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Power network telecommunication
SWT 3000 Teleprotection – technical data

Sustainable success for
high-voltage power networks
The SWT 3000 Teleprotection system has been the first Power companies also have many options when it comes
choice for reliable high-voltage networks for 50 years. to transmission paths. Whether operators want to connect
The technology is refined on an ongoing basis to offer two SWT 3000 devices directly via analog interfaces or
a high level of system stability and reliable signal Power Line Carrier (PLC), whether the transmission should
transmission. Errors can not only be detected but iso- run via digital PDH, SDH or IP networks, whether different
lated extremely fast. types of fiber-optic connections will be used, or whether
SWT 3000 will be completely integrated into a PLC con-
The SWT 3000 is known for its high degree of versatil-
nection: Nearly anything is possible. The existing infra-
ity, so it can be used in many different ways in analog
structure is the decisive factor, and SWT 3000 accommo-
and digital networks. In addition, it allows gradual
dates its requirements – flexibly, affordably, and without
changeover of existing substations to the IEC 61850
breaking the budget.
communication standard. Operators can enter the new
network era step by step – in line with their strategic
objectives and available budgets.

Command interface
Number of commands
Commands Analog transmission Up to 4
Digital transmission Up to 8
IEC 61850 command input/output EN 100 1)
Electrical interface RJ45; 100 Base-T; max. range 20 m
Optical interface 1,310 nm; LC connector; max. range 1.5 km
Binary command input IFC-P/IFC-D
Input voltage range 24 V – 250 V DC (tolerance −20% to +20%)
Inputs per module 4
Nominal input/threshold 24 V Low level Uin < 15 V; high level Uin > 18 V
48/60 V Low level Uin < 40 V; high level Uin > 47 V
110 V Low level Uin < 72 V; high level Uin > 85 V
250 V Low level Uin < 167 V; high level Uin > 198 V
Polarity Independent
Pulse suppression 1 ms to 100 ms; programmable in 1-ms steps
Input current Max. 2 mA
Binary command output IFC-P for normal contact load
Contact type Relay NO; normal open
Contacts per module 4
Switching power 250 W/250 VA
Switching voltage 250 V AC/DC
Switching current 1.5 A AC/DC
Switching current < 2.5 ms 5 A AC/DC
Continuous current 1.5 A AC/DC
Insulation withstand voltage 3 kV AC
Binary command output IFC-D for high contact load
Contact type Relay NO; normal open
Contacts per module 4
Switching power 150 W/1250 VA
Switching voltage 250 V AC/DC
Switching current 5 A AC/DC (30 A ≤ 0.5 ms)
Continuous current 5 A AC/DC
Insulation withstand voltage 3 kV AC
Binary command output IFC-S for signaling
Contact type Relay CO; changeover with common root
Contacts per module 8
Switching power 150 W/1,250 VA
Switching voltage 250 V AC/DC
Switching current 5 A AC/DC (30 A ≤ 0.5 ms)
Continuous current 1 A AC/DC
Insulation withstand voltage 3 kV AC

Not applicable in combination with Ethernet line interface

Transmission line – digital networks
Digital interface DLE
64 Kbps X.21; G703.1

2 Mbps G703.6 sym. 120 Ω; G703.6 asym. 75 Ω

Path protection (1+1) Digital and digital line
Digital and FO line
Digital and analog line
Digital and Ethernet line
Ethernet and analog line
Digital Ethernet interface EN100 5)
ETH electrical 100TX/100 Base-T; two RJ45 ports;
max. range 20 m
ETH optical 100FX/100 Base-FX; two ports; LC connector; SFP
transceiver 1,310 nm; max. range 1.5 km
Path protection (1+1) Ethernet and analog line
Ethernet and digital line
Transmission time 1)
2 Mbps t₀ ≤ 3 ms
64 kbps t₀ ≤ 5 ms
Security and dependability
Security PUC < 10-8
Dependability PMC < 10-4 at BER of 10-6

