrub dominance. Both variables, SOM and confirmed and provided a quantitative diversity
θg, are highly related to moisture availability - the measure to the seasonality of the plant diversity.
limiting variable in hyper-arid ecosystems. During the dry season, there was a dominance of
Consistently with this idea, our results showed that sub-shrub and shrub species, while during the wet
both variables had an impact on the composition of season the dominance was of the annual herbaceous
the plant community (Table 4). Species that their species. We found a greater plant diversity in the
canopy cover positively correlated (Spearman’s r > lower belt of the study area, probably boosted by
0.55, P < 0.05) with SOM were: Cristaria sp., livestock grazing activity increasing species
Dyschoriste sp., Heliotropium arborescens, Adiantum richness. An environmental gradient of altitude,
sp., and Silene gallica. While canopy cover of SOM and θg was found to shape the composition of
Alternanthera halimifolia, Acmella oleracea, the plant community. Greater canopy cover in
Galinsoga cf. caligensis and Ophryosporus pubescens higher altitudes due to the dominance of woody
were negatively correlated with SOM. In the case of species increased the input of water into the system
θg, canopy cover of Solanum montanum, (fog condensation and root hydraulic redistri-
Fuertesimalva peruviana and Trixis cacalioides had bution), and thus the photosynthetic activity and
a negative correlation with this variable, whilst input of organic matter into the soil. However, none
Ophryosporus peruvianus and Calceolaria pinnata environmental variable had an effect on plant alpha
were positively correlated. diversity indexes (H′ and S).
The understanding of the environmental factors
shaping the plant community is useful for Acknowledgements
restoration and/or reforestation purposes. In Lomas
de Quebrada Verde, restoration is currently being The authors would like to thank Maura
practiced with tree species; however, the use of Fernández, Ramiro Montes, Claudia Salazar,
shrub or sub-shrub species, which are already Edson Arias, Jenny Marticorena, José Carlo
adapted to the current conditions of the ecosystem, Ramírez, Diego Márquez, Claudia Zarate, David
could be more efficient. In addition, in order to Miñano, Cynthia Baca, Merelyn Valdivia, Indira
assure a greater establishment rate of reforested Alva, Claudia Parra and Paola Rolando for their
help during the field work, Eng. Luis Bazán and Ms. formation of fog-dependent Tillandsia landbeckii
Rossmery from the UNALM Soil Lab for their help dunes in the Atacama Desert: Evidence from
during the SOM analysis and Carlos Ocharán and radiocarbon and stable isotopes. Journal of Geo-
Eduardo Molinari for their help in the taxonomic physical Research 116: G03033.
identification. León, B., N. Pitman & J. Roque. 2006. El libro rojo de las
plantas endémicas del Perú. Revista Peruana de
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