GE6252-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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Question Bank
Programme : BE
Semester / Branch : II-Civil and Mechanical Engineering



1. Define the following terms Active & Passive elements with suitable example (BTL 1)
for each.
2. Distinguish the difference between Loop and Mesh loop analysis. (BTL 2)
3. When a resistor is placed across the 415V supply, the current is 36 A. What (BTL 1)
is the value of resistor that must be placed in parallel to increase the load to
4. Illustrate Ohm’s law. (BTL 3)
5. Illustrate the following laws (i) Kirchoff’s current law (ii) Kirchhoff’s voltage (BTL 3)
6. Explain the terms power and energy. And also write the expression for (BTL 4)
electrical power and energy.
7. Define (i) Real Power (ii)Reactive Power (iii) Apparent Power (iv) Power factor. (BTL 1)

8. Define (i) Average value (ii) Effective or RMS value (iii) of an ac voltage (BTL 1)
(BTL 1)

9. Define the terms (i)Form factor (ii) Peak factor.

10. Formulate the formula for deflecting and controlling torque for PMMC and (BTL 6)
MI Instrument.
11. Explain the term resonance in a RLC series circuit. (BTL 5)
12. Express the following terms (i) Amplitude (ii) Cycle (iii)Phasor (iv) Phase angle (BTL 2)
with suitable expression.
13. Explain the following terms Real or True or Average Power, Reactive Power (BTL 4)
and Apparent or Total power.
14. Summarize the advantages of 3 phase circuits over single phase circuits? (BTL 5)
15. Discuss the three torques required for the proper operation of indicating (BTL 2)
16. Point out the advantages of electromechanical measuring instruments? (BTL 1)
17. Two resistances of 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel across 10V battery. (BTL 3)
Calculate the current through 6Ω resistance.
18. Point out the advantages of sinusoidal alternating quantity. (BTL 4)
19. Compose the circuit diagram and explain the balanced load in 3-phase (BTL 6)
20. Discuss the different types of damping force act on the ammeter and (BTL 2)


1. (a ) Fig.1 shows a two D.C source network, the branch current I1 and I2 are (BTL 1)
marked in it. By using kirchoff’s law to calculate and examine the current I1.

(b)A series circuit has R= 10Ω , L= 50mH, and C=100µ F and is supplied (BTL 1)
with 200V, 50Hz. Find and examine t h e v a l u e o f : Impedance (1) Current
(2) Power (3)Power factor (4)Phase angle (5)Voltage drop across the each element.
2. Using Mesh analysis, Estimate the current through the various branches in the (BTL 2)
circuit of the following figure. (16)
3. Derive and formulate the expression for transient response of (i) R-L series (BTL 6)
circuit (ii) R-C series circuit (iii) R-L-C series circuit. (16)

4. In (BTL 3)
the circuit shown, Calculate the current through 2ohm resistor and the total
current delivered by the battery. Use Kirchhoff’s laws. (16)

(BTL 1)
5. (i)Describe the working of single phase energy meter with necessary diagram.
(8) (BTL 1)
(ii)Examine and formulate (a)The form factor (b)The peak factor for full wave
rectified sine wave. (8) (BTL 5)
6. (i) With neat sketch and explain the working principle of Dynamometer type
watt meter with suitable mathematical expression. And also Mention its
advantages and disadvantages. (16)
7. (i) For the circuit shown calculate when the current through each of three (BTL 1)
resistors. (10)

(ii) A coil of resistance 5.94Ω and inductance of 0.35 H is connected in series with
a capacitance of 35 µ F across a 200V, 50Hz supply. Find and examine the value of
impedance (Z),current and the phase difference between voltage and current (Φ) (6)
(BTL 1)
8.(i) With a neat diagram describe the construction and principle of operation of a
moving iron(i)Attraction type instrument (ii) Repulsion type instrument. (10) (BTL 2)
(ii) Three inductive coils, each with a resistance of 15 Ω and an inductance of
0.03H are connected in star to a three phase 400V, 50Hz supply. Express the value
of phase current, line current and power absorbed. (6)
(BTL 2)
9. With neat sketch describe the construction and principle of operation of (i)
Permanent M agnet M oving C o i l (P M M C ) type of instrument. Obtain
the expression for its deflecting torque. List the merits and demerits of PMMC
Instrument. (16) (BTL 4)

