Recent Advances in Management of Gestational Diabetes and Pre-Eclampsia
Recent Advances in Management of Gestational Diabetes and Pre-Eclampsia
Recent Advances in Management of Gestational Diabetes and Pre-Eclampsia
Treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) aims to reduce hyperglycaemia and in turn
reduce the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes including large for gestational age (LGA),
macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, neonatal hypoglycemia and the need for caesarean section. Diet
modification is often used as first-line treatment; pharmacological treatments (metformin,
glibenclamide (glyburide) and/or insulin) are offered. Although results from these reviews
generally indicate that treatment reduces the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. Several trials
have been published and recommended criteria for GDM diagnosis have changed.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common medical complications
of pregnancy; gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) accounts for approximately 90-95% of all
cases. GDM is defined as carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity with onset or first
recognition during pregnancy. The prevalence of GDM varies from 1 to 14%, in direct
proportion to the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in a given population or ethnic group. The
incidence of gestational diabetes is also increasing as a result of higher rates of obesity in the
general population and more pregnancies in older women. The concerns of diabetes are mainly
due to the maternal and fetal complications if the glycemic control during pregnancy is not
adequate. There is a linear relationship between maternal hyperglycemia and adverse fetal
outcomes. Two types of risk factors are identified in GDM. Unmodifiable risk factors are age,
genetic background, ethnicity, number of previous pregnancies and recently a short stature has
been identified as an independent variable. Modifiable known risk factors are obesity, lack of
exercise, dietary fat and lifestyle habits like smoking and certain drugs.
GDM is a major cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidities like pre-eclampsia, birth
trauma, cesarean section, stillbirth, respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and
Birth Defects
Respiratory Distress syndrome
Becoming obese as children or adults
Developing Diabetes
In this condition, the baby’s body is larger than normal. Large-bodied babies may be injured
during natural delivery through the vagina, so the baby may need to be delivered through
cesarean section.
In this condition, the baby’s blood glucose is too low. Breastfeeding may need to be started
right away to get more glucose into the baby’s system. If breastfeeding is not possible, then the
baby may need to get glucose put directly into the blood through a thin, plastic tube in his or
her arm.
In this condition, the baby’s skin turns yellowish. The white parts of the eye may also change
color slightly. If treated, this is not a serious problem.
In this condition, the baby has trouble breathing. The baby may need oxygen or other help
breathing if he or she has this condition.
In this condition, spasms in the hands and feet, or twitching and cramping of muscles can
occur. The condition can be treated through supplementation with magnesium and calcium
NOTE: Keep in mind that just because you have GDM it does not mean that these problems
will occur.
Gestational diabetes usually does not cause birth defects or deformities.
Most developmental or physical defects happened during the first trimester of pregnancy,
between the 1st and 8th week, and gestational diabetes typically develops around the 24th week
of pregnancy.
The fact that you have gestational diabetes will not cause diabetes in your baby. However, your
child will be at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood and may get it at a
younger age (younger than 30).
It is more common than in non-diabetic pregnancies (10% vs. 4%) and increases to 30% in the
presence of vascular disease. In women without pre-existing hypertension or nephropathy,
preeclampsia becomes apparent when the classical signs of hypertension and proteinuria
develop. At this time, the only curative treatment is delivery of the baby. In women with
nephropathy in whom the diagnosis is unclear, delivery is usually indicated when renal function
deteriorates and blood pressure becomes difficult to control, or if fetal compromise occurs.
The most common cause is still iatrogenic for the management of preeclampsia (9%).
Spontaneous rupture of membranes (6%) and spontaneous onset of labor (3%) possibly due to
The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was the gold standard for making the diagnosis of type 2
diabetes. It is still commonly used during pregnancy for diagnosing gestational diabetes. With an
oral glucose tolerance test, the person fasts overnight (at least 8 hours, but not more than 16
hours). The next morning, the fasting plasma glucose is tested. After this test, the person receives
a dose of oral glucose (the dose depends upon the length of the test). There are several methods
employed by obstetricians to do this test, but the one described here is standard. Usually, the
glucose is in a sweet-tasting liquid that the person drinks. Blood samples are taken up to four
times at different time points after consumption of the sugar to measure the blood glucose.