Transmission line – fiber optics

Fiber-optic interface FOM
Data rate 64 Kbps and 2 Mbps for direct connection
N = 1 to 12 x 64 kbps acc. to IEEE C37.94
for connection to multiplexer
Optical module SFP transceiver – single-mode; multimode
Connector LC
Path protection (1+1) FO line and digital
FO and FO line
FO and analog line
FO and Ethernet line
Long-range single-mode FOL1
Wavelength 1,550 nm
Optical budget at 64 Kbps 43 dB
at 2 Mbps 33 dB
Range at 64 Kbps 154 km 2)
at 2 Mbps 118 km 2)
Short-range single-mode FOS1
Wavelength 1,310 nm
Optical budget at 64 Kbps 33 dB
at 2 Mbps 17 dB
to PowerLink 13 dB
Range at 64 Kbps 87 km 3)
at 2 Mbps 45 km 3)
to PowerLink 34 km 3)
Short-range multimode FOS2
Wavelength 850 nm
Optical budget at 64 Kbps 7 dB
at 2 Mbps 7 dB
to PowerLink 7 dB
Range at 64 Kbps 2 km 4)
at 2 Mbps 2 km 4)
to PowerLink 2 km 4)

Short-range multimode FOS3
Wavelength 830 nm
Optical budget for C37.94  7 dB 
Range for C37.94  2 km 
Fiber-optic box interface FOB
Power supply Input voltage 20 V to 72 V DC/22 V to 60 V AC
Power consumption Max. 3.5 W
Alarm output Contact type Changeover contact
Switching power 150 W/300 VA
Switching voltage 200 V DC/140 V AC
Continuous current 5 A AC/DC
Mechanical design Dimensions 230 mm x 110 mm x 60 mm
Mounting DIN rail
Insulation withstand voltage Power supply 3 kV AC
Alarm outputs 3 kV AC
Digital I/O G703.6 500 V AC
Fiber-optic modules (SFP transceiver) Optical budget and range are identical
to FOL1; FOS1; FOS2 as specified for FOM

Transmission line – analog networks

Analog interface CLE
Modulation type F6 frequency shift keying or CT-coded tripping
Broadband modulation Trip frequencies 0.3 to 2.03 kHz
Guard 2.61 or 3.81 kHz
Narrowband modulation Channel 1 0.63 to 1.26 kHz
Channel 2 1.64 to 2.27 kHz
Channel 3 2.65 to 3.28 kHz
Channel 4 3.16 to 3.79 kHz
Voice frequency interface Transmitter Level max. +15 dBm
Impedance 600 Ω
Receiver Level range −40 dB to +4 dB
Impedance 600 Ω or 5 kΩ
Path protection (1+1) Analog and digital line
Analog and FO line
Analog and Ethernet line
Transmission time – SWT 3000 stand-alone 1)
Broadband modulation Single-purpose t₀ ≤ 10 ms (F6, CT)
Alternate multipurpose (voice) t₀ ≤ 15 ms (F6, CT)
Narrowband modulation t₀ ≤ 15 ms (F6)
Transmission time – SWT 3000 integrated into PowerLink 1)
Broadband modulation Single-purpose t₀ ≤ 10 ms (F6, CT)
Alternate multipurpose t₀ ≤ 15 ms (F6, CT); F2+AMP
Alternate multipurpose t₀ ≤ 19 ms (F6, CT); DP+AMP
Simultaneous multipurpose t₀ ≤ 10 ms (F6, CT)
Narrowband modulation t₀ ≤ 15 ms (F6)
Security and dependability
Security – direct tripping PUC < 10-6
Dependability – direct tripping PMC < 10-4 at SNR of 6 dB
Security – blocking/permissive tripping PUC < 10-4
Dependability – blocking/permissive tripping PMC < 10-3 at SNR of 6 dB

 alues are given for the IFC-P module and permissive tripping. If the IFC-D module is used for increased contact load, all specified signal transmission times are
prolonged by about 4 ms. For direct tripping schemes the transmission time increases about 5 ms. Ethernet line interface will prolong the digital transmission
time about 2ms.
Assumed fiber attenuation 0.28 dB/km
Assumed fiber attenuation 0.38 dB/km
Assumed fiber attenuation 3.5 dB/km
Not applicable in combination with IEC 61850 command interface