10. (i) Explain Kirchoff’s Current and Voltage Law. (4) (BTL 4)
(ii) A sinusoidal current wave is given by i=50 sin(100πt). Solve and calculate
the value root mean square value. (4)
(iii)Calculate the current in the 8Ω resistor in the following circuit using
Kirchoff’s laws. (16)
(BTL 3)

1. Discuss the terms with appropriate formula for Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic (BLT-2)

Induction and Lenz Law.

2. Distinguish the difference between DC Motor and DC Generator. (BLT-2)

3. Explain the principle of operation of DC Motor. (BLT-4)

4. Define the term back emf or counter emf and state its significance (BLT-1)

5. Formulate the emf equation for (i) DC Generator (ii) Transformer (BLT-2)

6. In DC Generator, 8 poles, lap wound armature rotated at 350rpm to generate 260V,

the useful flux/pole is 0.05Wb. If the armature has 120 slots. Calculate the (BLT-3)
number of conductors per slot.

7. With suitable formula explain the following terms (i) Turn ratio of transformer

(ii) Voltage regulation of Transformer. (BLT-4)

8. List the different main constructional elements of DC Machine (BLT-1)

9. Define the following terms in DC Machine (i) Commutator (ii) Brushes (BLT-1)

10. Define critical speed and critical resistance of a dc generator. (BLT-1)

11. In a single phase transformer, Np= 350 turns, Ns= 1050 turns, Ep= 400V. Calculate (BLT-3)

the value of secondary voltage (Es).

12. List any two applications of Following DC Motors (i) DC Series Motor (BLT-1)

(ii) DC Shunt Motor (iii) DC Compound Motor

13. Explain why single phase induction motor is not self starting? Mention the different

methods for making to self start the single phase induction motor (BLT-4)

14. Define the terms (i) Efficiency (ii) All day efficiency of single phase transformer (BLT-1)
15. Draw the circuit diagram of single phase transformer. (BLT-3)
16. What is meant by transformer? Formulate the expression for step up and step down transformer
according to transformation ratio (BLT-4)
17. Distinguish the following transformers (i) Core type transformer (ii) Shell type

transformer. (BLT-1)

18. What is meant by single phase Induction Motor? List any two applications of single (BLT-4)

phase induction motor.

19. Explain why dc series motor should not be started without load. (BLT-2)
20. Discuss the term armature reaction in a dc machine? (BLT-4)


1. With a neat sketch, explain the construction, working of DC Motor and also
explain the different parts. (16) (BTL-4)

2. What is meant by DC Generator? Describe the Theory and Principle of

operation, Working of DC Generator. (16) (BTL-1)

3. (i) Obtain the Mathematical expression for Generated EMF or EMF Equation
of Generator and explain each term. (8) (BLT-4)

(ii) Calculate the generated emf by 4-pole wave wound generator having 65

slots with 12 conductors per slot when driven at 1200 rpm the flux per pole
is 0.02 Weber. (8) (BLT-3)
4. Obtain the mathematical equation for voltage or current equation and also
explain for (i) DC Series Generator (ii) DC Shunt Generator (iii) DC Compound
Generator with suitable diagram for each. (16) (BLT-5)