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
Carbohydrate intake of at least 150 g/day 3 days prior to test, then fast for 10 to 16 hours.
Two hours ≥8.6 mmol/L (155 mg/dL) ≥9.2 mmol/L (165 mg/dL)
Three hours ≥7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) ≥8.0 mmol/L (145 mg/dL)
deficiencies in the β-cell machinery may only be exposed in times of metabolic stress, such as
β-cell dysfunction is exacerbated by insulin resistance. Reduced insulin-stimulated
glucose uptake further contributes to hyperglycemia, overburdening the β-cells, which have to
produce additional insulin in response. Thus, once β-cell dysfunction begins, a vicious cycle of
hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and further β-cell dysfunction is set in motion.
Insulin resistance
A diagram of the relationship between β-cell dysfunction, insulin resistance, and GDM is
provided in Figure 5.
Figure 5. β-cell, blood glucose, and insulin sensitivity during normal pregnancy and GDM.
During normal pregnancy, β-cells undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy in order to meet the
metabolic demands of pregnancy. Blood glucose rises as insulin sensitivity falls. Following
pregnancy, β-cells, blood glucose, and insulin sensitivity return to normal. During gestational
diabetes, β-cells fail to compensate for the demands of pregnancy, and, when combined with
reduced insulin sensitivity, this results in hyperglycemia. Following pregnancy, β-cells, blood
glucose, and insulin sensitivity may return to normal or may remain impaired on a pathway
toward GDM in future pregnancy or T2DM.
Recent data provide strong evidence that proper treatment of GDM reduces adverse maternal and
perinatal outcomes. The Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women
randomized women to receive routine care or treatment for gestational diabetes. Primary fetal
outcomes included death, shoulder dystocia, bone fracture, and nerve palsy. Primary maternal
outcomes were induction of labor and caesarean delivery.
A. Diet
First-line therapy for women with gestational diabetes is dietary modification, often referred to
as medical nutritional therapy (MNT). This is best done in consultation with an experienced
nutritionist, and should take cultural preferences into account. The ADA also recommends
nutritional counseling, if possible by a registered dietitian, with individualization of the nutrition
plan based on height and weight. For normal-weight women (BMI: 20-24 kg/m2) 30 kcal/kg.
B. Exercise
control study showed that lean as well as overweight women who were physically active before
and/or during pregnancy experienced statistically significant reduced risks of GDM (48% risk
reduction). In 2006, Zhang et al. found that vigorous physical activity before pregnancy and
continuation of activity during early pregnancy may reduce the risk of developing abnormal
glucose tolerance and GDM.
Dietary strategies are the mainstay of therapy for patients with GDM. However, some women
suffering from GDM cannot be managed with diet alone and need to use insulin. But insulin
corrects hyperglycemia without affecting peripheral insulin resistance. Thus, the most
appropriate intervention would be exercise, which affects insulin resistance and, in the absence
of either medical or obstetric complications, is certainly the most suitable intervention for GDM
women. ADA has endorsed exercise as 'a helpful adjunctive therapy' for GDM wheneuglycemia
is not achieved by diet alone.
Pregnant women with pre-gestational or gestational DM are advised to keep their fasting blood
glucose level 5.3 mmol/L and 1-hour and 2-hour post- prandial level 7.8 and 6.7 mmol/L
respectively [5]. HbA1c(hemoglobin that is bound to glucose)levels are measured in all women
with gestational diabetes at the time of diagnosis to identify those who may have pre-existing
type 2 diabetes. HbA1c is lower in normal pregnancy than in normal non pregnant women. Other
alternate new measure of glycemic control—fructosamine test has been proposed. The
fructosamine measures glycemic levels over a period of 2-3 weeks. However, it is less widely
used due to lack of standardization.
