مزاولة شامية
مزاولة شامية
مزاولة شامية
I. Fundamental Nursing
7. When is the best time to collect urine specimen for routine urinalysis
and culture and sensitivity?
a. Early morning
b. Later afternoon
c. Midnight
d. Before breakfast.
12. When the nurse changes the client's dressing which nursing action is
a. The nurse removes the solid dressing with sterile gloves.
b. The nurse frees the tape by pulling it away from the incision.
c. The nurse encloses the solid dressing within a latex gloves.
d. The nurse clean the wound in circles toward the incision.
15. The process of removing poisonous substance through gastric
intubation is called:
a. Gavage
b. Decompression
c. Tamponade.
d. Lavage.
16. Of the following, which position is especially helpful for patients with
a. Semi-Fowler’s position.
b. Sim’s position.
c. Supin position.
d. Prone position.
17. The process that occur when a patient entering a hospital for nursing
care and medical care is called:
a. Transfer.
b. Admission
c. Discharge.
d. Referral.
II. Medical-Surgical Nursing
1. Following surgery, a patient complains of mild incisional pain while
performing deep- breathing and coughing exercises. The nurse’s best
response would be:
a. Pain will become less each day.
b. This is a normal reaction after surgery.
c. With a pillow, apply pressure against the incision.
d. I will give you the pain medication the physician ordered.
d. Provide active range-of-motion exercises to both legs at least twice every
7. The nurse is preparing her plan of care for her patient diagnosed with
pneumonia. Which is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this
a. Fluid volume deficit
b. Decreased tissue perfusion.
c. Impaired gas exchange.
d. Risk for infection.
8. During the first 24 hours after thyroid surgery, the nurse should include
in her care:
a. Checking the back and sides of the operative dressing
b. Supporting the head during mild range of motion exercise
c. Encouraging the client to ventilate her feelings about the surgery
d. Advising the client that she can resume her normal activities immediately.
10. The client presents with severe rectal bleeding, 16 diarrheal stools a
day, severe abdominal pain, tenesmus and dehydration. Because of these
symptoms the nurse should be alert for other problems associated with
what disease?
a. Chrons disease
b. Ulcerative colitis
c. Diverticulitis
d. Peritonitis.
11. The client has a good understanding of the means to reduce the
chances of colon cancer when he states:
a. “I will exercise daily.”
b. “I will include more red meat in my diet.”
c. “I will have an annual chest x-ray.”
d. “I will include more fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet.”
12. Days after abdominal surgery, the client’s wound dehisces. The safest
nursing intervention when this occurs is to:
a. Cover the wound with sterile, moist saline dressing
b. Approximate the wound edges with tapes
c. Irrigate the wound with sterile saline
d. Hold the abdominal contents in place with a sterile gloved hand.
13. Jasem is admitted to the hospital with a possible diagnosis of
appendicitis. On physical examination, the nurse should be looking for
tenderness on palpation at McBurney’s point, which is located in the:
a. Lleft lower quadrant
b. Left upper quadrant
c. Right lower quadrant
d. Right upper quadrant.
14. Mr. Valdez has undergone surgical repair of his inguinal hernia.
Discharge teaching should include:
a. Telling him to avoid heavy lifting for 4 to 6 weeks
b. Instructing him to have a soft bland diet for two weeks
c. Telling him to resume his previous daily activities without limitations
d. Recommending him to drink eight glasses of water daily.
16. If a client has severe bums on the upper neck, which item would be a
primary concern?
a. Debriding and covering the wounds
b. Administering antibiotics
c. Frequently observing for hoarseness, stridor, and dyspnea
d. Establishing a patent IV line for fluid replacement.
c. Tachycardia
d. Tachypnea.
20. A post-operative complication of mastectomy is lymphedema. This can
be prevented by
a. Ensuring patency of wound drainage tube
b. Placing the arm on the affected side in a dependent position
c. Restricting movement of the affected arm
d. Frequently elevating the arm of the affected side above the level
of the heart.
21. Intervention for a pt. who has swallowed a Muriatic Acid includes all of
the following Except:
a. Administering an irritant that will stimulate vomiting
b. Aspirating secretions from the pharynx if respirations are affected
c. Neutralizing the chemical
d. Washing the esophagus with large volumes of water via gastric lavage.
22. Which initial nursing assessment finding would best indicate that a
client has been successfully resuscitated after a cardio-respiratory arrest?
a. Skin warm and dry
b. Pupils equal and react to light
c. Palpable carotid pulse
d. Positive Babinski's reflex.
25. The nurse is assisting in planning care for a client with a diagnosis of
immune deficiency. The nurse would incorporate which of the following. as
a priority in the plan of care?
a. Providing emotional support to decrease fear
b. Protecting the client from infection
c. Encouraging discussion about lifestyle changes
d. Identifying factors that decreased the immune function.
26. Mr. Yassine is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of Left-sided
congestive heart failure (CHF). In the assessment, the nurse should expect
to find:
a. Crushing chest pain
b. Dyspnea on exertion
c. Extensive peripheral edema
d. Jugular vein distention.