5. What is meant by DC Motor? Describe the terms such as (i) Faraday’s Law (BLT-4)
of Electro Magnetic Induction (ii)Fleming’s Left Hand rule (iii) Back or
Counter emf (iv) Votage Equation of DC Shunt Motor (v) Armature Torque
of DC Motor. (16)
6. What is meant by Transformer? Draw the circuit diagram for Single Phase (BLT-4)
Transformer and also explain the Principle, Construction, Working of it. (16)
7. (i) Derive the EMF Equation of Transformer and explain. (8) (BLT-6)
(ii) A single phase 2000/250 V, 50Hz transformer has the core area of
36 cm2 and maximum flux density of 6 Wb/m2. Calculate the number of turns
on primary and secondary winding. (8) (BLT-3)
8. Describe the following terms in single phase transformer (i) Efficiency
(ii) All day efficiency (iii)Losses in transformer (iv) Regulation of Transformer.(16) (BLT-1)

9. (i) Distinguish the following types of transformer (i) Step up and Step down
Transformer (ii) Core type or Shell type Transformer. (8) (BLT-2)
(ii) In core type transformer, the no load voltage is 5000/250 V, supply
frequency 50Hz .Calculate the number of turns in each winding and the flux
is about 0.06 Weber. (8) (BLT-3)
10. (i) Why do you say the single phase Induction motor is self starting? (8) (BLT-2)
(ii) Describe the following types of Single phase Induction Motor (i) Split phase (BLT-2)
Induction Motor (ii) Capacitor start type Induction Motor (iii) Shaded pole type

Induction Motor. (8)


1. What is meant by Semiconductors? And also explain (i) n-type semi conductor (BLT-4)
(ii) p-type semi conductor.
2. Distinguish the following semiconductors (i) Intrinsic or pure Semi Conductor (BLT-2)
(ii) Extrinsic or impure Semi conductor.
3. Compare PN junction diode and Zener diode with symbolic representation (BLT-4)

4. Draw the V-I characteristics of PN-Junction diode (BLT-3)

5. Draw the structure with symbolic representation of NPN and PNP Transistor (BLT-3)
6. Define Knee voltage or Junction barrier voltage for PN Junction? (BLT-1)
7. Draw the circuit for (i) Forward Bias (ii) Reverse Bias of the PN Junction diode. (BLT-3)
8. Explain the following terms (i) Avalanche breakdown (ii) Zener break down of
the PN junction diode. (BLT-4)
9. Define the following terms (i) Rectifier and its types (ii) Voltage Regulation (BLT-1)
10. What is Zener effect? (BLT-1)
11. What is doping? And also express the terms (i) Donor (ii) Acceptor (BLT-1)
12. What is Zener diode? List its applications (BLT-1)
13. When should a transistor be biased? Name two common biasing circuits (BLT-1)
14. Which configuration is known as emitter follower and why it is named so? (BLT-2)
15. What is meant by Diffusion and Depletion layer? (BLT-1)
16. Define the terms (i) Saturation region (ii) Cut off region (iii) Break down
region of a transistor in CE Configuration (BLT-1)
17. Define Forbidden energy gap of semi conductor (BLT-1)
18. Define Transformer Utilization Factor (BLT-1)
19. Compare the performance analysis of HWR, FWR (Centre tapped) & bridge (BLT-4)
20. Define the term Peak Inverse Voltage. (BLT-1)
1. Describe the following VI Characteristics of a PN Junction diode
(i) Forward Bias Characteristics (ii) Reverse Bias Characteristics. Also write BLT-1
its applications (16)
2. Describe the working principle of Zener diode. And explain the terms (BLT-1)
(i) Zener Break down (ii) Avalanche Break down. (16)