E. Insulin treatment
Insulin is started at a dosage of 0.7 units per kg per day (based on pre-pregnancy weight), given
in divided doses. A commonly used dosing regimen includes two thirds of the total insulin dose
to be given in the morning, with the remainder before dinner.
Regular insulin, which is often used in pregnancy for the treatment of diabetes, has some
drawbacks: it starts its action from 30 to 60 min after subcutaneous injection and it peaks too late
(2-3 hour after injection) to be very effective in postprandial control; in addition, its action also
lasts about 8-10 hour with an increased risk of postprandial hypoglycemia [31]. For this reason,
insulin analogue started to be used in the last few years. Two types of insulin analogues are used,
rapid acting like lispro and aspart (bolus) and long acting (basal) like glargine and detemir.
Combining these two types of insulin, basal-bolus therapy (BBT) is planned which most closely
simulates physiological insulin profiles and already in use in non-pregnant patients. Now this
BBT is also used in pregnant patients. Compared to regular insulin, rapid acting insulin analogue
is associated with lower rate of 1- and 2- hour postprandial hyperglycemia. This is important for
Traditionally insulin is considered as the gold standard for management of GDM .But it can be
problematic for some women as it is expensive and invasive.. For this a safe and effective oral
agent for the treatment of gestational diabetes is highly desired. The sulfonylurea glyburide is
close to meeting these goals, with prospective and retrospective studies .
ANTENATAL CARE(the care you get from health professionals during your pregnancy.)
Management of the pregnant diabetic is a complex issue and a single provider cannot take care of
all aspects of the care. It is a team work consisting of obstetrician, diabetologist, nutritionist,
perinatologist, nurse and a social worker or counselor
Fetal surveillance consists of screening for congenital anomalies, monitoring for fetal well-being,
and ultrasound assessment of fetal growth. The ADA recommends screening for congenital
anomalies in women with gestational diabetes who present with evidence of preexisting
hyperglycemia, such as an HbA1c level greater than 7 percent. Monitoring for fetal well-being is
generally based on local practice. The frequency of antenatal monitoring depends on the patient’s
degree of metabolic control, the type of therapy she is receiving and the presence of other risk
factors (hypertension). This typically consists of twice-weekly non stress testing, with amniotic
fluid determinations beginning early in the third trimester.
INTRAPARTUM MANAGEMENT (the care of women and their babies during labour and
immediately after the birth.)
As women with pre gestational diabetes, the goal ofintrapartum management of women with
GDM is to avoid maternal hyperglycemia and thus minimize the risk of neonatal hypoglycemia
after delivery. Patients controlled by diet will not require intrapartum insulin and may simply
need glucose level monitoring on admission for delivery. During labor, patients with insulin-
requiring diabetes need capillary hourlymonitoring of blood glucose levels. Target values are 80-
110 mg/dl. Published protocols recommend low-dose insulin infusion for intrapartum
management of patients with insulin requiring diabetes. A study suggests 5% dextrose infusion
in active labor when maternal blood glucose is below 100 mg/dl. For blood glucose
concentrations exceeding 100 mg/dl, no dextrose is included in the intravenously administered
solution.Continuous fetal monitoring is used. If fetus is compromised expeditious delivery is
done by method depending upon the stage of labor.
Postpartum Management
The main elements of the therapy include education, nutritional therapy, exercise, and medical
treatment.The recommended daily calorie intake is 30 kcal/kg for women with a BMI of 22-25,
24 kcal/kg for women with a BMI of 26-29, and 12-15 kcal/kg for women with a BMI of >30.
The recommended diet composition contains 33%-40% complex carbohydrates, 35%-40% fat,
and 20% protein. This calorie intake may turn 75%-80% of women with GDM into
normalglycemic state.