Common system data
Power supply
Input voltage 24 V to 60 V DC (–20% to + 20%) or 110/220/250
V DC (−20% to +20%) and
115/230 V AC (–20% to +10%); 47 Hz to 63 Hz
Power consumption Approx. 30 W/VA
Alarm output ALR
Contact type Relay CO; changeover
Contacts per module 3
Switching power 300 W/1,000 VA
Switching voltage 250 V AC/DC
Carry current 5 A AC/DC
Binary input
Nominal voltage BI1/ BI2 24 V to 250 V DC,
tolerance −20% to +20%
Polarity Independent
Clock synchronization input
Sync pulse Minutes/hour
IRIG-B B00x, B000, B004
Ethernet NTP
Nominal voltage binary input 24 V to 250 V DC,
tolerance −20% to +20%
Nominal voltage IRIG-B 5 V/12 V/24 V DC
Event recorder
Events 8,000; nonvolatile; 1 ms time resolution
Trip counter Individual counter for each received and
transmitted command; size 128
Element manager
Interface USB; type B; 115 Kbps; local front access RS 232
local/remote; rear Ethernet; RJ45; 100 Base-T
local/remote; front
Application PowerSys
Operating system Windows XP; Vista; Win7
Network management
Interface Ethernet; local; RJ45; 100 Base-T
NMS integration SNMPv2/3
Mechanical design
Dimensions Height 132 mm/3 U
Width 482.6 mm/19 inch
Depth 240 mm
Weight Approx. 5 kg
Color White aluminum; RAL 9006
Preventive maintenance not required

482.6 240



84TE = 426.72
SWT 3000 –
465.1 mechanical design

Performance and testing of teleprotection IEC 60834-1
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directive IEC 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-6-4; IEC 60870-2;
2004/108/EC (EMC directive)
Environmental conditions IEC 60721-3; IEC 60870-2
Product safety IEC 60950-1
NMS integration SNMPv2/3

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Immunity IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4, IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8/12, IEC 60870-2
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV (contact discharge); 15 kV (air discharge)
Radiated electromagnetic fields 10 V/m; 80 MHz to 2 GHz
Bursts Power supply 2 kV
Data lines 2 kV
Surges Common mode 2 kV (line to ground)
Differential mode 1 kV (line to line)
Direct coupling into shield 2 kV (communication cable)
Conducted disturbances 10 V AC, 150 kHz to 80 MHz
Damped oscillatory waves Common mode 2.5 kV (line to ground)
Differential mode 2.5 kV (line to line)
Direct coupling into shield 2.5 kV (communication cable)
Emissions IEC 61000-6-4, CISPR 11/22, IEC 60834-1
RF disturbance emission radiated Limit class A; 20 MHz to 1,000 MHz
Conducted emission CISPR; power supply and signal cable
Conducted noise IEC 60834-1; 3 mV; 0 Hz to 4 kHz
Insulation withstand voltage IEC 60950-1
VF input/output 500 V AC
Power supply 3 kV AC
Command input/output 3 kV AC
Alarm outputs 3 kV AC
G703.1 500 V AC
G703.6 sym. 500 V AC
Insulation withstand level 1.2/50 μs IEC 60950-1
VF input/output 1 kV
Digital input/output 1 kV
Power supply 5 kV
Command input/output 5 kV
Alarm outputs 5 kV

Ambient conditions
Climatic IEC 60721-3
During operation −5 °C to +55 °C
During storage and transport −40 °C to +70 °C
Relative humidity 5% to 95%
Absolute humidity 29 g/m³; no condensation
Mechanical IEC 60721-3-3
Degree of protection IP 20
Vibration Stationary use; class 3M3
2 Hz – 9 Hz: 1.5 mm amplitude
9 Hz – 200 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration
Shock Resistance, class 2M1
11 ms pulse duration; 10 g acceleration

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