3. (i) With a neat diagram explain the principle of operation and working (BLT-4)
of half wave rectifier. And also obtain the expression for (i) RMS value
of Current (ii) RMS value of Voltage (iii) Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)
(iv) Transformer Utilization Factor (TUF) (v) Efficiency (vi) Ripple factor.
4. With a neat diagram explain the principle of operation, working of Full wave (BLT-3)
rectifier. And also obtain the expression for (i) RMS value of Current
(ii) RMS value of Voltage (iii) Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) (iv) Transformer
Utilization Factor (TUF) (v) Efficiency (vi) Ripple factor. (16)
5. (i) Explain the working of CB Configuration of NPN transistor. Also (BLT-4)
obtain the input- output characteristics. (8)
(ii) Explain the working of CE Configuration of NPN Transistor. Also (BLT-4)
obtain the (a) input-Characteristics (b) Output characteristics. (8)
6. Illustrate the performance of the transistor in three different types of (BLT-3)
7. (i) With a neat diagram describe how a voltage regulator circuits regulates (BLT-2)
the output voltage under the following conditions: (a) Load resistance
increases. (b) Input voltage decreases. (8)
(ii) Explain the working of CC Configuration of NPN Transistor. And (BLT-4)
also obtain the input-Characteristics and Output characteristics. (8)
8. Explain the term Bridge rectifier with suitable circuit diagram and formulate its (BLT-4)
efficiency, ripple factor, TUF and PIV. (16)
9. (i) Explain the elementary treatment of small signal amplifier with proper (BLT-4)
design circuit. (8)
(ii) With a neat diagram describe the construction and working principle of (BLT-2)
PN Junction diode. (8)
10. (i) (a)Examine the avalanche effect that accounts for reverse breakdown (BLT-3)
voltage (PIV) of the diode. (b) What is the effect on capacitance of
PN junction diode as reverse and forward bias is applied? (12)
(ii) In a CE transistor, IB changes from 100µ A to 150µA which causes a change (BLT-4)

in Ic from 5mA to 7.5mA. If VCE is held constant at 10V, find ßdc(hfe). (4)



1. Define Flip flop. What are the different types of flip flop? (BTL 1)
2. List the difference between a DEMUX and a MUX. (BTL 1)
3. Name any two types of D/ A & A/D converter. (BTL 1)
4. What is a decade counter? (BTL 1)
(BTL 4)
5. Point out the basic properties of Boolean algebra?
6. State and prove Distributive law. (BTL 1)
7. Express the following binary numbers in its equivalent decimal numbers
(BTL 2)
(a)10.01 (b)101.11
8. Describe the excitation table of J-K flip flop. (BTL 1)

9. Convert the following Hexadecimal to Decimal (a) 4C5 (b) 0.9E8 (BTL 2)
(BTL 2)
10. Draw the logic diagram and truth table for a half adder.
(BTL 3)
11. Calculate the following binary difference.

1011010-0101110 (BTL 3)
12. Convert the Binary fraction 0.101 into Decimal equivalent.

13. Show how JK Flip‐flop can be converted to D flip‐flop (BTL 3)

14. Distinguish between combinational logic and sequential logic. (BTL 2)

15. Differentiate asynchronous and synchronous counters. (BTL 4)

16. Realize AND and OR gates using NAND gates (BTL 4)

17. Test that A + A’B = A+B (BTL 5)

18. Evaluate the expression (A’.B.C’)’+(A.B’.C)’ using Boolean laws (BTL 5)
19. An active high SR latch has a ‘1’ on the S- input and ‘0’ on the R- input. What state
(BTL 6)
is the latch in?
(BTL 6)
20. Design ’ D’ Latch using NAND gates


1. Describe in detail about D- flip flop , T- flip flop and JK- flip flop (16)
(BTL 1)
2. i. Explain the operation of 4-bit synchronous UP counter with a neat diagram (BTL 2)

ii.Express the function XOR gate using NAND gates. (4) (BTL 1)

3. Write short notes on

(BTL 1)
a. RS- Flip flop
b. D- flip flop
c. JK - flip flop
d. Toggle flip flop (16)

4. i. Express the given function with three AND gates and one OR gate (BTL 4)
A’BC + AB’C + ABC’ + ABC (10)

ii. Explain the operation of half adder with neat diagram (6) (BTL 1)
5. i. Draw the logic diagram of clocked Master – slave JK flip flop and explain its (BTL 4)
working (8)

ii. Describe the operation performed by the following arithmetic circuits (BTL 1)

a. Full adder b. Half adder (4+4)