The pregnant women in whom blood glucose control cannot be achieved with exercise and diet
regulation must be switched to insulin or oral anti-diabetics.There is also no consensus on when
to initiate insulin therapy, which has been reported to reduce the risk of macrosomia and other
complications during infancy. There are two approaches for the initiation of insulin therapy one
of which requires measurement of fasting glucose concentration >90 mg/dl with two weeks
intervals and other approach requires postprandial 1-hour glucose measurement >120 mg/dl. The
insulin preparations used in GDM include neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) and regular
The use of oral anti-diabetics (OAD) during pregnancy is a relatively new practice. In a review
of the literature regarding this topic, 12 randomized studies were evaluated, and the effects of the
use of oral anti-diabetic agents was investigated on pregnant women with a known diabetes and
those with impaired glucose tolerance in the current or previous pregnancy.
Biguanides:Metformin falls into this group. These agents enhances peripheral glucose uptake,
inhibit gluconeogenesis and reduce plasma triglyceride concentrations. Metformin can pass
across the placenta. In a study that compared the use of insulin versus metformin during
pregnancy, use of metformin did not result in an increase in perinatal complications, and it was
even less prone to cause severe neonatal hypoglycemia and it resulted in lesser maternal weight
gain and provided better patient compliance. However, metformin was used between 20 and 34
weeks of gestation in this study.In a recent randomized study, 47 pregnant women with GDM
who received metformin or insulin therapy were evaluated, and metformin group had better daily
glycemic control, lesser weight gain neonatal hypoglycemia.
Fetal:Metformin has been shown to pass freely across the placenta. Two in
vivo studies measured maternal and cord blood samples in women taking
Sulfonylureas:Glyburide (glibenclamide) and Glimepiride fall into this group. These drugs
increase insulin secretion and peripheral sensitivity to insulin and decrease hepatic clearance of
insulin. Glyburide is a second generation oral sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agent. It acts by
enhancing the release of insulin from the pancreatic beta cells, therefore for its action, some
degree of pancreatic insulin-releasing function is required. It is well-absorbed following oral
administration and is metabolized by the liver. The initial dose of glyburide is 2.5-5.0 mg once or
twice a day with a maximum dose of 20 mg/day.The rate of maternal hypoglycemia in the
women who received insulin was higher (20%) as compared to glyburide (4%) in one study.
NOTE:These drugs aren't approved for gestational diabetes by the Food and Drug
Mrs. C is a 22 year old primigravida coming for her first antenatal checkup at 12 weeks
of gestation.
On examination, she is 152 cm tall and weighs 69 kg. BMI, 30 kg/m2
She does not have a family history of diabetes
Mrs. C had a fasting blood glucose done
Her results are as follows.
Time 0 hr fasting
rapid acting insulin 6 u before breakfast, 4 units before lunch and 4 units
before evening meal.
Following delivery, blood glucose levels normalised and she was able to stop
Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder of pregnancy that forms an integral part of the spectrum
known as hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. The National High Blood Pressure Education
Program (NHBPEP) Working Group1classifies hypertensive /diseases in pregnancy into 4
1) Gestational hypertension
No proteinuria
2) Chronic hypertension
Hypertension first diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation but persistent after 12 weeks
3) Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
BP > 140/90 mm Hg after 20 weeks gestation in a women with previously normal blood
Eclampsia is defined as seizures that cannot be attributed to other causes in a woman with
New onset proteinuria (>300 mg/24 hr) in a woman with hypertension but no proteinuria
before 20 weeks gestation
A sudden increase in proteinuria or blood pressure, or platelet count less than 100,000 in
women with hypertension and proteinuria before 20 weeks gestation
Pre-eclampsia (disease of theories) is a controversial and complicated disease which needs active
involvement of both the obstetrician and the anesthesiologist. It is one of the important causes of
maternal morbidity and mortality characterized by hypertension and multiorgan system
involvement. It complicates about 4-7 % of pregnancies. The pathogenesis is still controversial.