27. After the acute phase of congestive heart failure, the nurse should
expect the dietary management of the client to include the restriction of:
a. Magnesium
b. Sodium
c. Potassium
d. Calcium.
29. You have to observe for increase intracranial pressure. Which of the
following is not a sign of increased intracranial pressure?
a. Headache
b. Vomiting
c. Vertigo
d. Changes on the level of consciousness
30. When a patient falls from bed, which of the following is your
immediate action?
a. Report to the head nurse and calls someone to help
b. Determine any injury or harm
c. Refer to the resident on duty
d. Put back patient to bed
III. Pediatric Nursing
1. All the following interventions may be performed by you for a child with
productive cough Except?
a. Encourage fluid intake
b. Administering antitussive
c. Postural drainage
d. Giving mucolytics
4. Nursing care for the child with cystic fibrosis should include all of the
following Except?
a. Provision of oxygen
b. Postural drainage immediately after meals
c. Respiratory exercise
d. Administration of pancreatic enzymes
8. Treatment of rheumatic fever include all the following except?
a. Bed rest
b. Giving Aspirin
c. Giving long acting penicillin
d. Mobility in the first 24 hours of rheumatic arthritis joints
11. All the following nursing measures may be done for anemic child
a. Bed rest
b. Elevate head of bed
c. Large meals
d. Administration of blood
12. Which of the following interventions may be done for iron deficiency
anemia child?
a. Bed rest
b. High iron diet
c. Brushing teeth after iron administration
d. All of the above
13. Thalassemic child care may include all of the following except?
a. Administration of blood every 3-4 weeks
b. Administration of iron chelating agent (desferal)
c. Increase physical activity
d. Possible splenectomy
c. PKU
d. All of the above
3. Which of the following measures can help mother cope with early
morning nausea and vomiting:
a. Drink fluids only during meal time.
b. Drink only warm liquid for breakfast.
c. Eat dry, unsalted crackers before arising in the morning.
d. Eat heavy meal at meal time.
7. The mother you take care of her, cervix 5 cm dilated, presenting part at
0 station, she has amniotic membrane rupture spontaneously, you should
a. Perform a vaginal examination to determine dilatation.
b. Auscultate the mother's blood pressure.
c. Note the color, amount, and odor of the amniotic fluid.
d. Prepare the mother for imminent delivery.
11. While assessing a post-term neonate, you anticipate that the neonate
will have:
a. A flattened nose.
b. Small hands and feet.
c. A red rash on the abdomen.
d. Wrinkled, peeling skin.
14. During an assessment at 32 weeks gestation, which of the following
indicates mild PIH:
a. Blood pressure of 160/110 mm Hg on two separated occasions.
b. Proteinuria, more than 5 g in 24 hours.
c. Elevated serum creatinin.
d. Swelling of fingers and ankles.
15. If the mother begins to convulse due to eclampsia, your first action is
a. Pad the side rails with pillows.
b. Place a pillow under the left buttock.
c. Insert a padded tongue blade into the mouth.
d. Suction the mouth and nasopharynx to keep the airway open.
V. Psychiatric Nursing
1. The following statements describe somatoform disorders:
a. Physical symptoms are explained by organic causes
b. It is a voluntary expression of psychological conflicts
c. Expression of conflicts through bodily symptoms
d. Management entails a specific medical treatment.
2. A disturb client starts to repeat phrase that others have just said. This
type of speech is known as:
a. Autism
b. Echolalia
c. Neologism
d. Echopraxia
6. The nurse notice that the client have death wishes this may signs which
of the following:
a. Anxiety
b. Suicidal ideation
c. Major depression
d. Hopelessness
7. A 22-years-old women, living in Gaza, she wittiness on the destruction
of her house and killing of all her family members through the last war on
Gaza, she can not stop crying, having nightmares, and flashbacks. Analysis
of these signs and symptoms, would lead the nurse to suspect which of the
a. Acute stress disorder.
b. Post traumatic stress disorder
c. Generalized anxiety disorder.
d. Obsessive compulsive disorder
8. The most nursing diagnosis in the patient with delusional disorder is:
a. Altered thought process.
b. Sensory perceptual alternation.
c. Impaired skin integrity.
d. High risk for injury.
10. Patient who refuse to eat stating that the food is poisoned, is am
example of:
a. Delusion .
b. Suicidal ideation.
c. Hallucination
d. Anxiety.
VI. Community Health Nursing
1. Immunization of a child to prevent measles belongs to what level of
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Intermediate
d. Tertiary.
4. The most common home accidents in the home setting among toddlers
in Gaza Strip are:
a. Suffocation
b. Drowning
c. Poisoning
d. Scalding and burns.
c. Begin building a trust relationship.
d. Arrange for several more visits.
10. Which of the following would not included under the primary health
a. Safe water and clean air.
b. Adequate public housing.
c. An immunization program for preschoolers.
d. Cardiac transplant surgery.