6. i. Apply Boolean laws and Simplify the following Boolean expression (BTL 3)

a. XY + X’Z + YZ
b. ( A’+B+C’).( A+B+C). (C+D) (8)
(BTL 1)
ii. Explain the working of JK- flip flop with its logic diagram (8)

(BTL 5)
7. Discuss the working principle of D/A and A/D converters (16)
(BTL 4)
8. With necessary diagrams explain the function of any one type of ADC and DAC
(16) (BTL 1)
9. i. Explain the operation of successive approximation type ADC with a neat sketch

ii.Draw the circuit of Binary weighted resistor Digital to analog Converter and (BTL 1)
Explain its operation (8)
(BTL 6)
10. i. Reduce the following expression using Boolean Algebra laws
a. A’B’C’+ A’B’C + AB’C’ + ABC
b. [ (A+B)’ + C]’ (4)
(BTL 3)
ii.Realizethe given expression using only NAND gates and inverters
XYZ + X’Y’Z’ (4)
iii.Design a full adder, constructs the truth table, simplify the output equations (BTL 2)
and draw the logic diagram (8)



1. Define modulation. What are the different types of modulation? (BTL 1)

(BTL 2)
2. Describe the term modulation index for frequency modulation.
3. Define the Modulation Index for Amplitude modulation. (BTL 1)
(BTL 1)
4. List any four important advantages of FM over AM.
5. Point out and Draw the block diagram of optical fiber communication (BTL 4)
6. List the applications of Microwave communications
(BTL 1)
7. Differentiate analog and digital Signal. (BTL 4)
(BTL 1)
8. Define Total internal reflection. (BTL 3)
(BTL 1)
9. Show the block diagram of FM Receiver Define modulation Index
(BTL 5)
10. Criticize, the preference AM in broadcasting over FM? (BTL 4)
(BTL 1)
11. Order the various types of microwave antennas
(BTL 1)
12. Summaries’ the advantages of Optical fiber communication
13. Judge the noise immunity of digital signal?
14. Combine the meaning of under modulation, 100% modulation and over (BTL 6)
modulation, related to AM
(BTL 3)
15. Classify the need of modulating the information signals.
(BTL 2)
16. Express the formula of carrier power of an AM wave.
17. A carrier is frequency is frequency modulated with a sinusoidal signal of 2 KHz
resulting in a maximum frequency deviation of 5 KHz.
(BTL 3)
18. Calculate the approximate band width of the modulated signal.
(BTL 6)
19. Generalize the purpose of a limiter in a FM receiver?
20. Discuss telephone network? (BTL 2)


1. (i) Show and discuss the block diagram of radio broadcasting and reception
system and explain the function of each block. (10)
(BTL 3)
(ii) Demonstrate on optical fiber communication (6)

2. (i)Illustrate the circuit diagram of balanced modulator and explain its

(BTL 3)
operation. (8)
(ii) With a neat block diagram explain the principle of operation of FAX. (8)
(BTL 3)
3. Discuss any one method for suppressing the unwanted sideband. Support
your answer with the required diagrams. (16)
(BTL 4)
4. Summarize the principle of Amplitude & Frequency Modulation and its
need. (16) (BTL 2)
5. Conclude the usage of satellite for long distance communication with a neat (BTL 2)
block diagram basic satellite transponder. (16)
6. Describe in detail with the necessary diagram the microwave and satellite (BTL 5)
communication system. (16)

(BTL 1)
7. Explain in detail the functional diagram of Monochrome TV transmitter and
(BTL 4)
receiver. (16)
8. (i)Point out a Typical Television video signal, Explain how this is converted
(BTL 4)
to image on TV screen (10)

(ii). A 10MHz sinusoidal carrier wave of amplitude 10mV is modulated by

a 5KHz sinusoidal audio signal wave of amplitude 6mV. Design and find
the frequency components of the resultant modulated wave and their
(BTL 6)
amplitudes. (6)

9. Describe with suitable diagram Diode detector for AM signals. (16)

(BTL 1)
10. Label and explain the radio broadcasting and reception system. (16) (BTL 1)

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