Intracerebral haemorrhage, eclamptic seizures, placental abruption, acute pulmonary edema,
organ failure and coagulation abnormalities leads to maternal morbidity and mortality in severe
preeclampsia. It is, however, a preventable condition with a multi-disciplinary team management
approach. Current scientific evidence should be incorporated in institutional clinical practice.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are responsible for over 60,000 maternal deaths worldwide
annually and complicate 5% of all pregnancies. Pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia show
an increase in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The definition of pre-eclampsia
was revised in 2014 and is defined as hypertension developing after 20 weeks’ gestation with
one or more of the following: proteinuria, maternal organ dysfunction (including renal, hepatic,
hematological, or neurological complications), or fetal growth restriction. It is important to note
that this definition does not require proteinuria to meet the diagnostic criteria. Diagnosing pre-
eclampsia remains a challenge. Women may present with late-onset hypertension and
proteinuria, with an absence of fetal growth restriction near term. This appears to have few long-
term consequences for mother or infant. Conversely, early onset, severe maternal disease is often
associated with fetal intrauterine growth restriction. Even in the presence of severe preterm
disease, a woman can be asymptomatic.
Pre-eclampsia can be defined as ‘a blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg after 20 weeks of gestation
and involvement of one or more organ systems with previously normal blood pressure’.
The International Society for the Study of Hypertension (ISSH) in its definition of preeclampsia
does not include edema because it may be detected in 80% of normotensive pregnant women
most of whom are healthy. Severe pre-eclampsia includes severe hypertension and proteinuria
with one or more of the following signs/symptoms e.g. severe headache not responding to
treatment, seizures, pulmonary edema, vision disturbances with papilledema, liver tenderness,
vomiting, elevated liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia, hyper reflexes, absent or reversed
umbilical/uterine artery end diastolic blood flow.
Pregnancy induced hypertension complicates about 10% of pregnancies, but there is a
widespread geographic variation in its incidence. The incidence is higher in developing
countries. Estimates of maternal mortality from the developing countries (in Asia, Africa, Latin
America and the Caribbean) suggest that 10-15% of maternal deaths are associated with
hypertension in pregnancy, while eclampsia is associated with 10% maternal mortality10.
Severe pre-eclampsia is also associated with significant maternal morbidity, including eclamptic
seizures, intracerebral haemorrhage, pulmonary edema due to capillary leak or heart failure,
acute renal failure, liver dysfunction, and coagulation abnormalities.
The exact mechanism of pre-eclampsia is unclear. However, most current theories attribute pre-
eclampsia to poor placental perfusion, secondary to abnormal placentation.
In normal placentation, the trophoblast invades the myometrium and the spiral arteries of the
uterus, destroying the tunica muscularis media. This renders the spiral arteries dilated and unable
to constrict, providing the pregnancy with a high flow, low resistance circulation.
Risk Factors
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends a list of maternal risk
factors that can be used to identify women at high risk for pre-eclampsia in whom aspirin should
be started from 12 weeks’ gestation. Strong risk factors include previous pre-eclampsia or
hypertension in pregnancy, chronic kidney disease, chronic hypertension, diabetes (type 1 or 2),
and autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematous or anti phosphospholipid
syndrome. Women should also be advised to take aspirin if they have more than one of the
following moderate risk factors : first pregnancy, age of 40 years or more, a pregnancy interval
of greater than 10 years, body mass index of 35 kg/m2 or more, family history of pre-eclampsia,
and multiple pregnancy.
Maternal Considerations
Chronic hypertension
Paternal Considerations
Barrier contraception
First-time father
Donor insemination
1. Vasospasm
Although the cause of pre-eclampsia is unknown, we have already discussed that the placenta is
largely implicated. The sequence of events starts with vasospasm caused by increased production
or sensitivity to vasoconstrictors (angiotensin II, serotonin and endothelin) and/or decreased
production or sensitivity to vasodilators (prostacyclin and nitric oxide). Redistribution of fluid
occurs from the intravascular to interstitial fluid spaces causing peripheral tissue edema. Along
with this, intravascular coagulation may occur due to platelet activation, thrombocytopenia and,
often, reduced production of anti-thrombin III.
