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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani: Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR Division

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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division


Date: 02.07.2019

In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
Course No : CE F211
Course Title : Mechanics of Solids
Instructor-in-Charge : ANSHUMAN
Tutorial/Practical Instructors : Rishabh Bajpai
1. Course Description:
Fundamental principles of mechanics; Introduction to the mechanics of deformable bodies; Forces and
Moments transmitted by slender members; Stress- Strain; Stress-Strain Temperature relations; Torsion;
stresses and deflections due to bending; hoop stresses in thin cylindrical shells; suspension cables, Failure
2. Scope and Objective of the Course:
The subject of mechanics of solids deals with determination of strength, deformation and stability of
structural and machine elements. The methods are based on Laws of Newtonian mechanics, applied to
bodies in static equilibrium, geometry and experimentation. These laws are applied to simple situations with
engineering judgment to arrive at results of significance to the designer.
At the end of the course the student will be in a position to design and analyze simple structural elements,
which involve calculation of stress, strain and deformation. This is an essential feature in any design
3. Text Books:
1. S. H. Crandall et al., An Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill International editions.
4. Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials; F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston and J. T. DeWolf, Third Edition, 2002,
McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Mechanics of Solids, AN INTRODUCTION, T. J. Lardner, R R Archer, International Edition,
1994, McGraw-Hill
3. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by I. H. Shames, 2nd Edition, 1980, Prentice Hall of India Private
Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Mechanics of Materials, Madhukar Vable, 2002, Oxford Univrsity,
5. Course Plan:

Lecture Session Reference Learning outcomes
1-3 Introduction, principles of mechanics, concept Ch. 1 Fundamental principles of mechanics
of force & moment, equilibrium conditions,
concept of two & three force members, free
body diagram, friction

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

4-5 Numerical problems Ch.1 (TB) Fundamental principles of mechanics

6-8 Analysis of deformable bodies, uniaxial Ch. 2 Introduction to mechanics of
loading & deformation, statically determinate deformable bodies
truss, hoop stresses in thin cylindrical shells,
Castigliano’s theorem.
9-10 Numerical problems Ch.2 (TB) Introduction to mechanics of
deformable bodies
11-12 Introduction forces & moments acting on a Ch. 3 Forces & moments transmitted by
section of a member, distributed loads & slender members
resultant of distributed loads
13-14 Differential equilibrium approach, Singularity Ch. 3 Forces & moments transmitted by
functions slender members
15-16 Numerical problems Ch.3 (TB) Forces & moments transmitted by
slender members
17-18 Introduction, stress, plane stress, equilibrium of Ch. 4 Stress & Strain
an element in plane stress, Mohr circle
representation of a plane stress, general state of
19-20 Analysis of deformations, strain components, Ch. 4 Stress & Strain
relation between strain & displacement, strain
component associated with arbitrary set of
axis, Mohr circle representation of plane strain,
general state of strain
21-22 Numerical problems Ch.4 (TB) Stress & Strain
23-24 Introduction, tensile test, idealization of stress Ch. 5 Stress-Strain-Temperature relations
strain curve, elastic stress strain relation
25-26 Thermal strain, complete equations of Ch. 5 Stress-Strain-Temperature relations
elasticity, strain energy in a elastic body,
criteria of initial yielding
27 Numerical problems Ch.5 (TB) Stress-Strain-Temperature relations
28-29 Introduction, geometry of deformation of a Ch.6 Torsion
twisted circular shaft, stress strain relations,
equilibrium requirements, stresses &
deformations in twisted elastic circular shaft,
torsion of elastic hollow circular shaft,
combined stresses, strain energy due to torsion,
yielding in torsion & Numerical
30 Numerical problems Ch.6 (TB) Torsion

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

31-32 Introduction, deformation in pure bending, Ch. 7 Stresses due to bending

stress-strain relations, equilibrium
requirements, stresses & deformations in pure
34 Stresses due to shear force and bending Ch. 7 Stresses due to bending
moment, combined stresses, strain energy due
to bending, yielding in bending
35 Numerical problems Ch. 7 Stresses due to bending
36-37 Introduction, moment-curvature-relations, Ch. 8 Deflections due to bending
integration of moment-curvature relations,
38 Load-deflection differential equation, Ch. 8 Deflections due to bending
Energy Methods, Numerical problems (TB)
39 Numerical problems Ch. 8 Deflections due to bending
40-42 Bending moment and shear force diagrams for Class notes Special cases
determinate frames, Slope and Deflection in
beams due to bending using Moment area
Method and Conjugate beam method,
suspension cables

6. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of component
(%) (Close Book/ Open Book)
Mid-Semester Test 90 Min. 30 03/10/2019, 9:00 AM to CB
10:30 AM
Comprehensive 3h 40 11/12/2019, FN CB+OB
50 Min 20% 6-8 Tutorials CB
quizzes/surprise tests

Quiz 50 min 10% Last Week of November CB

7. Chamber Consultation Hour: Will be announced by instructors individually in the class

8. Notices: Notice, if any, concerning the course will be displayed on the Notice Board of Civil Engg.
9. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be granted only to genuine cases. For cases related to illness, proper
documentary evidence is essential. Prior permission is necessary if student is out of station on the test date.
No make up for tutorial tests.

Course No. CE F211

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