Improving Students' Speaking Achievement Through Public Speaking Tasks
Improving Students' Speaking Achievement Through Public Speaking Tasks
Improving Students' Speaking Achievement Through Public Speaking Tasks
This study deals with improving students‟ speaking achievement through
public speaking tasks. This study was conducted by using classroom action
research. The subject of the research was class XI AP2 SMK BM Taman
Siswa Lubuk Pakam consisted of 32 students. The research was conducted
in two cycles and every cycle consisted of four meetings. The instruments
for collecting data were oral test for quantitative data and diary notes and
interview for qualitative data. Based on the oral test scores, students‟ score
kept improving in every test. In the orientation test, the mean score was
55.9, in the first competence test, the mean score was 64.4 and in the
second competence test, the mean score was 73. The improvement also can
be seen from the percentage of the students‟ speaking achievement, in the
orientation test only 3.13% (one student) got 65 points. In the first
competence test 65.63% (twenty one students) got 65 %. It means there
was an improvement about 62.5%. In the second competence test 93.75%
(thirty students) got 65 points. The improvement was 31.25%. It can be
concluded that public speaking tasks could improve students‟ speaking
The study was conducted by applying classroom action research based on Kemmis
and McTaggart (1988: 14) with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four meetings. Every
meeting covered four steps, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The
subject of this research was students of the second grade of AP2 SMK-E TAMAN
SISWA Lubuk Pakam, consisting of 32 students.
In collecting the data, the quantitative and qualitative data was applied. The
qualitative data was found by describing the situation during the teaching and learning
process, taken from the oral test, interview, and diary note. The quantitative data was
found by computing the score of speaking tests of the students.
The result of the research implementation is described in the following cycles.
The First Cycle
The first cycle was done in four meetings. Here is the explanation.
The plan was arranged before doing the research. First, the lesson plan and
speaking expressions that were related to the lesson were prepared. A controversial issue
was prepared for the student presentations. The issue was about “public transport in
Indonesia”. A recorder and diary note were also prepared.
In the first cycle, the students were divided into some groups and each group
consisted of four students. It was based on Gina Iberri-Shea public speaking tasks. The
total number of the students was 32 students.
The teacher explained the definition, rule and format of Gina Iberri-Shea public
speaking tasks. Then the teacher taught students the phases of public speaking tasks. At
the end of cycle I, each group of the students was asked to present in front of the class,
then the rest of the students acted as the audience who could state or ask the group
presenting by pro-con statements or questions. In the first cycle, three meetings were used
for teaching learning process and the fourth meeting was used for group presentation.
The observation was done to observe the students‟ behavior and what the students‟
problems during the teaching learning process. Most of the students had participated
effectively in public speaking tasks. They were enthusiastic and enjoyable in speaking
about a controversial issue by using public speaking tasks. However, they were still lack
of vocabulary, pace and accent while presenting. The result of pretest was only 3.13%
(one student) who got 65 points. The post test of cycle I was 65.63% (twenty one
students) who got 65 points.
Based on the result of the score of the test and observation, action of improvement
was needed. It would be done the second cycle by doing public speaking tasks in teaching
speaking. It would be done by repeating the steps in the first cycle in order to solve the
students‟ problem of mastering speaking.
The Second Cycle
The second cycle was done in four meetings, the explanation as follows:
The plan was arranged before doing the research. First, the lesson plan and
speaking expressions that were related to the lesson were prepared. A controversial issue
was prepared for the student presentations. The issue was about “early marriage”. A
recorder and diary note were also prepared.
The students were divided into some groups and each group consisted of four
students. It was still based on Gina Iberri-Shea public speaking tasks. The total number of
the students was 32 students.
The teacher explained the definition, rule and format of Gina Iberri-Shea public
speaking tasks. Then the teacher taught students the phases of public speaking tasks. At
the end of cycle II, each group of the students was asked to present in front of the class,
then the rest of the students acted as the audience who could state or ask the group
presenting by pro-con statements or questions. In the first cycle, three meetings were used
for teaching learning process and the fourth meeting was used for group presentation.
The observation was done to observe the students‟ behavior and what the students‟
problems during the teaching learning process. Most of the students had participated
effectively in public speaking tasks. They were enthusiastic and enjoyable in speaking
about a controversial issue by using public speaking tasks. Their speaking skill was
Having been evaluated, the students‟ score showed the improvement. Based on the
observation and the result of their presentation, it could be concluded that the students
could speak English better through public speaking tasks. The students‟ score in the
second cycle had increased more than in the first cycle.
The percentage of students who had mastered speaking skill through public
speaking tasks in cycle I was only 65.63%, while in cycle II the percentage was 93.75%.
This improvement made the writer stop the research in the cycle.
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