Assessing pre-eclampsia
For systolic BP between 140-159 mmHg and diastolic BP 90-109 mmHg, oral labetalol is the
drug of choice. Methyl dopa and nifedipine are safe alternatives. For systolic BP ≥ 160 mmHg
and diastolic BP ≥ 110 mmHg, the choice of drug should depend upon experience with that
particular agent.15 The preferred drugs include oral or intravenous labetalol, oral nifedipine
(sublingual not recommended) and intravenous hydralazine (5-10 mg boluses every 20 min up to
a cumulative dose of 30 mg). Cautious preloading with 500 ml crystalloid is recommended to
avoid maternal hypotension. Labetalol is not suitable for asthmatics. Nifedipine may cause
profound muscle weakness and maternal hypotension with fetal distress in patients receiving
magnesium sulphate. Labetalol and nifedipine are better choices than hydralazine as recent
evidences suggests. In all cases blood pressure should be monitored carefully along with fetal
heart rate monitoring. In patients with pre-eclampsia and acute pulmonary edema, the preferred
drug is glyceryltrinitrate as an intravenous infusion at the rate of 5µg/min which can be increased
every 3-5 min to a maximum dose of 100µg/min.
Eclampsia is associated with a mortality rate of 3.1%.2,19 Drug of choice for eclampsia is
magnesium sulphate. The risk of seizure recurrence is significantly reduced by the use of
magnesium sulphate in comparison to diazepam, phenytoin and lytic cocktail (chlorpromazine +
promethazine + pethidine).20,21 Intensive care unit admission and morbidity related to mechanical
ventilation and pneumonia is significantly reduced with magnesium sulphate compared with
phenytoin.22 Collaborative Eclampsia Trial regimen is 4-5 gm magnesium sulphate intravenously
over 5 minute followed by infusion of 1 gm of magnesium sulphate every hour for 24
hours.23 When magnesium sulphate is used in conjunction with other clinical parameters infusion
may be stopped earlier (12 hours post-partum).
Prevention of pre-eclampsia
Till date there is no well-established measure for prevention of pre-eclampsia in the general
population. Calcium is clearly of benefit amongst high risk women in communities where low
dietary calcium intake is prevalent. A Cochrane systematic review in 2010 concludes that
calcium supplementation approximately halves the risk of pre-eclampsia, reduces the risk of
preterm birth and the rare occurrence of the composite outcome 'death or serious morbidity.
Low dose aspirin (antiplatelet agent) therapyefficiently reduces the development of pre-
eclampsia in women with abnormal uterine artery Doppler studies. If started in early gestation (<
16 weeks), it also causes a significant reduction in the incidence of severe pre-eclampsia
Antenatal Care
These patients should be under consultant led care with multidisciplinary input from the
anesthetic and neonatal teams as necessary.
Women with risk factors for developing pre-eclampsia may be considered for uterine artery
Doppler velocimetry at 20-24 weeks to look for increased impedance to flow (resistance
index>95th centile or early diastolic notch), which is predictive of developing pre-eclampsia in
late gestation, however the specificity and sensitivity varies widely between different studies.
At diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, the best practice is to offer initial hospital admission for
assessment and formulation of follow-up care. Assessment of proteinuria should be done by
automated reagent strip reading device. If the automated reagent strip reading of urine yields a
result of 1+ or more, this should be followed up with a spot urinary protein: creatinine ratio or a
24 hour urine collection to quantify the proteinuria. Significant proteinuria is diagnosed if the
urinary protein: creatinine ratio is more than 30mg/mmol or the validated 24 hr. urine sample has
more than 300 mg of protein. Baseline blood investigations should include full blood count, liver
function (bilirubin and transaminases), electrolytes and kidney function tests.
Antihypertensive medications may need to be commenced with the aim of maintaining the
systolic blood pressure below 150 mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure between 80 - 100 mm Hg.
Labetalol is the first line treatment. However, in patients in whom labetalol cannot be used (e.g.
in patients with bronchial asthma), alternatives include nifedipine (contraindicated before 20
weeks of gestation), methyldopa, atenolol and metoprolol. 4-6 hourly blood pressure, daily
assessment of proteinuria, along with haematological and biochemical monitoring are also
carried out. Inpatient management is required till the blood pressure stabilises.
Fetal monitoring:
Ultrasound assessment of fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume along with umbilical artery
Doppler velocimetry needs to be done at initial diagnosis of pre-eclampsia to exclude IUGR and
then every 2 weeks if the pregnancy is managed conservatively and the results remain normal
CTG monitoring is commonly done at diagnosis, along with the ultrasound assessment. If
normal, further CTG should be performed weekly unless otherwise clinically indicated.
In pre-eclampsia with mild or moderate hypertension, women may be delivered between 34 and
37 weeks of gestation, depending on maternal and fetal condition, presence of risk factors and
availability of neonatal intensive care facilities. If severe pre-eclampsia develops, refractory to
treatment or fetal wellbeing delivery may need to be done earlier.
2) Mild / moderate hypertension and proteinuria with one or more of the following signs /
Liver tenderness
HELLP syndrome
Blood pressure
The NICE recommends keeping systolic blood pressure below 150 mmHg and diastolic blood
pressure below 80–100 mmHg 7 and using labetalol as first-line treatment for hypertension over
this threshold. The results of the Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) were
reported in 2016. This trial compared “tight” (target diastolic blood pressure of 85 mmHg)
versus “less tight” (target diastolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg) control of hypertension in
women with non-severe, non-proteinuric maternal hypertension at 14–33 weeks 46. The results
demonstrated that those with “tight” control achieved a lower blood pressure (by 5 mmHg) and
there was no increase in adverse perinatal outcome (adjusted OR 0.98, 95% CI 0.74–1.3) and
birth weight less than the tenth percentile (1.3, 0.93–1.8). However, there were reduced rates of
severe maternal hypertension ( p<0.001) with tighter control. In this trial, 48.9% of the women
developed pre-eclampsia in the “less tight” group and 45.7% in the “tight” control group
(adjusted OR 1.14, CI 0.88–1.47). While results from this study can only be extrapolated to pre-
eclampsia with caution, it may be concluded that in these women who are at high risk of the
complications of severe hypertension, seizures, and intracerebral hemorrhage, there may be
benefit in tighter control of blood pressure.
Oral antihypertensives
Traditionally, severe hypertension has been treated with short-acting parenteral antihypertensive
agents, most frequently intravenous hydralazine or labetalol. This is because of the speed of
onset of action but means that they require more intensive monitoring and can affect the fetus if
large shifts in blood pressure occur. A systematic review showed that, in most women, nifedipine
achieved treatment success similar to that of hydralazine or labetalol. Less than 2% of women
who received nifedipine experienced hypotension. There were no differences in adverse maternal
or fetal outcomes. Thus, the authors suggest that oral nifedipine is a suitable treatment for severe
hypertension in pregnancy and post-partum.
A meta-analysis by Shekhar et al. confirmed these findings, providing further evidence that oral
nifedipine is a reasonable antihypertensive for the treatment of severe pregnancy hypertension of
any classification. These treatments are widely available, even in middle- and lower-income
countries, so these findings can be implemented globally and reduce costs.
Magnesium sulphate
biochemical signs. A review by the Cochrane Collaboration from 2009 found that magnesium
sulphate is also neuroprotective for the preterm infant (<37 weeks) in preventing cerebral palsy
(relative risk 0.68, 95% CI 0.54-0.87) [34]. The number of women needed to be treated with
magnesium sulphate to benefit one baby by avoiding cerebral palsy is 63 (95% CI 43-155), and
magnesium sulphate should now be part of established practice. There is a cohort of women with
mild to moderate pre-eclampsia who do not meet maternal indications for magnesium sulphate
but in whom, for fetal reasons, preterm delivery is necessary. It is appropriate now to give those
women magnesium sulphate for fetal neuroprotection.